GUILTY MS - Janaya Thompson, 5, raped & murdered, Gulfport, 16 July 2014

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I think I'm going to be sick...that's just north or her apartment complex.
We have had SO many of these (especially) the last few weeks - southern states, young little ones, AA, last seen relatively late at night or very early morning.

I can't believe we've lost ANOTHER!

I'm betting this is going to end up being someone known to her, just like almost all the others that haven't ended well have ended up being :(
Happening now: Gulfport Police find missing 5-year-old dead

Her father, Jarmal Thompson, rushed over to a mobile home neighborhood, where police had taped off a block radius around an abandoned mobile home. A cousin was seen consoling the father. Family members were very emotional and crying.

Police Chief Leonard Papania confirmed that a black, juvenile female was found dead about 8:45 a.m. in a vacant mobile home. Harrison County Coroner Gary Hargrove talked to Jarmal Thompson about 10:30 a.m. He listened quietly to Hargrove. Then family members gathered around, consoling him. Relatives sobbed loudly and held each other to keep from collapsing.

Read more here:

RIP, Janaya :(
Admittedly I'm hoping this is irrelevant, but I'm a little confused about how this all fits together:

So the Coronor tells dad and we get his reaction (I actually thought there may ONLY be a dad in the situation from most of the other articles)

Harrison County Coroner Gary Hargrove talked to Jarmal Thompson about 10:30 a.m. He listened quietly to Hargrove. Then family members gathered around, consoling him. Relatives sobbed loudly and held each other to keep from collapsing.

I've never heard "normal family lifestyle" as a categorization, but that's how her home life is described, but this clearly indicates dad doesn't live with her/them. (I'm also curious what "other relatives" live there though)

She lived with her mother, grandmother and other relatives in a normal family lifestyle that gives no indications of why she could disappear, police Sgt. Damon McDaniel said.

First of all, mom isn't even named in the article. She's referred to as "mother" a number of times though.

The fact that they specified her BIO dad and her mom met with detectives makes me wonder if there is a stepdad or some other "dad" given the specification of it being the BIO dad.

Where is whatever non-bio dad at in all of this? It appears a "dad" of any title was not living in the home since he'd surely have been specified in the list of family who she DID live with. Or is there an ex-stepdad?

And then who is the "father" in the articles? Bio dad I'm guessing?

And does either parent have an SO? (As that's been behind several of the missing kids lately...)

It seems like bio dad must be enough a part of her life that detectives met with both, plus he made mention of her routines, etc. and it's apparently cordial enough between them that it wasn't necessary to do it separately.

Her mother reported her missing at 8:29 p.m. Wednesday. Her mother and biological father met with detectives as police set up a command post in the apartment complex parking lot.

But then why were BOTH parents not there to meet with the coroner to find out she'd been located? Wouldn't you want them both to learn that at the same time (especially given the meetings with detectives were together)?

The article is filled with references to all the family being gathered together, yet mom apparently wasn't part of them. Yet she (apparently) is the (primary, at least) custodial parent.

Just trying to make heads or tails of the family situation since, like I said, I'm afraid connections to someone may end up being a factor in this :(

Read more here:
:tears: So sorry sweet Janaya, fly with the angels.
darn it :( just read the news that a body was found.

Jarmal Thompson believes the man involved in his daughter's death volunteered to help search for her.
The man gave him and relatives a ride during the search, kept disappearing, and a brown hair barrette was later found in the man's car, Thompson said.
"They showed it to me but I didn't want to tamper with evidence," he said.
He said the trailer was vacated three days ago.
Police have released no details yet.
"It was surreal," he said.
Thompson said the child's mother is grief-stricken and was taken to a hospital.
"One of us has to be strong," he said.

Read more here:
I am so sorry to hear that this poor darling is now deceased. Whatever sick *bleep* did this to her, may they rot in hell.

Rest in peace, Janaya, you looked like a sweet little angel.

My heart goes out to her parents and family. I don't put much faith in reporters these days- you have to remember, some of them just want to be the first to post the story, often adding or subtracting important details along the way. For all we know, her poor Mom could have been hysterical and was under medical treatment to help her cope while she was missing. I know I probably would be, if it were my child missing.
Rest in peace sweet Janaya,

Horrible news, let's hope they catch who ever done this.

Thinking of all the family

Coroner has confirmed that it is sweet Janaya. Gosh dangit I'm so angry right now. She would've started kindergarten, just like my babygirl in 2 weeks. Why? Why? Why? She looks so precious in her pictures and she is so innocent. This is the first time we've had a situation like this one this close to home with a precious child since I've had my kids and it makes it 1000000000 times harder since she's my oldests age. Everytime I think of my little girl, I think of Janaya and how much life she had ahead of her. Fly high babygirl, I pray that we get justice for you soon sweet angel.
they only have what they have to run with as details become more available or clarifications are made they are updating.

Article seems to specify that the family lives a normal family lifestyle (ie. indicating nothing initially around parents or household that would appear to have put the child at risk - drugs, gang activity, etc) Sad that anymore it is assumed to be a non normal family type lifestyle unless specified. MOO

Bio dad reference could be similar sad statement on current societal affairs. MOO perhaps it is assumed that there is no daddy in the household until confirmed by this news org. If so that is sort of telling and offensive IMO.
No words to describe my sadness...I don't know how the parents in situations like this can keep on going. Love and prayers for all of the family and to the precious little one that lost her life so soon.
First post ever. I have been reading the forum since July 1st because of the Nathan O'Brien case. And I was following this case too hoping for a positive outcome.

This is the trailer/house she was found in:!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sli7Bv2jAViDbFtzOE0rwKA!2e0

You can see the Palms apartments in the background, this is so close to their home it's scary. This trailer was abandoned three days earlier according to the article, so IMO it has to be somebody that lived in this area and would know that this place was abandoned.

Terrible tragedy. I also have a five year old daughter starting school soon and this just kills me inside.
First post ever. I have been reading the forum since July 1st because of the Nathan O'Brien case. And I was following this case too hoping for a positive outcome.

This is the trailer/house she was found in:!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sli7Bv2jAViDbFtzOE0rwKA!2e0

You can see the Palms apartments in the background, this is so close to their home it's scary. This trailer was abandoned three days earlier according to the article, so IMO it has to be somebody that lived in this area and would know that this place was abandoned.

Terrible tragedy. I also have a five year old daughter starting school soon and this just kills me inside.

:welcome: :D Glad you finally came out of lurkdom to share.

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