Montreal;Quebec Jan, 2014 Businessman and son claim to see UFO flying over Montreal

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"SAINT-ADOLPHE-D'HOWARD, QUE. - A Quebec family has been seeing strange lights in the sky for three years, and QMI Agency also observed the phenomenon this month.

At 6 p.m. on Jan. 9, a QMI reporter saw six moving lights over a wooded area in the Laurentians region an hour northeast of Montreal.

The objects appeared at the horizon and tracked across the sky, one after another, less than a minute apart.

They came from the west and moved eastward in total silence.

The objects left a trail of flashing red and white lights behind them. One had an array of flashing white lights, in a triangular shape, travelling below it.

At one point one of the flashing red and white lights transformed into a huge white ball before returning to its "normal" appearance and continuing on its way.

QMI observed 10 mysterious objects in less than 45 minutes".

"The light show happened not far from the home of local businessman Benoit Meilleur, who recalls spotting the light display for the first time in 2011.

He says he doesn't believe in aliens and insisted QMI record the phenomenon before he agreed to have his interview published.

The businessman says he was returning home one night when he saw a triangular object moving very slowly near his house.

"At first I thought it was a plane," he said. "It was so low and so slow that I could have hit it with a golf ball."

The object came to rest on the edge of the road and Meilleur managed to snap a picture with his cellphone. Then he called the Canadian Armed Forces".
Random thought..

If spy planes truly wanted to be incognito, they would be designed to look like ' alien spacecraft" so that no one would believe the observer, and any pics or video, would be deemed fakes! jmo. lol.

"A recurring light or lights in the night sky is usually attributable to a star or planet (if stationary) or to aircraft activity," Rutkowski said in an email. "Given the large volume of air traffic in and around Montreal/Mirabel/Trudeau, it is reasonable to think that an aircraft is responsible."

He points out that Canadians report seeing thousands of strange things in the sky every year, most end up being ordinary objects though a tiny percentage remain a mystery.

There's also a possibility someone was flying a drone over the Laurentians without permission, an aviation specialist says.

Mark Moffatt, of Unmanned Aerial Systems Canada in Alma, Que., told QMI Agency that drones can move erratically or remain stationary.

He says such movements fit witness descriptions of the strange lights over the Laurentians"
I think some of it was drones. The one description of the flashing white lights 'below' the flying object sounds like a normal plane to me.

" A video recorded by accident of ball lightning in China is now shedding light on the phenomenon's mysterious origins, researchers say.

Ball lightning occurs as glowing spheres ranging in size from a golf ball to a very large beach ball (1 to 100 centimeters, or 0.4 inches to 39 inches, in diameter). These fiery orbs can be white, yellow, red, orange, purple or green, and can persist for seconds or even minutes. Ball lightning typically appears during thunderstorms and usually hovers near the ground, drifting over the Earth at a few miles per hour, but it has also been seen on ships and even within airplanes.

Over the centuries, people have reported thousands of sightings of ball lightning. However, these occurrences are rare and unpredictable in nature; as a result, "our knowledge of ball lightning so far is based mostly on accidental, eyewitness reports,"
[ame=""]Strangest Weather On Earth: Balls of Lightning! - YouTube[/ame]

" A video recorded by accident of ball lightning in China is now shedding light on the phenomenon's mysterious origins, researchers say.

Ball lightning occurs as glowing spheres ranging in size from a golf ball to a very large beach ball (1 to 100 centimeters, or 0.4 inches to 39 inches, in diameter). These fiery orbs can be white, yellow, red, orange, purple or green, and can persist for seconds or even minutes. Ball lightning typically appears during thunderstorms and usually hovers near the ground, drifting over the Earth at a few miles per hour, but it has also been seen on ships and even within airplanes.

Over the centuries, people have reported thousands of sightings of ball lightning. However, these occurrences are rare and unpredictable in nature; as a result, "our knowledge of ball lightning so far is based mostly on accidental, eyewitness reports,"


It would've been nice to include the video.

As for the Quebec thing. I wish Kimster would stop :censored: with people's heads. :tsktsk:

"- In 2013, Ontario had more than 40% of all Canadian UFO reports.

- In 2013, about 14% of all UFO reports were classified as unexplained.

- The typical UFO sighting in 2013 lasted approximately 13 minutes

Many witnesses, the study said, are pilots and police.

The report gives several theories on why the number or sightings remains high.

They include: "More UFOs are present and physically observable by witnesses; more secret or classified military exercises and overflights are occurring over populated areas; more people are unaware of the nature of conventional or natural objects in the sky; more people are taking the time to observe their surroundings; more people are able to report their sightings with easier access to the Internet and portable technology; or even that the downturn in the economy is leading to an increased desire by some people to look skyward for assistance.”

The group suggests the higher number of sightings should prompt further scientific examination."

"He was adamant the light he saw was not coming from the International Space Station, something he is familiar with. He said what he saw in the sky matched what was described by witnesses to Tuesday's fireball over the Maritimes.

On Tuesday, dozens of witnesses across New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P.E.I. and near the Gaspé Peninsula in Quebec reported seeing a burning, colourful flame that appeared in the sky about 5 a.m. AT.

Astronomer David Lane, director of the observatory at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, said based on the descriptions from witnesses, Tuesday’s fireball “sounds very much like a fireball or an extra-bright meteor.,"

"March 20, 2014 08:31 PM EDT
Family claims to have spotted UFOs near Montreal
UFO sightings doubled in 2012: Report

NANTON, Alta. -- People in this southern Alberta town area are looking up at the skies more this week after UFO sightings on Sunday night.

Sam Martine, who lives 5 km west of Nanton, said two bright lights appeared in the sky about 11 p.m. above their neighbour’s house a short distance away.

“The first light was about as big as a large yard light — that is what I thought it was at first — but very bright white,” said Martine, who was in her house when the lights first appeared.

The second light was higher than the first, and the two lights sat in idle for about four or five minutes before moving upward.

That’s when Martine and her daughter, Baylie, went outside, and the lights came toward them, making no sound".


"“I could take pics of the sky but when I would aim at the lights flying, my camera would not work. Even my flash would make a weird noise,” Martine said. “Finally out the back of our place I finally got the camera to work,” but only got two photos.

“I knew something was really weird when my camera would not work," she said. "When I tried with the flash on it would make a buzzing sound."
Meanwhile in Ohio...

March 19, 2014

"An Ohio witness at Massillon became the second Ohio witness to come forward March 19, 2014, with details on a UFO encounter from the previous evening, according to testimony in Case 54808 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

Case 54801 occurred in Austintown at 8:20 p.m. involving two silent black triangle UFOs operating less than 330 feet off of the ground on March 18, 2014. The account was covered as: Silent triangle UFO dips low over Ohio town.

Then 65 minutes later in Massillon and approximately 60 miles southwest of Austintown, a witness had stepped outside for a cigarette while talking to a friend on the telephone when lights in the sky were noticed.

"There were 10-20 large green balls all in a perfect straight line, all steady on," the witness stated. "Then they started to blink, faster and faster, to a strobe, and they all went out at the exact same moment. This was like 3-4 seconds and it was over."
[ame=""]Strangest Weather On Earth: Balls of Lightning! - YouTube[/ame]

I don't believe in ball lightning or weather balloons. I've never seen either.

"Do you believe?

Large flying objects, crop circles and alien abductions are part of a new study about UFO sightings in Canada.

A Winnipeg group called Ufology Research has compiled and analyzed reported sightings of unidentified flying objects across Canada over the last 25 years.

It found 14,617 celestial oddities have been spotted since the group started collecting data in 1989. Explanations or probable explanations were found for about half the sightings.

Research co-ordinator Chris Rutkowski said the group's work doesn't provide absolute proof about the existence of extraterrestrials.

But it raises questions.

"This is simply a phenomenon that's real, that people continue to report," Rutkowski said after the study was released Friday.

"And I believe that science should take a better look at what's going on because the (data) suggests the phenomenon isn't going away."

The study shows a growing number of unexplained sightings over the years, with the majority in British Columbia and Ontario.

The "hot spot" cities with the most sightings are listed as Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver and Calgary.

Most sightings were of lights in the sky, often spotted between 10 p.m. and midnight, and usually in July and August."

" Ball lightning, a phenomenon in which a glowing orb of light persists for seconds after a lightning strike, is one of the most enduring atmospheric mysteries in science. Reported sightings date as far back as ancient Greece -- an occurrence of ball lightning is rumored to have killed 18th century scientist Georg Wilhelm Richmann -- and re-creating it synthetically has been a daunting feat, accomplished by only a few research teams after Nikola Tesla managed to first manifest spherical charges in the lab in 1904.

Since then, little progress has been made toward concrete theories that can explain the strange, near-mystical nature of ball lightning. However, a group of Chinese scientists in 2012 managed, completely by accident, to not only observe and record an instance of it in Qinghai in western China, but to measure the contents of the orb with spectrographs. It marks the first time ever the phenomenon has ever been captured in nature"


"The findings are not entirely conclusive regarding the nature of ball lightning and not evidence that Abrahamson's theory is universally applicable. For instance, it does not explain how ball lightning can pass through indoor environments like people's homes or inside the cockpit of a plane, as was the case in an instance of ball lightning that passed through the cockpit of a C-133A cargo plane traveling to Hawaii from California. Nor does it address what causes the bang many say to be typical in the evaporation of the orbs"

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