GUILTY MO - Erica Green, 3, 'Precious Doe', murdered, Kansas City, 28 April 2001

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
A friend of mine did all the latent print work on this case. I haven't talked with her yet, but I know everyone who worked on this case (and others who just watched it unfold), were hoping for this day.

From the beginning, I just couldn't understand how no one would miss a child. It's hard to believe the mom had her little girl a little more than a week, and then this happened (At least that's what I believe I read in the morning paper).

It's all sick...but how in the world (or why) did this freak of a step-dad cut her head off? I guess he thought they wouldn't be able to identify her? I guess he doesn't know about DNA....Poor little baby. :(
I am so happy that she has a name. This news certainly has been long coming. I hope these parents both rot in jail. How cruel they are to have done this. I can almost understand that they freaked out when she died at the abuse (OK, no I cannot understand), but to decapitate her is too much for words.
Was Erica Michelle Marie Green a child previously reported missing, and if so, what were the circumstances?
luvbeaches said:
A friend of mine did all the latent print work on this case. I haven't talked with her yet, but I know everyone who worked on this case (and others who just watched it unfold), were hoping for this day.

From the beginning, I just couldn't understand how no one would miss a child. It's hard to believe the mom had her little girl a little more than a week, and then this happened (At least that's what I believe I read in the morning paper).

It's all sick...but how in the world (or why) did this freak of a step-dad cut her head off? I guess he thought they wouldn't be able to identify her? I guess he doesn't know about DNA....Poor little baby. :(

This case leaves an open gaping whole in my heart. These behaviors are incomprehensible.All I can do is cry.
concernedperson said:
This case leaves an open gaping whole in my heart. These behaviors are incomprehensible.All I can do is cry.

It is just so sad, but what's interesting is the police actually talked with the mom (after the body was found, they went door-to-door in the area), and she sent them on a wild goose chase looking for some "stranger" she saw in the area.

This woman had eight children (I believe), and at one point, the authorities thought that they were all accounted for (they are in state custody).

Every now and then something so horrible happens, it takes my breath away. This is one of those things. But thank God, she has finally been identified. Hard to believe that monster of a mom and step-dad only had her for a week...then they killed her. :(
How sad! Strangers cared more about this baby than her own mother did.

I hope the courts throw the book at Erica's mom and stepfather and give them a good long prison sentence to think about what they did to her. Rest in peace, angel.
Thank you to the grandfather to put a name to this poor innocent child so she can rest in peace.
Unbelievable what some people can do to their children & then just leave them to die! :furious:
How the **** does someone just kick a baby in the head? Then sit there & let her die because they're afraid of the consequences? :confused: :furious:
PaperDoll said:
I read this yesterday on my MSN homepage :( :( :( :( and it made me sick and just broke my heart.. put me in a really bad mood.. What a darling little girl she was...
This one gets to me the same way PaperDoll. I have a little one at home just shy of 4, the same age as Erica.
I worked late yesterday and she was asleep when I got home. I climbed into her bed and slept there all night....holding her.
So many people cared about this baby....worked to find out who she was, gave her a beautiful burial, it's heartbreaking that her mother didn't care about her a bit.....but strangers loved her in death.
madgallico said:
Thank you to the grandfather to put a name to this poor innocent child so she can rest in peace.
Unbelievable what some people can do to their children & then just leave them to die! :furious:
How the **** does someone just kick a baby in the head? Then sit there & let her die because they're afraid of the consequences? :confused: :furious:

Last night I caught the tail end of a report where they were interviewing a family member. This woman said how awful the step-dad was to the little girl, and how he threatened to harm her (maybe even said kill her), and he would "whoop" her all the time. Now, IMO, this woman is as guilty as the mom and step-dad. She knew things were bad, but she di absolutely nothing. I can't imagine going on tv and telling the world I saw things happen...but did nothing. They should charge her as well.
Some of the hair came from the mother's brush, and she gave some of it to the tipster after he told her he would put it in a Bible under the 23rd Psalm to bring her good luck, said Alonzo Washington, a Kansas City community activist who has long championed efforts to identify the girl.

Washington said the tipster, who does not want his name released, first contacted police nearly a year ago and gave them all the pertinent details about the case, but investigators did not believe him.

"He is very clever, but he is not the most articulate-sounding person, and I think that made them dismiss him," Washington said. "They probably thought 'This is some Okie from Muskogee, and he doesn't know what he's talking about

Police investigators said the tipster was in touch with them numerous times since July 2004, but his information was incomplete. Then, on April 29, "He called back with a lot more detailed information," said Kansas City police spokesman Darrin Snap.

According to court papers, Harrell Johnson beat the girl one night in April 2001 and the couple left her unconscious on the floor for two days. They did not seek medical help, the mother said, because both had warrants out for their arrest.
In her final month of life, little Erica Green sobbed often.

Plucked from the only home she'd known, she cried because she lived with strangers in a strange town. Beaten until she threw up, she cried because she hurt.

Those sad details come from Lawanda Driskell, in whose house 3-year-old Erica died four years ago.
During a court appearance April 1, 2002, in Muskogee, Harrell pleaded guilty to several crimes and then was allowed into a different courtroom so he and Michelle could be married by a judge.

In 2003, while Harrell Johnson was imprisoned in Watonga, Okla., Michelle Johnson completed a court-ordered drug rehabilitation program. But Michelle would relapse, Lewis said. The state took custody of the three children she had with Harrell.

By then, Erica had been dead for two years.

The next year, Michelle Johnson was sentenced to five years of probation for forging a check. She was ordered to pay $700 in fines and court costs. While applying to defer payment, she completed a document listing her children.

She included Erica in the list, writing that the girl was 7.
mysteriew said:
The next year, Michelle Johnson was sentenced to five years of probation for forging a check. She was ordered to pay $700 in fines and court costs. While applying to defer payment, she completed a document listing her children.

She included Erica in the list, writing that the girl was 7.
These are all such heart-breaking details. Hearing about the last month of her short life is tearing me apart. To hear that the mother then used Erica's name for her own selfish needs, two years after allowing her to lie dying on the floor for two days ... I just can't believe it. I have no words for what I'm feeling right now.
mrs4point0 said:
I just don't understand people. How can a mother let someone hurt her child in such a way and DO NOTHING? That is just not in my nature. I can typically put myself in another's shoes, but not on something like this. There is just no amount of reasoning that could get me to understand.
I don't understand this either. That mother should have been more concerned for her child than as to what would have happened to that man she was with and of herself! Warrents or not, her child should have been her main concern. And to dispose of her like she was garbarge is heartless. How anyone could live with themselves is beyond me.
it's great lawanda driskell is finally coming out with all this info now that this child has been identified. I wonder what her reason is for standing by while this child was beaten by this man. What is wrong with these people? she may not have murdered her, but she stated this poor baby lived a brutal life and yet she did nothing!!
This story makes me extremely angry. When are people going to realize they can't just "mind their own business" when the life of a child is involved. This Lawanda Driskell had a duty to inform Child Services about the threats and the beatings. And she definitely should've followed up when she suspected that "Precious" was Erica.
mrs4point0 said:
An update:

'Precious Doe' Beaten in Days Before Death'


That woman is just as bad as the mother.
"We could hear her screaming in the back bedroom," Lawanda Driskell told The Kansas City Star in Saturday's editions.

I hope that every night when she closes her eyes to sleep, she will ALWAYS hear poor little ericka's screams.

Should could've prevented this and she could've saved that baby.

People really make me sick!:furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
sharon25 said:
That woman is just as bad as the mother.
"We could hear her screaming in the back bedroom," Lawanda Driskell told The Kansas City Star in Saturday's editions.
I hope that every night when she closes her eyes to sleep, she will ALWAYS hear poor little ericka's screams.

Should could've prevented this and she could've saved that baby.

People really make me sick!:furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
There's reasons why people don't call, which aren't understood by most.
1. Many of these people have already had their kids removed by social services or have been scrutinized by them.
2. Drug are hot in these types of areas and no one wants the "heat" on them.
3. Many people feel it's not their business.
4. Many people think the days of 'beating a child's *advertiser censored**' need to come back in
5. Minorities especially feel that social services is a 'white institute' and no well off white lady in the white cadillac has any business coming and taking their kids
6. Many people think foster care is no better than existing situations
7. Many people think it's best to handle things without getting police or other agencies involved

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