MO MO - St Louis, BlkFem 8-11, 54UFMO, in abandoned bldg, Feb'83 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
This case absolutely haunts me. I have nothing of investigative value to add to this thread, but I think of this Doe all the time; she comes into my mind frequently, and I find myself searching for updates on her case on a regular basis. It bothers me deeply that this precious girl was harmed and murdered the way she was, and that her identity remains a mystery. She deserves justice and she deserves for name to be known. I just wanted to send a reminder out into the world that she is not forgotten. You are loved and you matter. The vile scum who tried to erase from this world failed. What was done to you is not the sum of your existence. You are a light which shines brightly upon the Earth, and an endless army of people are devoted to bringing your name back to you and making sure your killer is made to account for his despicable crime. Sending love and hope to this Doe. We will never stop fighting for you.
Would someone please post the current list of NamUS rule outs for SLJD?

Would I need to be a registered user on NamUs in order to find the list for myself? I have tinkered around on their site quite a bit, but I often get lost & give up.:confused: I’m far from tech savvy, though, and sometimes I wonder if people using laptops or desktop computers are able to access areas that I am unable to on my phone.
Thanks :)
Pamela Mayfield, 5, & Her Brother Michael, 6, Were Seen In A Car Another possibility not on the exclusion list. I am fairly new here but can someone suggest how we can submit or suggest it be looked into or do I have to contact each PD covering the individual cases?
Pam disappeared 2 years after jane doe died

Possible,but theres an 8 year period she would be unaccounted for.

Thoughts on Kelly Juanita Staples Disappeared on Her Way To School In 1980 ? I do not see her on the exclusion list....
Shes been mentioned in here before
Pam disappeared 2 years after jane doe died

Possible,but theres an 8 year period she would be unaccounted for.

Shes been mentioned in here before
you’re right i should have caught the date on Pam.

the other 2 still have me questioning….
Quite possible. But then I just wonder what all of her relatives think happened to her.
I always believed this child died by the hand of a family member. It's possible that at least one of the parents was a foreigner and the local parent just told the relatives that the girl is abroad with her father/mother. Or maybe no explanations were necessary, because the parents were estranged from their respective families and relatives. Speculation.
with all that said how or where ca i ask if Kelly or Consuela have been considered?

Scroll back to post #282 on this thread. That post has some of the known exclusions.

If it's not listed and you feel strongly about submitting a match, I think people usually submit a possible match one of two ways. 1) Submit a form through the Doe Network website for the case (I don't know anything about this process except that it's possible) or
2 On the NamUs profile, click on the speech-bubbles icon at the bottom and it will show you who is in charge of the case. You can email or call them. Have everything ready to include in your request, including all of their NamUs case numbers, and briefly explain why you think think the match should be considered.
I always believed this child died by the hand of a family member. It's possible that at least one of the parents was a foreigner and the local parent just told the relatives that the girl is abroad with her father/mother. Or maybe no explanations were necessary, because the parents were estranged from their respective families and relatives. Speculation.

imho, parent from another state would work just fine, not to be OT but Dad won custody of this little girl, Mom paid child support for years after her death in his care:

Mom thought her beloved daughter had a better life with Dad & stepmom. :(
IMO, that's why this little girl could have been slow down identification (I think it's close to home too!) If this is the case, she most likely was not reported missing.
I want this girl ID so badly!
MrsShakur...glad to have extra eyes on this little girl's thread.
Have you checked on NamUs by any chance? They have a rule out list.ya have wbu

MrsShakur...glad to have extra eyes on this little girl's thread.
Have you checked on NamUs by any chance? They have a rule out list.
yes and neither Kelly or Consuela were on the exclusion list. i know it’s a long shot but I’m willing to try
Scroll back to post #282 on this thread. That post has some of the known exclusions.

If it's not listed and you feel strongly about submitting a match, I think people usually submit a possible match one of two ways. 1) Submit a form through the Doe Network website for the case (I don't know anything about this process except that it's possible) or
2 On the NamUs profile, click on the speech-bubbles icon at the bottom and it will show you who is in charge of the case. You can email or call them. Have everything ready to include in your request, including all of their NamUs case numbers, and briefly explain why you think think the match should be considered.
THANK YOU!!! #282 is the exclusion list I was working off of so i’ll see what comes of NamUs. i appreciate your help.
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