MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #6

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Such a small thing but I thought it was really interesting that the father says the front door was unlocked when he got home. How would he know this? Most people coming home at that time of night wouldn't just try the door handle to see if it was open, especially if it's normally locked. And if you put your key in the door, could you say with absolute certainty that the lock hadn't turned over?

Again, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this, and maybe the door was slightly opened (though I only heard "unlocked").

Wow, good point. I would just put my key in the door without thinking about it and would assume that I did something wrong if the door didn't open up. Hmmmmm
Such a small thing but I thought it was really interesting that the father says the front door was unlocked when he got home. How would he know this? Most people coming home at that time of night wouldn't just try the door handle to see if it was open, especially if it's normally locked. And if you put your key in the door, could you say with absolute certainty that the lock hadn't turned over?

Again, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this, and maybe the door was slightly opened (though I only heard "unlocked").

Welcome to WS and thanks for joining in on the discussion. I can tell by the way my key turns in my deadbolt if the door was locked or not. JI has lived in the house since about 2002 and probably has a good feel for the front door lock.

My comments on the locks: If you buy a house change the locks = one of the first things you do. If you have lent out a key to anybody, change the locks after you get the key back. Maybe I am anal but I have 3 kids to protect.

Welcome once again.
Even so...nine, really? If my child went missing from her crib and I was asked to compile a list of anyone who might know or have something to do with my child being missing? I'd be at a loss to even come up with one name...but, that's just me, I guess.

Well, it depends on how broadly the question was phrased. It's been reported as persons who may have something to do with the child being missing. It's more likely that LE has asked: who has been around your house recently? has anyone shown an interest in Lisa specifically? have you had any fights with anyone recently? has anyone changed in behavior recently? In cases like these, it can be the postman, the lady in line at the grocery who followed you home, or even someone in your family who's had a mental break. You may not think they would kidnap your child, but that's for LE to determine, and why LE will ask more broad questions, to find a list of people to investigate. This doesn't make these people suspects, nor do the parents have to believe that these people could have harmed Lisa - they've simply been flagged for review, which is standard procedure in these types of things.
Such a small thing but I thought it was really interesting that the father says the front door was unlocked when he got home. How would he know this? Most people coming home at that time of night wouldn't just try the door handle to see if it was open, especially if it's normally locked. And if you put your key in the door, could you say with absolute certainty that the lock hadn't turned over?

Again, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this, and maybe the door was slightly opened (though I only heard "unlocked").

Welcome to Websleuths!

Can't figure why one would take it but I have Time Warner cable and have a cable box. It's necessary for us to get more channels than just the basic cbs, nbc, abc. I suppose there is value to it if one were to sell it, but you would still need service thru cable company so maybe not.

Not at all clear to me why one would take it, Matou.

BBM Oh, and the extra time it would take to unscrew the cable would make it so unworth the trouble. It takes a long time, and very tiny fingers to accomplish that easily. :floorlaugh: IMO
Lights on in the house is not really bothering me, (in the event of a stranger abduction, it would be hard to navigate an unknown home in the dark to find a baby) other than to say unless the abductor was wearing gloves, there should definitely be some prints on the light switch. Whether or not the prints would be viable, would be a different story.

I've left my front door unlocked before, thinking that my husband has locked it. Now we usually ask each other "Did you lock the door?" or the person who takes the dog out last thing before bed, locks it up.

The thing I don't get is how the parents know that the abductor took the phones to prevent them from calling 911. The parents would have to assume that the abductor(s) knew they had no other means to call. I assume they have neighbors, it's not like they live in the middle of nowhere.

I hope they are innocent. I really, honestly do. I hope some mentally deficient person took Lisa because they wanted a baby, but it's not looking good.

My main question right now is when was the last time Lisa was seen by anyone other than the parents and the kids?
Such a small thing but I thought it was really interesting that the father says the front door was unlocked when he got home. How would he know this? Most people coming home at that time of night wouldn't just try the door handle to see if it was open, especially if it's normally locked. And if you put your key in the door, could you say with absolute certainty that the lock hadn't turned over?

Again, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this, and maybe the door was slightly opened (though I only heard "unlocked").


yes, i can tell if my door was unlocked when i use the key
Welcome to WS and thanks for joining in on the discussion. I can tell by the way my key turns in my deadbolt if the door was locked or not. JI has lived in the house since about 2002 and probably has a good feel for the front door lock.

My comments on the locks: If you buy a house change the locks = one of the first things you do. If you have lent out a key to anybody, change the locks after you get the key back. Maybe I am anal but I have 3 kids to protect.

Welcome once again.

Also do not throw way the box you got the new lock in into the trash, it has the key code on it and can be remade any hardware store...
Yeah, that happens there too, but there is just getting to be too many 'convenient' things happening for this to happen. Waaaaay too many..

Still not completely convinced of parental involvement, but in no way was this a random act IMO.

MOO is that it was somebody familiar with the surroundings: house/light switches/where the bedrooms were/any outside hidden keys or actually had a key.

I do not believe the parents were involved .... all MOO.
From KMBC's Mike Mahoney: A relative of Jeremy Irwin and Deb Bradley, the parents of the missing Kansas City baby, say they are hoping a tip from California pays off. Mike Lerette told KMBC's Micheal Mahoney the FBI may be looking at some surveillance video shown a couple in California with a very young child. He would not elaborate.

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Welcome to Websleuths!

Hello adama, and welcome to WS.

Thank you for the welcoming. Just discovered this site and very interesting to read all of the thoughtful theories and speculation about these unsolved crimes.
Re: The missing dog. Alfred Hitchcock fans will recall the scene in Rear Window where the little terrier is found dead - his neck broken. Lisa Fremont (Grace Kelly) says, "Why would anyone want to kill a little dog? Because it knew too much?"

Did the "missing dog" know too much? Perhaps the dog barked loudly at whoever took baby Lisa and had to be removed from the scene. Just noodling...
Welcome to WS and thanks for joining in on the discussion. I can tell by the way my key turns in my deadbolt if the door was locked or not. JI has lived in the house since about 2002 and probably has a good feel for the front door lock.

My comments on the locks: If you buy a house change the locks = one of the first things you do. If you have lent out a key to anybody, change the locks after you get the key back. Maybe I am anal but I have 3 kids to protect.

Welcome once again.

I looked after my sister's kids for 2 weeks and the last thing I did every night was check the doors were locked - always. Sounds to me like they were left unlocked on purpose, maybe to throw the husband off? Another bizarre case.
Hard to keep up with the thread so I dont know if this has been mentioned but fox is reporting that a call was made from one of the cell phones that night at 2:30am...

First sign of a lie. Mom says she went to bed at 10:30 pm. She doesn't mention that at 2:30 am she was up making phone calls.

You would think that with a daughter 'missing' and police asking questions and accusing that she would be saying "talk to so and so" I talked to them in the middle of the night. If she was innocent.
This has been discussed a lot on the previous threads - posters seem to be split. Some seem to find it hinky, as you did. Others pointed out that they weren't necessarily naming suspects, but anyone who could have come in contact, showed interest in Lisa, behaved oddly, might have a grudge against the family, etc.

I think if my child was missing I would name any and everybody I could possibly bring to mind even my dog....there just could be no limit to where their minds are going when asked these questions especially with the little baby gone,IMO.
Such a small thing but I thought it was really interesting that the father says the front door was unlocked when he got home. How would he know this? Most people coming home at that time of night wouldn't just try the door handle to see if it was open, especially if it's normally locked. And if you put your key in the door, could you say with absolute certainty that the lock hadn't turned over?

Again, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this, and maybe the door was slightly opened (though I only heard "unlocked").


Welcome !
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