MO MO - Ricky McCormick, 41, St Louis, 30 June 1999

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Let me make a suggestion, let's NOT take facts out of what people on YAHOO have posted. Many of them are full of it, try to make it sound like they know what they're doing, but their info is seriously suspect. If we start trying to take what some of these people CLAIM to be facts from their placebo decoding of the writings, it will muck up our own thought process. Facts are what we can find on paper, in official documentation. Just because some attention needy person is trying to see how many thumbs up they can get on Yahoo it doesn't mean that we should take their circumstantial information as fact and incorporate it into what we have.

Be very careful with taking anyone's "word" on anything. One little detail that is wrong but taken as fact can throw any investigation completely off course.
Have been gathering the Travis serial killer info for the crime map, I stumbled upon another case. Specifically, prior to LE naming Travis the primary suspect for Mary Shields death, LE named Donald E Younge, Jr (who is now serving time for murder in Utah, of all places!). Also, while looking into the Travis murders I was reminded of the Slavemaster, who trolled inet for Vics. In the process, I ran across this Radford University Psych paper on the man (pdf link), that, among other things, mentions an alleged group (they call it a cult): International Council of Masters. While LE appears to think there is some validity wrt said "cult" (sex trafficking by any other name), the "cult" claim could be nothing more than grandiosity on Robinson's part. With the aforementioned in mind, following are excerpts from three articles regarding the St Louis area murders.

Three days later, without being questioned by police again, he was dead - a pillowcase pulled over his head and his hands tied behind his back - in a hanging that Clayton police and the St. Louis County medical examiner agreed was very odd but a suicide nonetheless.


July 31, 2000: The body of Mary Shields, 61, is found in East St. Louis.

Police now believe she may have been Travis' first murder victim.
Full Article: click here

Mary Shields' strangled body was found July 31, 2000, within four blocks of the other four women. She was 61.

For weeks, there wasn't a break in the case.

Police then connected a sadistic sexual assault that happened two weeks before Johnson and House's bodies were found.

Antonina Brummund escaped from her attacker on Dec. 29, 1999, after being beaten and raped after her hands and feet bound with electrical tape.

The front porch of a home at 1955 Central Ave. searched by police in August 2000 overlooked the dump sites where the women's bodies were found.

The home's occupant -- Donald E. Younge Jr. -- became the prime suspect.


Brummund testified before the grand jury as a prosecution witness.


Three weeks before Younge was set to go trial, Brummund's body was found in an abandoned warehouse 15th Street and Bond Avenue in East St. Louis.

Full Article: click here

Misner says he urged Younge to take the deal, but Younge refused. A week or two later, Misner says, he received the evidence from prosecutors that male DNA in Quinton’s apartment was not Younge’s.


In March 2004, Brummond was stabbed to death in an incident unrelated to Younge. Illinois prosecutors immediately dropped the rape charge against him and announced they would no longer seek the death penalty in the triple-murder case.


In February 2009, after Younge had spent nearly seven years in an Illinois jail without a trial, prosecutors there dropped the murder charges against him, citing questions about the honesty of a lab technician and the loss of Brummond.


After an evidentiary hearing, Himonas ruled Dec. 8, 2009, that a “preponderance of the evidence” shows the statute of limitations tolled beginning March 1999, which implies that Younge had left Utah several months before Quinton was murdered.
Full Article: click here

All things considered, imho, the whole thing seems... well... odd. And, any way you look at it, the concentration of BDSM-like murders in the St Louis area certainly raises more questions than have already been raised in this rather odd case. And yes, and fwiw, I do think there is some connection between Ricky McCormick and the above murders. A person without a car ending up dead in a serial killer dumpsite in the middle of nowhere is just ten shades of... well... not exactly coincidental. Just more stuff that makes you go, hmmm... So, again, thank you RiverGuide & Bessie for bringing up the Travis murders.
I just can't imagine a situation where someone would come up with such an elaborate code just to jot down directions between highways.

The FBI being involved doesn't necessarily mean there is some shady interstate conspiracy going on either. It is common for local authorities to request help from the better funded and more experienced state and federal police.
I just can't imagine a situation where someone would come up with such an elaborate code just to jot down directions between highways.

The FBI being involved doesn't necessarily mean there is some shady interstate conspiracy going on either. It is common for local authorities to request help from the better funded and more experienced state and federal police.

I agree. Very few local law enforcement agencies have cryptographers on staff.

It's not uncommon for criminals to keep encoded records -- they don't want anything that the cops or their rivals. Bookies and fences especially are prone to do that. There are rumors RM could have been either, or both. So the fact that he had a couple of sheets of what seems to be gibberish that only he could interpret doesn't strike me as terribly odd, either.
I am having a hard time believing Ricky wrote those notes. How could they have been in his pockets and the body was severely decomposed yet the notes do not look like other documents we have seen from decomposing bodies.
I saw on Missouri Casenet that Ricky was evicted just a day or two before he went missing. I wonder who he was staying with? If other women have been dumped close by maybe he knew too much or something.
Did anyone email Lucibear for the link to the blog with the 'translation.' I'm still curious what they came up with.
That's a pretty good point, Reannan.

I do not think I recall seeing anything about "severe" decomp. In fact the one newspaper article I posted from the day he was found, stated he had been seen Saturday night. But even had it been five days (since he was seen at the hospital) if it had been in a pocket, it may have been protected fine.

I think we need to concentrate on the papers themselves, and not who "may" have written them. For now, I will trust what the newspapers of that time said, that they were found in HIS pockets and were written by him, according to his parents assertion he had been writing in code since age ten, along with the FBI saying they were his.

Regarding the notes: Early on I did what most of us did, Googled a variety of the "words" to see what came up. I followed a track to the Tenet group who was taking over the hospital where RM was in 1999, and found several coded things that could have applied to that. Another person saw a medication list, someone saw it as a gambling/bookie connection, another saw VINs from autos and all sorts of other car abbreviations, and yet another saw the e coli connection. And so it goes.

The one thing we CAN be sure of is that RM was not writing about ALL those things in his notes. Chances are, he was writing about NONE of them.

The one thing I totally discount (for myself) are the coded directions. There would have been little need to code highways and directions to that degree.

I still say the key is how he spent his time and where he hung out. Surely the police and FBI tracked that info when he was killed and I think it is unfortunate they do not share that with us, as THAT would be what he was writing about.

The other thing is to go back to 10-year-old RM. Either he used a key that a kid that age would know, like "Mary had a little lamb," which is highly unlikely as his cipher does not follow any of the pattrerns it then should have, OR it is his own made up code/language. I will stand by the latter.

Once again I point you to the variety of piglatins out there as an example. That is why I, like many others, think we can discount the SE. It does not belong. Concentrate on the letters before the SE. To use the most common form of PL, if I said "Oo-day oo-yay inkthay oo-yay an-cay ead-ray is-thay?" it would be obvious to everyone you can trash the AY on each word. We know how THIS PL works, but I think RM's has the same base with the SE. We just need to then figure out what the letters that are left mean. Are they his phonetic spelling, are THEY code based on something else then, or are they just the first letter of words, and he knows what it means.

I am betting if this is ever broken, it will be a list of stolen cars, addresses of pushers, or something like that. Not even that exciting or mysterious. IMO, it will not even lead to who killed him.

Again, just my two cents worth. Feel free to give me change. ;)
Ok, as you all must be aware, I suck at this, but I am still enthralled by it. Tonight I decided to try something different.

The page marked "NOTES" got me thinking, 'Notes about what?'. Obviously the word "NOTES" is either from a printed notepad/book with that heading or a computer printout of a page with that heading. Either way, whoever wrote this was meticulous enough to take his notes on such a page. The writer then circled each passage to separate the "notes". This was clearly done after the writing of each passage because the lines intersect the characters at points (as well as the fact that the 'circling' conforms to the text).

Now all of that is fairly obvious, but why? Because that is what many of us do when we are on the phone, well, taking notes. The very doodling nature of the circling of the text confirms this for me at least.

Anyhoo, I decided to stop over-thinking this thing and just intuitively reread NOTES, ignoring that which didn't immediately give me an impression. The following is what I got until my brain clogged. I am only sharing it in case it might make something click in your own look at this mystery.


Values [my] mindset, courtesy, wisdom, efforts

Partner(s) (he) wonder(s)[,] would be nice

And would excel [enhance] our companionship and he would start me excellent

Deliver him these 6 things [it would] Be nice [,] except

Man says ten Man are serious

The 6 things?


Just throwing it out there, ladies and gents.
@ SheerLuckHolmes

Last I remember this thing had scared you off. Welcome back.

The men in black never showed up that night and so far the hard drives on all three of my computers are still intact. Guess I am safe. It doesn't mean that the FBI doesn't have remote access to all three computers anyway! I wonder what they will make of me ordering $55 worth of K-cups for my Keurig machine today?
The men in black never showed up that night and so far the hard drives on all three of my computers are still intact. Guess I am safe. It doesn't mean that the FBI doesn't have remote access to all three computers anyway! I wonder what they will make of me ordering $55 worth of K-cups for my Keurig machine today?

I'd imagine they would think you're cheap. But what has this got to do with this code?
Ok ,The name of an lawyer for those charges or similar ones is John Young, He is Billie Dunns lawyer.


I think we should send in a goverment bid proposal to crack the code. We can ride the goverment contract for a while we accomplish nothing and then offer up some weird random inefficient study on the code and not actually solve anything. :innocent:
I just can't imagine a situation where someone would come up with such an elaborate code just to jot down directions between highways.

The FBI being involved doesn't necessarily mean there is some shady interstate conspiracy going on either. It is common for local authorities to request help from the better funded and more experienced state and federal police.
I'm not attacking your post, Bri, but it brings up a couple of thoughts that have been roaming around in my head.

RM didn't devise a code specifically for the notes found on his body. According to one of the investigators, RM's mother said, "her son had written in a secret language since he was a child, but that she had never understood it either."

So as far as we know, any and all personal notes he wrote for his own use were encoded. We shouldn't assume that he used code strictly to be secretive. It could've been nothing more than a quirky habit shared by many. On the other hand, the fact that it has been brought to our attention 12 years after his death says something else.

As for the FBI involvement, I do find it curious. From what we've been told, RM was nobody special. He was poor, uneducated, unemployed, chronically ill, and semi-homeless. In large metropolitan areas, the bodies of men like him are found on a daily basis. Nobody really cares, not even family members, of whom many are actually relieved. And LE certainly doesn't have time to conduct in-depth investigations of their deaths. We've mentioned Maury Travis. The women he killed were so nondescript that he had to send a letter with a map to one of the bodies just to get LE's attention. So what makes RM so special that the FBI was called into the case and has spent years trying to crack his "code". A couple of pages of scribbled gibberish? Nope. Ain't buying it.

I don't know what RM was up to, but common sense tells me that LE suspects he was involved in something of interest to them.
Hi, chemco. I don't know if you saw the posts from a couple of nights ago when RiverGuide made us aware of a serial killer who we later learned was Travis. It was late, and the discussion didn't last long. I was intrigued, though. He didn't send only a map, but a letter, too. There's no mention of it being encrypted, but I can't help thinking that it might've been.

thank you bessie, i had missed them! those links someone had posted were very interesting.
i agree with you on the possibility that travis sent a letter as well that was coded to le along with the map.

it all just makes more sense, than the fbi coming in for a man with a rap sheet who they aren't sure was even murdered who happened to have code in his pocket ;)
Thanks for the pics bessie! I wasn't sure how to post them Actually, I was thinking this guy is familiar with MO and his directions wouldn't necessarily be what someone unfamiliar would need (if that makes sense). Anyway....after the 173 RT (which seems inverted on how most folks would write RT perhaps the 365LE means lake ends and 356 miles or maybe that is 356 miles in total mileage (which could be) until DK (Denmark, WI). Then on to HWY 651. The CUTCTRS might mean cut centers of lake...which is exactly where the road goes if you continue on to HWY651. Then I'm stumped. Anyone know what Canadian mile markers look like? Are they in miles or KM?
Anytime, ME3. I'm not sure I agree with you about Ricky being familiar with Illinois, though. We don't know how far RM had travelled out of the St. Louis area. Believe it or not, I know more than a few people who had never been farther than 30-40 miles outside of New Orleans until Katrina forced them to evancuate. RM didn't have much money, so I doubt he made many road trips. If he were planning a trip 355 miles away from home, I can see him looking at a map and noting key intersections.

I've also wondered if RM was smitten with a woman who lived in northern Illinois, or even Canada. A lady named WLD. ;) He probably didn't have the means to actually make the trip, but he enjoyed daydreaming about it, planning for "one day". LE probably would've figured that out though, and realized his notes were insignificant.

Anyway, I didn't make it as far as Hwy 651 on my own little road trip last night. :) I'm going to dig around there later. I'm curious to see what you mean by "cut centers" of the lake. BTW, Canadian highways are measured in kilometers.
The men in black never showed up that night and so far the hard drives on all three of my computers are still intact. Guess I am safe. It doesn't mean that the FBI doesn't have remote access to all three computers anyway! I wonder what they will make of me ordering $55 worth of K-cups for my Keurig machine today?

i'm really confused here... why would the feds come to your house? what is a keurig machine? :confused:

what are k-cups? is that for coffee for the feds?... :confused:
I have been thinking about what kind of 'secret code' Ricky could have learned about as a child that originally spurred his interest. Morse code came to my mind, so I went back and looked at the cypher pages again. There is no punctuation in the text except for some dashes, and a single apostrophe. Maybe the letters "SE" was Ricky's substitution for the "dots" in Morse code, and the other letters were simply placed there to seperate the "dots" from the "dashes". Does anyone know Morse code? Here is the "NOTES" page with all of the "SE" letters removed and a "dot" placed where they were:

(SAE6N. . NMB.)

And here is each line with just the 'dots' and 'dashes':



My mom was a legal secretary and used Gregg shorthand, but developed shortcuts to it to improve her speed, then worked into her own special code to write notes for herself that nobody else could read. I studied standard Gregg and couldn't read anything she wrote. She enjoyed that and wanted it that way. As I wrote a quick note about our taxes this afternoon, 4k fr ag edw txs-- I thought about how hard it would be for someone to figure out without context, if I made a page of notes for errands on Monday like this and shifted the code, made the spaces between letters less obvious and used the tilde after the w.

I'm still thinking a lot about the crossouts, subtle variations and there are some Ts that look like plus signs and that sort of thing very well could be part of his notation or added almost absent-mindedly if he had used this code for twenty or thirty years.

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