MSM Coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/1/11

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Jersey has been officially cleared in the disappearance of Baby Lisa.

He can be uncleared; LE saying he is can be part of investigative procedure. Look where jersey is now and MW's 'house' is now under scrutiny because of a reporter digging not because of LE statements.
Just because LE said that jersey wasn't a part of the investigation doesn't mean it's true. LE got him off the street right quick.

Well, didn't he have a warrant? LE repeated his non-involvement again last night. Maybe they know exactly where he was on the night Lisa disappeared.
My bolding

Yah, that's a head scratcher.

One night they needed to move to an undisclosed location because they had to get away from all of it, then they're letting the national media in to film them and their children.

They don't need to get away from it all (obviously). They just want to get away from LE and certain local media who are onto them.
Has reality TV sunk to a whole new level? Surely, surely, nobody would stoop to this. Would they? I hate TV. I hate reality TV even more.

I really don't think so. It's possible that DB was envious of all the attention paid to tot mom. In fact, that was my first theory. But I seriously doubt that this entire thing is a conspiracy to make reality TV. If so, there will be many, many arrests to come.
Lord Ive been confused since yesterday. I was hoping I would get on this morning and things would be clearer but Its not. These cell phones are driving me batty.
- are they on or off
-was it 830 or 230
-etc etc etc
Does anyone have a guess who motorcycle guy picked out?

Confused since yesterday! Good Lord, I've been confused for weeks now!
I'm completely frustrated with LE, I have no idea exactly who did what or who was where and I have no idea where Lisa is or what has happened to her...and I don't think LE knows either. From the very little we do know I still do not believe DB had anything to do with her daughters disappearance. I climbed upon the fence at one point and even wobbled a little, but now my feet are firmly on the ground in my belief.
Did anyone complain about Natalee Holloway's mother and her loyalty/connection with Greta Van Susteren? Is there really a problem with a family grieving and searching for their child, choosing one media outlet in particular they trust?

I DON'T think the Irwins are doing this for the money, nor do I think they would trade this special horror house life they live now for the sweet life they lived before, with their precious baby.

They just can't get a break. If the images of what they're doing garner sympathy, it's because their story INSPIRES SYMPATHY. It's not because they've created this false structure that causes people to feel fake sympathy, like that balloon boy thing. This is real, it's rough, those who feel empathy for them feel it righteously. FGS. All they want is their baby.

BBM. You sure coulda fooled me. Seems to me they are too busy getting their 15 mins worth and showing their minor sons' faces on national TV in their little dog and pony show, instead of (God forbid) allowing LE to question them about the night their baby sister went missing or pleading for any information on their missing baby girl. MOO.
I can't think of any respectable reason to let media follow those boys trick-or-treating. Halloween is the perfect time to be able to dress up and sneak over to a different neighborhood if they want to be out of the spotlight. That is obviously NOT what this family and/or their representatives want. Also, I think it's pretty crazy to believe that not one of those homeowners who handed the boys' candy is going to reveal the family's location. Come on people. This isn't supposed to be about the parents, the attorneys, the media or even the brothers. This is supposed to be about a missing baby. The whole thing makes me sick.

I didn't get a "normalcy" vibe from that clip at all -- even if that's what the media wanted me to believe. I think normalcy in that household is mommy sitting on the stoop with a box o' wine while the kids fend for themselves. My interpretation of the clip was for show and to try to get the public to stop thinking about the blackout drunk event and focus on what wonderful parents they both are.

Then again, that's just my opinion. Not meant to insinuate that I think they had anything to do with baby Lisa disappearing - but I don't believe that mommy is the parent she wants me to see in that clip -- KWIM?


I recall BS denying this and stating that JT wasn't being paid by the benefactor but that that was a "separate thing"

Yes, that's what BS said. Unfortunately, he's not exactly a reliable source. He's been inserted into this case by persons unknown and persons he refuses to reveal, which is a little too cloak-and-dagger for me. I don't trust anything he says.
Damage control. They need to portray themselves as a loving, normal family. Maybe some of that energy should be used for good purpose - like TALKING TO LE. That's too exhausting though.

These people are so transparent it's ridiculous.


Not picking on you CharlestonGal, but that excuse is the one the attorney that got fired gave, that attorney made that up as an excuse not to hold her pressers, etc... the day she found out she was off the case. Not the family's excuse. Just one of many reasons she was let go within 10 days.
Did anyone complain about Natalee Holloway's mother and her loyalty/connection with Greta Van Susteren? Is there really a problem with a family grieving and searching for their child, choosing one media outlet in particular they trust?

I DON'T think the Irwins are doing this for the money, nor do I think they would trade this special horror house life they live now for the sweet life they lived before, with their precious baby.

They just can't get a break. If the images of what they're doing garner sympathy, it's because their story INSPIRES SYMPATHY. It's not because they've created this false structure that causes people to feel fake sympathy, like that balloon boy thing. This is real, it's rough, those who feel empathy for them feel it righteously. FGS. All they want is their baby.

NH's mother was never a potential suspect. Major difference here. I would compare this more to CA and the Anthony family.

Having said that, in a way I feel sorry for the parents. My belief is that this is all being orchestrated by others, ie attorneys, private investigators.

UGH....watching this just dropped them to an even lower level in my book.

ETA.....interesting that GMA didn't mention the new info on MW and the phone call etc
Natalie's mom dedicated herself to finding her missing daughter. I don't see that level of dedication with Lisa's parents. I don't see them trying at all. Apples and oranges IMO.
BBM. You sure coulda fooled me. Seems to me they are too busy getting their 15 mins worth and showing their minor sons' faces on national TV in their little dog and pony show, instead of (God forbid) allowing LE to question them about the night their baby sister went missing or pleading for any information on their missing baby girl. MOO.

BBM. Speaking of which....has JT rescheduled the interviews with the boys he cancelled for last Friday? He said it would commence this week. Haven't heard a word since. Not that I'm surprised. He has said more than once that he would "absolutely" allow LE to interview both the parents and the children. Never seems to happen though, despite his assertions that his clients are an open book. Spin, lie, and spin some more.
NH's mother was never a potential suspect. Major difference here. I would compare this more to CA and the Anthony family.

Having said that, in a way I feel sorry for the parents. My belief is that this is all being orchestrated by others, ie attorneys, private investigators.


DB isn't a suspect either, potential or otherwise. I agree with you that lawyers are running this show. I also think this is the type of family that is influenced when someone flashed a bunch of money to them.

Not picking on you CharlestonGal, but that excuse is the one the attorney that got fired gave, that attorney made that up as an excuse not to hold her pressers, etc... the day she found out she was off the case. Not the family's excuse. Just one of many reasons she was let go within 10 days.

Perhaps so. So their excuse now for not talking to LE would be......what?
DB isn't a suspect either, potential or otherwise. I agree with you that lawyers are running this show.

If she isn't, she should be. She clearly lied about her cell phones being restricted.

He can be uncleared; LE saying he is can be part of investigative procedure. Look where jersey is now and MW's 'house' is now under scrutiny because of a reporter digging not because of LE statements.

Where is LE saying that Jersey is still part of this investigative procedure?

Last night:

However, Young did say the man known as "Jersey" has been interviewed and cleared of any involvement in the baby's disappearance.

"We spoke to him and are moving on," Young said.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Seen this guy walking with -- carrying something. Maybe...And he turned to look at me and I looked at him and I could tell he had a baby with him.

She had a T-shirt and either training pants or a diaper on...

I still question his credibility at this point. Also, why not "The baby had..." versus "She had a T-shirt..."

You're right. How could he tell the baby was a "she"?
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