MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #9

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My daughter works for an aviation company, and her shift ends at 3:30am
In regards to the dog barking, one of my dogs knows every person that belongs in the neighborhood. If a neighbor has company, he will bark. As long as it's people that belong there, not a peep.
Momma picks up neighbours' cat thinking it's a stray...........
Neighbour sees kit-napping and seeks revenge ........
Neighbour sneaks in, turns on all lights trying to find the baby....

Nope not working for me, off to plot plan B
In this case, especially, I think the media is trying to be the first to get any information, and not necessarily validating any of the information first. Look back a couple of days, and some of the information presented as fact wasn't necessarily true. Not saying she didn't fail, but the police lie during interrogations all the time. And "anonymous police sources" have been known to release "facts" that later turn out to be misleading or even outright lies.

So far, I haven't seen any "facts" released by unnamed sources that have proved to be lies. The media has to continue working with LE and they aren't going to do anything to upset LE.

I agree that LE do lie but I doubt they lied to the Mom if they accused her of being involved days before giving her a poly.

Has LE spoken with the kids? I wonder if one of them heard something, got up and turned on the lights? Mine do that just about every night.

In one of the very early press conferences, I remember LE stating that they had spoke with Lisa's brothers, and parents.
I do not believe that the dog wouldn't have barked. Maybe it wouldn't have attacked, but I think even a docile lab would bark to alert about an intruder in the middle of the night. I think it would be likely for the dog to bark even if it knew the intruder, if surprised in the middle of the night. JMO, being a dog person....

Not our lab. :floorlaugh:
I thought the reporter said that at 10pm they'd be looking into Jeremy's past, implying that his past is also "checkered." I particularly remember that comment because at the time I heard it, I thought, "Of course, they're stretching out the information they have, to get people to watch again at 10 pm in order to stay on top of the story."


Ok, I listened again.

He says they will talk about what they learned from Jeremy's ex later on at 10, then he says that right now they know about Debbie Bradley's somewhat checkered past in terms of at least her family life and her husband.
I would've said the same thing until my lab adopted us. I swear on my life, she would love Casey Anthony and Jeffery Dahmer.

I hear you. I've had one I'd say that about too. But I'm not so sure about being surprised in the middle of the night. That's the variable that keeps stopping me. What do you think? Still no bark?
I do not believe that the dog wouldn't have barked. Maybe it wouldn't have attacked, but I think even a docile lab would bark to alert about an intruder in the middle of the night. I think it would be likely for the dog to bark even if it knew the intruder, if surprised in the middle of the night. JMO, being a dog person....

Retired NYPD DET on the show said its suspicious that dog didn’t bark due to window screen pushed in and the commotion that would have made
I do not believe that the dog wouldn't have barked. Maybe it wouldn't have attacked, but I think even a docile lab would bark to alert about an intruder in the middle of the night. I think it would be likely for the dog to bark even if it knew the intruder, if surprised in the middle of the night. JMO, being a dog person....

We have a terrier mix we got from the shelter. We had the dog for over 2 years before she barked the lst time, and then it was because my brother's dog was barking. We've had her for almost 7 years now and she still doesn't bark often. We did adopt another dog from the shelter and she barks enough for both of them, so there's no problem with being alerted when the neighbor across the street sneezes.

I am, as a rule, a fairly light sleeper. However, there have been times when my hubby has come home from work in the middle of the night and I had no idea anybody was around. Even the dog didn't bark until he was over halfway down the hall. I didn't hear the truck, the door, nothing.

I too have thought several times that the mother ran and jumped in the bed when the dad came home.

I have another theory wandering around in my head. HER son was in the bed with her. Possibly he had a bad dream or whatever. He's a kid. That happens. However, I wonder if perhaps TWO children were supposed to disappear that night and Dad came home earlier than expected? I know that's out there, but hubs told me the other day that I think of things he would never ever think of.

Just sharing my thoughts.
these cases lately, I am so glad i have a dog that sounds like he will take a bite out of you if he dont know you. (but, once you been here you could come back and rob me blind and he would do nothing)

its funny I can drive up and the dogs will be snoring way and not even move if somebody strange drives up they are up and barking and trying to go through the window
I have a 13 pound ShihTzu who is exactly the same way.

If this was an intruder who tried to break into the window, it didn't work, lets try the front door, turn on the lights because I can't see what I'm doing, the dog is in the back, however its in the middle of the night, its quiet, any dog would hear something. IMO

Also, sorry if this was mentioned, isn't 4am an odd time to return from the nightshift? Isn't nightshift normally 11pm-7am?

My husband worked a 7 pm to 3:30 am shift for 3 years, so no, it doesn't seem strange to me.
South down I-71 at least 3 hours[could be longer, been awhile since I drove to that area]

2 yr old blue eyed lt brown hair, 3ft 30 lbs. Strange sounds like a little older Lisa

I so wrote blond, that wasn't right.
Where is rolla mo from kc? I just got an amber alert for there.

It is SE of KC. Google map says it is approx. 220 miles./4 hr. drive.
Rolla is where Rowan Ford was abducted, raped and murdered a few years ago but it turned out to be the step-dad and his friend that were responsible.

Do you have a link to the AA info?
I predicted earlier this would be solved by Sunday... after tonight's interview on CNN I am sure of it... Please, justice... don't let me down! I can tell LE knows what " the deal " is....
3. All doors closed. Light on in every room so kidnapper had to open the door to each room to turn on a light. Nobody heard all the doors open. Did he close each door too? If so, nobody heard that either. And the door opening and light going on in the kids' room and in mom's room didn't wake up the 8 yr old or the mom. Might have awakened the 6 yr old and so he went into mom's bed? But he didn't wake up mom and say hey mom, there's a guy carrying the baby and 3 cell phones going around opening the door to each room and turning a light on.

4. I'm losin' it.

Mom was specifically asked whether the door was closed on the room she was in. She stated, and I know I remember this, yes- they closed the door to all the rooms at night. I know for a fact she said that specifically.

Again, I'm trying to put myself in her position. If I was sound asleep I may not notice if someone quietly came in and turned all the lights on. Also, if I had an outside dog, which I have many times, and he/she barked in the night- I wouldn't think anything of it bc they bark at things all the time. When they would bark non stop in the night, I'd get curious/worried and get up to investigate. Sooo, the sounds of the night may have been normal "white noise" to her and not have aroused any suspicion.

That said, I have two dogs- a yorkie and a shih tzu/maltese and they are barking as I type at what I'm sure is a deer or two behind the privacy fence out back. They sleep in my room and when they bark in the night, it wakes me but I wouldn't suspect anything was going on.

Idk, I want to believe the parents. But gosh..
Perhaps LE could re-enact the event to expose all these gaping holes in her story, as she watches the dog bark, etc. Then right there use the best confession getter on the FBI team they have and get the confession.
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