
DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

What was Casey's motive to Kill?

  • Caylee interfered with Casey's partying lifestyle

    Votes: 45 9.3%
  • Caylee tattled on Casey to Cindy

    Votes: 15 3.1%
  • Revenge/rage against Cindy

    Votes: 83 17.2%
  • Tony didn't want a little girl around

    Votes: 22 4.6%
  • more than one of the above

    Votes: 366 75.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My opinion is still that she either just snapped and hurt Caylee or couldn't risk the rejection she feared more than anything if Cindy were to find out that Caylee died accidently while in her care. I don't think there was a motive other than she was really mad at her parents or really afraid of Cindy's reaction to whatever happened by mistake. I don't think she plans well enough to have motives.

I agree with this. I honestly think that Caylee's death was an accident. I very strongly feel that way. And I think Casey panicked, was in total fear of her mother's reaction, and tried desperately to get Cindy to believe that it was a nanny (of course, one that doesn't exist) because she doesn't want to 1) lose her mother's love and 2) earn her mother's anger.

By the time all the evidence started coming out, I think Casey felt like she couldn't admit the truth, and probably knows she reacted completely in the wrong.

I do think, however, that this entire family, Casey included, loved Caylee at some point and in some way. It's the only thing that helps me get through this.
There are two things that convince me it was not an accident. #1 - The duct tape. If it were an accident, why did she have to duct tape her daughter's mouth shut?
#2 - Her behaviour. If it were an accident, why didn't she call 911 and try to get help? Or rush her child to the hospital? Why put her daughter's dead body in a garbage bag and dump it in the woods and go out and party? She obvioulsly was trying to conceal something.

The police ruled it a homicide for a reason. They did not rule it an accidential death.
What on earth in Casey's life experience made her think she could pull this off.:eek:

The fact that she had NEVER been held responsible for any of her inappropriate actions in the past. That her family always accepted her BS lies as the truth rather then call her on it or question her BS. Her mother always making excuses and covering what she knew was troubled behavior.
I honestly believe that KC NEVER anticipated that LE would actually follow up on everything she told them......she truly believed that they(LE) like everyone else in her life would just take her word for it.
Without reviewing all posts on this thread (am I the only one constantly being kicked off WS? the site must be BUSY!) I have carefully assessed what facts have been presented to the public in this case and best as I can tell her motive was

I agree and and I think CA put her foot down about KC using her credit cards and taking the Great Grand Parents money so KC's access to money was going to be totally cut off.
1)No job no money.
2)Inconvenience -New Boyfriend where she couldn't take Caylee to spend the night.
3)CA back to work after her vacation and KC prob couldn't have used the "I'm working tonight all night" 7 days a week.
I also think that Caylee getting older may have played a part.

Soon Caylee would be able to tell G and C that there was no Nanny and what Casey did during the day which was nothing. The jigg was about to be up and Casey would have to stop her free styling ways.....and maybe really have to go to work.

I wonder if KC had already resorted to threatening Caylee not to tell.
I agree and and I think CA put her foot down about KC using her credit cards and taking the Great Grand Parents money so KC's access to money was going to be totally cut off.
1)No job no money.
2)Inconvenience -New Boyfriend where she couldn't take Caylee to spend the night.
3)CA back to work after her vacation and KC prob couldn't have used the "I'm working tonight all night" 7 days a week.

Yep! Sad and simple. Susan Smith and Diane Downs redux.
Now that I think it over, I agree with many of you who say the primary motive is jealousy of Caylee.

IMO, Casey did not want Caylee from the beginning, and then when Caylee overshadowed Casey as the object of her parents' affection, that was it.

It would not surprise me, if eventually we see Casey curl up in a fetal position, sucking on her thumb.

KC is definitely regressing back into childhood. After her first stint in jail there were sleeping arrangement issues but she slept with CA hugging a teddy bear? I know she was also snidely playing the victim and seeking her parents compassion BUT she both manipulates them evily while playing the little child.
After listening to JG, kc was very jealous of CAYLEE. The break up between JG and kc was his love for CAYLEE........kc said JG loved CAYLEE more than kc was very jealous of CAYLEE............
As Jesse said on the Today Show, it seemed as if Caylee had become more of a responsibility. If Casey is a true psychopath, then Caylee was no longer useful to use in her manipulations and had become a big burden. The parents were on to her ways and thinking of getting custody. Threats to leave a psychopath or take the kids away can result in murder.
Last night on the NG show, When JG was being interviewed, Nancy asked him why he can KC has broken off there engagment, and JG stated that KC broke it off and told him it was because she thought that he loved Caylee more than he did her..I think there had been a pattern of KC being jealous of Caylee getting more attention from anyone then she was receiving..Add that to the fact that George & Cindy were spending money on Caylee to take care of her every need and that KC was not at all happy with her mother after there fight.. I think this will go toward Motive....And we also know that KC also had the Means & Opportunity..

Means + Motive + Opportunity = KC will be foundy Guilty.
When my grandchildren were about that age, the minute they were with my husband and I we got all the info from what they ate to what their parents did. We understood every word, even our one with speech problems........once my 3 yr old called by himself ( I was on speed dial) and wanted me to put my son (his dad) in time out! Kids have a way of telling grandparents things that they do............believe me, we know. IMO, I think Caylee non stop talked all the way to the nursing home and back to visit Papa. CA heard enough to put her in a tail spin with kc.........then the fatal fight night.
2 motives IMO- Jealousy- she was jealous that people gave Caylee more attention and Caylee was in Caseys way of partying
Motive or motives
Seven Deadly Sins: pride, avarice, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth
Pick any one or combination, she has them all. JMO
Motive? Maybe many reasons fell in place at the wrong time. Yes Caylee was indeed getting to the age where she might innocently spill some of Caylee’s secrets, but that’s not a motive to murder a child. There’s lots of alternatives that KC chose not to pursue. Had she ever directly admitted to her parents, or anyone else, that she couldn’t cope with the responsibility of raising a young child? That she needed time to get her head screwed on straight? Did she think no one on earth would take care of Caylee even temporarily? Parents, relatives, responsible friends with children, or foster home do this for other young mothers around the world all the time. KC cannot be that stupid.

There is every indication that the Anthonys had been caring for Caylee pretty much since the day she was born. I think KCs motive was selfishness... she thought of Caylee as her possession. Thus the weird comments about CA getting to hold Caylee before KC when she was born. How odd....big deal, who cares......KC cares that’s who! I don’t think KC wanted anyone else to “have” Caylee. Caylee was a pawn to be used by KC, nothing more.

Caylee’s death may well have been unintentional in KCs mind, like drugging a child to sleep in the trunk of a car and using duct tape to keep the child quiet if they wake up. At the time, I think she justified doing something like that. She most likely will never admit what happened and no one will ever know. Not because she cares what her mother might think, but because she can't be honest to anyone including herself.
Jealousy - pure and simple. She was so jealous over Caylee and how everyone showed her more attention. I am sure CA provoked a lot of her jealous rage, but I think that was it. Her baby girl got more attention than she did.
Jealousy - pure and simple. She was so jealous over Caylee and how everyone showed her more attention. I am sure CA provoked a lot of her jealous rage, but I think that was it. Her baby girl got more attention than she did.

Maybe they just really want to do a reality show......
At this point I think I might believe anything.
Casey needed money. If she planned to kill Caylee, it only makes sense that she would have insurance on Caylee. Did CA or GA have a policy that would give a pay off if Caylee died??George talked about a bank account set up for Caylee,which Casey had access to,did it carry a life insurance policy on Caylee. I know Caylee was cramping "miss things" style and also that she may have thought about all the consoling she would receive but the one thing she needed was money so could she have did this horrible thing for money??
What do you believe was Casey's motive to kill Caylee? You can vote for more than one. I believe it was a combination personally.
A culmination of the fight between Cindy and Casey on June 15th, and the "context" of the all night phone conversation between Casey and Tony L......whatever went on during both incidents pushed her over the edge.....IMO of course.
I went with combination. The first three choices combined could all fit in. Caylee was putting a damper on KC's social life. She was getting to a talkative age and could very well have been endangering KC's ability to lie on a daily basis. And I believe that rage/revenge at CA played a part in KC's decision to kill Caylee. The only one that doesn't fit for me is TL. I just don't believe he was that important in the whole scheme of things. I think pretty much any man would do, ya know?

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