MO MO - Elizabeth 'Betsy' Gill, 2, Cape Girardeau, 13 June 1965

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SO glad to have you here and please forgive me for the cover-up accusations. I only wanted to throw out ideas.

I too am aware of the Gypsy's. They travel around the midwest in vans or other larger cars. They have at least around here done a bait and switch with unsuspecting neighbors. Most of the time they ring the doorbell and keep the owner occupied while someone goes into the back and steals stuff in the house. I have also heard that they offer to do odd jobs around the house. Most of what I have heard has been petty crime...but kidnapping could be a possiblity.

I wonder also if they searched the Mississippi well? Could she have fallen in? It is a dangerous river with many under currants as I'm sure that you know. Did the police just stop looking or what was their final idea of what happend?
Thank you all, for the warm welcome.

Rosyraindrops, yes, Bethy's disappearance was scarey.... although, it took a few days for the reality of the situation to actually, sink in. The weeks that followed, were surreal. It was certainly, crushing, devestating for my family and me..... and even so, it kind of surprises me that after all these years, a cavern of emotion seems to swirl, just beneath the surface of conscious awareness!!! I suppose you might be right about the problem of child abuse, abduction, etc., having been just as bad, in the past, though, I don't think it was as openly, prevalent as it is today..... Societal awareness, education and attitude play a big part in the proliferation, or reduction of this kind of thing.
I'm glad to say that I think we will be posting the pictures and information.... with tools, and exposure, such as the internet is able to provide, we are allowed the reality of hope, as never before. I do, appreciate the encourgement. It's not too late!!!

Hi Hollywoodbound! Watching the younger kids, seemed pretty simple (Though simple tasks can trick the mind into complacency). Yes, I think that putting the information and pictures out there, is a good idea and for several reasons, as some here, have mentioned, which I hadn't considered. You might be surprised at the quacks and cons, to crawl out of the woodwork, whenever this story, has been re-released, locally, but I'm glad that my sisters, all agree that it could be productive, to list the pictures and information.

Gmommy, Though we have talked about the possibility that Bethy could be looking for us, I wouldn't have thought to register at a site intended for Adoption Reunions. It sounds like an excellent idea. Thanks so much for your kind remarks. Please don't be sad for me. I think that most of my family has struggled with guilt, in one capacity or another... it's a natural response, but I can't allow it to incapacitate my spirit, or it becomes nothing more than useless, self indulgence. That would be unfair to everyone around me and to myself, as well. It's better to learn from our mistakes than to dwell upon them.
Good luck to your husband and his sibling! I know how important it is, to understand the origin of our roots and the story of our heritage.

Dear Eisbar, there is no need to apologize. (Although, your concern and sincerity are greatly, appreciated)! Your question is perfectly, legitimate. Guilt and emotion make this question difficult to answer, but this isn't really about me, it's about my little sister and she deserves to have it addressed. I'm sure it was not an easy question to ask. You were not being accusatory and I can appreciate your courage, in posing the question.

The possibility that Bethy might have fallen into the river, was seriously, investigated. It's a BIG HONKIN river, but parts of it were dragged and the banks, searched, pretty thuroughly. However, even though it was possible, it isn't likely that she would have made her way, to the river. Because of the flood wall, the nearest access to the river, was beneath the bridge, just a block and a half from our home. I don't think she would have been able to negotiate the railroad tracks, rocks and steep path, leading to the river's edge, from under the bridge. The only, easy accesses, are several blocks away, in the downtown, shopping area, where the doors of the flood wall are open to the river. Besides, as I mentioned, I just don't believe she'd have been inclined to wander that far from the house.

Thanks again, to all of you, for your concern and interest! I'll be sure to let you know, if there are future developments.

Be cool, be well and good hunting with happy endings.
Great News ! I can't wait to see her pretty face. This may be the best thing to heal all of your hearts.
Dear Moon...I live in Cape and spoke with one of your sisters once about the disappearance of your little sister...I was fascinated then and even more interested now...thank you for sharing the information you have...I hope your family decides to pursue some of the options out there now...keep us updated!!
moon said:
. . .The possibility that Bethy might have fallen into the river, was seriously, investigated. It's a BIG HONKIN river, but parts of it were dragged and the banks, searched, pretty thuroughly. However, even though it was possible, it isn't likely that she would have made her way, to the river. Because of the flood wall, the nearest access to the river, was beneath the bridge, just a block and a half from our home. I don't think she would have been able to negotiate the railroad tracks, rocks and steep path, leading to the river's edge, from under the bridge. The only, easy accesses, are several blocks away, in the downtown, shopping area, where the doors of the flood wall are open to the river. . .
Questions and thoughts:
Is there any possibility of pictures of the flood walls, as they looked then, existing and being made available? (Or any WS members that can dig some pics up somewhere from news archives.) I am hoping pics of the area as it was then might help us see possible places the child might have gone to, as children can get into some very small places.

I would also like to know if anyone knows if there were any young men (20's to 29) living nearby (within 2 blocks) at the time and who lived with only one parent or who were living with a wife with no others in the house, someone who seemed to keep to himself mostly. And I wonder who, if anyone, had family visiting them in that neighborhood back then, maybe a young man or a young couple visiting for a few days or weeks but who moved on after the child went missing?

Also:Children can disappear down very small places accidently. Remember the baby that fell down a vertical pipe of some sort and had to be dug out? (alive when rescued) I even recall one case of a child crawling up in a wheel well or somewhere under a vehicle and riding quite a ways before being found (again alive.) If the missing child case wasn't given repeated national TV exposure it is possible the child could have shown up elsewhere after crawling out unseen from under a vehicle and then been found without anyone connecting her to the missing person miles away.
Even if the story was given national exposure in news, people dont often connect one apparent child being found abandoned in their town with a child gone missing from miles away, especially if the news paper account is all that was used to spread the word instead of national TV news.

None of these scenarios is my personal pet theory. (I don't have a pet theory about this case at this time.) I am just pointing out a few things that seem possible, based on prior cases, until ruled out by evidence and there are more possibilities than I took the time to write down in this post.
I am just reading this thread for the 1st time. Moon, I just wanted to tell you that you were doing the best you could do back then, please don't feel guilty. You were just a child. None of you were to blame. It was a different time back then, these things didn't happen and if they did you didn't hear of it. I am sure you were doing a good job watching her, you are not to blame , the person who took her is. i wish you the best in your search. Are you and you siblings all involved in the search? Megglyweggly has added Elizabeth to her website. Here is the link.
Thanks so much, for your kindness and support, 2sisters! Your words are soothing and healing to the spirit. My sisters and I have been more active in our search, from time to time. Especially, whenever new information, or a new energy has presented itself. This life-long persute has at times, become all-consuming. When that happens, we have to back away and allow the psyche and the heart, some time for recouperation. My brothers were all, so young, when Beth disappeared, that maybe it still seems too, overwhelming for them. All of us keep in close touch though and whenever there is new activity, regarding Beth, the information is quickly, shared.

Thanks for the link! It's so nice of these folks, to list her. My sisters... my family and I, truly apprecitate all this wonderful, help and support!

With best wishes and
much gratitude,
This case slightly matches the criteria of Elizabeth's case in age, maybe this is her, you never know..

Monica Libao was supposedly born on May 15, 1964, to Pablo Libao, a 58-year-old retired military man, and his wife, 41-year-old Clide McCall Libao. Libao spent her childhood moving around roughly 25 times in her first 16 years. As she grew older, she became suspicious of her family's odd habits. In 1970, when she was six, it was revealed that Libao's parents had never filed a birth certificate for her and, officially, she didn't exist. They apparently filed a certificate only once it became clear that one was needed to enroll the girl in school. After Libao's parents died, she discovered that her birth certificate had been forged and her Social Security number was actually her father's. Combined with the strange things she overheard during her parent's fights, including "She needs to know the truth," and the revelation that her mother had had a hysterectomy well before Libao was born, she became convinced that she may have been kidnapped as a child. Now she spends her free time searching old newspaper reports of infant abductions and going through her parents' records, hoping that somewhere there will be an answer to the question, Who is Monica Libao?
Hi Poppypetals!
Thanks for posting the information and the link.
Monica is a lovely woman and we would be proud to call her our sister, but
DNA tests have excluded the posibility of biological kinship.
We hope that she finds her biological family and she will always be our highest thoughts and blessings.

All the best,
While I really hope for the best in this situation, I was wondering if Little Jane Doe could possibly be Elizabeth?
I know there is a height and year difference, BUT since Little Jane is estimated to have died after 1966, it was possible that she could have been abducted earlier and just kept alive.
Hi phyllium. We are checking into this.
Thanks for the links!!!

PS: "Someone, somewhere knows what happened to CRYSTAL TYMICH "
I hope the Tymich family receive an answer.

phylliyum said:
While I really hope for the best in this situation, I was wondering if Little Jane Doe could possibly be Elizabeth?
I know there is a height and year difference, BUT since Little Jane is estimated to have died after 1966, it was possible that she could have been abducted earlier and just kept alive.
Dear Sleuths,
Please know that this thread has helped to generate quite a bit of movement in the case of my missing sister, for which my family and I are extremely, grateful. My sisters and I are still pursuing all avenues of possibilities, in the search for our little sister, Elizabeth Ann Gill. We've listed her, on several web sites and follow up on every lead, or question presented. However, there is something rather odd that I'd like to share with you. Her case file at the Cape Girardeau Police Department is missing and evidently, has been for many years. We had inquired about it several times throughout the years and were told it was in storage and they didn't have time to locate it.. Even though this is the ONLY missing child /suspected kidnapping case, in the history of our city to remain unsolved, somehow the police department has misplaced the open case file. We realize it's not all that strange that a file this old, could be misplaced, damaged, or destroyed, BUT... Here's the kicker.....
It now seems that the back-up file, on microfiche, is also missing! My sisters and I find it disturbing, disheartening and down-right appalling, that both the original and the back-up files would be allowed to just disappear! As far as we have been able to determine, the last time this file was seen, or used, was in the early 1970's.

Does anyone have any suggestions, or advice, as to where we should search, or what we should do about these missing files?
Thanks for any help, or suggestions
and all comments, are welcomed!

All the best,
Moon and sisters
sorry to hear about the file, Moon. What about the FBI? Maybe they have files since this was so close to IL they might have gotten involved. Also the local paper. maybe the reporter(s) are still around and may have notes.
Medusa said:
sorry to hear about the file, Moon. What about the FBI? Maybe they have files since this was so close to IL they might have gotten involved. Also the local paper. maybe the reporter(s) are still around and may have notes.
Hi Medusa,
Thanks for your concern. When Beth disappeared, the FBI were not allowed to investigate a missing person's case. There had to be a ransom note, or some kind of proof of a kidnapping. My father wrote to President Johnson, asking him to intercede, but received a reply from J. Edgar Hoover, saying "Sorry, but there is nothing we can do." Thank God, for those folks, who went to bat for the families of missing persons and got those laws, changed!

We have old, newspaper clippings and articles..... right now, my mom, probably has the best file, of anyone involved in the case.... but she doesn't have the kind of information, that would have been privledge, only to the police, with interviews and tips, etc...
I'm sorry Moon, that's TERRIBLE. How can something like that happen? Shouldn't all of the files have been moved to a computer by now? I can't believe in this day and age that this could happen. It must be terribly frustrating for you and your family.
Maybe the file is under another name? Or misplaced? I hope they are able to find it.
moon said:
Hi Medusa,
Thanks for your concern. When Beth disappeared, the FBI were not allowed to investigate a missing person's case. There had to be a ransom note, or some kind of proof of a kidnapping. My father wrote to President Johnson, asking him to intercede, but received a reply from J. Edgar Hoover, saying "Sorry, but there is nothing we can do." Thank God, for those folks, who went to bat for the families of missing persons and got those laws, changed!

We have old, newspaper clippings and articles..... right now, my mom, probably has the best file, of anyone involved in the case.... but she doesn't have the kind of information, that would have been privledge, only to the police, with interviews and tips, etc...
That's a shame, Moon. I would still try to contact the reporters, or heck even retired cops that might have been involved. I have a friend who is a local reporter (to me) and he keeps extensive files on stories he has done going back to when he first started 0- and he keeps them at his home in file proof cabinets. Especially back then, if the cops told a reporter to hold up printing something, he would probably have complied, but, may still remember or have notes. Might be worth a try.

One thing that caught my attention. The mention that two cars were seen that day - one with Alabama tags, the other I can't recall from where. Who saw these cars, and where in relation to your house/the motel - do you know?

And do you all have a list of rule outs for Bethy?

Ever since I heard of this case, it has touched a cord with me, I have family from the area and also, I just can't imagine what you all have gone through.

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