MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #14

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is homeless guy focus of investigation??

I don't have a lot of detail, it's a guy that frequents area and is someone we haven't spoken with yet-don't read too much into it
was investigation hurt by parents spending 2 days not cooperating..

we don't want to look backwards, just glad parents are communicating again
Did mom fail poly?

We won't answer that

will dad take poly?

It's fair to assume that detectives know what they want to do
happy to keep getting leads and tips, just takes 1 right phone call or tip to lead things full steam ahead

interview over
Bumping this from the other thread to address those here:
Originally Posted by Lavanda Dolce
Only from what I saw the first two days when they were out in the fields. They had dogs with them. now if they were tracking dogs or cadaver dogs...I do not know. I have a SAR friend who is going to come on perhaps later tonight or tomorrow to address dogs and scents.
I have been asked if the baby can be trailed if taken out of their house and if hypothetically a baby died in a bathtub, could a cadaver dog detect this?

The answers to both of these are YES. To track or trail a human being, obviously the person does not have to be walking or touching the ground (or be close to the ground (thinking bicycle, horse, 4-wheelers, motor vehicles). The smaller body size does produce less area for producing (for example) skin rafts, oils, etc., but they can be trailed even when bundled up in clothing and a blanket.

Yes too for the detection in a bath tub, although there could be more areas of the house too if a child was placed / left in other areas before removal.

To go along with this, I've not trailed a deceased baby from inside a residence out of a house, to a dumpster and beyond, but I have done this for a deceased adult.
"You have nothing to lose - only answers to gain."

Thanks for sharing your information/knowledge.

Did you see the tv show Myth Buster's episode where the tracking dog quickly tracked a man wearing a respirator (to block his exhaled scent) and a sterile, forensic-gathering suit like crime lab technicians wear? You would like this episode. :)

WE NEED TO KEEP the baby "kidnapped" mentality because if we do not....then people will stop looking for that child. People NEED TO LOOK for Baby matter where they live, no matter what state. If baby Lisa was abducted and black marketed, or taken by a deranged woman....SHE IS SOMEWHERE and it could be in your own or poor....doesn't matter. If Lisa was abducted...she is somewhere. KEEP LOOKING.
Did mom fail poly?

We won't answer that

will dad take poly?

It's fair to assume that detectives know what they want to do

You can't answer that. Remember...the police TOLD the mom she failed. That may have been a tactic. The mom is the one that said she failed....NOT the police. Fact is, in many cases the police indeed speak out and say someone failed...they have refused to say in this case. I believe it is possible she did not fail and they used that , out of frustration, hoping to get a breakdown and confession. They didn't get one. (a confession) So innocent until proven otherwise. Keep the hope. Keep the prayers that mom is telling the truth. That means Baby Lisa has a good chance to be alive and well somewhere.
Nothing is too far fetched. There are thousands of possibilities. I only hope PD finds the truth and finds Baby Lisa. It is somewhat bothersome that they are out there checking the garage and behind the house and neighbors yard...7 days later. Shouldn't they have done all that at the onset?
I can personally attest that they have. They are checking everything again and again around here. Maybe this plays on the media getting served to hand over all raw video. Maybe something has changed like something that is there now that wasn't or isn't there now that was. Maybe now they are looking for something specific that they weren't aware of before. Dunno.
Well! These are very interesting developments.

What do you want to bet that JI & DB's 'cooperation' ended when confronted with this sales receipt and surveillance video? IMO, this is the type of information LE would hold back when questioning and give them (JI & DB) every chance to tell about it before confronting them with it.

What were JI's words when he decided to leave the interviews? I cannot remember, but it sounded as if he had had enough, IIRC. DB stated that she remained at the station and continued to answer questions.

Fairly early on I'd gotten the impression that DB knew something or just was not being honest about something. I feel her tears were true grief with a big dose of guilt mixed in there. I am not thinking that JI is involved in Baby Lisa's disappearance at all. This was either a horrible accident or overdose with Baby Lisa, IMO, OR it could have been done for $$$$$. Whatever 'it' is, it is something DB knows about in my opinion. I honestly believe that DB had a young man help her.

Sorry, but that is what I think, folks. DB's tears are real, but there is more there than grief.

This just needs to end and with Baby Lisa being located. I still have a shred of hope she is still alive. If there was an overdose or an accident, she still needs to be located and for the person(s) who are guilty to be prosecuted.

I do not post often anymore because I mostly just read. I very much appreciate all of the posts and links here.

May today be the day Baby Lisa is located! GB her precious heart!

One can only hope that Lisa is alive and well hidden somewhere. The other alternative is one that has been in the news for the last three years. We learned from that experience that if you hide the body long enough the cause of death is very difficult to determine........
Precious Lisa is who this is all about. Keep praying for her. Keep her in your heart. Tell people to keep looking.

Please, please, please not matter who knows tell LE. Bring her home!
I was having trouble keeping up with this thread, now there are 2 more.
I'm new to this so I'm not sure of the rules - I think there was something about no fcebooking but ..... there is someone on the 'Baby Lisa Irwin updates' page who claims to be a relative and seems to be implying that it's mom........ am I allowed to explain?
Okay...the wacko's have surfaced.
[ame=""]lisa Irwin, 10 month baby missing from her home, live video footage, - YouTube[/ame]

*warning graphic* towards the end.

ETA I can hear the Whiskey, tango, foxtrot's now.
Top of the hour, FOX news will have the Lisa Irwin story, will be talking about the possible arrest of the mother (if that is true) and talk with a member of the police force and why this is happening.. Just in case no one has the TV on so you know. Maybe we can get some answers to some of these questions when they interview the police.
I cannot find anyplace where it says the mother was seen with another man that night. I am am scrolling back in this forum but if anyone has the link can they post it. I just saw the sister of the mother, (God help me with names this morning please) say they are preparing for the mother to be arrested.. This is making me sick because this obviously means poor little Lisa has passed away.

This is the link about the mom seen with another man.,0,3702048.story
I'm new to this so I'm not sure of the rules - I think there was something about no fcebooking but ..... there is someone on the 'Baby Lisa Irwin updates' page who claims to be a relative and seems to be implying that it's mom........ am I allowed to explain?

Can someone let me know if I can post what has been said?
Guys just a reminder. We have a forum now. Things are divided out into subjects.

Here is your link to the new forum. More than one thread now. If you bookmark it and use it as your point of entry you will see all the topics.

[ame=""]Lisa Irwin Missing! - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Ashley Irwin, Jeremy Irwin's sister and baby Lisa's aunt has given interviews to ABC saying the family feels Deborah is about to be railroaded and arrested by LE. Ashley is being referred to as the family's "spokesperson".

Does anyone else feel that ever since Ashley came into the picture (Thursday, the day parents purportedly stopped cooperating) she has been driving a wedge between LE and the Irwin's?

I can't help but see her as driving this train and I am not sure of her motivations in all this. It just seems to me that since her arrival on the scene, this thing has spiralled quickly out of control.

Am I the only one who feels this way?
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