Found Deceased MO - Clauddinnea 'Dee Dee' Blancharde, 48, Springfield, 10 June 2015 - #1 *Arrests*

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Gypsy's case is definitely going to end up in a trial. Her defense attorney is going to pull up every low-down slimy thing her mother ever did to both her and the public at large. If you give this case to 12 sympathetic jurors, I could actually see her being acquitted. If this same jury thinks some punishment is required, you can almost bet on a manslaughter type sentence, but it will be the minimum.

Unlike the Arias trial, I think the victim in this case actually could be made out to look like a monster, and rightly so.
The scope of this deception isn't fully known yet, but I imagine is is going to be far reaching and historical.

During 90% of the time these scams were being pulled, Gypsy would've been considered a child. She was raised to be a scam artist. Her mom taught her everything she knows. This is a good example of someone being a reflection of their upbringing and environment.

She's been the actual breadwinner of the family since she was a small child. Her mother had no intention of letting her leave.....ever. If she did, the money would dry up and all the freebies would cease. I can understand how her hatred for her mother could have festered over a long period of time. She was a typical teenage girl, she wanted to flirt with boys, go to rock concerts, and play with her hairstyle. She wanted to be a teenager, and just have fun. Her mom said "no way".

If you constantly mistreat a dog, be prepared to get bit some day.

I think after all the dust settles, she's going to end up with a 5-10 year sentence, if that.

I love your posts, Steelman. I love your avatar more.
:blushing: I think I am getting a slight crush on you :blushing:
Hey - I only have a second so I can't read through all the posts yet, but did you guys get any of their other SM sites? I have only her Fbook that is made for Nicholas.
Hey - I only have a second so I can't read through all the posts yet, but did you guys get any of their other SM sites? I have only her Fbook that is made for Nicholas.

They have one together Nicholas Bella rose. Or is that the one you were talking about? I think that's all we have for them so far!
It is interesting that while Gypsy was posting on FB as the killer, she mentioned that "I raped that sweet innocent daughter of hers." It was like she was already defending herself, proclaiming her innocence by having the "killer" call her sweet and innocent. However, at the same time, she seems to have fully confessed to everything. Also, I can't imagine the mind [modsnip] that Gypsy's life was. I don't know what kind of mental state I would be in if I had lived her life. I just found the "sweet innocent" bit interesting.

No doubt Dee drilled that persona into Gypsy's head.
This has gone on since before Katrina, that was a decade ago. She was very much a child when it began. No friends over to play, no interaction with family, head shaved, God knows what else. She was a child when she was made to start the wheel chair facade, not an adult. To keep up the charade Mommy started the girl couldn't even go outside for a damn walk, that's abuse enough for me. I can't imagine forcing my little boy to sit in a chair and not run or walk outside...not sure what people want in order to see the abuse here. Why didn't she leave? I don't know, why don't any of the abuse victims just leave??? I will admit, I have no sympathy for DeeDee, I think because I get to go watch my son play soccer tonight with all his little friends, Gypsy never got to do that.
Like I said.....IF that is proven, then I'll be right on track with you guys. I just can't be completely sympathetic yet.

This story has dumbfounded everyone; do you really think we have all the info yet? I'm not defending DeeDee. I'm not defending Gypsy. I just have a feeling Gypsy isn't as frail and innocent as we think. That's all.

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She did take the money but she also didn't go on some Menendez spree. They didn't even try to run. I wonder how far they could have gotten or how long
it would have taken anyone to check on Mom. They took the money but then they just went to his place and basically gave themselves away posting on Facebook.

In regards to how they fooled Dr's...I think Katrina was perfect for DeeDee to pull a long con. This poor Mother and frail sickly daughter just lost their home, they're destitute and on top of that
the poor daughter lost all her medical records. Mom probably made sure she was well versed on the ailments she was claiming daughter had and I'm not surprised a Dr didn't want
to put the kid through invasive often excruciating tests all over again if Mom knew the diagnosis. As a society we are also so politically correct it's an insult to question certain people at all.
I'm not sure if that's how everything went down but it really wouldn't surprise me. If I wanted my son to fake cancer or something, then of course they would do tests and not find cancer, DeeDee
found a way around that pesky step.

DeeDe could have taken her child to the drs for a routine checkup then come home and tell everyone she is dying..Neighbors know one thing the drs know another neither meet in the middle to compare they have no idea this is happening. DEEDEE is good at what she does.
So it's been discussed in other places but I don't think I have read anything here. But I instantly thought of the movie "Gypsy" when I heard her name was Gypsy Rose, it's an old movie and I had forgotten what it was about so I thought about it in the context of her name being inspired by the movie. But if you haven't watched this movie you should google it. [emoji15]
I wonder if the confession can be thrown out if it is found that GRB and/or NG had some diminished mental capacity. Did they fully understand their Miranda rights? Of what we know so seems they gave a lot of details which IMO almost seemed child-like especially NG.

In Commonwealth v. Hilton, 823 N.E.2d 383 (Mass. 2005), the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts upheld a lower court finding that a mildly retarded and mentally ill defendant was not competent to waive her Miranda rights. The court also held that the information that the defendant volunteered to a court officer about her involvement in the crime was admissible; however, subsequent statements made in response to questions were properly suppressed.

Am I the only one who sees in his face some traces of Trisomy 21?

I think they both have mental issues. To get the money to run back to his house and making the FB posts from there speaks volumes in my opinion about their IQ. I think anyone in their position would have go to run and hide where nobody could find them. At least in the first times. But, of course, I may be wrong...
Hi all, I have been around and followed and been here for many cases. Little did I know that a story would EVER hit close to home. I have personal met this family, helped to build their habitat home. This is a very sad situation and being involved is even more difficult. I can personally say that they put on one heck of a performance, I haven't met someone so convincing in my life. My family surprised them with dinner right after the first of the year, and we're told all sorts of new "medical" conditions that Gypsy had, and they needed more money to see a specialist. We went right to work with a fundraiser. It's sick! I can't wrap my head around this at all!!
There's been a lot of speculation about the fact that perhaps Gypsy didn't turn her mother in because she thought her mother was too powerful and no one would believe her?

Personally, I think DeeDee probably told Gypsy that since Gypsy went along with the deception, if she ever turned her mother in, she'd go down too and they'd both go to jail.
She may have been a child forced into a life of deception, but she's 24 years old now. At some point, she's in on the deception. Maybe not voluntarily, but I could definitely see her mother scaring her with the idea that she'd be just as culpable. I don't think it's a stretch to imagine DeeDee being intimidating and extremely manipulative.

My gut tells me that Gypsy felt she'd be in as much trouble as her mother (even if she was forced into it, maybe DeeDee told her she'd lie to the police and tell them it was all Gypsy's idea?) if she ever tried to turn her in.
Why children KILL parents!

Research suggests that children who commit this act fall into one of three categories: the severely mentally ill child; the dangerously antisocial child; and – by far the most common, in over 90% of cases according to one study – the severely abused child who is pushed beyond his or her limits.
Children who usually stick to just one type of food have suffered some sort of emotional disturbances or have fears of vomiting or choking that compels them to stick to one food.* They usually outgrow this.

“It’s rare to see adults with that narrow of menu choices,” Bermudez said.* “It’s almost unheard of.”

It is rare, but Hollywood producer Leland Hayward ate only "white" foods. I remember reading that in his daughter Brooke's autobio "Haywire". Weird, that.
DeeDe could have taken her child to the drs for a routine checkup then come home and tell everyone she is dying..Neighbors know one thing the drs know another neither meet in the middle to compare they have no idea this is happening. DEEDEE is good at what she does.

I agree, and bet that's what DD did.
Asthma medications, especially inhalers (if you don't rinse well after use) will cause dental issues. Also, persistent vomiting can cause erosion and vomiting can easily be triggered without detection.

As soon as I heard about the dr they were miraculously reunited with from NO & that he was actually a pulmonary doctor, my 1st thought was asthma, that is why her teeth are so messed up!!
My oldest son & youngest daughter both had issues at birth, both were in the NICU, son for 7 days, daughter for 47 days, both of them started receiving breathing treatments soon after they were born & continued to need them throughout their childhoods, both of their teeth were terrible, especially their front teeth. Both of them had to have their teeth capped when they were around 3-5 yrs old.
I noticed a few pictures where Gypsy's teeth did have silver caps on most of them, so the asthma scenario could be a reason for the caps, BUT......that doesn't really explains why she still had no front teeth as she got older, in some of her pictures, she was obviously way too old to have just lost her two front baby teeth & was just waiting for them to grow back in, then obviously she's way too young to of had dentures, so Idk maybe she has baby bottle rot, or DD never brushed Gypsy's teeth or taught Gypsy how to do it herself, or some other "medicine" she was given affected her teeth & they just eventually rotted & fell out.
I just know by the time my kids lost all their baby teeth, including capped ones, their teeth came back in just fine, all 3 of my little darling angel babies have beautiful, perfect, straight teeth, no braces or further dental work required. (Thank goodness) They are now 20, 13 & 12. And fwiw my 13 yo daughter never needed to take breathing treatments & we never had any issues with her teeth as a baby or growing up.
So imo breathing treatments can rot & stain your teeth no matter how much you brush & scrub that medicine outta your mouth, and then again I could be way off & hence just rambling on about teeth, better yet, the lack of teeth!
Just my thoughts & opinions on that! Lol
Watching GRB at court was hard. She looked terrified, and I could see her shaking. I felt and do feel sorrow for what has happened to her, and horrified by her choice to have her mom murdered. I think she spent so much time living in a fantasy, what with the "role-playing" and all, that this plan to kill her mom probably took on kind of a life of it's own between her and NG. I imagine that GRB expected to live free and happily ever after in the house without her mom there, and now she must face the reality and consequences of what she and NG did. Curiously, I have no real curiosity about NG, and no empathy for him. He should have told GRB NO WAY! But he went along with everything, even admitting to thinking about raping DD as he was stabbing her to death.

I hope when all is said and done that there will be some kinda help for GRB, and maybe a chance of being released while she's still relatively young. The whole situation is just so tragic.
Hi all, I have been around and followed and been here for many cases. Little did I know that a story would EVER hit close to home. I have personal met this family, helped to build their habitat home. This is a very sad situation and being involved is even more difficult. I can personally say that they put on one heck of a performance, I haven't met someone so convincing in my life. My family surprised them with dinner right after the first of the year, and we're told all sorts of new "medical" conditions that Gypsy had, and they needed more money to see a specialist. We went right to work with a fundraiser. It's sick! I can't wrap my head around this at all!!

I can only imagine how convincing they were. The pictures alone were a work project and study. Those that pull these schemes seem to know who will be kind and easy prey for their schemes.
Sorry that happened to you and your community. IMO
Something that just makes this all the more weird...the wealth of information LE provided. Any other cases stand out to anyone where LE was so forthcoming with details so quickly? I mean there are an unusual amount of layers to this murder but I just can't recall gaining so much intel so quickly.
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