MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #11

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MB's prior spiritual experiences are being ridiculed, mocked, and discounted as drug-induced hallucinations, and when an attempt is made to defend his spiritual experiences, they are responded to with the above posts, whose point of view was obviously agreed with based upon the thanks.

I don't need to discredit MB's previous spiritual experiences in order to believe that he made some disastrous choices on August 9.

I also don't need to find MB to be a soul-less monster in order to believe that Officer Wilson's actions on August 9 were justifiable.

I don't think the lack of support for your comments is necessarily because people think it is not POSSIBLE for MB to have had a spiritual side.

I think the cynicism regarding the "spiritual revelations" has far more to do with the fact that we have heard so MANY lies from the folks supporting MB that this strikes folks as yet another lie.

The fact that the story about his spiritual revelation was told to the MEDIA makes it seem especially suspicious. I can see a story like that being told as part of a eulogy at his funeral, but telling reporters?
So on CNN this morning, they had 2 attorneys on, calling this new audio tape A GAME CHANGER, supporting MB, and saying the pause means...something. I am not clear what it means, but they are saying it better be taken right to the GJ because it will ensure an indictment.

So why is the pause such a 'game changer?'

I would think it totally depends upon what OW already told the investigators. I thought he said MB ran off, then turned back around, and came at him again...IF SO, the pause makes sense. IMO :cow:
CNN is TRYING so hard to make this audio the smoking gun. They are saying the PAUSE proves that the officer shot the second group of shots needlessly, and illegally.
CNN is TRYING so hard to make this audio the smoking gun. They are saying the PAUSE proves that the officer shot the second group of shots needlessly, and illegally.

The pause doesn't prove jack. In fact it appears OW was missing most of the shots, he likely paused hoping the suspect would go DOWN but when MB kept coming at OW he fired again.

Or alternatively he paused because he realized he was missing most of his shots and waited for the assailant to get closer.

Does anyone know what type of weapon OW had? I would assume it held a 17 round mag?
CNN is TRYING so hard to make this audio the smoking gun. They are saying the PAUSE proves that the officer shot the second group of shots needlessly, and illegally.

Yep, that's what they're saying. I believe otherwise, that MB turned at that point, and possibly came AT DW.

'Course this is only conjecture on my part.
Yeh that is how i percieved it and IMO telling in that it was not this rapage lets just kill the person it protecitng self imo waiting and like he said to his friend he just kept coming at me so he HAD to shoot more cause it was not stopping the lunging.

The pause doesn't prove jack. In fact it appears OW was missing most of the shots, he likely paused hoping the suspect would go DOWN but when MB kept coming at OW he fired again.

Or alternatively he paused because he realized he was missing most of his shots and waited for the assailant to get closer.

Does anyone know what type of weapon OW had? I would assume it held a 17 round mag?
A lot of police officers carry a glock 17 9 mm it has a 17 round clip. Wonder why he was missing.
I just get the nagging feeling the Grand Jury will let this go to trial for some as yet unknown charge and he will most likely be found not guilty. I understand this grand jury is allowed to listen to hearsay while considering. I think they'll look at it as a hot potato, here you have it.

I believe in the saying a Grand Jury can indict a ham sandwich. IMO
I just get the nagging feeling the Grand Jury will let this go to trial for some as yet unknown charge and he will most likely be found not guilty. I understand this grand jury is allowed to listen to hearsay while considering. I think they'll look at it as a hot potato, here you have it.

I believe in the saying a Grand Jury can indict a ham sandwich. IMO

I don't think they will indict. These jurors have been reviewing cases together for months, I think they will probably make a sound decision based on the facts. They will also see much more than we have, including the photos of OWs swollen/beaten face.

In order to indict they need NINE to agree so I have read.

I do think that the powers at be will drag out the GJ proceedings as long as possible though.
I don't think they will indict. These jurors have been reviewing cases together for months, I think they will probably make a sound decision based on the facts. They will also see much more than we have, including the photos of OWs swollen/beaten face.

In order to indict they need NINE to agree so I have read.

I do think that the powers at be will drag out the GJ proceedings as long as possible though.

Based on what I think I know happened he should be cleared, I still think they can indict a ham sandwich.
This is my issue.

There seems to be a fixed false believe that black parents MUST teach their black children to fear the police and instruct them on how to interact with them for fear of being singled out and shot dead if they flee, make a sudden move, reach for something etc...

News flash!

EVERY reasonable parent with a respect for law enforcement that understands what a dangerous career it is..teaches their children that.

If a cop pulls up behind you, lights a flashing, pull over... Keep your hands at 10 & 2 on the wheel. Don't reach for anything. Be respectful and move slow. If your documents are in the glove box, let the officer know BEFORE you reach for them.

If police tell you to move... Move

You to freeze...freeze.

Never run ... You could be shot.

Never try to elude ...

It is not a black issue.
Its a safety issue for both parties.


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Same exact thing I've said to my 3 kids, who BTW are blonde hair, blue eyed white dudes.

All races should teach their children how to appropriately deal with LE. IMO
You know what? I just might lie to take my bad parts out if I was looking at being locked up in prison for the rest of my life.

This is a young, Black male - you think that he thinks that he would get a fair chance? No, I"m sure he was thinking holy s*** I'm done. On top of that, he had just witnessed a friend being gunned down in the street. So his friend gets gunned down, and do you think Dorian is thinking, oh yeah the cops will just listen to me like I'm some sort of doctor or something? That they'll give me a fair chance?


I really don't think we can pretend to know what goes through a Black male's mind in regard to relationship with the police.

I think everyone spins in their own favor..and everyone lies,to some extent. It is a human frailty. Even for those who continuously polish and rearrange their halos. JMO
Based on what I think I know happened he should be cleared, I still think they can indict a ham sandwich.

I believe with the makeup of the GJ, there will be less emotionalism, and more sticking to the facts. That ought to work in DW favor. I hope and pray. Maybe we all should pray for DW.
The author is a writer with degrees in law and family therapy-

He has nice writing style!

An aspiring rapper who dubbed himself “Big Mike.” A fan of computer games, Lil Wayne, Drake, the movie, “Grown Ups 2” and the TV show “Family Guy.” (from his fb page he liked all those war/killer games--his first activity listed was partying, video games, halloween and guns). A kid who was good at fixing things. HIs interts were cash (not "money" ?) and Wii

Different image huh?

Brown, he says, could be led astray by kids who were bad influences but by spring, he became focused on getting his degree.
This is why he was committing a strong arm robbery and "hangin" with a pal that is wanted in antohr place for two warrents -

Different image huh?

He was intimidating looking, but I don’t think he ever was disrespectful to me.”
....kid who tried football his sophomore year but abandoned the idea before his first game, fearing he might hurt someone.

Body slamming a 5 4 store owner is disrepecful, certainly can hurt anyone and intimating IMO

He’d bring people together.” I dont call body slamming a "kinda lets be friends" sense of "toghetherness" same notions about a sweet giant, (handing someone a rose - there ya go)

Different image huh?

he’d always respond “yes ma’am” or “no ma’am.
When asked to walk on a sidewalk - not sure he said this

Different image huh?

his elemtary (?) school teacher
He kept to himself but lit up when she’d play her son’s beats — which make up the backbone of hip-hop and rap songs — in class as a reward if the students behaved.

Have stopped choking hold I follwoing this, reward kids with hip hip I am pretty sure lyrics for that genre go like kill your motha, rape ya sister, slash the judge, murder your brother etc etc..............well that is wholesome .....we got a jug of chocolate milk you?

Different image huh?

“He was funny, silly,” his father, Michael Brown Sr. I have yet to see a funny or silly photo- anyone? Any gentles giant pics?

neighbor of Brown’s grandmother, says the young man was so low-key he seemed almost invisible. “When he came to my house you wouldn’t even notice he was there,” he says.

6 4 and 300 lb If he was mute one could not help but notice him just nonsense!

“My grandson never even got into a fight,” she says. - see video grandma

No one seems to have thought to look into the marital (or any other) history of Brown’s family, or whether any of his relatives have arrest records. And rightly so, because it really doesn’t matter; what is relevant is Brown’s own history.

But why, then, is the divorce of Wilson’s parents and their other history considered fair game by the press, and not that of Brown’s parents or relatives? After all, Brown had a mother and stepfather, and a biological father whose name is Michael Brown Sr., so we can conclude that some sort of divorce/separation and upheaval occurred.

Although there is some mention that the 18-year-old Brown was living with his grandmother for the summer, we don’t really know why and reporters don’t seem to be the least bit curious. The contrast in press coverage of the two families is stark, and purposeful. “Competing narratives” indeed.

A PS to an earlier post topic switch!

If he ultimately is, many details of the official investigation could remain sealed until trial, making it likely that questions about what happened in the moments before Wilson opened fire will remain unanswered for the foreseeable future.
Of course, he had a good reason to lie. But what really pissed me off is that the entire town of Ferguson accepted his story and they still do. They still believe the two choirboys were walking to Grandma's, and the big mean white cop backed up, almost ran them over, then reached out, grabbed Mikey Mike by the neck with one hand, pulled out his gun with the other, yelled, I'ma gonna shoot now Boy, and began pumping him with bullets while he ran away.

Agree that the majority of the protesters probably think that and are DUG IN to that narrative. The rioters and looters were just having a field day, they don't give a hoot. But, seriously, the "entire town of Ferguson" ? NOPE. JMO
Please do not admonish or attack other posters. Post in a respectable manner. All posters are entitled to their opinions if you are offended then alert.

Thanks, Lambchop
Most people are diff between fifth grade and strong armed robbery:

Interesting new video

Confused me somewhat did he want to be a rapper or an a/c repair man?

Ijust love the way the media is calling it a video chat site -- "regular" video chat is would assume is discussing cake recipes (!) , the infant burping or similair! car did not start, its raining hard , the doogie made a doo doo etc !!!!!!!! I do not chat so maybe I am wrong!

Again I have no issue with it but again the media! Do you chat with folks you know and are friends with , or family members in a sultry voice telling a friend or family member how beatiful they are its funny

thats funny: two choirboys were walking to Grandma's (you can smoke cigars in church!). And who know fellow church goers might want one so "obtain" 12!
Wonder if Massad Ayoob will weigh in on this? Or maybe he might be contacted to be an expert, so he will have to wait like he did for the Zimmerman case.
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