MO - Laclede Co., Hunter Finds Body in Box, Nov'08 - Sharon Sabla

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Okay am I on everyones invisible list ? I already said about the water :(

I see you :)
Your post is actually what got me thinking and asking all the questions a few posts up about if the killer was smart enough to know that concrete would not only make a weight but make identifying the person that much harder, or was the killer just trying to think of quick way to cover up their murder?
I'm just wondering if this was well-thought out/planned or a heat of the moment killing with the killer panicked?
He told me that it will hit major national news networks on Monday, so keep any eye out for it.

I just wondered where all the news on this case is? I have not found anything new. BTW~ Passionategray, this is not a negative comment towards you. I was just hoping the detective's news about the national news covering this case would be accurate. :(
KSDK -- The Laclede County Sheriff's Department is asking for help identifying a woman who was found dead, encased in concrete and was inside a black plastic storage box.

The woman was found on November 15 alongside a rural Missouri highway near Lebanon.

The victim was between 25 and 45 years old. She was 5'7" tall and weighed 145 pounds. She had medium length, light brown hair and manicured fingernails. The victim had a scar on her abdomen and had a hysterectomy and gall bladder surgery. She was wearing white pajama bottoms with turquoise and pink flowers imprinted on the pants and a turquoise short sleeved v-neck pajama top.
the KSDK story has the most info I've seen yet with the pajamas description.

Also, this cannot be the person I was thinking of as she was more like 110 to 120 pounds, not even close to 145.

Prayers for whomever this poor woman is.
Thanks for the links PrayersForMaura!
Ok, I just got off the phone with the detective. He told me that it will hit major national news networks on Monday, so keep any eye out for it.

He also asked me specifically to post this here to all of you guys, so here it goes:

Any tips that you have, and he does mean absolutely ANY, even the silliest sneaking suspicion, he wants you to call the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC). The phone number is 1-866-362-6422. He said that they are in charge of logging all tips and they are personally following up on each one.

(respectfully snipped!)

I actually talked to him for a bit and he seems so sincere and really wants to solve this case so we can bring her murderer to justice. I agree 100%!

PrayersforMaura, Here is the tip number, if you haven't heard back from the detective on the case. Sometimes, people don't check their e-mails daily, or if you sent it to a secretary, they might deem it to not be important enough to pass on. BUT, he did say he wants absolutely ANY silly, sneaking suspicion!!!

SOOOO, I'm glad to hear that you e-mailed the office. I would say to call if you haven't heard from them in a day or two!

ALSO, Jane- I'll have to call you OJ, not just for Jane in Oz, but for Other Jane!!! LOL!!! I just got so focused on this possible tip, that I haven't been able to think of anything else! I agree with you that they might have been going for a water dump, but the case fell off the truck, or was dumped off the truck before they reached the water for some reason. Maybe, it was because the case started to reak, and they hadn't found a secluded place to dump the body yet, but as they were driving, this location looked secluded enough to go for it.

Again, who ever said this first...they probably weren't hunters!!!

EDIT INFO: I posted before I read all these other posts!!! Just a little more info, but not alot of news. A short blurb does not mean a national news blitz in my opinion---not trying to be mean or sarcastic, just telling it like it is. I guess we will find out if it hits the national news stations shortly!

About the weight difference...some people are alot heavier than they look! When I was thin, people always mistook me for around 120, even though I actually weighed at least 30 pounds more than that. They would never believe me when I told them I was closer to 160. They would make me stand on a scale--not kidding!!! I always won at the fair when they had to guess my weight, for the same reason. Even now that I am heavier, most people are shocked when I tell them I weigh 200 pounds...they tell me....YOU ARE NOT!!! BUT, the truth is that I do have alot of muscle, and muscle is heavier than fat. When I weighed 160, I wore a bikini and you could not pinch an inch anywhere on my body. So, I guess what I am saying is don't discount anything just because you think the weight is off. The weight is just a guesstimate. They can't have an exact weight because of decomposition and possible the effects of the cement.
Ah well Im glad I am not on peoples ignore buttons LOL *i was beginning to wonder as this has happened a couple of times now* lol
It just sounds like a professional hit. But then maybe I see to many mafia movies
I mean seriously WHO average normal everyday garden variety killer uses poured concrete and in a box to hide their victim ?
But plenty of mobsters do and then they dump it in the ocean/lake whatever never to be seen again...
As I said I truly hope she was DEAD before they poured the concrete :(
Ah well Im glad I am not on peoples ignore buttons LOL *i was beginning to wonder as this has happened a couple of times now* lol
It just sounds like a professional hit. But then maybe I see to many mafia movies
I mean seriously WHO average normal everyday garden variety killer uses poured concrete and in a box to hide their victim ?
But plenty of mobsters do and then they dump it in the ocean/lake whatever never to be seen again...
As I said I truly hope she was DEAD before they poured the concrete :(

I thought the same thing. The autopsy results will reveal when she died. (b4 or after the concrete pour etc......) I would like to know the COD. That will reveal a lot about this case.
unless i misread, one of the recent articles sounded like she was in a bag or a trash bag and then the concrete was poured in.
But when I went back and checked all the newspostings, nothing was mentioned about being in a gargage bag before the concrete was poured. A few of the articles mentioned the "black plastic tote" she was inside of. One of the articles mentioned that she was incased in something else along with the concrete, but it doesn't mention what! That was the first report from the coroner.

Not much to go on!
Ah well Im glad I am not on peoples ignore buttons LOL *i was beginning to wonder as this has happened a couple of times now* lol
It just sounds like a professional hit. But then maybe I see to many mafia movies
I mean seriously WHO average normal everyday garden variety killer uses poured concrete and in a box to hide their victim ?
But plenty of mobsters do and then they dump it in the ocean/lake whatever never to be seen again...
As I said I truly hope she was DEAD before they poured the concrete :(

I think it happens to newbies or people who don't post alot, when talking on a busy thread with alot of oldtimers! :bang:

Don't sweat it! I just talk, talk, talk...or go to another thread!!! LOL!:crazy:

I also agree with the concrete issue. Not something that is used everyday! :waitasec: But, maybe it is just someone who used to watch the Soprano's!!! I'm sure they poured some concrete shoes at one time or another during the show's run!!!
I think it happens to newbies or people who don't post alot, when talking on a busy thread with alot of oldtimers! :bang:

Don't sweat it! I just talk, talk, talk...or go to another thread!!! LOL!:crazy:

I also agree with the concrete issue. Not something that is used everyday! :waitasec: But, maybe it is just someone who used to watch the Soprano's!!! I'm sure they poured some concrete shoes at one time or another during the show's run!!!


At 300 posts I would hardly say I don't post a lot ;)
Who ever did this couldn't dump her body in the woods with all of the concrete I am sure it was too heavy. IMO the person that did this thought it out before acting upon it. They would of had to buy the concrete and mix it all up before dumping it on her. One thing I would like to know.... is there a concrete company any place near by? It's very possible the guy that did this drove a cement truck. He may have intended to put her in a body of water some place but got scared before he got there so he shoved her out of the back of his pick-up. That tool chest would have slid easily out and down that embankment.
forgive me if this has already been referenced but there is an excellent physical description of her:

The victim is described as a white female, 25 to 45 years of age; approximately 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighing approximately 145 pounds.

She had medium length, light brown hair, and manicured fingernails.

The victim has a surgical scar on her lower abdomen and has had a hysterectomy and gall bladder surgery. She was found wearing white pajama bottoms with turquoise and pink flowers imprinted on the pants and a turquoise short sleeved v-neck pajama top.

I think it happens to newbies or people who don't post alot, when talking on a busy thread with alot of oldtimers! :bang:

Don't sweat it! I just talk, talk, talk...or go to another thread!!! LOL!:crazy:

I also agree with the concrete issue. Not something that is used everyday! :waitasec: But, maybe it is just someone who used to watch the Soprano's!!! I'm sure they poured some concrete shoes at one time or another during the show's run!!!

Considering I have a over 500 posts, I would say that I am no longer a "newbie". I read and study a lot cases. On this forum and others. So, if I make a mistake and accidentally give credit to someone that doesn't deserve the accolades, please do not belittle me. (or any other poster) The smilie pointing a finger to the temple was a bit much for me.......

Honestly, does it matter who originally posts a thought or idea? To any "newbies" who may have been offended by janiekay's remark, please don't be. Any all people are welcome on Websleuths. Everyone has something to contribute. Read Tricia's opening page, and she will tell you the same thing.
Ruf Hun I think Janiekay was speaking to me not you...
And its all good here ...

IMO post count doesn't matter.

In regards to the media blitz, that was straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. I just posted what the detective told me (as did Kathee). Perhaps they did contact the media outlets and the media just decided not to cover the story? I would imagine the detective wouldn't lie to two different people about something like this.

Anyways, I hope they do decide to cover it eventually, but perhaps not, because the story is only getting older from here. It's sad that none of them are considering it newsworthy enough to find this woman's identity, but I guess that's nothing new or we wouldn't have a board like this. Someone is getting away with murder. :furious:
IMO post count doesn't matter.

In regards to the media blitz, that was straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. I just posted what the detective told me (as did Kathee). Perhaps they did contact the media outlets and the media just decided not to cover the story? I would imagine the detective wouldn't lie to two different people about something like this.

Anyways, I hope they do decide to cover it eventually, but perhaps not, because the story is only getting older from here. It's sad that none of them are considering it newsworthy enough to find this woman's identity, but I guess that's nothing new or we wouldn't have a board like this. Someone is getting away with murder. :furious:

I am shocked that a show like Nancy Grace has not picked up this story. It is such a bizarre crime. It seems like it is something that would capture her viewers attention. I rarely watch tv so maybe she has covered it and I missed it.

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