Most detailed interview with local media

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I have a feeling that some mothers in America are frustrated because so many of them would sacrifice their very lives for their children that being the focus of a law enforcement investigation would pale in comparison. Perhaps some American mothers wonder how and why another mother would not be begging on television for their child's return as much and as often as possible - how and why she wouldn't be petrified of the weather turning colder and wondering if her child was safe and warm - how and why she wouldn't be beating on the doors of the police station demanding answers.

How and why she has never told Lisa's abductor how to care for her and we have heard so paltry little about Lisa as a human being. How and why Lisa seems to matter so little to the people to whom she should matter most.


This concerns me also :(
There are a ton of mothers who would and have drank after their child/ren went to bed. Dinner parties, card games etc... some get drunk. I guess it depends on how alcohol affects you. I've known people who could pass out drunk and wake up 2 hours later and could start again. My dad IS an alcoholic and it didn't matter how much he drank or when he had passed out, if I hollered for him, he was up and at 'em. As for the 4:30 time line, I don't put much stock in it, maybe dad had to jump in the shower to get ready for work and she was playing in there - and just because 'source' (who I don't trust) said that was the last time SB saw her, doesn't make it so. Not all babies want to be cuddled and held when they are sick, a whole lot of them just wanted to sleep.

Frankly, I have no problem with a few (for me it's less than two) glasses of wine...with children in bed...but you cannot legally drive in case of emergencies, your BAC will be over the legal limit. This is totally irresponsible for a parent to do...knowing they have an infant with a cold and two boys to care for alone. As far as some babies not wanting to be cuddled...sure some children want to sleep when a Mom, it's my job to look in on them to make sure they are ok. High fevers, blocked airways...all sorts of things can happen. Doesn't matter if Lisa was playing in the crib...who puts their child in teh crib and leaves them at 4:30 to diaper change?? Yuck. Most infants will have a dirty diaper in the 4:30 I would imagine the child would be hungry before the next day also...too many areas of neglect, IMO.

In Missouri, leaving a child without shelter, food, clothing or doing anything to compromise a child's safety is considered neglect under statute 210.110.

Read more: Missouri Child Endangerment Laws |

I've been looking for DB's actual words in claiming that the phones had restricted access for awhile now. I'm not finding them. I'm reading it, I'm seeing it on voiceovers, but I haven't heard her say it yet.

If she did, I want to see it too. Specifically I'm wondering if she speaks in the singular or plural when claiming restricted service. Because we don't know if they were on a family plan or not. If she was talking about the police showing her the pings from HER cell phone, and she said it was impossible, it's entirely possible that HER phone was on restricted access and not all of the phones.

JMO, but I want to see it too.
To elaborate on a post I posted DB as she answers the question about the cell phone (around the 3:04 mark).

Baby Lisa's Parents Take Questions From Reporters - YouTube

The question she was asked was this:"They took your cell phones?"

Her answer was this: " “They were on the counter in the kitchen. And there was, uh, whenever we, we woke up, I woke up, and he came home and I was, and he said, ‘She’s not in her crib” and I said, “What do you mean she’s not in the crib?’. And I just knew, you know, something was really wrong. We’re running around the house and we’re screaming for her, and she was nowhere, and then I said, “Call 911, call 911,” and he said, “Where are the phones?’ And they weren’t on the counter where I left them, they were gone.”

Setting aside all of the irrelevant information she inserts with respect to the actual question, there is a very real problem with the order of events as she's telling this narrative. It simply doesn't agree with the order of events as she later came to tell them. The first thing you notice here is her saying, "whenever we woke up". She catches herself and changes it to, "I woke up". She follows this by saying, "And he came home". The next event in this narrative is. "and he said she's not in her crib". So if you put those events together, in the order she's told them here, you get something that looks like this:

1. (we) I woke up.
2. And Jeremy came home.
3. And he said she's not in her crib.
I am just not reading a lot into these small inconsistancies. I dont think anybody would understand a word I said if this happened to me, let alone make sense of it.
Again, I would think the expectation was Jeremy Irwin was going to come home at 10, 10:30 to do what a passed out Debbie couldn't do. We don't know if for example JI called his brother in law to have him swing by and tell Debbie that he would be home really late. But since JI had never worked overnight before, I would think the expectation would be he'd take care of Lisa when he got home.

I think there is a good chance that is the story now. Brother came over and checked on Deb and saw the baby in crib. Someone else other than Deb had to verify the baby was in the crib since Deb has admitted last time she can remember seeing her is 6:40.

The family is still going by the 10:30 sighting since they are putting it on the posters and saying there was a 4 hour window.
But you're still talking about putting the baby to bed for the night at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Why would they have planned ahead of time for JI to take care of the baby @ 10-10:30, why wouldn't DB have planned to take care of the baby at 10:30, that's not late for her to be up. That would mean that she was planning on being blacked out from too much drinking before he even left for work. Would the be acceptable to JI? Three kids in the house?

Doesn't make sense to me.

Why is it 'assumed' that the baby was put to bed at 4:30? Because an 'unnamed source' says that SB saw the baby in bed then? that doesn't necessarily mean that she was put to bed then by any means.
I am just not reading a lot into these small inconsistancies. I dont think anybody would understand a word I said if this happened to me, let alone make sense of it.

Yup. When my daughter went missing I was a blubbering idiot, and I kept repeating that I was just tying her sister's shoes among other random things. The adrenaline messes you up...

Innocent or guilty, I wouldn't expect that it means the story is changing. In the moment you have a very bizarre stream of consciousness thing going on- happens to the most educated, well spoken folks IMO.
Ya I kids don't use the boxed stuff..but my neice and nephews...I have to keep the boxed on hand for them..they no likey homemade. :floorlaugh: My grandson is being raised on chicken fingers...not too excited about it...but the child is healthy and happy. There are worse this poor baby...I bet she was lonely and confused when she was left alone to asoothe her own cold away. MOO

I have a son that eats badly and drinks water all day. I have a son that drinks juice and eats great. It's a balance... in an odd way... :waitasec:

I am so sad that Lisa didn't get to experience Halloween.... and probably won't experience Thanksgiving or Christmas. :rose:
My bolding

That's the whole point, it was NOT after the children went to bed. It was right after dinner, plus she also had two little boys in the house. If she was ready to black out by 10-10:30 then she was really drunk while the boys were still running around.

Did the boys just take care of themselves?

Also something we don't know. were the boys ready for bed and allowed to watch a movie until it was over and then lights out? Could be they were.
Most people in the world actually sleep up to 9 hours a night -- and they don't get themselves up to check on their children. If the child woke and cried and was ignored, different story. But not checking physically on her, but POSSIBLY listening for her, doesn't strike me as odd if the baby was put to bed at a regular time, happy and comfy and content.

It's true that most people sleep at night, and so do children.

But it's hard to "listen" when you are "blacked out drunk," which she admitted herself. She's also the one who mentioned "adult time" which means her mind was on herself, not the children.

And I might add that the other children and DB were in just as much danger from the open window and door.

I have no problem with a mother having a few drinks if she isn't nursing. But you know what? Why not at least lock the doors when you go inside? That should be automatic ~ she was their guardian that night.

This was the first night she was in complete charge of the children because the husband had never worked at night before. And she seems to have completely fallen apart on the job.
This is kind of what I have been saying all along. This family started out doing everything right - voluntarily stayed with LE being interviewed, let boys be interviewed, consented to searches of property, submitted to lie detector, pleaded for her, etc. It wasn't until their legal "help" was involved, that they changed.

Above BBM.. This is exactly how i see it from being someone on the outside and looking in as this case has unfolded thus far in this last month.. Just as you stated ^above^ giving perfect examples of the family's cooperation to a fault.. Doing exactly what LE told them to do and asked of them to do(tho there were some who even at that time had Debs pegged as a murderous momma).. Nonetheless it was not until the "circus slugs and leeches" crawled out from under the rocks and onto the scene that the family seemed to have taken just about a 180* turn.. I from the very start of there being rumblings of the circus coming to town in KC was fearful of what damage they would single handedly create in this precious missing baby's case.. Precious Lisa was never the priority for the "handlers" about to seize control of the entire case.. She was nothing but the name and the face used for the latest media production that was about to occur!! I knew it and prayed I was just being overly cynical and unfair by PRE-judging these leeches before their task had yet to even begin.. But sadly I now see that many of us had good reason, very good reason for the sick knot in the pits of our stomachs of what was soon to come and fearing that baby Lisa would be lost in the garbage about to ensue..

Here's a couple of posts I brought forward where this very fear of what was to come with the circus headed to town was thoroughly discussed(sadly so very much of these predictions have come to fruition)..
Originally Posted by SmoothOperator 10/13/11
I understand and share your concern tlcox.. While I would desperately feel the need to have an ATTY helping me to navigate through this difficult process of finding my child, as well as how to approach the situation of the same officers heading up the search for my child are telling me that it is I, her mother that has murdered her.. But my fear in this particular situation is that the parents, specifically mom is grasping for the much needed help being offered her without knowing(and I'm certain at this time not caring either) what are the motives here for this generosity "seeming" to be bestowed on her.. KWIM??

Because while I'm not certain what is your opinion on this anonymous backer, it's Attys, and handlers that come along with them but I have a very sick in the pit of my stomach feeling that slugs and leeches have found a new, not only "money maker", but just as important if not more a new "fame maker" by latching on to desperate parents at a time when they will look to anyone or anything to help them find their child, or to help them finagle their way out of being found guilty(if we're talking Casey Anthony type cases).. Either way their are very desperate people that are being latched onto and it's not for the reasons of finding their missing child, Lisa in this case.. That's the last on their list of priorities is finding the child.. Their priorities are exploit, create an even more sensational circus atmosphere, building the case up to extraordinary proportions media wise, all the while continuing to feed the pariah that are fueling the fame/money-maker scheme.. All with precious Lisa and her loved one's are left in the wake of destruction and are just one of the multitude of casualties that will be sacrificed, deserted, and forgotten along the way..

And Lord have mercy if one of these very type individuals himself, Mr. Leonard Padilla is calling this spade a spade.. Well he'd certainly be someone who knows..

I pray I'm wrong and their is some kind hearted, giving soul that's good pure motives of Lisa's well being as their priority and motive for becoming involved.. Sadly I know all too well their few and far between and with what's transformed from these missing children cases into million dollar businesses I'm just very leery of whats behind the money, Attys, and handlers here for Lisa..

And this other quote brought forward was spoken IMMEDIATELY at the close of the BS/JT press junket in front of the Irwin home:
Originally Posted by SmoothOperator on 10/17/11 * * *
.. And now as BS exits the stage.. Entering onto the stage is Tacopina to pick up where BS left off with his check list of priorities in tow..

Priority list is as follows:
-continue whipping the media into a full fledged frenzy.

-feed the pariah that feed off the negativity of the parents soap opera/radaronline lifestyles..

- continue and escalate the circus type atmosphere

- and always always keep in the forefront of your mind that this case has got the potential to go all the way to Casey Anthony status if we play our cards right..

And that's what will generate the big bucks and make them the latest "stars"..

IMO it's just as I predicted all one big money/fame making machine with the family nothing but pawns used to generate both the fame and the money..*

Precious baby Lisa.. Well this was never about her, period.. She is nothing but the name and the face for the poster of this twisted production that missing children's cases have become.. Infact, if anything I see their(this newfound mentoring media production) goal would be that she need not be found or discovered just yet.. They want to still drag that out a bit and have a build up of sorts with a major climax at just the right time of their having Lisa found or discovered!!..*

That's exactly what's going on here!!!

Precious Lisa it seems as tho us here may indeed be the only one's who have your best interest at heart in desperately wanting you found!! I pray you're safe wherever you are!!

I'm absolutely disgusted at what has now become of our missing children!! Disgusted!!

My entire Point in bringing forward these posts containing very specific discussions are detailing ALLOT of what we have seen happen and unfold since the moment the Attys and handlers arrived on the scene.. IMO it is a very clear distinction that can be seen between PRE ATTY/handlers arrive .. And .. POST ATTY/handlers arrive.. Stark contrast like that of night and day IMO with a complete 180* seeming to have occurred almost overnight from the moment marked exactly when these Attys/handlers arrived on the scene and seized control of the case, the parents/family's lives, and most importantly sadly IMO seized control of Lisa Renee's fate.. She is not the priority for this "mentoring media production" that's become of our missing children's cases!! It's not at all about the missing child.. That child being Lisa Renee Irwin in this case.. The priority is much of what I detailed ^above^ and that's working the cash/fame angle and taking it for all it's worth.. For as long as they can ride this gravy train!!.. It's despicable!!!! And yes, if it was I in the parents shoes I know that I would have the strengths to draw upon and the support system needed to stand up and say NO!! this ain't gonna work(in speaking of the ATTY/handlers route that they've chosen to Take).. I wouldn't stand for it for a moment!!.. But I am not Deb, nor Jeremy.. And they are not me.. I can only speculate what exactly I would do and say in finding myself in a parents most terrifying nightmare of the reality of knowing my child was stolen from me!!.. I don't know that Deb or Jeremy have similar strengths to draw upon.. And have not a clue of really what type of true and genuine support system they have in place(IMO it seems to be not a very strong one from what I can tell thus far with what so very little we know)..

Mr. Abeyta's words describing his time with these parents I CANNOT FORGET AND FOR ME ARE SOME OF THE ONLY, REAL, UNBIASED KNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE ABOUT THE PEOPLE INVOLVED AT THE HEART OF THIS CASE, Jeremy and Deborah.. And how he described them was IMO like wounded animals with no master, no home, no trust.. Terrified and huddled in protective mode.. Terrified that their child is gone and will they ever see her again.. Will they ever even know what happened to her?? No trust from their being "burned" with heaved upon them as guilty murderers whom LE have told them they ALREADY KNOW THAT SHE'S MURDERED LISA.. knowing that it's indeed a possibility that Deb could find herself in prison for "murdering her baby".. And what did Deb say was her greatest fear in if that were to happen??

Not sadness, not anger and resentment at being wrongly accused and/or convicted of murdering her only daughter!! No, Debs words were that her fear of that happening WOULD
MEAN THAT SHE NOR, JEREMY(nor any of Lisa's loved one's) WOULD EVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO LISA!! THAT LISA WOULD NOT BE SEARCHED FOR, NOR INVESTIGATED AND THEREFOR NEVER FOUND, NOR EVEN KNOWN WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!!.. Mr. Abeyta's words resound within my head and I could feel the real fear and concern that this man had for these parents.. That they don't know what to do and who to trust..

You throw into the mix the Attys/handlers and their smooth talking that we all know very well that they have finely honed to perfection.. It's all part of the "mentoring media production" that this circus brought to town and has made this precious baby's life the latest cash/fame cow!!.. These parents are unfortunately at this time believing in this group that is daily telling and "showing" them that they're there for them and that they are going to help them find Lisa.. Reassuring them continually to just "trust them" they know what they're doing and that it is the best and possibly the only way that they are going to find and bring Lisa home!! These parents are sadly trusting in something that IMO is most likely working the complete opposite of what their being coaxed and manipulated to believe is in Lisa's as well as their very best interest..*

IMO the stark contrast is obvious as is the exact moment in time when it began to change.. The minute the circus arrived to town in KC, and the very minute they entered the lives of these young parents in the midst of the worst of the worst of nightmares for any parent.... Their child being abducted.

A change has to be made and I pray that these parents find the strength within themselves to listen to their gut instincts that IMO are likely signaling "something not quite right" with the Attys/handlers.. They've got to find it within themselves to break away from these manipulative individuals that are in it for nothing but self gain, period!! They've got to do for their daughter, Lisa Renee Irwin..
Is it after this interview that DB and JI stopped communicating with the local media?
I'm wondering at what point you set aside your fear of being arrested as being a paper dragon and again sit down with LE? It's quite obvious they are still actively investigating this case and have said they have no suspects as yet. And you haven't been arrested as you've anticipated. So..

ETA: Sorry, Smoothe. Didn't see your post asking the same question..
Is it after this interview that DB and JI stopped communicating with the local media?
IMO they stopped communicating with the local media the moment sister Ashley came to "help". Then the rest of the circus came to town (BS & JT) and things just got weird. I think their very worst mistake was not getting rid of JT instead of CS.
IMO they stopped communicating with the local media the moment sister Ashley came to "help". Then the rest of the circus came to town (BS & JT) and things just got weird. I think their very worst mistake was not getting rid of JT instead of CS.

And/or when her cousin arrived.

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