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May 25, 2011
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Hey y'all!

I am hoping some that have continued to follow The WM3 and/or the case after their release might be able to help me.

I was an avid supporter of The WM3 from the day that I saw the first Paradise Lost documentary on HBO (which I know many are not and I am not here to discuss those differences of opinion). Their release was HUGE for me emotionally and after all of the time and energy I'd invested over the years I needed to overhaul my life and readjust. For the most part, I had to let them go. While I do follow Damien on Twitter, I don't tweet much and don't seek out his tweets. If I see one, I see one. If not, I don't.

That said, I have not kept up with much of the new media since their release. I watched all of the Paradise Lost documentaries and read Devils Knot (and I believe another book written more towards the beginning of their incarceration but can't remember for sure or a name). I know that Damien wrote a recent book and made West of Memphis, neither of which I've read/seen. Are any of y'all aware of any other books written by them, family members, friends, non-supporters, the victim's families, writers, etc...? Or new movies made?

Thanks so much for your time in reading this and responding if you are able!
There's another movie in the works, a drama which borrows the name Devil's Knot from Mara Leveritt's book, and she mentions working on a second book called Justice Knot on her website. As for what's available now, see here and here.
There's another movie in the works, a drama which borrows the name Devil's Knot from Mara Leveritt's book, and she mentions working on a second book called Justice Knot on her website. As for what's available now, see here and here.

Thank you, kyleb. Before I posted I did a Google search for "West Memphis Three Books Movies" and didn't get very good results at all. I didn't even think to click the "books" option nor search Amazon. I certainly appreciate your kindness in narrowing things down for me.

Ugh, this George Zimmerman trail (especially after listening to the ME's testimony yesterday) has me brain dead!

Thank you again, so much, and best wishes for a wonderful rest of the weekend!
Thank you, kyleb. Before I posted I did a Google search for "West Memphis Three Books Movies" and didn't get very good results at all. I didn't even think to click the "books" option nor search Amazon. I certainly appreciate your kindness in narrowing things down for me.

Ugh, this George Zimmerman trail (especially after listening to the ME's testimony yesterday) has me brain dead!

Thank you again, so much, and best wishes for a wonderful rest of the weekend!

If you don't mind sharing what you find it would be much appreciated.
If you don't mind sharing what you find it would be much appreciated.

I don't mind at all and would be happy to. I'm working on a comprehensive, chronological list from oldest to newest and will post it for you (and anyone interested) in a few days. :)

Best wishes for a lovely Sunday!
I believe John Mark Byers has a book out as well as Damien's sister Michelle.
The John Mark Byers book is written by Greg Day (who is a member of WebSleuths) and is called Untying the Knot. It is really Mr. Byers' biography although the case is discussed. The first book about the case was Blood of the Innocents by several authors, one of whom is a reporter for the Memphis, TN newspaper, The Commercial Appeal. Damien's first book, written while incarcerated, is titled Almost Home, but much of that book is included in the newer Life After Death which he is currently promoting. There is a compilation book, Last Pentacle of the Sun, that was written as a fund raiser by various artists. The contents of that book are not case-related. The Leveritt book (Devil's Knot) is being fictionalized for an upcoming movie starring Reece Weatheon as Pam Hobbs and Colin Firth as Ron Lax. There is a fourth installment of the Paradise Lost series in the works, too. The Peter Jackson-financed West of Memphis will be available on DVD in August. Michelle's book (sorry, I don't remember the name) is also out. And Terry Hobbs has often said that he is writing a book. However, I don't think that one will ever see the light of day!
Let's just say that I heard it from one who knows. Sorry, but I can't be more specific than that. If you don't care to believe it, that's your prerogative.
Anyone read Life After Death? Who are the inmates mentioned in the first chapter, Jonas and Albert? I assume Jonas Hoten Whitmore and Marion Albert Pruett but the ages don't match. He states both are in the their late fifties in 1994 and specifically says Jonas is "an obese fifty-six year old man with one leg". Pruett would have been 45 and Whitmore 50. I know its not really important, just don't see the need to change ages. Why is he so lose with the facts?
Anyone read Life After Death? Who are the inmates mentioned in the first chapter, Jonas and Albert? I assume Jonas Hoten Whitmore and Marion Albert Pruett but the ages don't match. He states both are in the their late fifties in 1994 and specifically says Jonas is "an obese fifty-six year old man with one leg". Pruett would have been 45 and Whitmore 50. I know its not really important, just don't see the need to change ages. Why is he so lose with the facts?

My guess (and it's just that) is that he wants to protect their identity for some reason. I don't know what the reason would be, but it is a common literary devise when dealing with real people. Honestly, I don't see how using the correct names could hurt, but maybe he didn't have their permission to use their real names? That's my best guess!

One other possibility is that the "Jonas and Albert" mentioned in Chapter 1 have already been executed. Again, that's speculation on my part. If you're really curious, Damien has a twitter account. Maybe you could ask him.
Here's the trailer for the movie, Devil's Knot:

[ame=""]Devil's Knot Official Trailer (HD) Reese Witherspoon, Dane DeHaan - YouTube[/ame]
Remember this man dropped out of high school and then went to prison so no real role models to help him along the way. His 'self education' was just from reading all the books sent in by supporters. The 2nd book of his includes all of Almost home pretty well and also adds information about how the guards treated inmates, which, for obvious reasons, could not be told why he was still at their mercy! It is not in any way an essential read except, maybe, for his fan base.

'Blood of the...' was a sensationalist book brought out as fast as possible to capitalise on the interest in the case. They do not even use real names all the time. OK for tabloid stye readers, whilst Mara Leveritt's book 'Devi's Knot' is more broadsheet - it's only drawback is the amount of column inches given to JMB whilst there is not much at all on Terry Wayne Hobbs - but then he managed to fade into background all the time whilst JMB was very much in the forefront!! None of this was helped with PL2 in the way he acted, under a degree of encouragement! That film was a 'filler' in that nothing came of the appeals that many thought might break the case wide open!

West of Memphis - the documentary - is good but their investigation tended to be, much like the total efforts of the wmpd, suspect driven rather than evidence led. Even though the latter would have ended up at the same place!

The film of Devil's Knot does not claim to be a documentary - it is a typical bio pic based on the skeleton of a true story. It has a better chance of attracting people determined to help the fight for justice as many find documentaries heavy going!

JMB's biography is written by a self publishing author who was and still is a NON and that fact peeps through every now and then. As far as I know it was not a proper publishing company's contract and to my knowledge JMB has yet to see any money for it. It is not just about the case but is a fuller biography. For the promotion of the JMB book Greg Day set up a site using JMB's name as the domain name - when the pr was done he, sadly, did not hand it over to JMB, which would have been the honourable thing to do, in my view, but put it up for sale at a price JMB could not afford. But amybe Greg Day is going to give it to him for Christmas - the domain name I mean!

John Douglas' last book 'Law and Disorder' covered the case along with Jon Benet Ramsey and one other major case and is worth reading.

In the pipe line, allegedly, Greg Day is writing a book about how the three young men are guilty - despite the State being prepared to release them for time served...

Lastly Judge Dan Stidham, who was Jessie Misskelly's public defender and has been an active supporter ever since (until his appointment to the bench put some restrictions on him), is writing a book which should be out soon, but they may well be waiting for a final resolution to the case.

The same will most probably apply to Mara Leveritt's second book on the case.

As to a fourth PL film. Rumours abound. However some footage has been shot since PL3 came out, but it, too, is most probably waiting for new developments.
Did anyone else seriously wince when the turtle guy let himself be bitten in West of Memphis? I swear I -felt- that bite.. ouch!! At least it wasn't from that monster turtle he pulled out at first. I had no idea they even got that big. It was actually quite scary and prehistoric-looking.

West of Memphis made a pretty good case for the turtle damage, I have to say. Thing there for me is that there wasn't -more- damage, if the bodies were in the water overnight. In the film, they sure tore into that pig pretty quickly...

Miranda! - isn't the suspect-driven stuff maddening? You can never be sure of facts, when they are presented with a heavy agenda...
I am very much looking forward to reading "Dark Spell"!
Also, don't forget the book that Jason is writing at the moment. :) No clue as to when it will be out however.
I just finished Dark Spell. It was great. It made me more impressed with Jason with each page. Although Mara Leveritt wrote it, it is a much more uplifting book than Life After Death, IMO.
I never fail to get more and more impressed with Jason!
Will order the book this week when I get paid and probably plough through it within a matter of days. :)
I saw a new book today I hadn't heard's about Damien and his wife. I believe it stated it was a "death row love story". I at the checkout at the book store with an armload of books, so I'm going to have to go back for it...I'm sure someone here has already read it.
I saw a new book today I hadn't heard's about Damien and his wife. I believe it stated it was a "death row love story". I at the checkout at the book store with an armload of books, so I'm going to have to go back for it...I'm sure someone here has already read it.

You may have already bought it, but it's the love letters between Damien and Lori written while Damien was on Death Row, in case someone doesn't know!

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