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I've never been able to find anything in print that suggested the coroner said she had been molested prior to the night of her murder. What he said was not that she had prior injuries but that she had chronic inflammation. This then was up for interpretation by every "expert" that wanted to share their two cents. Some said it could have simply been from overuse of antibiotics, bubble baths, or from irritation caused by bedwetting, others suggested a level of molestation that would not cause abrasions or tears. All of the injuries found on autopsy were acute and occurred the night of her murder. This has not been up for interpretation this is a fact.
ST and Schiller?

See chapter 24 of ST's, "In mid-Sept., a panel of pediatric experts from around the county reached one of the major conclusions of the investigation, that JonBenet had suffered vaginal trauma prior to the day she was killed." ST had a theory that it was a form of punishment.

Anyone remember that book and movie starring Sally Field, about split personality due to her mother never getting over childbirth, sexually assaulting her to show how it felt? What was the title? (Not saying, of course, that Patsy ever did anything like that, and it was at a party when JonBenet was crying she didn't feel pretty, and evidently tried to call 911.)

I think the whole mystery is about the nature of their partying, but/and I may have already said, there was a new Lou Smit documentary Sunday night on Court TV, better pictures than we've seen before, showing the stun gun marks perfectly matched an Air Taser, and he tells a typical law enforcement logical story about an intruder, but totally leaves out all this about prior vaginal trauma, which has almost got to be relevant.

Possibly I guess it could be coincidence, since JonBenet was sort of the talk of the town, and the university, and there were lots of sex offenders and just plain jealous people around like the homes tour woman ranting as she was leaving.
Steve, I 'm certain did put this in print about his "panel" of experts, but the lie is still there, the truth is, the coroner never said it, some experts suggested it, others said no. It was not trauma , it was chronic inflammation.
It certainly would lesson the chances of a one night intruder if so, and limit our "suspects" to only those that had earlier access to this child, making it easier for the case to be solved. However, it is part of the ongoing debate and for now, it has not been resolved.
The truth is, the night of her murder there was damage, acute damage to her hymen ,a tear, and other acute injuries that indicated she was molested that night. If this molester was so rough as to kill her this night, why weren't there healing scars and such to suggest prior attacks ,if indeed, he had molested her before. There were not.
The book I am going to recommend has nothing to do with the Ramsey case but it has to do with southern thinking (don't bash I am a southerner lifelong). It is The Prince of Tides. By far, one of my 10 best ever. Not the movie,because it doesn't go into the characters as much. It will help explain some of the strangeness associated with this case but will not absolve anyone. Have a good read!
Eagle1 said:
ST and Schiller?

See chapter 24 of ST's, "In mid-Sept., a panel of pediatric experts from around the county reached one of the major conclusions of the investigation, that JonBenet had suffered vaginal trauma prior to the day she was killed." ST had a theory that it was a form of punishment.

Anyone remember that book and movie starring Sally Field, about split personality due to her mother never getting over childbirth, sexually assaulting her to show how it felt? What was the title? (Not saying, of course, that Patsy ever did anything like that, and it was at a party when JonBenet was crying she didn't feel pretty, and evidently tried to call 911.)

I think the whole mystery is about the nature of their partying, but/and I may have already said, there was a new Lou Smit documentary Sunday night on Court TV, better pictures than we've seen before, showing the stun gun marks perfectly matched an Air Taser, and he tells a typical law enforcement logical story about an intruder, but totally leaves out all this about prior vaginal trauma, which has almost got to be relevant.

Possibly I guess it could be coincidence, since JonBenet was sort of the talk of the town, and the university, and there were lots of sex offenders and just plain jealous people around like the homes tour woman ranting as she was leaving.
Hey Eagle, the name of the Sally Field movie was Sybill. It was based on the true story of Shirley Ardell Mason, an art teacher who died in 1998. Very disturbing movie, the poor lady.
Never heard of it, and I'm originally a Southerner too. Sounds interesting if it has some abnormal psychology in it. Will you tell us a bit more, before we drop everything and go looking?

Isn't it great that we can read messages by opening the email notifications? I think this is the only forum that has that feature.
Sissi, you may be right, but I distinctly remember that JonBenet went to see the school nurse two successive Mondays, and someone said ST (?) said Nedra said JonBenet was only molested a little bit.

Do you remember that she was allegedly crying at the party on the 23rd, and McSanta's wife said she asked why, was told "I don't feel pretty", and that she evidently tried to call 911? I don't remember which book.

Police responded to the call, so had she gotten far enough along to give them the address, or did they get it some other way? You remember that Susan Stine turned them away at the door, and FW claimed his mother was in a hospital so that he'd tried to make a call about her medicine and mis-dialed? Anyone believe him? In some forum, they said where his mother had really been that night, not in a hospital. Sorry, I don't memorize sources, never know I'll need them.
You must have deleted your post that "The ignore feature is nice too", after an email notification was sent to me. I was going to say I can ignore w/out a button, and could think of other smart remarks but you know we have to watch it here. Evidently you're not using the feature.

Long as I'm here, I may as well say (again?) I think accusing Patsy is over-simplification. I may have said it before.

Hope I can remember to look for the book someone mentioned, Prince of Tides, something like our weird parties speculation. Have a nice day.
Eagle1 said:
Never heard of it, and I'm originally a Southerner too. Sounds interesting if it has some abnormal psychology in it. Will you tell us a bit more, before we drop everything and go looking?

Isn't it great that we can read messages by opening the email notifications? I think this is the only forum that has that feature.

The Prince of Tides was written by Pat Conroy. It involves a South Carolina family. The mother of the family is very taken with local social mores but she is married to a shrimper and has higher social aspirations. She would use her children in every conceivable manner to achieve her goals. Without spoiling the whole book, a very terrible situation happened one night that was totally covered up by her and the imposed denial was brought upon the children to bear.The characters are richly drawn out and involves as much abnormal psychology as you can muster for a novel. But, I know families like that, my birth family is one of them. I used the comparison to the south because this is what I know and continuing to learn.

As an aside, remember I am the one who saw Patsy Ramsey act out in public that day. I am drawing my parallels on a life of experience. Not a 22 yr old without any experience. Patsy strongly resembled the mother in the book as well as other personalities that I have run in to.
That sounds like exactly my type of book, exactly!

Since reinstalling my printer-copier-scanner fixed some problems I was afraid I'd have to spend the whole day on, sending it to the manufacturer, I think I'll go look for it this afternoon.
Eagle1 said:
Sissi, you may be right, but I distinctly remember that JonBenet went to see the school nurse two successive Mondays, and someone said ST (?) said Nedra said JonBenet was only molested a little bit.

Do you remember that she was allegedly crying at the party on the 23rd, and McSanta's wife said she asked why, was told "I don't feel pretty", and that she evidently tried to call 911? I don't remember which book.

Police responded to the call, so had she gotten far enough along to give them the address, or did they get it some other way? You remember that Susan Stine turned them away at the door, and FW claimed his mother was in a hospital so that he'd tried to make a call about her medicine and mis-dialed? Anyone believe him? In some forum, they said where his mother had really been that night, not in a hospital. Sorry, I don't memorize sources, never know I'll need them.

Mondays are tough days for kids, and a big day for school nurses, many ,many kids have "monday-itis", not wanting to get back into the swing of things. Jonbenet had pretty chronic sinusitis, and IMO an overuse of antibiotics was responsible for the vaginal irritation, little girls just can't live on amoxicillin, looking at that basement her problems could have been attributed to black mold as an irritant and likely she shouldn't have been on meds at all. The Christmas season, with it's dragging up of items that likely held on to many spores could have very well been her worst season for illness.

When you make a 911 call from a home phone your address pops up automatically, as does your phone number, normally if it's a hang up ,911 will return your call, if no one answers they will dispatch someone to the house.
This ,of course, does not work with cell phones, with their use you have to name the municipality you want and are redirected to the right district.

Not feeling pretty, may have been a red-flag, as was the expected secret santa visit. There was early information that indicated Jonbenet had blocked her window, since it has never again been mentioned over the last years ,I suppose it was fluff garbage and not reliable. However, if ,indeed, there were signs of her blocking the balconey entrance, it could indicate a late night visitor,one that threatened to kill her if she told. It would/could fit into the kind of "visitor" that was found in the other little girls bedroom as it could fit into many other scenarios involving a local (neighbor) type who gained access to her over those last days. I remember a story of a little girl not that long after Jonbenet's murder , a little girl who told dreams of someone getting into her room, no one paid much attention until the mother heard noises one night and found that someone was indeed in her room.

I think, Nedra, as a grandmother, was trying to come to terms with this in her own way, to believe the child wasn't raped gave her some comfort.
I did find the book you mentioned, large print, about 800 pgs. I read straight through the first 300, then started peeking at the end and skipping around, wanted to get back to the forums. I know the twin sister recovered, but couldn't find how. He writes well but not really in chronological order.

Do you remember what the shrink told her after finding out about the three escaped convicts incident? Thanks in advance.
The new JBR book I found in the library list for a distant library is no longer listed. Anyone else seen A Little Girl's Dream?

They may be just rearranging the lists. I'll look again soon.
Little Girl's Dream...I read this book a while back. From what I remember, it was written about pagentry in general by a woman who not only participated in them when younger, but who had also been a director of a fairly large pagentry circuit. In all honesty, I didn't feel it had any relevance to JB, certainly no first person anecdotes. I always feel the nay-sayers will point out that "that doesn't mean that JB had the same feelings or experiences that the author did",and I guess that could be true. I ordered my copy from, and they usually have a large used book section. Maybe your take would be different from mine Eagle, but I wasn't very impressed.:loser:
Thanks so much, Jayla. I'm never going to get caught up on my reading as it is, so that's one book I'll just not worry about. Sounds like you know what you're talking about. Thanks again.
Eagle1 said:
I did find the book you mentioned, large print, about 800 pgs. I read straight through the first 300, then started peeking at the end and skipping around, wanted to get back to the forums. I know the twin sister recovered, but couldn't find how. He writes well but not really in chronological order.

Do you remember what the shrink told her after finding out about the three escaped convicts incident? Thanks in advance.

I'm not telling you will spoil the book. It is a whole family involvement...don't it as it was written. The reasons things happen often aren't explained in chronological order but sift in and out of our lives until something makes sense.
Isn't some of that book about recovered repressed memory? Recovered memories has been scientifically proven over and over in the past decade to be unreliable.
sissi said:
I've never been able to find anything in print that suggested the coroner said she had been molested prior to the night of her murder. What he said was not that she had prior injuries but that she had chronic inflammation. This then was up for interpretation by every "expert" that wanted to share their two cents. Some said it could have simply been from overuse of antibiotics, bubble baths, or from irritation caused by bedwetting, others suggested a level of molestation that would not cause abrasions or tears. All of the injuries found on autopsy were acute and occurred the night of her murder. This has not been up for interpretation this is a fact.

You're using a layperson's interpretation of chronic inflammation. In other words, you're confusing it with irritation.

"Focal interstitial chronic inflammation" is a histopathological diagnosis. They cut thin slices of her vaginal tissue and examined them under a microscope.

This is the microscopic evidence of prior injury. It's up to an MD to interpret whether that injury was the result of sexual abuse.

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