Monkees star Davy Jones dies aged 66

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Rest in peace Davy.
Another first crush here too. I adored Davy as many young girls did.
He is part of our childhood, an icon in his own right. We grew up on
him and all of us fell in love with him and his voice. We had his posters
on our walls and his music in our hearts.

Davy, you were a part of us.
You are our childhoods.

We will miss you
Dear Davy, We are DayDream Believers.

Rest in Peace

[ame=""]The Monkees "DayDream Believer" - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=""]CNN: Micky Dolenz Remembers Davy Jones (Dead Today at 66) to Piers Morgan - YouTube[/ame]
Oh no, this is so sad!!! He was much too young!!!

I hope David Cassidy and Bobby Sherman are taking care of themselves right now! :(

Oh my goodness, I guess this means I am old! As a kid my walls were covered with Davy Jones and Bobby Sherman. A couple of years later, I added David Cassidy. This is so sad. Does 16 magazine still exist?
David Cassidy lives very close to me. I see him every once in a while in a little store I go to that carries the racing forms. David is big into horses as well, so I'm thinking that had to have been friends.

Last night on our local news they were saying that Davy and David were set to perform together at a casino in Miami next month.
One more nice video I have to share - I hadn't heard this song since I was a little girl the same age as Marcia Brady, and the video is a really nice tribute.

ETA: And while it is sad to lose someone so "young," it's nice when the whole world can agree that someone was a positive force, whose music and presence cheered us up in a more innocent world.

I remember when the answers seemed so clear
We had never lived with doubt or tasted fear.
It was easy then to tell truth from lies
Selling out from compromise
Who to love and who to hate,
The foolish from the wise.

But today there is no day or night
Today there is no dark or light.
Today there is no black or white,
Only shades of gray.

[ame=""]Shades of Davy - A Tribute to Davy Jones (1945-2012) - YouTube[/ame]
Oh no, this is so sad!!! He was much too young!!!

I hope David Cassidy and Bobby Sherman are taking care of themselves right now! :(

Oh my goodness, I guess this means I am old! As a kid my walls were covered with Davy Jones and Bobby Sherman. A couple of years later, I added David Cassidy. This is so sad. Does 16 magazine still exist?
David Cassidy and Bobby Sherman were my heartthrobs. For my friends, they covered their walls in Donny Osmond posters.
I think 16 has been replaced with new ones- J-14, and Twist. J-14 is too mature for my 10-year-old. Trying to keep her away from it!
We should have a poll of our top favorite Monkees/Davy songs. My top 4 Monkees songs in order: 1) I'm a Believer (or in my Lab's case- I'm a Retriever!) 2) Last Train to Clarksville 3) Pleasant Valley Sunday 4) The Monkees Theme Song.
Lovely, sweet songs for young teens, without being what I would term insipid.
My big brother sent me a text yesterday with condolensces. He remembers how much I loved Davy Jones because he remembers how badly he teased me about it and teased me about watching the Monkees. Big brothes are so precious right?
We should have a poll of our top favorite Monkees/Davy songs. My top 4 Monkees songs in order: 1) I'm a Believer (or in my Lab's case- I'm a Retriever!) 2) Last Train to Clarksville 3) Pleasant Valley Sunday 4) The Monkees Theme Song.

I gonna buy me a dog
A Little Bit me a Little Bit You
I want to be free
[ame=""]Biography: The Monkees - Davy Jones - YouTube[/ame]
I was a Nesmith girl, and still am a fan of his work from over the years... (always loved that goofy green wool cap of his). The excerpt that I saw of Mike's words for Davy's passing, I found to be very eloquent.

Not sure if this video has been posted, yet, but this is the screen tests for The Monkees... Davey was downright precious. :)

[ame=""]Monkees Screen Tests - YouTube[/ame]
I remember when I lived in L.A. in the late 70's, early 80's. I used to listen to KROQ and every day at lunch they played Monkee's Lunch. They played all Monkee songs for an hour. This was a station that played mainly punk type music, Elvis Costello, the Pretenders, Nick Lowe, people that other stations weren't playing. The Monkees had become cool again.
My mum cried when she heard this, he was her childhood crush growing up. Thanks to that my sister and I grew up listening to The Monkees and watching them, we know every word to every song even as grown ups we can sing them.

My heart goes out to his family, and I’d like to say thank you for bringing so much joy into my mothers dark childhood.
If you get it the Biography channel at 5PST tonight is doing a show on the Monkees . And than a 6 PST doing Davy Bio.
Davy was my first crush too! I'll never forget sitting there in front of my little record player when I was six years old listening to the Monkee's Headquarters & More of the Monkees albums. I can still see the pictures of Davy that I taped up all over my room.

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