MS MS - Jeffrey Hegwood, 23, Hattiesburg, 20 March 1980

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DNA Solves
Edit-She gave me permission to post this.....

Here's the message;

Hi Cindi,

Sorry to bother you again. I can't seem to figure out how to post on the web site so I am going through you. I listened to the radio show tonight, thank you again for having them talk about Jeff's case. I just want to mention a couple of things:

Jeff wasn't a Bartender; he was the owner of the coffee house next to the college he attended, the University of Hattiesburg, MS. He also has blue eyes, now brown and the photo posted doesn't really look like he did when he went missing. That photo was over a year old. His hair was a lot shorter and he had become what one would say is " a man ", not a youngster. He was very handsome.

The evening he went missing he had left work, went to the bank to make a deposit, then went to the store to get a bottle of wine for his date that evening and then went back to his apartment, he never made it to his date with his girlfriend. Sometime between the store, prior to 10:00 pm because that is when the liquor store closed and the time he went missing, he had gone back to his apartment. The wine and his wallet were left at his apartment and it looks like he left or was forced to leave and only had time to grab his keys. His car was involved in a minor fender bender a few minutes after 10:00 pm, but it wasn't Jeff driving. The car that was bumped had two girls in it that got the tag as he left the scene. They described someone other than Jeff driving the car. The description fit that of his roommate, all the way down to the shoulder length hair and baseball cap, both of which Jeff did not have. This all happened on a Thursday night. Jeff's car was found bogged down in mud in a alley in a warehouse district on the following Tuesday Morning, the police had done nothing for those first few days. The keys had been ripped out of the ignition and were laying on the floor of the drivers side. There were some people living in the area that heard a car driving extremely fast into the alley and noise, but unfortunately no one bothered to look.

(I omitted name)

Is there any way she can join in on the discussion? She doesn't have to answer every question if she feels uncomfortable. We would love to help her get to the bottom of this. Thanks!

DLJ1979, are you a relative?
One thought . . Makes me wonder if the girlfriend had a former boyfriend who may have been the jealous type? Was this Jeff's first date with the girl?
Did I read correctly that he owned a business? Perhaps money was the motive.
Oohhh!! This one is tough, not alot to go on. Im still newbie but someone needs to contact the le who have this on file and lets get as much info as we can. This man has been missing longer than ive been alive. I can not even imagine how the family lives like this. Not knowing. Lets put this to rest. I like going thru doenetwork but i would need a better picture. Come on sluethers! Do wat u do!! :)
We aren't sure if this was a casual date or not. She was referred to as a girlfriend, but Jeff was a bit of a charmer and wasn't tied down to anyone. It turns out that it was a couple of girls meeting him that evening. The girls were questioned by the police.
Yes, Jeff owned the Towne House, lounge/coffee house. it was a place for business men and locals to have lunch during the day and then the college students/young people would go there at night.
I am currently in communication with the investigator on the case.
Sorry everyone, I didn't realize I needed to hit "quote" before I responded to each post so my responses look a bit arbitrary.
Is there any way she can join in on the discussion? She doesn't have to answer every question if she feels uncomfortable. We would love to help her get to the bottom of this. Thanks!

DLJ1979, are you a relative?

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Was Jeff close to his roommate? Meaning, were they friends before they became roommates?

Also, did he socialize with his roommate? Did they have common friends and did they party together? Thanks!
I'm not sure about. Great question. I will look into that and let you know.
Here's another question (sorry to bombard you!):

Did the police process the townhouse for foul play? I'm assuming they processed the car. If so, did they find anything suspicious like a possible struggle having taken place or things missing or out of place? Were fingerprints found other than Jeff's in the car?

Did they check out the roommates car?
I'm curious as what happened to the roommate. Was his life successful? Is he still alive?

Police should try to track these people down and revisit this case in my opinion.
Jeff was pretty young. How did he afford starting the coffee house business? Did his folks help him? Did he save up money to start the business?
Was the roommate from the local area?
MOO the motive is either something with the group of girls or his business. It's quite impressive for a 23 year old to own a town home and his own business, which sounds like it was really successful too. He must have had quite a go-getter attitude to get that far ahead so young, any chance that he may have crossed the wrong people? Done business with bad people? Some things to consider.
He is still alive and I have located him. I gave that info to the detective today and told him I was going to contact the roommate and he told me not to. From what I found on him, he doesn't look to be very successful in life to this point.

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