Moving van at Cooper House now (11/13/08)

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Sounds to me like he transferred ownership of his possessions prior to the court order. So, technically BC has no claim to these items anymore. The article says his mother then signed over the stuff to his lawyers. I assume the moving truck was hired by his lawyers and K&B is putting the stuff in storage so Sandlin (not K&B) can sell it. Hence the "no comment" from them...

What would they say "Yeah, Sandlin (not K&B) owns this stuff now and they are taking it to sell off to pay their bills".

I think AS did not know of the transfer of ownership when she said "everything else must remain intact."

I would also contend that putting stuff in storage does not violate the order of "everything else must remain intact." They are simply moving the items to another location. They are not getting rid of what is protected in the order.
I assume the moving truck was hired by his lawyers and K&B is putting the stuff in storage so K&B can sell it. Hence the "no comment" from them...

What would they say "Yeah, K&B owns this stuff now and we are taking it to sell off to pay our bills".

Garner: read my prior post. The stuff was signed over to his civil attorney (Sandlin), not K & B.
Sounds to me like he transferred ownership of his possessions prior to the court order. So, technically BC has no claim to these items anymore. The article says his mother then signed over the stuff to his lawyers. I assume the moving truck was hired by his lawyers and K&B is putting the stuff in storage so K&B can sell it. Hence the "no comment" from them...

What would they say "Yeah, K&B owns this stuff now and we are taking it to sell off to pay our bills".

I think AS did not know of the transfer of ownership when she said "everything else must remain intact."

I would also contend that putting stuff in storage does not violate the order of "everything else must remain intact." They are simply moving the items to another location. They are not getting rid of what is protected in the order.

I think this is very possible however I wonder why that would have been going on since BC was still getting paid and therefore still had income with which to pay his bills. Which were significantly less with no kids to pay for and no spendthrift wife to worry about any longer. I agree putting stuff in storage would not violate the order. Wonder who is paying the storage bill - might tell who now has laid claim to it.

Once Kurtz was appointed - anything from that point BC would not be required to pay for, the fair citizens of NC were then responsible for footing the bill.
Wonder who the "traffic director" is in the home? Who knows what stays and what goes? BC's mom, perhaps? Must suck for her to do this.
He still had a lot of expenses even without kids and Nancy. His normal bills, mortgage, 2 BMWs, credit cards, LTF....then add the psych bill, the lawyer bills...that adds up to a lot more then what NC and the kids would have spent.

I'll be glad to take that flat screen off his hands and "keep it in storage" by hanging it on my wall until he get out of jail.
It does indicate he was preparing to be charged w/this crime and spent time setting up a plan to transfer/sell/dispose of physical assets. Wonder why he was so sure he was going to be charged, hmmm?
Since the investigation only focused on one person - HIM...I think that is a dead giveaway why he made a plan - no pun intended.
He still had a lot of expenses even without kids and Nancy. His normal bills, mortgage, 2 BMWs, credit cards, LTF....then add the psych bill, the lawyer bills...that adds up to a lot more then what NC and the kids would have spent.

I'll be glad to take that flat screen off his hands and "keep it in storage" by hanging it on my wall until he get out of jail.

He didn't owe anything on the 325 i, he didn't have to hand over $ 300 a week. He no longer had school bills for the children, surely LTF would have dropped his dues to single membership, he took a LOC on the house in February to pay off cc bills and by his own admission in the deposition he didn't have much in cc debt any longer - less than $6000. He also admitted at the time to have $10,000 in his checking account and this was after the shrink exam. Guess it was from "wasting" possesions.
Since the investigation only focused on one person - HIM...I think that is a dead giveaway why he made a plan - no pun intended.

So an admission of guilt on his part ? Yep they are gonna charge me even though I'm innocent so I better plan kind of thing ? Doesn't seem to jive with him pursuing the custody case, unless of course his intent was to turn the kids over as well, to his family.

ETA - the house has not yet been listed per MLS.
If I were in town I'd run right over and take photos of the scene. Alas. I'm far far away at this time. Will be back on Sunday evening. By then, they had better have arrested JLY too!

Topsail, I have an idea where your siggy went. I won't say exactly, however some folks can complain about certain things they don't like (that they see on WS) and things happen, yanno? It coulda been K&B, or it coulda been who knows? No one would know what your siggy meant except some of us AND...K&B. I'm sure you've figured it out by now!:rolleyes:

Internet is fleeting where I am right now. It's killing me to try and catch up. I'm relying on you WS people to keep me updated. I'm also relying on the wireless to works off and on, dangit.
per curiam, I got it to work again. It was my error but you have a very good point about K&B reading here and being offended. But if my little siggie is offensive they need to get over themselves. Compared to what they have done to their OWN credibility as a law firm is far more damaging than anything I can put in my siggy line about them. And more damaging than any thing posters here can type!! LOL!!!
That's why he assigned his CATS over to his parents?? Am I reading that report right?
Is there some other big news on WS...I keep getting "server busy" errors. Last time that happened Casey Anthony was arrested..
per curiam, I got it to work again. It was my error but you have a very good point about K&B reading here and being offended. But if my little siggie is offensive they need to get over themselves. Compared to what they have done to their OWN credibility as a law firm is far more damaging than anything I can put in my siggy line about them. And more damaging than any thing posters here can type!! LOL!!!

Hooray, Topsail Girl! Love the siggy, esp. the purple and the capital K and capital B!

I don't get the error report or busy, I plain can't get Internet where we are except for off and on. It's enough for me to find out what's going on.

Now, off to read that last report I saw about BC's signing over his stuff to his parents?!?
Is there some other big news on WS...I keep getting "server busy" errors. Last time that happened Casey Anthony was arrested..

A baby's body has been found - it may be Caylee - not confirmed yet :furious:

Bone fragments and some toys, and a plastic bag that was weighted down with bricks, one toy a shamrock, shamrocks are associated with Casey Anthony.
Why would "totally innocent guy" sign stuff over as far back as JULY?

IMO - that stinks to high heaven.
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