MS MS - Kaila Morris, 21, Columbus, Sept 2009

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Thanks for the insight PGW. What a monster. Even if his past conviction and the child *advertiser censored* can not be brought up during a murder trial it seems to me like they very well might have enough to convict him of Kaila's death, but I'm not a legal professional. Maybe if he gets put away for good he will talk.
This person told me that they had a friend who saw and heard an unfamiliar vehicle, a truck, turn to go up on land that was not owned by that person, at night, and got stuck momentarily, from the sound of the wheels, in that field. That field is between Caledonia and Columbus, and I have to think of the road that I was told that the truck turned off of. The person witnessing this did not put it with the disappearance of Kaila at first, because no one knew she was missing at that point, but later he began to wonder if it was connected. Said the truck went out into the field and then went back out. Never happened again.

Kristin Mamrack (contact)
July 22, 2010 10:42:00 AM

<snip from summer_breeze's link above>

Rickert also testified Triplett, on Sept. 23, told investigators Morris, the day of her disappearance, asked him to "check" family-owned property in Alabama and he took "an ax and a shovel" to the property where, in his four-wheeled vehicle, he "got stuck for two hours."

Hello, forgive me for not remembering at this moment who had posted earlier about examining and finding clues and truthfulness in people's "words" (it was Dreamweaver, I believe?)
(ETA: just looked back and yes, it was Dreamweaver, post #36), but I operate in the same way, and PGW, I believe you are on to something here.
I wonder if that land you heard about where the "truck got stuck" is anywhere near the area where stepdad "got stuck for two hours". I would love to hear more elaboration on why KAILA would ask stepdad, coincidentally on the very same day she disappeared, to "check" her family property, and which parcel it was - it has been noted previously that KAILA's FAMILY owned alot of pieces of land:
<quote from rolltideroll snipped below>
"I do know that her mother's family owns a LOT of land in Lowndes county. I wonder how much of that land the step-father is familiar with. Most of the land is very desolate and there is alot of it. It is scattered all around the county and from what I know there are numerous places to dispose of a body."
I hope someone has truly taken this info to LE, and that they acted upon it and searched the area(s)??

~Praying for Kaila~
There have been many people turn up dead in Columbus and Lowndes County and either have been ruled suicide or the killers have never been found. There has been a "joke" that if you ever wanted to get away with murder, this is the place to do it.

Lowndes County LE knows that the family owns alot of land in the area. I don't know if it all has been searched.

PGW- Can you find out the name of the road your friend was referring to? Has your friend spoken to LE about what they saw?

Bless Kaila. She had her whole life in front of her. I hope she is found.
When I was told the information about this strange vehicle appearing on that person's land, I immediately contacted a friend of mine who is in law enforcement, but not in Lowndes. I asked him to pass the info on. The person this happened to, made a phone call to LE, is my understanding, but nothing more happened. A third person, a friend of the person reporting this, also made a contact with LE. At the time, I think they were pursuing other leads, and this lead would have sounded vague at the time, and would make more sense as more info came out.

This is the first I've heard that Triplett admitted to being out and on property in Alabama that day. The area where I first sensed she was, is only a few miles from Alabama. The road where the strange truck appeared and went through the other person's land, leads to Alabama, and is only a few miles from Alabama line as well.

The weird thing about the truck that night, was it went through an area that was not a road. It was just land, a field, and it went on up to the back of that field, and onto other land, and did not stay all that long. It would have been long enough to have buried something. I hate to say the word body, but I want to see this girl found, and justice brought, for her sake. It was puzzling to the people who reported this, because they couldn't figure out what the truck was doing or why it went there and it gave them a bad feeling. They didn't want to go up to their part of the land and see what was going on.

But it would put her in Mississippi near the Alabama line, still in Lowndes. Perhaps that's what the intention was when he said Alabama? Partial truth. Perhaps, too, he could have intentionally put her on someone else's land near her family's land, so that if someone did drive up and say what are you doing here, he would cover by saying he was checking out his stepdaughter's family's land, and then act ignorant of the actual land boundaries if confronted, because after all, he only married into the family. LE should check land right next to land owned by Kaila's family. He's too slick of a criminal to have put his victims in the most obvious place, her family land. He'd also want to check on it later, make sure his tracks were covered, so it would have to be next to the land that he'd have a good excuse for being on.

I understand she was about to inherit a lot on her 21 birthday.

I do remember the road and passed that on to my friend in LE, but I don't want to make it public info because it puts the person who reported it in an uncomfortable position and they did not want to be put in danger, either. I did not hear this story straight from the person it happened to. I only heard it second-hand from their friend. I had permission to pass it on, but not to reveal the person, only the location. I actually do not know anything about the person, including name, just the location. I did pass the info on, but it's been a long time ago.

I'll go back and look at my email to LE friend and see about resending it with added info that you have posted here. It's possible there are two different witness groups to that strange group, was my understanding at the time, so not just the one group. But only the one group was wanting to report it, but feared reprisal by the killer if word got out. Luckily Triplett has been behind bars for awhile so it's safer.

I agree, bless her, and if he did kill her, which unfortunately seems so, may she rest in peace, and may justice prevail.
I'll go talk to my friend who first told me about their friend -- very distinctly I remember being told by this person that their friend heard the sound of the truck being stuck in mud in that field. I don't live in the same town. But I'll catch up to that person and encourage them to encourage their friend to make sure again that LE has that info. Now that Triplett's not getting out, perhaps they have less fears. I'll try to track down who that other group of witnesses were to that truck. There is more than one home on that road in that vacinity.

I'm still grasping that he admitted he took a shovel and an axe! My God! Just makes your blood run cold. Why would he offer that info freely? Must have been during a lie detector test and had to have been a really good lie detector administrator!

Why an axe? How many people visit land with an axe? And this truck was at night, so who goes out with an axe at night? Or was that the weapon that did it? Did he bury it, too? He admitted taking a shovel??????

I hope he never gets out, ever. I saw her with abrasions to her cheek and chin, and lying in a field near a piece of farm equipment. The area that affected me was at the Lowndes-Monroe line, but out from the highway, in the direction of Alabama. Lowndes and Monroe border Alabama. I'll have to go back and read if I ever put the road names in here, but can't put that one, but LE has been given all of this.
More odd twists to Kaila's case!!! On today's newscast on WCBI, a woman who was "a friend" of Kaila's mother, stole jewels and coins worth tons of money from Kaila's mom. I only caught part of the newscast and am waiting for their transcriptions of today's news to post on their website. I did a search on the woman who stole the very expensive jewelry and coins from Kaila's mom (Bonnie Morris Tripplett), and she either did this crime recently, or this is the crime she was arrested for months ago and is now going to court for it. The woman's name is Sharon Eads, 45 years old, from Columbus, MS area, I guess.
In my search of Sharon Eads, I came across something strange. She served as a notary public in Columbus, MS, and her license to do such, expires in 2012. Aren't those 4 year runs on Notary publics? The odd part is that the office she worked in as a notary public, is a lawyer's office, meaning, she was not just sitting there doing notary work. She was doing secretarial work and having anotary in a law office is handy, but not what they do all day. Even more stunning, the lawyer's office is Gary Goodwin, THE attorney for Kaila's stepfather on the recent child *advertiser censored* charges!!! So, why did this Sharon Eads all of a sudden need all this valuable jewelry? Kaila's mother is no longer funding her husband, Tripplett's legal needs, and their relationship is kaput. Thankfully. UP until recently, Triplett continued to say he was innocent of the child *advertiser censored* charges, and innocent of anything improper with Kaila. Then, as you posted on this thread, he started talking, about massaging Kaila. Now, in a recent turn of events, he's decided, three days before his trial, to plead guilty to the child *advertiser censored* charges. This is a man who used Kaila's mom's money to fight down to the wire the rape/rope bondage charges, and managed to get the charges lessened and reduced and got off, pretty much. Until recently he planned on fighting these child *advertiser censored* and Kaila's missing status charges, and said so. Now it's a whole new tune. How very, very odd that an office person in his lawyer's office stole very expensive jewelry from his estranged wife. He is known for charming women into believing that he never did any crime at all. That's how he got his second victim, and how he got Kaila's mom.
The road where the strange truck got stuck in the mud that I wrote about was Tabernacle Rd. Does Kaila's family own property around that road? I don't know. The part of the road where this happened, is actually NOT same direction where I felt Kaila to be when I wrote about what I had felt. The road does go into that area, but it's not same area as stuck truck. I'll go back and recheck the map, but I am wrong with what I felt and where, I guess, but where I felt her to be was further North than where this is. I don't know the person, nor their house location on that road, because this came from a friend of the person and they have moved. Maybe that area has already been searched. Maybe it was coincidental and just another stuck truck and has no bearing on any of this. I would hope Kristin Mamrack at the Dispatch and Rogers at WCBI would expand on the Kaila story a bit more, but they've done a great job of covering it. I wish Kaila could be found, and justice served.
It would be hard to say whether Kaila's family owns land in that area. After a quick search, I saw none on Tabernacle Road; however that means little, as her family is probably the largest landholder in this area. It would be listed under several different surnames.

I hope the woman that stole from Kaila's Mom serves some jail time. What a scum bag.

I feel so sad for Kaila's Mom. She and her family have been through so much. She only wants her daughter to come home one way or another. I hope that it happens soon for her sake.
What I was told from the very start of this was that the witnesses to this truck's strange activity LIVE or were visiting on Tabernacle Road when this happened. The truck wasn't ON land on Tabernacle Rd, more than likely, because the truck turned into a field where there was no road, and drove up to through there up to a hill and way up in there, over the slight hill/incline, and so I would believe from that perhaps the stepfather would have gone onto his wife's family property that probably adjoins property that comes out on Tabernacle Rd. Doesn't mean I'm right. But he's not a stupid man. He's covered for himself. He'd want to be on his wife's family property so he could say if discovered at the time that he was checking out their property and not trespassing on someone else's, and he would admit to being on their property to the cops like he did recently because he knows sooner or later, they'll find something linking him to that area, not tire marks anymore, but other stuff. This part of Tabernacle Rd. where the strange truck appeared the weekend of Kaila's disappearnce, was in the New Hope Area. I was told that recently, when I went back and asked the person who is a friend of the other people who are some of the witnesses who heard or saw the truck. That's all I know of that. Perhaps they've gone to LE. I don't know. Some folks were visiting in the area, most of the witnesses, from what I understand. I dont' know. People are reluctant to get involved for good reason, because stepfather obviously has a partner in crime. Now, the area where I felt she was, was not New Hope area, it was toward Caledonia area, and the area that leads into Alabama. I described it in another post. I have no interest in any money from any reward and will not accept any if any leads I might happen to come upon lead to Kaila. I want to see justice.
Sex crimes on Lowndes Circuit Court trial docket


Also scheduled to appear that day [Nov 15] before 16th Circuit Court Judge Lee Howard is Robert Warren Triplett Jr., who faces a charge of exploitation of a child.

Triplett, 57, of 181 Golding Road, pleaded guilty to possessing child *advertiser censored* in federal court Aug. 27.

He was arrested in October 2009 after investigators looking into the disappearance of his stepdaughter found explicit photos of minor children on a computer from his home.

His then-21-year-old stepdaughter, Kaila Morris, has been missing since Sept. 17, 2009, when she was last seen by Triplett.

Triplett gets 10 years on federal child *advertiser censored* charges

Robert Warren Triplett Jr. was sentenced in federal court Thursday to 10 years in prison for possession of child *advertiser censored*, according to reports.


Officers uncovered the evidence while investigating the Sept. 17, 2009, disappearance of Triplett's stepdaughter, Kaila Morris, 21. Morris remains missing.

Triplett gets 10 years on federal child *advertiser censored* charges

Robert Warren Triplett Jr. was sentenced in federal court Thursday to 10 years in prison for possession of child *advertiser censored*, according to reports.


Officers uncovered the evidence while investigating the Sept. 17, 2009, disappearance of Triplett's stepdaughter, Kaila Morris, 21. Morris remains missing.


Thanks for posting this, I haven't forgotten about Kaila. Hopefully he gets 40 years for the state charges. Maybe then he'll admit what really happened to Kaila.
Bump for Kaila. It's been almost 3 years...

photo link: Last activity 2011 Last activity 2009
One of these social media pages for Kaila says she was entered into NamUs but she is not listed as of today.
Kaila has been missing for 5 years today.

Aug 28, 2014 - Triplett's appeal to have his conviction thrown out was denied again. Keeping Your Kids Safe: Judge Says No Dice to Triplett in Child *advertiser censored* Conviction*advertiser censored*-conviction/

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