Mr. Chaz Bono on Oprah, Mon. May 9, 2011

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"All the clouds are clearing, and I think we're ov
Dec 9, 2010
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Mr. Chaz Bono, formerly Chastity Bono, child of Sonny and Cher, will be interviewed by Oprah on her show Monday May 9.
I thought there might be another thread about Chaz somewhere after the reality program has been airing about the transformation into a male has been playing over the weekend. Chaz seems like a very nice, sensitive, humble person. He's very respectful of his mother Cher and her feelings.
I like Chaz ..takes guts to come out and talk about such personal things .
I honestly don't know what to say about this.

It's obvious to me from the interviews I've seen that Chaz has struggled with his gender issues. For that, I feel badly for him.

What confuses me is his insistence that his breasts be augmented to resemble a man's (because he really detested having female breasts), but he's ok with keeping his female genitalia, which, to me, far more identify him as a woman. I've seen many men with large breasts, but none with female genitals.

I am just flummoxed over the whole thing.
I respect an individual's very personal decision to make their outside match in appearance with what they feel like their insides are.

That said, I don't know why Chaz keeps bringing what, to me, would be a deeply personal transformation, out into the public eye.

If Chaz were some sort of celebrity or felt he owed the world some sort of explanation or whatnot I would see it. But Chaz has always been very uncomfortable with the celebrity that came with being the child of Cher. He hid from the spotlight for many years for just that reason.

The last few years he has been popping up on talk shows and whatnot to discuss his gender issues. I must wonder if this is about paying some bills rather than a genuine wish to discuss this topic so publicly. If that is the case, I wish him well and hope the finances improve, so that he can once more withdraw from the spotlight he is so obviously not comfortable with.
It could also be about putting a voice out there re: gender issues. I cannot imagine how isolating it would feel to be trapped in the wrong body with most people calling you crazy as well as names I cannot print.

It's a way to put what celebrity he has to good use.
I understand what you are saying but Chaz has always been so awkward and uncomfortable in the spotlight, I can't help but feel like it is like a root canal for him when I watch him do these appearances.
The last few years he has been popping up on talk shows and whatnot to discuss his gender issues. I must wonder if this is about paying some bills rather than a genuine wish to discuss this topic so publicly. If that is the case, I wish him well and hope the finances improve, so that he can once more withdraw from the spotlight he is so obviously not comfortable with.

Respectfully snipped and BBM - I watched the documentary about Chaz, and I think it has a lot to do about the money issue (shows and what not).

In the show, his support group leader/member loaned him the $$ for breast removal surgery. He hasn't "gone all the way," as stated in the show, because that surgery isn't "perfected" enough...FWIW...
It could also be about putting a voice out there re: gender issues. I cannot imagine how isolating it would feel to be trapped in the wrong body with most people calling you crazy as well as names I cannot print.

It's a way to put what celebrity he has to good use.

I think it may be that as well although I really have a problem with questioning children's sexual preferences when they are so young. I guess he ticked off Angelina Jolie by suggesting they meet regarding 5 year-old Shiloh...

"Bono told E! News he would be happy to talk to Jolie and Pitt about Shiloh — implying the little girl, who often appears dressed like a little boy, may have gender issues as she grows older. A source told OK! magazine that Jolie believes her kids are “off limits” and finds it “perfectly normal for little girls to be tomboys when they’re that age.”
No matter what... Chaz will always be a woman.She may live like a man and look like one but she will always be a she.Surgery doesn't even change the cold hard fact of the matter.
No matter what... Chaz will always be a woman.She may live like a man and look like one but she will always be a she.Surgery doesn't even change the cold hard fact of the matter.

No, that was decided at conception. Her DNA will never change.
She will never be a he.

I know. I was agreeing with you.

ITA with you.

Oh I know.:seeya:

Remember when the big news hit that a man was having a baby?I can't remember the names offhand.That was not a man impregnated.It was a woman and it ticked me off because it was deceitful in my opinion that they had some bombshell that a man was going to give birth.It was a woman in a transgendered process that was having a baby.

Don't get me wrong...I have no problems with peoples choices and they were really nice people and I wish the very best for their family.Just don't spin it and say it was a man.
Go CHAZ! :thumb:

...and thank you for sharing. One never knows when they'll meet a person like Chaz, at work, or socially, or even find they have a person like Chaz in their own family circle. It's good for the world to know & understand people like Chaz - and they should know they are not alone in the world.
I think it may be that as well although I really have a problem with questioning children's sexual preferences when they are so young. I guess he ticked off Angelina Jolie by suggesting they meet regarding 5 year-old Shiloh...

"Bono told E! News he would be happy to talk to Jolie and Pitt about Shiloh — implying the little girl, who often appears dressed like a little boy, may have gender issues as she grows older. A source told OK! magazine that Jolie believes her kids are “off limits” and finds it “perfectly normal for little girls to be tomboys when they’re that age.”

I've always wondered about this: girls who wear boys' clothes, play sports, enter male-dominated professions are more readily accepted. They are hailed as tomboy, spunky, assertive, go-getters. But boys who wear dresses, play with dolls, or enter female dominated professions are ridiculed and called sissy, wimp or worse. Such a stark contrast; why is one more acceptable than the other?
I honestly don't know what to say about this.

It's obvious to me from the interviews I've seen that Chaz has struggled with his gender issues. For that, I feel badly for him.

What confuses me is his insistence that his breasts be augmented to resemble a man's (because he really detested having female breasts), but he's ok with keeping his female genitalia, which, to me, far more identify him as a woman. I've seen many men with large breasts, but none with female genitals.

I am just flummoxed over the whole thing.

I'm just as flummoxed as you. Everyone refers to Chaz as a he, and he went and had his gender legally changed, but he still has a vajayjay. So is he a girl or a man or a half man half girl.

IMHO unless you can find a way to get rid of that extra female chromosome, I would always consider Chaz to be a female IMHO. Does he have a Y chromosome floating around in there somewhere? If so, then he would have a peni.

It's a political debate for the most part, and I DON'T want to go there. But I've yet to figure out this whole thing.



Females have two X chromosomes, whereas males have one X and one Y chromosome.
I've always wondered about this: girls who wear boys' clothes, play sports, enter male-dominated professions are more readily accepted. They are hailed as tomboy, spunky, assertive, go-getters. But boys who wear dresses, play with dolls, or enter female dominated professions are ridiculed and called sissy, wimp or worse. Such a stark contrast; why is one more acceptable than the other?

IMHO, I think it's all political or personal issues. My son carried a doll around for the longest time as a young'in. My DH would have a fit. I said get over it, it's not gonna turn him into a girl. The whole trans-gender thing is just so odd to me, and that's probably because I can't figure it out.


Oh I know.:seeya:

Remember when the big news hit that a man was having a baby?I can't remember the names offhand.That was not a man impregnated.It was a woman and it ticked me off because it was deceitful in my opinion that they had some bombshell that a man was going to give birth.It was a woman in a transgendered process that was having a baby.

Don't get me wrong...I have no problems with peoples choices and they were really nice people and I wish the very best for their family.Just don't spin it and say it was a man.

OMG - don't even get me started on that one "Bomshell - man has a baby". What that man was/is a she...just as Chaz is. At this moment, Chaz could have a baby. Unless Chaz had a hysterectomy or somfin, or hormone shots keep Chaz from ovulating. Does Chas mensturate? Sorry to be so personal...I don't even know what to call her/him....



In my opinion...
If Chaz Bono identifies himself as a man, then he is a man.
End of story.

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