MS MS - Nichole 'Nikki' LaDue, 30, Pass Christian, 29 July 2002

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Hey does anyone out there know if Phil was ever in the military?
What would anyone on this board do if they thought this murder was government instigated? Is it possible? Of course it is and if one considers all the "professional" people that have looked at Nikki's murder (up towards 15 or more),seems totally interested, gets started, THEN, as soon as they make contact with Pass Christian I believe, they either disappear suddenly, or they feed Bonnie a line of B.S. as to why it was a suicide. Another puzzle is Why are all these people not allowed to tell her they were threatened or whatever? Because not one of them has told her the real deal as to why they quit investigating. Nikki's case continues to get more confusing as time goes on but we are certain the truth will be revealed one day and someone that is not afraid of threats will see this to completion.
Nikki is our featured cold case from 6/26 to 7/3/2011

I can't help but find this article (or series of stories presented) confusing and hard to follow...I will reread to try to clarify. Maybe try to submit this information to the Sun Herald. As of late, they have been featuring cold cases regularly. Although this isn't a cold case, maybe they would feature it if the information is presented. Maybe more residents would take note...maybe someone with some information would see it.

I moved to Biloxi just before this happened. My sister worked at the Grand Biloxi during this time frame, and my fiancee is currently employed there (although not on the floor, he is IT). I see the Grand Biloxi mentioned, then also the Gulfport Grand? For which casino did Nikki work, and in what department? Maybe I missed it, but the article doesn't seem to be clear to me...I am tired and half asleep, I will reread later. From what I understand of the story, it sounds very suspicious.

I think the best bet is to try to constantly write the Sun Herald. They have been running a lot of cold case/crime updates recently.
I can't help but find this article (or series of stories presented) confusing and hard to follow...I will reread to try to clarify. Maybe try to submit this information to the Sun Herald. As of late, they have been featuring cold cases regularly. Although this isn't a cold case, maybe they would feature it if the information is presented. Maybe more residents would take note...maybe someone with some information would see it.

I moved to Biloxi just before this happened. My sister worked at the Grand Biloxi during this time frame, and my fiancee is currently employed there (although not on the floor, he is IT). I see the Grand Biloxi mentioned, then also the Gulfport Grand? For which casino did Nikki work, and in what department? Maybe I missed it, but the article doesn't seem to be clear to me...I am tired and half asleep, I will reread later. From what I understand of the story, it sounds very suspicious.

I think the best bet is to try to constantly write the Sun Herald. They have been running a lot of cold case/crime updates recently.

Just curious what do you find confusing? If you listen to the Crime Wire BTR show which appears on the right hand side of the blog. It is an easy way to catch up. It is a case that has been on going for 9 yrs. There is a lot of documentation.

I know the family greatly appreciates Websleuths featuring this case. 9 yrs this July 29 is a long time for a family to wait for some kind of justice.

It maybe someone is afraid to talk. Hopefully they'll realize it's never too late to do the right thing.

The Grand in Gulfport was where Nikki worked it was lost in Katrina and replaced by a casino called the Island View. The Grand in Biloxi is still there. Many of Nikki's ld friends still work in the different casinos on the gulf coast.

The Condo she lived and was killed in has been rebuilt in same place, same layout and can be found online by looking at local real estate ads.
Hi babycat, You mentioned that we should go to the Sun Herald. We did that and the investigative reporter Robin Fitzgerald is one of the many who seemed so interested at the beginning. We had several phone conversations with her and e-mailed back and forth but as soon as she spoke with Gary Hargrove the county coroner, she told Bonnie it was definitely a suicide period.... We then a couple of years later went to Pass Christian with the sole purpose of talking to some people, Robin being one of them, even made an appointment to see her, but when we got there we later found out she told the receptionist she was out. This is how it has gone for us for these 9 yrs.
To babycat...Please post your questions here and we will attempt to help you understand whatever is unclear.

About the Sun Herald: Starting in the fall of 2002 the crime reporter, Robin Fitzgerald, was contacted multiple times regarding Nikki's suspicious death. The first contact was via a phone call. She indicated strong interest and asked for about a week to do some research before getting back to us. Months went by and all calls and emails to her were ignored. After pleading with her to at least acknowledge our communications, she finally responded in an email that she had spoken with the coroner (Gary T. Hargrove) whom she highly respected. He had assured her that Nikki had taken her own life. She ended the letter with condolences on losing a loved one to suicide.

We quickly wrote back questioning her biased stance and asked how a crime writer could so easily draw conclusions based on the account of only one (suspicious) person without benefit of hearing what we had to say, and especially since no investigation had been conducted.

She responded immediately with a request that we send all our contact info, which we silence ensued.

In 2007, she was contacted by phone again. Several of Nikki's advocates were going to be in the Biloxi area and would she be willing to meet with them? She said yes. They went to the Sun Herald offices on the appointed day only to be told by the receptionist that Ms. Fitzgerald was out, but that she would call the number left for her as soon as she returned.

Not only did this not happen, they later learned that Robin had instructed the receptionist to lie...she had been right there and watched/heard everything that happened at the front desk. There has been no further contact with her.

Clearly, the Sun Herald works in tandem with law enforcement and therefore does not maintain or conduct any kind of unprejudiced reporting that could shed unwanted light on the 'good 'ole boys' and the corruption within their ranks.

In most states, a violent (alleged) unattended death is required by law to be investigated as a homicide...but not in Mississippi. There, the coroner has unlimited power to declare the manner of death indiscriminately, aided by nothing more that his own 'gut' convenient, especially when individuals in high places might need to cover up a crime.

Nikki was a young, beautiful mother who was shot in the head mere hours before she was able to carry out her plan to go home to her family in Florida. Her death was closed as a suicide the day she was killed and has never been 'open'... it is doubtful the Sun Herald has any interest in a 'non' cold case. Nonetheless, we are grateful for your suggestion.
I posted here this morning as well as someone else I know,however, it is not showing up on the board. Any ideas?
I'm sorry I see it now!!! You know how it is for senior citizensLOL!!!
OK, I am a student focusing on the Administration of Justice, so a couple of things stand out to me. Forgive me, I get windy sometimes. And I am still learning. So correct me if I am wrong.

#1. It is policy (at least here in CA) for all deaths to be considered a homicide and investigated as such until it can be ruled otherwise. Even if it clearly looks like a suicide. In a case my professor shared with us that he investigated. A teen was found hanging from a rafter in his garage by his belt. (Suicide, right?) Nothing below him looked like it had been kicked away. He was fully dressed. After further investigation, the father of the boy admitted to finding his son naked below the waist, and *advertiser censored* on a chair in front of the body. He dressed his son, hid the magazine and replaced the chair before calling 911. All he wanted was to let his son have some dignity even in death. Death was officially determined to be "death by accidental asphyxiation"
What I am saying, is there seems to be a great lack of police procedure shown or proven, at least from what I am seeing.

#2 It has also been proven that a gun used in a suicide is hardly ever found in the suicide victim's hand or on the body. I have yet to read or find a case showing a gun found in such a way as in Nikki's case. It would have to have been an act of God and one heck of a series of timed coincidences that would lead for the gun to land UNDER her leg. I am trying to visualize positioning of the scene. I know the only photos there is in this case, are polaroids. Do we have access to them?

#3 The way I am reading these blog entries, is it sounds like Nikki's son was left alone. Where was Phil, that he did not hear the gunshot. Why, if Nikki's son was there, withOUT Nikki, did Phil not think to call police the night before? Where did Phil sleep? Where did Nikki's son sleep? Who fed Nikki's son in the morning? Who entertained him?

#4 I don't remember reading her determined TOD. Do we have that information?

#5 Do we have a layout of the condo?

#6 Did Phil work for the police in this particular county? Area?

#7 Has the family hired an attorney, or private investigator to poke at the county where the death occurred?

#8 Has Nikki's son ever mentioned hearing anything, or witnessing anything. He was 5 yrs old at the time. He would have the verbal skills to communicate clearly, I would like to believe.

#9 I can read the passion and the love in the author of these blog postings. I just want to say, I applaud you for being so brave in asking for answers. You have the right to the truth. So, I beg your forgiveness if some questions make you upset or feeling defensive. All I want, is to help you find the answers you are looking for, and to get to the truth, sometimes you have to get a little matter of fact. Which can sting to the victim's family. Just remember, it might sting, but if it gets us closer to the truth, it will be worth it in the end. :)
To babycat...Please post your questions here and we will attempt to help you understand whatever is unclear.

About the Sun Herald: Starting in the fall of 2002 the crime reporter, Robin Fitzgerald, was contacted multiple times regarding Nikki's suspicious death. The first contact was via a phone call. She indicated strong interest and asked for about a week to do some research before getting back to us. Months went by and all calls and emails to her were ignored. After pleading with her to at least acknowledge our communications, she finally responded in an email that she had spoken with the coroner (Gary T. Hargrove) whom she highly respected. He had assured her that Nikki had taken her own life. She ended the letter with condolences on losing a loved one to suicide.

We quickly wrote back questioning her biased stance and asked how a crime writer could so easily draw conclusions based on the account of only one (suspicious) person without benefit of hearing what we had to say, and especially since no investigation had been conducted.

She responded immediately with a request that we send all our contact info, which we silence ensued.

In 2007, she was contacted by phone again. Several of Nikki's advocates were going to be in the Biloxi area and would she be willing to meet with them? She said yes. They went to the Sun Herald offices on the appointed day only to be told by the receptionist that Ms. Fitzgerald was out, but that she would call the number left for her as soon as she returned.

Not only did this not happen, they later learned that Robin had instructed the receptionist to lie...she had been right there and watched/heard everything that happened at the front desk. There has been no further contact with her.

Clearly, the Sun Herald works in tandem with law enforcement and therefore does not maintain or conduct any kind of unprejudiced reporting that could shed unwanted light on the 'good 'ole boys' and the corruption within their ranks.

In most states, a violent (alleged) unattended death is required by law to be investigated as a homicide...but not in Mississippi. There, the coroner has unlimited power to declare the manner of death indiscriminately, aided by nothing more that his own 'gut' convenient, especially when individuals in high places might need to cover up a crime.

Nikki was a young, beautiful mother who was shot in the head mere hours before she was able to carry out her plan to go home to her family in Florida. Her death was closed as a suicide the day she was killed and has never been 'open'... it is doubtful the Sun Herald has any interest in a 'non' cold case. Nonetheless, we are grateful for your suggestion.

Your posting reminds me of a book I read some years ago titled Mississippi Mud. I don't recall all the details because I'm no longer "in the first blush of youth," but what you're saying reminded me of some of what I read in that book.....
answers for 'roosha88':

#1. You are right, there was minimal police procedure that day. In spite of obvious red flags none of the normal steps were taken to insure they had answers for all the questions. Only 11 polaroid photos were taken at the scene, and none of them could be cross referenced with the verbal description of the path of the bullet, the casing found in the pool, the bullet found in the chair to Nikki's right. Nothing was taken into evidence (cigarettes, ashtray, bloody phone, lighters, etc.) except for the bullet and casing. Even the pistol found under her leg was NOT seized. As well, an eyewitness reported observing an object being removed from Nikki's hand after she was put on the gurney. There was no mention of this in any of the reports though something can be seen in her left hand in one of the photos. Repeated questioning over the years has been for naught...police, coroner, paramedics all refuse to answer what it was. No fingerprinting was done, the son was not questioned, no autopsy was ordered. Nikki's body was removed to the funeral home less than two hours after the 911 call went in.

#2. I couldn't agree with you more on your statement about the placement of the gun but the 'professionals' continue to minimize this detail by saying with right set of circumstances it COULD have happened in this 'suicide'. At the same time they say Nikki was rendered brain dead simultaneously with the bullet entering her head so she couldn't have PUT the gun where it was found.

#3. No one knows where Phil really was since he has failed to provide proof of his whereabouts that night. However, his claim is that he was in Shreveport, LA, a six hour drive from the scene of the crime. Presumably, Nikki took her son with her to the condo that night and when Nancy and Phil arrived at the apartment the next morning the son let them in and said mommy was sleeping.
Since that last phone call out of the condo ended at 1:49 a.m. and no others were answered, it has always been assumed Nikki was shot sometime between then and 2:30 a.m. when the next phone call went unanswered. Therefore, it is also assumed that Nikki's little boy was alone in the apartment with her dead body on the balcony from that time until nearly 10:00 a.m. when Nancy made the 911 call.

#4. There was no attempt to determine time of death, though official reports state Nikki's body was nearly in full rigor and lividity was in evidence when police arrived.

#5. Look up 1453 E Beach Blvd, Pass Christian, MS on any realty site for the area. The condos have been rebuilt since Katrina and layouts are the exact replica of the originals.

#6. We have no knowledge of Phil working for the police in MS. He worked in security at the Grand Casino (where he met Nikki) until he was fired for assaulting a client in Aug 2000. However, it was a common belief among all who knew him in the state of MS that he was a 20 year veteran of the Wichita Falls, TX police department, captain of the SWAT team for 14 of those years. This was later proven to be a lie by two private investigators and a homicide detective in TX. It is assumed Nikki went to her grave believing her husband was an ex cop.

#7. The family had PI's in the early years, but no attorneys would work with them since they lived in one state and the crime took place in another. Had funds been unlimited, this may have been a non issue.

#8. Nikki's son certainly had verbal skills at the time of her death, is a very smart boy and may have had much to say had he been questioned in a timely manner. To date, he has chosen to 'not remember anything'.

#9. Please do not apologize. The objective is to learn the truth....all information, comments and theories are welcome.
Your posting reminds me of a book I read some years ago titled Mississippi Mud. I don't recall all the details because I'm no longer "in the first blush of youth," but what you're saying reminded me of some of what I read in that book.....

Yes, Nikki's story is definitely reminiscent of the tale of the Sherry murders...not in detail, but in the obvious corruption inside the upper echelons of power on the MS. Gulf coast.
I've wondered if Nikki was waiting for someone and placed the gun under her leg that way so not to accidentally shoot herself. This is all speculation but who would she fear so much she needs a gun but yet isn't fearful enough to remove her beloved son from the Apt?

Was she fearful before this night, it was reported she had asked for the gun to be left with her prior to Phil leaving for LA. Did the phone calls Nikki made the Weds before to her mother happen before Phil left or after?

Yes I read Mississippi Mud (good book), I believe it is possible it is drug related or some other corruption is possibly involved.

An interesting note is Jayne Mansfied died not far from here after visiting with a couple with the last name of O'Neal relatives of an employee at the EO Club II in Biloxi. The employee is rumored to be friends with Condo Owner Paul Morreal and Nikki. But family has no knowledge of him. Some friends do acknowledge him as a friend. Nikki never mentioned O'Neal to family.

While in Biloxi, Mississippi, for an engagement at the Gus Stevens Supper Club, Mansfield stayed at the Cabana Courtyard Apartments, which were near the supper club. After a June 28, 1967 evening engagement, Mansfield, Brody, and their driver, Ronnie Harrison, along with the actress's children Miklós, Zoltán, and Mariska, set out in Stevens' 1966 Buick Electra 225 for New Orleans, where Mansfield was to appear in an early morning television interview. Before leaving Biloxi, the party made a stop at the home of Rupert and Edna O'Neal, a family that lived nearby. After a late dinner with the O'Neals, during which the last photographs of Mansfield were taken, the party set out for New Orleans. On June 29 at approximately 2:25 a.m., on U.S. Highway 90, the car crashed into the rear of a tractor-trailer that had slowed because of a truck spraying mosquito fogger. The automobile struck the rear of the trailer and went under it. Riding in the front seat, the adults were killed instantly. The children in the rear survived with minor injuries.[63]

It was also said there was a DEA sting after Nikki's death at the Grand. What did Nikki know or was someone afraid she was taking away her son and/or secrets and wanted to stop her. Why the quick rush to judgement by LE? Was Tom Pustay's child molestation (allegedly going on then) a key to the lack of investigation? He was convicted and is serving a long sentence.

Another interesting note Det Tom Pustay wrote to Nikki's mother after his conviction and disposition but while on appeal. In the Crime Wire BTR show Statement Analyst Peter Hyatt addresses this. It's very interesting. You may like to listen to it appears on Nikki site under blog on right hand side.
I just wanted to comment how sad it is that one must have political significance to get their case addressed properly. Only an evil society would ignore this murder in my opinion. Why didn't the police investigate? What an evil government we're dealing with all the time. They have a responsibility to investigate a murder!
It is clear to me the security guard husband who assaulted someone is responsible for the murder and the police whitewashed the evidence out of their evil brotherhood with him. The lack of procedure and investigation points to a government cover-up. The husband did it.

I sometimes think people dwell too much on something that is really obvious. It is very obvious the husband committed this crime.
answers for 'roosha88':

#1. You are right, there was minimal police procedure that day. In spite of obvious red flags none of the normal steps were taken to insure they had answers for all the questions. Only 11 polaroid photos were taken at the scene, and none of them could be cross referenced with the verbal description of the path of the bullet, the casing found in the pool, the bullet found in the chair to Nikki's right. Nothing was taken into evidence (cigarettes, ashtray, bloody phone, lighters, etc.) except for the bullet and casing. Even the pistol found under her leg was NOT seized. As well, an eyewitness reported observing an object being removed from Nikki's hand after she was put on the gurney. There was no mention of this in any of the reports though something can be seen in her left hand in one of the photos. Repeated questioning over the years has been for naught...police, coroner, paramedics all refuse to answer what it was. No fingerprinting was done, the son was not questioned, no autopsy was ordered. Nikki's body was removed to the funeral home less than two hours after the 911 call went in.

snipped your response in smaller pieces - Because I want to respond to each of your responses. :)
First of all, thank you for providing this info so fast. I know it is not easy to have to relive this stuff day after day.
Can you get a hold of the police records (police reports, affidavits, whatever) that we can see? Do we have access to the pictures? These are the only 2 I have found. Is there anyway to get bigger copies?

Who owned the gun that was with her body?
When Nikki was handed over to the funeral home, who made the arrangements for her final rest?
And I am confused, I thought Phil was in the house the night before?
So, this means the son was on his own from the time of Nikki's death?
Where did Phil keep his gun when not in use?
With a small boy in the house, I would assume it would be locked up or placed out of reach?

#2. I couldn't agree with you more on your statement about the placement of the gun but the 'professionals' continue to minimize this detail by saying with right set of circumstances it COULD have happened in this 'suicide'. At the same time they say Nikki was rendered brain dead simultaneously with the bullet entering her head so she couldn't have PUT the gun where it was found.

Do you have records from a medical examiner? How small is this town?
Do we know what Phil told the police when he talked to them that morning?
Why did Nancy show up and hour and a half late?
Did she try to call beforehand, and the phone was busy?
Was the phone she had in her hand, been left in the "on" position?
Why was Nikki's bedroom locked?
BTW, people who DO attempt suicide, usually reach out. IF this was a suicide, gun in one hand, phone in the other. Suicidal people usually dial numbers first, and talk to loved ones. This is, I would think that in the case of Nikki, described as a loving mother, would have called someone to tell them what she was going to do, so then someone could come and get her young son.

#3. No one knows where Phil really was since he has failed to provide proof of his whereabouts that night. However, his claim is that he was in Shreveport, LA, a six hour drive from the scene of the crime. Presumably, Nikki took her son with her to the condo that night and when Nancy and Phil arrived at the apartment the next morning the son let them in and said mommy was sleeping.
Since that last phone call out of the condo ended at 1:49 a.m. and no others were answered, it has always been assumed Nikki was shot sometime between then and 2:30 a.m. when the next phone call went unanswered. Therefore, it is also assumed that Nikki's little boy was alone in the apartment with her dead body on the balcony from that time until nearly 10:00 a.m. when Nancy made the 911 call.

So, this means that the son was left on his own overnight, even?
That doesn't sound something the Nikki described in those blogs would do by choice.
The last official person to talk to her was an "Eric" at about 12:36am
Is there any phone record to show who she may have talked to at 1:49am?

#4. There was no attempt to determine time of death, though official reports state Nikki's body was nearly in full rigor and lividity was in evidence when police arrived.

Full rigor usually sets between 10 and 12 hours. A liver temp would have shown a more accurate TOD. But, when again did Phil call Nancy to say he couldn't find Nikki? If she was by herself, the last call Nikki took was 1:49am. Do we know who was on the other line of that call at 1:49am? If she wasn't alone, then someone else made that call. BTW, I think it is interesting that Phil said he was 6 hours away. 6 hours to Shreveport/LA buy a cup of coffee, gas, whatever to get a receipt or get someone to remember him. Then 6 hours back to be there at 9:30am. And Nikki's body was in full rigor by 10am when the officers got there. Coincidence? Hmmm..

#5. Look up 1453 E Beach Blvd, Pass Christian, MS on any realty site for the area. The condos have been rebuilt since Katrina and layouts are the exact replica of the originals.

Is this the right one?

#6. We have no knowledge of Phil working for the police in MS. He worked in security at the Grand Casino (where he met Nikki) until he was fired for assaulting a client in Aug 2000. However, it was a common belief among all who knew him in the state of MS that he was a 20 year veteran of the Wichita Falls, TX police department, captain of the SWAT team for 14 of those years. This was later proven to be a lie by two private investigators and a homicide detective in TX. It is assumed Nikki went to her grave believing her husband was an ex cop.

BBM - So, he was never a police officer?
Do we know his true work history and where he is now?
Does this sound like him?

#7. The family had PI's in the early years, but no attorneys would work with them since they lived in one state and the crime took place in another. Had funds been unlimited, this may have been a non issue.

What information were the PIs able to come up with?
I don't know how to get an attorney's attention. Perhaps there are new ones in the area, or that might be in a different state of mind, and the family could try calling again?

#8. Nikki's son certainly had verbal skills at the time of her death, is a very smart boy and may have had much to say had he been questioned in a timely manner. To date, he has chosen to 'not remember anything'.

You say he has chosen "not to remember" is this a psychological thing, where due to trauma he just does not remember? If this is the case, one day, the wall might just break down in his head and he could just suddenly remember things that could help. I would pray for this to be the case.

#9. Please do not apologize. The objective is to learn the truth....all information, comments and theories are welcome.

I appreciate your understanding. All I really want is answers for Nikki, her son and all her loved ones.
It is clear to me the security guard husband who assaulted someone is responsible for the murder and the police whitewashed the evidence out of their evil brotherhood with him. The lack of procedure and investigation points to a government cover-up. The husband did it.

I sometimes think people dwell too much on something that is really obvious. It is very obvious the husband committed this crime.

Did Phil have friends on this force? Do we have anything that puts the security team and the police force on friendly terms?
Who owned the gun that was with her body?
When Nikki was handed over to the funeral home, who made the arrangements for her final rest?
And I am confused, I thought Phil was in the house the night before?
So, this means the son was on his own from the time of Nikki's death?
Where did Phil keep his gun when not in use?
With a small boy in the house, I would assume it would be locked up or placed out of reach?

Phil owned the .380 Sterling pistol found under Nikki's leg...according to him it was kept on the top shelf of the closet in the master bedroom.

We don't know if Phil was in the condo the night Nikki was shot. We only know that his CLAIM was that he was 6 hours away in Shreveport, LA. Assuming that Nancy and Phil were telling the truth, the son was found in his bedroom at the condo and his mother's body was on the balcony when they (Nancy and Phil) arrived sometime after 9:30 a.m.

When Nikki's body was taken to the funeral home in Gulfport, Phil allowed her family to make the final arrangements. They decided to have her shipped to her home town in New York state for the funeral and burial.

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