MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #2

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I was 19 once and you best believe that my family did not know everything about my social life. I hid my smoking habit, my sexuality, and the fact that I went to a bar outside of town because they didn't card. I look more to her friends to help solve this mystery than to her family. Your friends, they know what you are doing and who you are doing those things with because most likely they are less likely to judge. They are doing most of the same things.
Domestic violence is certainly an angle I am looking into further. I worked as a counselor/advocate for our county women's shelter for several years and have seen horrible things. I had to get out of that line of work. No stomach for it. A few of the women I have helped over the years were murdered.
I agree about a gang possibly being involved. I also wondered since she was turning her life around..if she knew of something gang members had done and they were afraid she may eventually turn them in. (If her ex is gang affiliated) not assuming he is, but if he is.. he may have been waiting for the chance to kill her.
This case has really been on my mind. When seeing the video of where her car was it looks like it had gone off the road. And the photos of the car look like it was dented in the back passenger side. She had a gash to her head. Makes me wonder if she was run off the road and then set on fire to cover it up. I wonder if anyone has noticed someone who has a car not driving themselves lately.

That the car went up the embackment in an unusual manner, as it would have been easier to hide if it was driven up up the path and to the side in a better position, and the way the tire marks are indented, makes me think it was an abrupt set of actions that drove it up there with some speed and maybe due to some sort of struggle or even unfamiliarity with the turn off in attempt to hide. Then the foliage seems kind of piled up around where the car was, but the burn mark is not that wide around the car. The most intense burn or smoke damage seems to have been by the tree where the hood would have been. My guess would be that Jessica was reclined and perhaps passed out or restrained when the perp poured the accelerant on her (which the examiner will hopefully identify) so it may have gone into her mouth and nose. Most of the accelerant may have been poured inside the car to wipe away evidence and lit. Whatever was done to the outside of the car was to buy the perp time to get distance. below are links to the screen grabs from the scene. It hurts to think that her family, friends and community may think of this horrible thing happening to her and deal with it while they wait for justice.
I've been waiting to see if anyone local addressed this. Since not, I guess I should tell my story:

I am NOT from that area and have never lived there. But I do have relatives there. Passing through once on my way further south, I arranged to meet a group of relatives for dinner at a popular restaurant that also has a bar with music and dance.

We had a great dinner, wonderful visit, and even danced a bit. A good time was had by all, you could say. But I was woefully behind in a project that required me to briefly interview 100 people. I'm being intentionally vague about the details for the protection of my privacy.

Looking around, I saw every table in ghe restaurant and every seat at the bar full, some people standing around the small dance floor, and people lingering outside, presumably to smoke. I thought "what a great opportunity to interview a sizable number of people in a short period of time".

I spent the next 30 minutes "mixing" with the crowd, speaking with about everyone in the building. I wasn't invasive at all and everyone, without exception, was open and friendly. As I finished interviewing at one table or group, another group would beacon me to come talk to them. I quickly had more than half my project done and was thrilled. On top of that, I had the pleasure of meeting a truly amazing community of the nicest folks I'd seen in one place at one time.

Once finished, I stepped outside to rejoin several members of my own group as they took in some fresh air. What happened next took me completely by surprise.


Mind you, I was in my late 50s, accompanied the whole time by my husband, and had not engaged in anything remotely 'flirtatious'. I had explained my professional 'project' to each person I interviewed. I was befuddled and confused by the considerable anger coming from this local fella.

As I blinked in the headlights, clueless, he continued to say things like "YOU MUST BE CRAZY TO HAVE A DEATH WISH LIKE THAT". Then it hit me with a sickening thud. I felt like I fell down a rabbit hole and landed squarely in a KKK meeting in the 50s. He was referring to the fact that there was a mix of ethnicities in that restaurant and I had dared speak with ALL of them alike.
Somehow, my speaking with, shaking hands, laughing with, and sitting at tables with people who were not WHITE endangered my LIFE in the eyes of this long term generational local. He seemed to imply that I should get out of town fast before the sun came back up.

I know this sounds unreal, especially for those who did not grow up in the south. It was unreal to me also and sickening.

All I can say is if what I did that night in a very public venue in the presence of my husband and many extended family members meant my very LIFE was then at risk (from whites, not from people of color) then I can't begin to imagine what risk Jessica Chambers ran. And the 'risk factors' are embedded throughout all rungs. Believe it!

There. I've said it. It seems no one else that is local is willing to speak up. I can understand: It doesn't take seeing many burned alive to silence people.

This is NOT to say Jessica wasn't killed by an ex, by a jealous woman, by a rejected man, etc. I'm just sayin' that the racist stuff is still seriously pathological in that part of the country and pretty high up the ranks, too.[emoji15]

I am from the south and have always lived here. There are a few racists, bigots, snobs, dangerous characters, etc in every ethnicity or group of people or town. It sounds like the man who shouted at you was one of those and the many strangers that you interviewed were not. I don't even understand what his problem really was. If it were so dangerous or terrible to do then why was the group there anyway?

Where I live now (and hubby's and his family) have always lived is one of those southern rural towns with one gas station. Our town seems to be about equally white and black (also some Hispanics who work or have worked in the agricultural industry here). There is no racial stuff still seriously pathological here or pretty high up the ranks.

We all live here, we are friends, neighbors and even family. There is no kkk, no gangs (black, white or Hispanic), no crime to speak of and no racial tension. Everyone just gets along. We all wave at each other, talk to each other, care about each other. Maybe my town is bit unique because we are so entwined and have been so for a long time. Everyone pretty much knows each other. When I talk with someone unfamiliar here, I quickly find common connections such as friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. ( LOL, I learned quickly here never to say anything bad about anybody. Upon telling my sis in law about a crazy woman I met, my sis in law said " Oh that's my cousin". Well I was so embarrassed and she just laughed and said her cousin is nuts. )

Maybe nobody hears about places like this because we don't have spectacular crimes to report on and nobody is fighting. Really not much exciting or scandalous going on here. Maybe they should do more reporting on towns like us.
I am from the south and have always lived here. There are a few racists, bigots, snobs, dangerous characters, etc in every ethnicity or group of people or town. It sounds like the man who shouted at you was one of those and the many strangers that you interviewed were not. I don't even understand what his problem really was. If it were so dangerous or terrible to do then why was the group there anyway?

Where I live now (and hubby's and his family) have always lived is one of those southern rural towns with one gas station. Our town seems to be about equally white and black (also some Hispanics who work or have worked in the agricultural industry here). There is no racial stuff still seriously pathological here or pretty high up the ranks.

We all live here, we are friends, neighbors and even family. There is no kkk, no gangs (black, white or Hispanic), no crime to speak of and no racial tension. Everyone just gets along. We all wave at each other, talk to each other, care about each other. Maybe my town is bit unique because we are so entwined and have been so for a long time. Everyone pretty much knows each other. When I talk with someone unfamiliar here, I quickly find common connections such as friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. ( LOL, I learned quickly here never to say anything bad about anybody. Upon telling my sis in law about a crazy woman I met, my sis in law said " Oh that's my cousin". Well I was so embarrassed and she just laughed and said her cousin is nuts. )

Maybe nobody hears about places like this because we don't have spectacular crimes to report on and nobody is fighting. Really not much exciting or scandalous going on here. Maybe they should do more reporting on towns like us.

Beautifully expressed, thank you.
In the South, these Mom & Pop gas/cooked food/convenient stores are common out in the country little towns. They are also the neighborhood hangout. The owner, more than likely, works many hours as is common, so he would be very knowledgeable of each of his customer's habits. Want to know what is going on around town, just ask him or one of the daily guys that hangs around the store all day.

Can't quote a station as I just caught the end of the news report, but the reporter said no one is talking because they are scared. That tells us what is going on in that town!

IMO, if Jessica had to live in a battered women's shelter and has only been out a few months, this murder traces back to that situation! It has to, otherwise, why did she live there? What did LE do about that problem and where is that guy?
I've been following this case and am just sick over it. I find it odd that the parents originally said they couldn't think of anyone who would want to do this to her but then we find out about past domestic abuse and living at a shelter. Surely the ex-abuser would have been the first person they considered even if they were no longer together? Seems odd unless that info was just not released in the media.

Also, I'm fairly certain her saying she was going to clean her car was a rouse so that she'd have more time at the party or to meet someone. Possibly someone her parents would disapprove of.
Young woman is said to have purchased more than twice as much gas as usual, plus cigarettes though the family says she didn't smoke. She is then found burned beside her car. Explain why one should not assume there is a connection here.

If she smoked and the family didn't know it, then you have to wonder if there were other things they didn't know - such as whether she had a boyfriend or was a party girl. The extra gas could have been a cover, too - if she normally only put $5 in at a time, perhaps family was only doling out that small amount of cash, and keeping track of her travels. Putting in extra could indicate she was going further than she was "supposed" to be going, and didn't want to come home with an empty tank.
I've been waiting to see if anyone local addressed this. Since not, I guess I should tell my story:

I am NOT from that area and have never lived there. But I do have relatives there. Passing through once on my way further south, I arranged to meet a group of relatives for dinner at a popular restaurant that also has a bar with music and dance.

We had a great dinner, wonderful visit, and even danced a bit. A good time was had by all, you could say. But I was woefully behind in a project that required me to briefly interview 100 people. I'm being intentionally vague about the details for the protection of my privacy.

Looking around, I saw every table in ghe restaurant and every seat at the bar full, some people standing around the small dance floor, and people lingering outside, presumably to smoke. I thought "what a great opportunity to interview a sizable number of people in a short period of time".

I spent the next 30 minutes "mixing" with the crowd, speaking with about everyone in the building. I wasn't invasive at all and everyone, without exception, was open and friendly. As I finished interviewing at one table or group, another group would beacon me to come talk to them. I quickly had more than half my project done and was thrilled. On top of that, I had the pleasure of meeting a truly amazing community of the nicest folks I'd seen in one place at one time.

Once finished, I stepped outside to rejoin several members of my own group as they took in some fresh air. What happened next took me completely by surprise.


Mind you, I was in my late 50s, accompanied the whole time by my husband, and had not engaged in anything remotely 'flirtatious'. I had explained my professional 'project' to each person I interviewed. I was befuddled and confused by the considerable anger coming from this local fella.

As I blinked in the headlights, clueless, he continued to say things like "YOU MUST BE CRAZY TO HAVE A DEATH WISH LIKE THAT". Then it hit me with a sickening thud. I felt like I fell down a rabbit hole and landed squarely in a KKK meeting in the 50s. He was referring to the fact that there was a mix of ethnicities in that restaurant and I had dared speak with ALL of them alike.
Somehow, my speaking with, shaking hands, laughing with, and sitting at tables with people who were not WHITE endangered my LIFE in the eyes of this long term generational local. He seemed to imply that I should get out of town fast before the sun came back up.

I know this sounds unreal, especially for those who did not grow up in the south. It was unreal to me also and sickening.

All I can say is if what I did that night in a very public venue in the presence of my husband and many extended family members meant my very LIFE was then at risk (from whites, not from people of color) then I can't begin to imagine what risk Jessica Chambers ran. And the 'risk factors' are embedded throughout all rungs. Believe it!

There. I've said it. It seems no one else that is local is willing to speak up. I can understand: It doesn't take seeing many burned alive to silence people.

This is NOT to say Jessica wasn't killed by an ex, by a jealous woman, by a rejected man, etc. I'm just sayin' that the racist stuff is still seriously pathological in that part of the country and pretty high up the ranks, too.[emoji15]

I do not believe it. I live here in the South and I know better. Racist stuff is not pathological here. I'm just going to have to respectfully disagree about your perception of racism and "the South". It exists everywhere...all over the world...and is in fact NOT exclusive to the Southern portion of the U.S. That is a stereotype that has been perpetuated by the media for decades. There is no more trouble with race relations in the South than there is anywhere else. The latest incidents that we all have seen on the news took place in Missouri and NYC. The actual stronghold of the white supremacist movement is located in Idaho. The KKK has very active chapters in the Midwest, as well as in the Mid-Atlantic region and the Pacific Coast. Those chapters are growing....while in the South it is mostly in a serious decline. They are not welcome here.

I grew up in the South, as did my parents. I am not a racist and never have been. My parents were not, and no one in my family is a racist. I have friends of all different races, religions, cultural backgrounds and there are many mixed couples among them. No one really cares about that stuff anymore. My best friend is actually married to a man of a different race, and no one has ever thought a thing about it. I don't know anyone who is a racist. The vast majority of people in the South would never care one bit who was talking to whom in a restaurant, or what color their skin was. People of different races have meals together in restaurants every single day in every Southern state without feeling threatened because nobody thinks it's wrong. Those days have been gone for over 40 years. It's distressing to see the stereotype being brought up here. We are not a huge mass of cross-burning, race-hating people down here, and actually most people never were that malicious.

There will always be people EVERYWHERE who are misguided about race. That has always been the case. If this young woman was murdered due to having a relationship with someone from another race....that kind of murder has happened all over the world for thousands of years. People hate others for various misguided reasons, but it is not exclusive to any one place.
My random thoughts..

I think the placement of the car was purposeful. (To appear like an accident)
They may have even purposefully banged up the back to throw investigators off.

I'm also thinking the name she whispered may have also come from something the perp said
'This is for derrick' or something similar.
This leaves 'Derrick' out of town or with a clear alibi but doesn't mean he innocent.
Completely premeditated.
'Derrick' might have said,hey can you swing by and pick up my boy X and bring him out here to chill at the party.
She may have never known the perps real name.
That's why she whispered who she thought may lead to her killer and also why she had more gas than usual.
Hundreds at funeral for woman burned alive
Associated Press 10:23 p.m. CST December 13, 2014

Chambers family grieves: 'I can never give my sister her Christmas gift' (Their news staff will be on site investigating on Monday)
Jerry Askin reports Dec 13, 2014 11:30 PM EST

'We will not stop:' Vigil seeks justice for burned teen
Clay Chandler, The (Jackson, Miss.) Clarion-Ledger 11:24 p.m. EST December 13, 2014

I've been following this case and am just sick over it. I find it odd that the parents originally said they couldn't think of anyone who would want to do this to her but then we find out about past domestic abuse and living at a shelter. Surely the ex-abuser would have been the first person they considered even if they were no longer together? Seems odd unless that info was just not released in the media.

The only way I can see the ex -not- being a suspect/person of interest is if he's no longer in the area/in jail/dead.
I guess this seems like obvious info, but since the perp had to set the car on fire shortly before it went up in flames, that would mean one of three scenarios:

1. The person who set the car on fire lived within walking distance of the scene of the crime;
2. he/she was parked nearby and JC was rendezvousing with this person, who then left the scene quickly in his/her own vehicle (where would it have been parked?); or
3. at least two people were involved in this crime, since the fire-starter could have been picked up and driven away from the scene quickly, being long gone before the passerby saw the fire and called 911. With the report of a gash on her head, it does seem possible that her car was driven there by somebody else while she was unconscious, then set on fire. If that were the case, it seems likely two people would be involved if the perp didn't live in walking distance of the crime scene.
I've been following this case and am just sick over it. I find it odd that the parents originally said they couldn't think of anyone who would want to do this to her but then we find out about past domestic abuse and living at a shelter. Surely the ex-abuser would have been the first person they considered even if they were no longer together? Seems odd unless that info was just not released in the media.

Also, I'm fairly certain her saying she was going to clean her car was a rouse so that she'd have more time at the party or to meet someone. Possibly someone her parents would disapprove of.

I agree mrsu.Although,I have no way of knowing if my theory on Jessica's case is accurate. I believe her parents wanted Jessica to put any unhealthy relationship(s) behind her.Admitting to a present involvement with an abusive(present or past) person would be unthinkable to them. But,sometimes evil people can prey on our most vulnerable no matter how hard we as parents attempt to shield them & the consequences can be tragic. This case has been very upsetting to me & I pray the perpetrator is quickly apprehended. MOO
This of course is totally my opinion only, but even if the abuser is living out of state/has an alibi, it does not rule out that the murder stems from the DV situation. Often times, if domestic violence is reported and criminal charges are filed, friends or family members of the abuser may involve themselves by harassing or even physically attacking the victim. We just had a case in my home town where the sister of an accused abuser ran into the accuser of her brother in a bar and broke a beer bottle over her head and threatened her to drop the charges against her brother.
Can someone tell me where the information about her purchasing more than her normal amount of gas came from?
Hundreds at funeral for woman burned alive
Associated Press 10:23 p.m. CST December 13, 2014

Chambers family grieves: 'I can never give my sister her Christmas gift' (Their news staff will be on site investigating on Monday)
Jerry Askin reports Dec 13, 2014 11:30 PM EST

'We will not stop:' Vigil seeks justice for burned teen
Clay Chandler, The (Jackson, Miss.) Clarion-Ledger 11:24 p.m. EST December 13, 2014


Very very sad. R.I.P Jessica I am hopeful they will find out whoever is responsible however long it takes. Your family and friends are in my prayers at this very difficult time.
The info came from the gas station attendant who always sold JC her gas.
I just feel this wasn't a "lure" situation. Trust me, I have studied this kind of thing for a while. I will never doubt the local police force in trying to solve a crime, they are often under appreciated and under paid, but they must be nervous by the amount of attention Jessica's case is receiving and the media is saying "murderer." I am not sure that is the case.

You're right, of course. Early in this thread I remember reading one gentleman's very plausible explanation for the buckling in the back of the car ( just heat he explained). That rumor and some others that LE hasn't been able to get behind, well, it makes me wonder too. So sad though no matter what.
Can someone tell me where the information about her purchasing more than her normal amount of gas came from?

The owner of the convenience store where she was last seen said that she purchased $14 of gas, rather than her more customary $5.
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