MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #8

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I keep imagining this playful kitten not sleeping the whole night, and maybe even the son being woke up by this new kitten in the bed. I just wonder why the new stray kitten was allowed to sleep in the parent's bed to begin with and if it means anything that it was mentioned as part to the story.

Lisa looks very well taken care of and clean in all the pics. She looks like a happy baby. Time is of the essence and the parents shouldn't consider having anymore rest days until this baby is found.

I think the kitten is like kids, no two alike. I found one and it slept all night long with me, lol. One of my granddaughters is the most mellow child I have ever seen and is still happy and mellow even when sick. I seen a few post that suggested Lisa would probably be cranky and crying and most likely awake if picked up by a stranger, but I couldn't respond at that time. I have my littlest GD and boy, I had forgotten how much work this is, lol.

I really hope there are searches going on, I just can't believe there isn't! What if the LE in Senath had just decided it was the parents and stopped looking. This is just so sad, this baby is missing and reguardless of anyones theory they should be looking for her.
Yes, I agree. Why are police not searching? 'Tis their job, after all, not that of the victims. (I'll take your word on the link - I've looked up so many today I'm not going to put anyone else through it, lol.)

I have no idea in what state I would be were my child to have been kidnapped, and myself subjected to countless hours of grilling. Unlike many, it seems, I was not born with the capacity to walk directly in the shoes of another, though I was given the capacity to understand that human reactions to situations do differ.
Something else to cross-stitch and hang over my desk.:rocker:
About the days of rest. Is it possible that some in the family knows more than others? And that maybe the unknowing ones were getting suspicious? And that maybe these two days are to try to get clear on what happened and to try to decide how to handle it?

I'm just wondering of course. But it would go along with some of the latest rumors.
They did NOT search briefly! They combed that thing like I have never seen a wooded area combed - multiple times. They went by foot, atv and had dogs - all multiple times. Unless somebody put something up there AFTER they searched, I would say there is nothing there concerning this case. I did hear of some 'interesting' things that they did find though! (obviously not related to this case)

THANK YOU for this post and all your posts; it helps to have input from someone who lives in the neighborhood.
Just some thoughts here.....a possible theory....pure speculation and I'm not saying this is what happened, but it sure would make sense to me.

Let's say the 2:30 am phone call did take place and that the call wasn't made by the teen but was a call to the teen. Maybe Mom called the teen asking her to come watch the boys because she had to run out on an emergency with Lisa. Maybe the teen never saw Lisa directly except for maybe being wrapped in a blanket, mom also takes the phones. So the teen goes over and watches the boys while mom is gone. Mom comes home, all the lights are on because it's the middle of the night and the teen has turned the lights on because that's what teens do when they babysit late at night. When the teen leaves, she leaves out the front door. Mom goes in to check on her son who is sleeping in her bed, he stirs so she lays down with him to try to get him back to sleep. Meanwhile, time passes and the lights are still on in the house when Dad comes home.

Maybe the teen didn't come forward when the story broke lose because (s)he was scared - I certainly would be. Maybe the police traced the phone call to the teen and went to question the teen who told her story. DNA samples would be taken from the teen in this situation, not just to back up the teens story but to clear the teen. If this is the case, this teen is a direct witness and needs to be protected. This teen would also be an unwilling/unknowing accessory to the crime. That would be a very scary place for any teen to be in.

Again, this is just a possibility to explain the phone situation and the alleged teen that was allegedly reported to be in the family's home the same day that Lisa disappeared.

Extremely doubtful. If the teen was called at 2:30 am , she or her parent's would certainly have told the police that she was there at that time.
CliffJudy Cliff Judy
Shirts #LisaIrwin's family had made. Lisa's aunt didn't make it to KS Speedway w/fliers like she hoped, but is going tom
1 hour ago

Let me guess. They're selling the shirts. But of course, you can't sell flyers.

This was what I was responding to when I asked about what the extended family was doing. I just can't imagine what was so important today that you couldn't pass out fliers of your missing 10 mo old niece. But that's just my interpretation of it and I could be wrong.

Not to get into the t-shirt debate but IF the family should have t-shirts made, in the other cases I'm familiar with, the shirts were sold not given away. I have no idea what the plan is in this case however.

I'm remembering what went on yesterday with LE meetings. Fam says Jeremy is with LE. Reporter calls SY who say they aren't there. Turns out Jeremy is supposedly with the Feds. It seems misinterpretation is causing alot of confusion. Like when fam said "they" took the 3 phones. The media reported it as LE when the fam was referring to the perp.
I didn't say I thought they should call in Dr. Murray, but a mild sedative, which is usually given, would at least bring her hysteria down a notch.

BBM: Who takes a "rest" day when every second counts when your baby has been kidnapped?? No one finds this odd but me?? One thing I know for sure, if my baby were kidnapped, I would be doing every possible thing I could to find her and I would quit when I passed out from exhaustion. NO ONE could convince me to sit still. It's hard to even imagine the terror.

I hear ya and even if one rests and the spouse is active. Active is some way :banghead:
If it was me (and I don't even have kids of my own) I wouldn't care who owned what I would search everywhere and if someone had a problem they would just have to call the police. If people who own land know a child is missing then I'm sure they would not mind searchers looking for said child.

There is something really wrong with these two parents to say they are going to take a family day off tomorrow. Who is Lisa??? She is their family and they need to find her.

People can defend the parent(s) all they want but I'm starting to think the Mom did something to that child.


And if you trespass private property and get arrested, say one hour into your search, that's going to what way?
I think the kitten is like kids, no two alike.

I SO agree! When I got my Woody, he was a pain in the a$$ on his first night! Crying and Wimpering and being generally pathetic! And when I got my Lola, she was the complete opposite... utterly mellow, and slept all night on the end of the bed! (Much to Woody's displeasure!)
..cousin states here flyers have been printed.

Mike LeRette, Bradley’s cousin and a spokesman for the family, could not immediately be reached for comment on the interview request. Earlier Saturday, however, he told The Kansas City Star that family members had planned to scale back their media interviews for the time being and focus on generating tips for police.

LeRette said lawyers are now working with the family to set up a trust fund that would accept donations for a reward fund.

In addition to the trust fund, the family hopes to focus this weekend on getting flyers and photographs of Lisa into the hands of anyone who may have seen either her or her abductor.

He said up to 8,000 flyers a day have been printed since Tuesday. Some have gone to truck stops so drivers can pick them up for distribution far and wide.
Yeah somehow I have a feeling that the conversation went something like this "We have looked at every name you have given us and found nothing. And we have looked at every window and door in your home and cannot find anything to indicate they have been tampered with. We have nothing to indicate that any one was in your home that night other than you or someone you let in."

But then, DB admitted to not locking the door. Right there it means there would be no proof of a break-in. The stolen phones are suppose to be the proof it was somebody outside the family, but the phones are also the most hinky part, IMO.
Wait. What party?

Thanks to all posters who have brought this party to my (our?) attention! First I heard of a party in the neighborhood -- on a Monday evening? Looking forward to getting more info on this event. . . .TIA.
Imagine what your heart, head and chest would feel like after about 48 hours and intensive questioning, light bulbs flashing, children at home sobbing, media reporters calling, friends and family calling, public making speculations on blogs, your missing child's face all over the tv set, knowing someone entered your home, wondering who took your child, wondering if she is ill-hungry-afraid, not getting a required proper sleep for the brain and body to function and think properly, continual crying....when you add all that should be clear to anyone posting that "they would be searching every second' ...that at some point the body must have rest/sleep and that certainly judging what one would do "in that position" is much easier to say than to actually live the nightmare. I don't know if Baby Lisa was this point all I can do is pray that is the case and that she will be located safely.
I think I would call Tim Miller.....and America's Most Wanted, instead of appearing on Nightline with nothing new to say that hadn't been said on all the news outlets for 7 days. If I were afraid of LE, I'd call Jose Baez or Lin Wood. So odd they haven't gotten an attorney - and TES is normally always called....although he did file a suit against the Anthony's for wasting the money that was needed for legitimate searches.

Of course this is hard on them, but as a parent, you do what you have to do, and then you rest.
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