MO MO - Elizabeth 'Betsy' Gill, 2, Cape Girardeau, 13 June 1965

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phylliyum said:
I'm sorry Moon, that's TERRIBLE. How can something like that happen? Shouldn't all of the files have been moved to a computer by now? I can't believe in this day and age that this could happen. It must be terribly frustrating for you and your family.
Maybe the file is under another name? Or misplaced? I hope they are able to find it.
Our sleuthwork has so far, established that the original case file was last used, in the early 1970's. No Personal computers at that time, nor was there a common use of professional, or office computers. We don't have any way of knowing when the microfiche copies, were lost, stolen, destroyed, or misplaced.
We know that the the file with the case number, where the microfiche should be stored, is marked...
"File Missing."
moon said:
Dear Sleuths,
Please know that this thread has helped to generate quite a bit of movement in the case of my missing sister, for which my family and I are extremely, grateful. My sisters and I are still pursuing all avenues of possibilities, in the search for our little sister, Elizabeth Ann Gill. We've listed her, on several web sites and follow up on every lead, or question presented. However, there is something rather odd that I'd like to share with you. Her case file at the Cape Girardeau Police Department is missing and evidently, has been for many years. We had inquired about it several times throughout the years and were told it was in storage and they didn't have time to locate it.. Even though this is the ONLY missing child /suspected kidnapping case, in the history of our city to remain unsolved, somehow the police department has misplaced the open case file. We realize it's not all that strange that a file this old, could be misplaced, damaged, or destroyed, BUT... Here's the kicker.....
It now seems that the back-up file, on microfiche, is also missing! My sisters and I find it disturbing, disheartening and down-right appalling, that both the original and the back-up files would be allowed to just disappear! As far as we have been able to determine, the last time this file was seen, or used, was in the early 1970's.

Does anyone have any suggestions, or advice, as to where we should search, or what we should do about these missing files?
Thanks for any help, or suggestions
and all comments, are welcomed!

All the best,
Moon and sisters
This might not help or you may have already done it but it's worth mentioning. I found this in the History of the Cape Girardeau Police Department. It is possible that when they formed the Major Case Squad, Elizabeth's file went there. Maybe if you check each individual Department that was a part of the MCS you will find that one of them has a copy or the original file. I would be interested in seeing if there were any leads, POI, or anything that might help with Elizabeth in the files of those murdered too.

"Several employees of the Cape Girardeau Police Department serve on the Cape Girardeau/Bollinger County Major Case Squad in addition to their positions within the department.

The Major Case Squad was initiated in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s when Cape Girardeau County was plagued with a series of unsolved murders, including the murders of Margie Call, Mildred Wallace, Debbie Martin, and the double-murder of Brenda Parsch and her mother, Mary Parsch.

The homicides remain unsolved to this day.

In response to the problem, law enforcement officials joined together in 1983 to form the Cape Girardeau County Major Case Squad. The Squad combines the best criminal investigators from all local law enforcement agencies into one organized unit. Understanding that most homicides must be solved within the first few hours or they may not be solved at all, the Major Case Squad allows local law enforcement agencies to pool investigative resources and manpower in an efficient and effective manner to provide the type of saturation investigation often essential in solving major crimes.

Since its inception, the Major Case Squad has solved a phenomenal 96.4% (27 of 28) of its cases.

The original agencies participating in the Major Case Squad were:

· Cape Girardeau Police Department

· Jackson Police Department

· Cape Girardeau County Sheriff’s Office

· Missouri Highway Patrol

Hi Medusa!

That's a shame, Moon. I would still try to contact the reporters, or heck even retired cops that might have been involved. I have a friend who is a local reporter (to me) and he keeps extensive files on stories he has done going back to when he first started 0- and he keeps them at his home in file proof cabinets. Especially back then, if the cops told a reporter to hold up printing something, he would probably have complied, but, may still remember or have notes. Might be worth a try.
Yes. These avenues have been appropriately, pursued. The owner of the local newspaper is a business acquaintance and he and his staff have always been helpful and supportive. We thought the file had turned up, at the Sheriff's office, but it turned out to be, only copies of a couple newspaper articles. I even called an old acquaintance, who was the presiding judge, in a grand jury investigation, related to the case and he remembered seeing the file, but as far as we've been able to determine, that was the last time the file was seen. We thought the file might have been stored at the county courthouse, in Jackson Mo., where the proceedings were held, but we were told that the file would not have been kept there, it would have been returned to the Cape Girardeau Police Department.

One thing that caught my attention. The mention that two cars were seen that day - one with Alabama tags, the other I can't recall from where. Who saw these cars, and where in relation to your house/the motel - do you know?

There were actually, Three vehicles and all of those people were registered at the motel, around the corner. All the vehicles had stolen tags. Those people were known as gypsies, or travelers. They used phony names and phony identification. Back then, people did not use credit cards and the motels didn't require substantial proof of identification. The motel was just around the corner from our home and the back wall, was at the edge of our back yard. The vehicles were seen around the neighborhood. The police were never able to catch up with those people. They always seemed to stay one step ahead of the police.... not too difficult a feat, in my opinion! My folks had to do some of the investigative work, themselves. One of the vehicles, a Chevy Truck, was purchased from a dealer, in Michigan. My mom had to travel to Michigan to talk with the dealer. The couple who bought the truck, had also, purchased vehicles from him, in the past. After Beth disappeared, the couple never returned to that dealer...... not even for maintenance.... We (the family) have not given up the pursuit. An investigator is following up and running checks, on all the aliases. It's pretty easy to disappear, in this country even today, but it was especially easy, as early as the 60's.

And do you all have a list of rule outs for Bethy?
I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean a list of leads that were followed, but ruled out.... well.... No. The leads we've had to go by, are so few, there has been no need for a list. Now there is probably, a list, in her case file... wherever the heck, that is!

Ever since I heard of this case, it has touched a cord with me, I have family from the area and also, I just can't imagine what you all have gone through.
Thank you, Medusa.

All the best,
Wow, Shadow, I'm impressed with your display of information. Thanks for taking the time to gather and post it all.

I remember those murders, very well. It was a terrible time. I went to school with Brenda Parsh (a beautiful girl) and Margie Call was the mother of friends. A terrible, terrible time!

As I mentioned to Medusa, I spoke with the presiding judge of one of the grand juries and he remembered seeing the file. We've checked with the Sheriff's department and the County Courthouse, etc, but you've listed more options, for us to pursue. We really appreciate the information and your suggestions!
Some of the best leads, we were aware of, were reports of a suspicious couple, who were in the the area, selling hand made purses. One of those reports, was that this "Gypsey" man and woman, approached a home in Southern Illiniois and the woman made such a fuss over a little girl, that the father asked his wife to take all the children, back into the house. The couple reported it, to the police, when they heard about Beth....there were other reports too, but unfortunately, they weren't enough to solve the mystery, or bring our baby, back home.

I just found and read this thread - Hi, moon, and everyone else. That couple that approached the home in Southern Illinois sounds suspicious - maybe they were looking for a girl to raise as their daughter, and when they failed in S. IL they came to MO and took Beth. This sounds eerily similar to the Anna Waters case, also here on Websleuths - a body of water nearby, a mysterious couple who had been seen in the area showing interest in a little girl - makes one wonder how common this is/was.

Moon, are there any updates on locating your sister's case file?
I just found and read this thread - Hi, moon, and everyone else. That couple that approached the home in Southern Illinois sounds suspicious - maybe they were looking for a girl to raise as their daughter, and when they failed in S. IL they came to MO and took Beth. This sounds eerily similar to the Anna Waters case, also here on Websleuths - a body of water nearby, a mysterious couple who had been seen in the area showing interest in a little girl - makes one wonder how common this is/was.

Moon, are there any updates on locating your sister's case file?
You're right Gina, It's very similar to Anna's case. The only thing missing is a Paranoid schizophrenic named George Brody!!

Elizabeth was such a beautiful little baby, I bet she grew up to be a stunning woman. I have hope she is a live and well...with no clue what ever happened to her so many years ago.
Wow, Shadow, I'm impressed with your display of information. Thanks for taking the time to gather and post it all.

I remember those murders, very well. It was a terrible time. I went to school with Brenda Parsh (a beautiful girl) and Margie Call was the mother of friends. A terrible, terrible time!

As I mentioned to Medusa, I spoke with the presiding judge of one of the grand juries and he remembered seeing the file. We've checked with the Sheriff's department and the County Courthouse, etc, but you've listed more options, for us to pursue. We really appreciate the information and your suggestions!


greetings to you and your family....
My idea may have already been posted but here goes it.
The web site for MYSPACE is a great way to get the word out.
There are many webpages there where the whole story plus pictures and any information that the public needs to help lost or abducted children and adults should they read the blog or page dedicated to them.
Bethy may not even know she was stolen or anything?
If you were to dedicate a MYSPACE page to put one up with family photos for her to compare with you may be surprised by a reply someday?
I was reading your replies to posts in regard to her going missing and my heart goes out to the whole family.
There is always hope remember that.
Everyday we hear of a baby being left on doorsteps or stolen from shopping baskets...this is not the fault of the parents or the child.
It is sad when it happens ..but when it hits home as it did to your family well all I can say is the web is out there now and by some stroke of luck she may be looking for you too..
Since no one knows what stories a stolen child has had told to them if any they are as much in the dark or very afraid as anyone could be.
Hope to see a MYSPACE page dedicated to Bethy [ as you so lovingly knew her] and I'm wishing you the best in finding your sister eventually.
We never know what miracles can happen MOON till we try to find or be blessed with one...:blowkiss:
Hi Medusa!

That's a shame, Moon. I would still try to contact the reporters, or heck even retired cops that might have been involved. I have a friend who is a local reporter (to me) and he keeps extensive files on stories he has done going back to when he first started 0- and he keeps them at his home in file proof cabinets. Especially back then, if the cops told a reporter to hold up printing something, he would probably have complied, but, may still remember or have notes. Might be worth a try.
Yes. These avenues have been appropriately, pursued. The owner of the local newspaper is a business acquaintance and he and his staff have always been helpful and supportive. We thought the file had turned up, at the Sheriff's office, but it turned out to be, only copies of a couple newspaper articles. I even called an old acquaintance, who was the presiding judge, in a grand jury investigation, related to the case and he remembered seeing the file, but as far as we've been able to determine, that was the last time the file was seen. We thought the file might have been stored at the county courthouse, in Jackson Mo., where the proceedings were held, but we were told that the file would not have been kept there, it would have been returned to the Cape Girardeau Police Department.

One thing that caught my attention. The mention that two cars were seen that day - one with Alabama tags, the other I can't recall from where. Who saw these cars, and where in relation to your house/the motel - do you know?

There were actually, Three vehicles and all of those people were registered at the motel, around the corner. All the vehicles had stolen tags. Those people were known as gypsies, or travelers. They used phony names and phony identification. Back then, people did not use credit cards and the motels didn't require substantial proof of identification. The motel was just around the corner from our home and the back wall, was at the edge of our back yard. The vehicles were seen around the neighborhood. The police were never able to catch up with those people. They always seemed to stay one step ahead of the police.... not too difficult a feat, in my opinion! My folks had to do some of the investigative work, themselves. One of the vehicles, a Chevy Truck, was purchased from a dealer, in Michigan. My mom had to travel to Michigan to talk with the dealer. The couple who bought the truck, had also, purchased vehicles from him, in the past. After Beth disappeared, the couple never returned to that dealer...... not even for maintenance.... We (the family) have not given up the pursuit. An investigator is following up and running checks, on all the aliases. It's pretty easy to disappear, in this country even today, but it was especially easy, as early as the 60's.

And do you all have a list of rule outs for Bethy?
I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean a list of leads that were followed, but ruled out.... well.... No. The leads we've had to go by, are so few, there has been no need for a list. Now there is probably, a list, in her case file... wherever the heck, that is!

Ever since I heard of this case, it has touched a cord with me, I have family from the area and also, I just can't imagine what you all have gone through.
Thank you, Medusa.

All the best,

Thank you for sharing.....
Dear Sleuths,
Please know that this thread has helped to generate quite a bit of movement in the case of my missing sister, for which my family and I are extremely, grateful. My sisters and I are still pursuing all avenues of possibilities, in the search for our little sister, Elizabeth Ann Gill. We've listed her, on several web sites and follow up on every lead, or question presented. However, there is something rather odd that I'd like to share with you. Her case file at the Cape Girardeau Police Department is missing and evidently, has been for many years. We had inquired about it several times throughout the years and were told it was in storage and they didn't have time to locate it.. Even though this is the ONLY missing child /suspected kidnapping case, in the history of our city to remain unsolved, somehow the police department has misplaced the open case file. We realize it's not all that strange that a file this old, could be misplaced, damaged, or destroyed, BUT... Here's the kicker.....
It now seems that the back-up file, on microfiche, is also missing! My sisters and I find it disturbing, disheartening and down-right appalling, that both the original and the back-up files would be allowed to just disappear! As far as we have been able to determine, the last time this file was seen, or used, was in the early 1970's.

Does anyone have any suggestions, or advice, as to where we should search, or what we should do about these missing files?
Thanks for any help, or suggestions
and all comments, are welcomed!

All the best,
Moon and sisters

but as other posters have said already, there are maybe data bases?
main ones with some info?
Maybe a MYSPACE "page for her would bring some people who were interviewed out ?
If someone wants to contact the Gill family how can that be done?
Wow, Shadow, I'm impressed with your display of information. Thanks for taking the time to gather and post it all.

I remember those murders, very well. It was a terrible time. I went to school with Brenda Parsh (a beautiful girl) and Margie Call was the mother of friends. A terrible, terrible time!

As I mentioned to Medusa, I spoke with the presiding judge of one of the grand juries and he remembered seeing the file. We've checked with the Sheriff's department and the County Courthouse, etc, but you've listed more options, for us to pursue. We really appreciate the information and your suggestions!


some MYspace pages may have a response to the Elizabeth case how can you be contacted?
I just found and read this thread - Hi, moon, and everyone else. That couple that approached the home in Southern Illinois sounds suspicious - maybe they were looking for a girl to raise as their daughter, and when they failed in S. IL they came to MO and took Beth. This sounds eerily similar to the Anna Waters case, also here on Websleuths - a body of water nearby, a mysterious couple who had been seen in the area showing interest in a little girl - makes one wonder how common this is/was.

Moon, are there any updates on locating your sister's case file?
Hi Gina!
Thanks for your response.... sorry, I haven't been here, for a while.
Yes, all the best leads we had, seem to indicate a kidnapping.
No, no updates on the missing file, but if anything turns up, I'll be sure to post!

some MYspace pages may have a response to the Elizabeth case how can you be contacted?
websurfer.... so sorry I haven't been here, lately....
Things are moving, thanks to your suggestion.
We'll see what happens and at the very least, the
suggestion to post Bethy's information, is an excellent, idea!
Moon , thanks for posting.
The main thing is to keep the search going. :blowkiss:
To never forget.
Only you and your family know how it is, that is what I wanted to say.
And also to keep strong and remember that there are people who do care.

Moon, thanks so much for staying in touch. Are you going to make a MySpace site for Bethy? I've done a few MySpace sites for various cases and they are quite effective for getting the info out there! Now I'm getting into making videos for YouTube, showcasing various missing persons cases. I'd be happy to include Bethy in one of my videos.

Just knowing that you and your family are still looking for Bethy is very encouraging. I'm sure there are more missing persons cases out there from long ago that haven't been posted on the internet. I'm really glad that you took the steps necessary to get her listed on the various websites. I wonder if we could print up some general flyers about missing persons cold cases, and pass them out to people who aren't too familiar with the internet. There must be so many families out there who are disheartened, a relative went missing decades ago and maybe they don't realize just how many resources are on the internet for this.
Dear Gina,
Thank you so much, for your kind, offer. I'll speak with my sisters and get back to you. We want to use every resource available, though experience has taught us to balance our enthusiasm and determination, with discretion and discernment.

Did you put the video together, for Anna? It's a beautiful presentation; very, very well made.

Please know that I appreciate your thoughtfulness and will get back to you, as soon as my family and I have had a chance to discuss your offer.

With abundant gratitude
and best wishes,
Dear Websurfer,
Thanks for your encouragement and for being one of the people who care! Your efforts are greatly, appreciated.

We will never give up the search.

All the best,
Dear Gina,
Thank you so much, for your kind, offer. I'll speak with my sisters and get back to you. We want to use every resource available, though experience has taught us to balance our enthusiasm and determination, with discretion and discernment.

Did you put the video together, for Anna? It's a beautiful presentation; very, very well made.

Please know that I appreciate your thoughtfulness and will get back to you, as soon as my family and I have had a chance to discuss your offer.

With abundant gratitude
and best wishes,

Hi Moon,

Yes, I made both videos for Anna that you see in the YouTube link I have in my sig. Thank you for the compliment!

I've been planning on making a montage video with several missing children in it. Maybe something similar to this one:
(I didn't make that one, it's just an example)

It would show the picture, name, and a few other pieces of info, similar to their listings on the major sites like NCMEC or the Doe Network. Except this would be several in one video so hopefully more people will see them. Just let me know if you would like Bethy in the video :)
I was going through and saw that Elizabeth has been listed on the major websites...Doe, Charley, NCMEC. Has anyone in the family submitted a DNA sample to be entered into CODIS?

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