MS - Jessica Chambers, 19, found burned near her car, Panola County, 6 Dec 2014 - #3

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Thanks to all of you! And again, sorry for the Twitter link. ::crying:: I'll get the hang of it, I promise! ::goes back to just reading for a while:: :newbie:
. It was just one of the many convincing things that brought me to believing my thoughts above. I think that it is quite possible that she heard who wanted to do it and that person was in questioning at the time... :newbie:

If you aren't allowed to post the page, telling us what was on it follows the same set of rules. I know, it's maddening at times.
Thanks to all of you! And again, sorry for the Twitter link. ::crying:: I'll get the hang of it, I promise! ::goes back to just reading for a while:: :newbie:

Please don't go-keep posting.
What do you make of this video of Coley Haley the Fire Chief? He hesitates after saying "and we noticed a young female". Do you think he realized he said something he wasn't supposed to? I've heard that sometimes when people are severely burned it can be difficult to tell gender right away. I'm especially interested to know what those of you with law enforcement, forensic psychology, etc, experience think about the video.

PS - there is an advertisement at the beginning of the video. If anyone has a link to the video elsewhere without the ad please post it. Thanks :)
I've been having a hard time following every comment in this thread hehe but I was thinking about the thing the clerk gave someone outside the gas station... Couldn't it be matches? I live in Canada and I don't know if things work the same as in the US, but here most of the time, gas stations offer their customers matches when they buy cigarettes. So, let's say someone has cigarettes but forgot his/her lighter, they can ask the clerk for matches. I thought of it because this case is fire-related. It's just an idea...

we are not as civilized in the US. although I was born in Canada.
I can't hear anyone say "matches" without thinking of Eddie Izzard.
What do you make of this video of Coley Haley the Fire Chief? He hesitates after saying "and we noticed a young female". Do you think he realized he said something he wasn't supposed to? I've heard that sometimes when people are severely burned it can be difficult to tell gender right away. I'm especially interested to know what those of you with law enforcement, forensic psychology, etc, experience think about the video.

PS - there is an advertisement at the beginning of the video. If anyone has a link to the video elsewhere without the ad please post it. Thanks :)

I think she was not clothed - hence the young female recognition. I also think she was not severely burned all over her body - she was recognizable. obviously burned badly enough in areas to succumb to the burns, but possibly recognizable.
we are not as civilized in the US. although I was born in Canada.
I can't hear anyone say "matches" without thinking of Eddie Izzard.
I could use some Eddie Izzard. Might go look him up on youtube.
SIAP- I just joined in and only checked a few pages back... Does anyone have an MSM article on this George Mister guy>? I just read on twitter that George said he took a lie detector test and a cotton swab.... That means they have DNA!!! If true!!!

I'm not an expert, but would they take a cotton swab from him, just in case they find DNA later? Or do you think they already have some from JC?

I am sure she was raped. there will be DNA on her. they say they know what happened to her before she died. so, I think being burned was the last of possibly many assaults at various locations. this would indicate more than one person involved.
I think she was not clothed - hence the young female recognition. I also think she was not severely burned all over her body - she was recognizable. obviously burned badly enough in areas to succumb to the burns, but possibly recognizable.

OK, thanks for the response. I think that any clothing she might have been wearing would have burned off, especially if an accelerant was used. And if she wasn't wearing any clothing to begin with then the accelerant would have been directly on her skin which I think would have resulted in severe burns.
the interview with them just has Fire Walk With Me/Twin Peaks all over it. JC was such a Laura Palmer, I feel.

All we're missing is a midget with a weird voice.

Could you imagine when they cast this movie, they're going to run out of money the first week of filming the first week with all the players.
This poor girl, the horrible way she was killed. Are the police that naive/being payed off or what? I just cannot wrap my head around the fact that they haven't been able to figure this out it?????

I believe they know who killed her but are waiting for corroborating forensic evidence before making an arrest. And that takes time. With all of the eyes watching, they need an ironclad case, as they should.
Woah, are these two a couple? I had a different arrangement that came immediately to mind. Hmmm.
Hi everyone!

This is my first time posting here, although I've been a member a couple of months and have been a "lurker" long before that. No case has stuck with me quite like this one and Hannah Graham's. I could not help but follow Hannah's disappearance so closely and I am exactly the same way with this investigation... although this one is layered with so much frustration. People in this town know exactly what happened and I do think it was revenge and/or initiation. There is too much secrecy and too much activity on gang member's social media. Burning/toasting/barbecuing are constant threats and the anger in some of these members run VERY high -- it's more than apparent online. On top of that, you have a small town mentality. And even on top of that, you have actual danger as a threat for snitching. Their loyalty is number one priority or they could be next. I've spent the last few days just waiting for some good news that someone has gone to police with who was behind this, but still nothing. I do think it's only a matter of time before someone caves. I think a lot of people know how it went down. It might be weeks or months but someone is going to come forward. Someone will slip up, I just hope the LE in the area does the right thing and isn't in on covering it as well.

From out of the darkness of 'Lurking Land' she springs forth! You did great. :gathering: So glad you decided to join us!

(Bolded By Me),

Sometimes I think, what would I do right now if I had the authority to step into this investigation? What would my next step be?
I'm really am leaning toward this being a very known person to Jessica. What with the small town and everyone shutting up and cleaning up their facebook pages. If this were someone from out of town they'd be pointing in the direction of travel and yapping like crows caught in a fence.

Then, I'd find out who the person was off screen and also the person who actually placed the 911 call and I would become their new best friend. I would stick to them like their underwear. Just when they thought I was gone, I'd come back like a herpes rash. I would change my address and move to this town and be everywhere.

One thing I've learned from being around farm animals is that you cannot shovel $#!t without getting some on you. SOMEONE right there, shuffling their feet and looking down at the floor in a bashful fashion knows what, who, where.

Sometimes what isn't said, is far louder than what is.

(Whoever placed that 911 call wanted to do the right thing, but from a distance.)
OK, thanks for the response. I think that any clothing she might have been wearing would have burned off, especially if an accelerant was used. And if she wasn't wearing any clothing to begin with then the accelerant would have been directly on her skin which I think would have resulted in severe burns.

I'm pretty sure she suffered some fairly severe burns. Pretty certain all her clothes were probably gone too. Many reports listed her as unrecognizable. I'd imagine she had fourth as well as many third degree burns.
the interview with them just has Fire Walk With Me/Twin Peaks all over it. JC was such a Laura Palmer, I feel.

Woah, are these two a couple? I had a different arrangement that came immediately to mind. Hmmm.

Darn, forgot the quote thing. Sorry.
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