MO - Furious Friends Demand Answers After 3 Men Found Dead at Kansas City Home Days After Watching Football Game, January 2024 #2

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MSM has stated nearly every manner of attempted contact, short of carrier pigeon. (Text to cell phone, phone calls to cell, texts to SM, and even the 5th guest attempted to contact JW to find out the whereabouts of the other 3.)
I have to wonder exactly how many times anyone attempted to contact JW. When people are emotional (and rightfully so in this case) they want someone to blame and can exaggerate. And the media could very easily take "I called JW a couple times" and turn it into "half a dozen people called him 4,000 times through xyz methods and he laughed maniacally while refusing to tell us where our loved ones are!".

We know if the contact person isn't FB friends with him messages go to a spam folder. We don't know if they called and he didn't answer bc he didn't recognize the number. We don't know if voice messages were left or if he listened to anything. We don't even know if the contacts had the correct phone number for JW, other than I assume person#5 did.
What Does Father Know about Son's Coat? How Identified?

snipped for focus @iamnotagolem Agreeing.

"Never go outside without a coat" Hmmm.
Unless Father & 35 +y/o son live in same house or next door to ea. other, seems like a rather extreeeme stmt imo but could be accurate. Nothing wrong w coat on- all the time in cold. Is there med condition that might prompt this?

Whose Father? And I missed exact stmt by Father.
Did he say LED disclosed to him, son's body was found w no coat? Okay, possible.
If LE found ID/wallet in pocket, did LE provide coat to him?Seems unlikely imo, even w LE saying sudden death investigation, not crim homicide investigation (implied, yet).
If this deceased man was married, seems when coat is/was released, it would be provided to spouse.
imo. IDK
They work construction together.
The most recent Fox4 news update has the 5th Person saying that he personally tried contact with JW through both FB and by phone, yes. On the 8th.

It frames this as a dispute - with one person's lawyer (JW's) saying he didn't get texts and another person's lawyer saying that a text was sent to JW's phone by him (5th person) after learning the men had disappeared.

There are just too many discrepancies between different statements... the 5th person says he left the 4 men at the house… do we know when the supposed other two persons left? Have they spoken out yet?
That article also says: "But Talge disputes part of that, saying sometime Tuesday, his client received a text message from Clayton McGeeney’s fiancée and from Ricky Johnson’s mother, asking about their loved ones."

Speculation but... In one of the articles posted on the last thread, the 5th person has been described as an acquaintance of the victims while JW had been friends with the victims for 20 years. If the acquaintance states he received texts from the fiancée and mother of two different victims, I find it hard to believe those people wouldn't also have the cell phone number for JW himself. Someone who had been a friend to their son, fiancé, etc. for decades.

Is it possible? Sure. But remember JW's first story with his attorney was that he only received Facebook messages from ONE person. Now he seems to be reframing that as multiple messages and we have someone else saying they sent him a text.
Saving this as there are so many different accounts about who contacted whom and who responded and in what manner ?
Apologies if unnecessarily wordy, but even though we're sticking strictly with msm -- it's confusing as heck.
Agree with all of the above EXCEPT that if it was fentanyl poisoning, they may have died PRIOR to hypothermia even setting in.
I remember the 6 Spring Breakers-an Army Cadet, some West Pointers, who ODed on fentanyl. If no one had called 911, they would have all been dead. A group of comedians who ODed on fentanyl laced cocaine, one survived. If the toxicology shows they overdosed, the question is exactly what the homeowner did. I do not believe that he was asleep for a couple of days, or didn’t notice that his friends were dead in his yard. Unless he was unconscious for a couple of days. The investigators will surely be able to figure out if they were dragged outside, or were outside when whatever happened happened.
True. There is a big uptick in such cases out here in California. We don't always have all the information, but we can tell from reporting that there are more groups found dead all at once.

Of course, L.A. County has an overdose task force.

The family is wondering the same thing:

Missouri's data on overdose deaths is only partly reported but here are our national stats and a map:

Yet, since LE says "not criminal" I do wonder (wouldn't there have to be some mechanism of administering the fentanyl? If it was laced marijuana, surely they'd have tested that and got a warning out immediately?) Or if it were cut with another drug, wouldn't the baggie for that drug be at the scene?

Could alcohol plus ketamine do this? (I really don't know).

Answered my own question: yes, it could. Unprescribed ketamine use is on the rise.
BBM. I think they DID issue a public warning. By saying they are waiting on the toxicology report they are raising awareness that the coroner suspects illegal substances are involved, they just have to wait for the tox report to ID the substance.

I remember the 6 Spring Breakers-an Army Cadet, some West Pointers, who ODed on fentanyl. If no one had called 911, they would have all been dead. A group of comedians who ODed on fentanyl laced cocaine, one survived. If the toxicology shows they overdosed, the question is exactly what the homeowner did. I do not believe that he was asleep for a couple of days, or didn’t notice that his friends were dead in his yard. Unless he was unconscious for a couple of days. The investigators will surely be able to figure out if they were dragged outside, or were outside when whatever happened happened.
Agreed. And it’s become a game of Russian roulette to use “recreational” drugs. If that’s what our 3 Kansas City guys were doing, then they sure shattered the hearts of their loved ones.
Guys who work construction climb a lot. Unless they were literally not in any shape to move around very well, at least one of them would have gotten out.

If they were out of their minds and wanted in the house, they could have broken into it. I am not saying that they are typically housebreakers, i am saying that if the choice is between living or dying, they would choose living. And help JW fix whatever they had to break later.

For them to do what appears to be nothing, to me either says they were dead or dying very soon after being outside. For all we know, so was JW, but lucky for him that he didn't need to go outside to try to get home.

I also just don't believe that everyone was equally hammered. People just don't work like that. We have all been to social gatherings where someone declines something they would normally want. I was at a friend's house and she offered some food, but i had literally just left a restaurant so i declined. That is the reality of how people work, even with things that are not controversial.

Everyone had work the next day. Including JW who i think it has been said had to miss Monday. It sounds like he is the only one with a kind of sedentary job that could possibly be done from home. The guys who died had to go to their jobs.

I also wonder if the families didn't think they were necessarily at JW's at first, but just thought he might know where they were or would want to know they were missing. Maybe that is why the fiancee broke in, she got there and saw her man's car and just had to check in him however she had to do it whether it was logical or not.

Also, from what i understand, snow fell later.. the 8th or 9th. Just to be clear about the snow.
I’m trying to mentally juggle what scenarios could plausibly kill three adult males simultaneously.

What we can rule out:

1) LE says no apparent foul play, so we know they weren’t shot or stabbed to death. Likely not strangled either or their necks would show it.
2) They weren’t attacked by a dog or other animal because again, their bodies would show the wounds.
3) I can’t imagine they were suffocated to death because the second two would intervene for the first victim or at least run away, so I’d guess they were all unconscious or too weak if this would have occurred.
4) They did not simultaneously die of cancer or other disease. We don’t know this for a fact but the odds against this are just about insurmountable. Same for having three heart attacks all at once.
5) They did not commit mutual suicide because again the means of death would be clear.
6) They were clearly not in an accident with a vehicle.
7) They clearly did not all fall, let’s say off a roof or ladder, because the evidence again would show this.
8) not electrocuted by stepping on a live wire or by lightning because the burn marks would show.
9) they are three individuals so if any were allergic to something, it is just about impossible for them to all suffer anaphylaxis
10) multiple other things which at present are not crossing my mind.

What does that leave?
1) drug overdose
2) alcohol poisoning
3) carbon monoxide or other invisible poisoning
4) intentionally or unintentionally poisoned by ingesting deadly mushrooms or the like
5) freezing to death

I know I’m forgetting a host of other possibilities.

ETA: I was looking up if they could have suffocated in the snow if they were drunk, but for that they’d have to all be face down or covered as in an avalanche, but one was on the porch. Also, IIRC, we have learned that it hadn’t snowed at the time they first went outside.
...Then there is all 3 being knocked out by hanging icicles, then succumbed to hypothermia, then the ice weapon melted away
If he had the wherewithall to escort his all male guests, and some high school buddies, to the door, he strikes me as a guy who would notice a coat left behind. MOO Also, MOO, I don't think he walked anyone to the front door. Most old friends aren't that formal.
Perhaps that coat being left is exactly the wherewithall of 'why' he knows they re-entered even if he were in bed already.

Perhaps when he escorted them all to the door and they were leaving they all had their coats on.

A coat being in the house later would then indicate they must have come back in after he went to bed.

Just a thought.
Thank you @sunshineray for this post I carried over from the prior thread. Yes, there were chairs on that patio.

If you look at the video you'll see quite a few chairs on that patio. He probably was sitting in one. JMO

Both Men Who Last Saw 3 KC Friends Alive Hire Criminal Defense Lawyers

An attorney for this fifth man alleged that his client texted Jordan Willis, the renter of the home, before the bodies of the three men were found, hoping to get information on their whereabouts, as did family members of the men.
I have to wonder exactly how many times anyone attempted to contact JW. When people are emotional (and rightfully so in this case) they want someone to blame and can exaggerate. And the media could very easily take "I called JW a couple times" and turn it into "half a dozen people called him 4,000 times through xyz methods and he laughed maniacally while refusing to tell us where our loved ones are!".

We know if the contact person isn't FB friends with him messages go to a spam folder. We don't know if they called and he didn't answer bc he didn't recognize the number. We don't know if voice messages were left or if he listened to anything. We don't even know if the contacts had the correct phone number for JW, other than I assume person#5 did.
And all these attempts to contact JW over 2.5 days but no one reported the 3 men missing? No one called for a welfare check? Even the 4 men in OK that were murdered by the guy they tried to rob were reported missing pretty quickly when they didn't turn up back home after their heist. So it seems odd that being concerned about a drug arrest would prevent family from calling police or reporting them missing when they never made it home.
Thank you @sunshineray for this post I carried over from the prior thread. Yes, there were chairs on that patio.

If you look at the video you'll see quite a few chairs on that patio. He probably was sitting in one. JMO

Both Men Who Last Saw 3 KC Friends Alive Hire Criminal Defense Lawyers

An attorney for this fifth man alleged that his client texted Jordan Willis, the renter of the home, before the bodies of the three men were found, hoping to get information on their whereabouts, as did family members of the men.
I can understand why the guy who lived in the house hired an attorney--AFTER he spoke to and cooperated with LE and allowed them to search the house--because he was the last person to see the three alive. Also, members of the dead victims' families have publicly accused him of wrongdoing.

I don't understand why this man who left the house early on January 8th--while all four were still alive--has hired a criminal defense attorney to publicly insult the other defense attorney.

Carried over Post #1010 from previous thread from @kuromiiiilove IMO MOO - long time lurker, first time poster.

From my experience as a former addict who overdosed and was brought back - I unfortunately believe fentanyl was involved. Whether or not they were aware of taking the drug is a different discussion.

When I OD’D, it quite literally took 30 seconds to a minute. I took it, realized it was too much - and woke up to paramedics rubbing my sternum. It’s quick and deadly. Especially if they weren’t expecting it/don't have tolerance. Again, just my opinion based on personal experience + working in OD with my local health department as a sober person.

I feel for the families, but the dad of one of the deceased is making comments that could absolutely result in legal action against him. A horrible situation, to be sure.

Everything is MOO!​

Welcome @kuromiiiilove. Glad you posted your first post, and hope you post here some more. Glad you survived to share your experience. :)

I'm leaning towards this being fentanyl related, as well, because it can kill so fast and it seems to explain it best, but we'll see.

I'm just grappling to understand the puzzling accounts, the inconsistencies, there being two other surviving men with doubtful accounts, and also the loved ones reactions. These deaths are incredibly sad.
FWIW, a couple observations reading 5 or 6 new pages today:
1. As I recall, JW came to the door at the request of the police in his boxers with a wine glass that had water in it.

As a football-watching guy in my 60's, one who used to get drunk a lot and have had groups of friends who watch games and drink a lot, like in college, for example I have a couple observations on typical behavior.

2. These guys - at least several of them - knew each other for 20 years. They do not "escort their guests to the door" after drinking 20 beers. They come and go, go outside for smokes, run to the store for more beer, etc. This was not a tea party. They do not serve nachos on doiles with their pinkies extended.

3. They do not "hang their coats up in a closet" - they throw them on a chair, a bed, a couch, on the rarely-used nordic-track, bowflex machine that now serves as a hanger of dirty clothes - now solely a place to throw your clothes. Hell, in a corner on the floor. Again folks, this is not a tea party. This is a bunch of construction workers partying their asses off watching football and drinking all day.

4. Their families, one has 3 kids, one has a fiance, did not get too worried after them missing work the next day. Nobody went looking around the neighborhood until 2 days later. Heck, nobody called the police for 2 days. This was not atypical behavior for them. Their loved ones are/were used to this behavior.

5. Did you guys see the pics and video of the NFL football brother of Taylor Swift's boyfriend? He's without a shirt in 10 degree weather, loving it, whooping it up, barrel-chested, everybody egging him on, pounding beers one after another, probably smashing them on their foreheads for fun. That is more likely what this dynamic looked like. And everybody was laughing hysterically, and having a great old time. That's what guys do when football and beers (like lots of beers) are drunk all day.

Something went terribly wrong. We will find out when LE and the coronors office have to release toxicolgy. IMHO they are trying to find out where the drugs came from, to charge whomever was responsible.

Thanks for listening to my rant. And as always, JMHO.
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