Mutilated Cows Found at Missouri Farm Police Not Ruling Out the Possibility of Aliens

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Oh I do NOT like the sound of this. I have literally never suggested this as a theory in my life, but with this kind of crap I have to wonder if it's some satanic ritual. JMO

O/T Just in case you're curious... the creepiest unsolved case I've ever heard with human victims and (very likely) satanic-related would be the murders of Carol Marron and Howard Green in 1979.

This happened back in 2019.

Snipled from article:

“In cow mutilation cases, theories abound about who’s responsible: aliens, demons, cults, black market organ traders. In the thousands of cases since the 1970s, no culprit has ever been caught.
Deputy Roark said he thinks a cult is using the body parts for some kind of “bizarre medicinal practices.”
The Roths said they also suspect a cult is involved.
“We think it’s a satanic thing,” Roth said. “They’re probably taking the reproductive organs and using or selling them for satanic rituals.”
She also said she wonders if the practice of cow mutilation is tied to certain times or numbers. The number on the cow’s ear tag, Roth said, was doubly unlucky: 1313.
“I’ve seen too many crime scenes,” said Roark. “But this one’s got no evidence. Nothing. It’s really bizarre.”
I just posted this on another thread here.

This happened back in 2019:

“In cow mutilation cases, theories abound about who’s responsible: aliens, demons, cults, black market organ traders. In the thousands of cases since the 1970s, no culprit has ever been caught.o
Deputy Roark said he thinks a cult is using the body parts for some kind of “bizarre medicinal practices.”
The Roths said they also suspect a cult is involved.
“We think it’s a satanic thing,” Roth said. “They’re probably taking the reproductive organs and using or selling them for satanic rituals.”

She also said she wonders if the practice of cow mutilation is tied to certain times or numbers. The number on the cow’s ear tag, Roth said, was doubly unlucky: 1313.
“I’ve seen too many crime scenes,” said Roark. “But this one’s got no evidence. Nothing. It’s really bizarre.”
This has been going on for over 40 years. At least that’s been reported on. I fell down a long google hole reading about this the other night when this story came out. It could have been done with a cauterizing pen or cauterizing scalpel. I don’t think for a minute it‘s aliens. What you have the intelligence to come from some distant galaxy or dimension but all you do is kill and mutilate some poor cow? And don’t even take it with you? No this is pure human flippery (can’t say what I wanted to lol). Possibly with some ritualistic connotations.
This has been going on for over 40 years. At least that’s been reported on. I fell down a long google hole reading about this the other night when this story came out. It could have been done with a cauterizing pen or cauterizing scalpel. I don’t think for a minute it‘s aliens. What you have the intelligence to come from some distant galaxy or dimension but all you do is kill and mutilate some poor cow? And don’t even take it with you? No this is pure human flippery (can’t say what I wanted to lol). Possibly with some ritualistic connotations.
I am for the moment more or less thinking along the same lines as the sheriff. A satanic type cult. Whatever it is, it must be super secretive, or they’d have definite answers by now.
I used to live close to where these mutilations happened on Sand Mountain Ala. I’ve always been curious about them.

Adding to the mystery it’s a very remote mountain with a history of extreme poverty. It's socially remote too so any rare outside visitors back then were looked at askance. It is intensively policed with an eye to outsiders.

Some links:

“Cattle farmers, just unsuspectedly, found dozens of cattle mutilated. There’s no explanation for it,” Smith began. “They walked upon the cattle and they saw no evidence, no tracks, no blood on the cattle, but nearly perfect incisions that appears to have been made with extremely high heat to extract various organs from these cattle. As one could suspect, these farmers were absolutely just floored.
Sullivan then questioned why authorities were not able to identify a cause of death for the cattle other than by way of organ extraction.
The South Alabama radio host mentioned the story’s reference to a strange substance located on a victimized cow whose genitals and rectum had been carved out in a neat incision.

“That’s where it gets very interesting,” Smith noted. “It was three different elements that were found. One of them was titanium, that was the most prolific element found, I believe, in the substance.

Smith cited that a molecular biologist who studied the substance advised that the compound of elements was not something that could have been found in nature.

'Unexplained': Yellowhammer News talks cattle mutilations with Mobile radio host Sean Sullivan - Yellowhammer News

Almost three decades ago, cattle farmers in rural North Alabama found dead livestock lying in pastures with various organs extracted from their carcasses.
Once again, no blood was on the animal or on the ground.
During examination, investigators found what was described as a flaky, white material on the animal’s rib cage that was five feet away.

“While removing the flaky particles from the cigarette wrapper, the material came in contact with the brass tip of a ball-point pen,” the police department’s release said. “Within one second of contact with the brass, the material melted into an almost clear liquid. To reduce the risk of this happening to the remaining material, the rest was shaken out into a jar where it remained unaffected.”

The substance was then provided to a molecular biologist for testing.

“After two tests, the scientist determined that the substance was composed of aluminum, titanium, oxygen and silicon in significant amounts,” authorities said.

The field expert said the amount of titanium was larger than what he would have expected to see in any substance. Additionally, the biologist said there was no explanation of how the combination of elements could have occurred in nature.

In the height of the cases, residents began to formulate theories. It was believed that predator animals, satanic cults or mischievous adolescents could had performed the mutilations.

However, scientists who studied the incisions ruled out the theories. The surgical precisions were far too precise and comprehensive to be the work of the theorized culprits, they said.

Further examination

According to local authorities, the surgical incision on McClendon’s calf appeared to have been conducted with extreme heat.

Dr. John Altschuler, a former University of Colorado field expert who was tapped to examine the extraction, said that the temperature needed to make such an incision would have needed to be in the “hundreds of degrees and possibly higher.”

A Fyffe resident, who wished to remain anonymous, spoke about the UFO sightings coinciding with the cattle mutilations.

Revisiting Alabama's unsolved cattle mutilation phenomenon 30 years later - Yellowhammer News

Though many animals have been found on soft pasture land, and in many cases mud, there have been no footprints, tracks, or marks found anywhere near the mutilated animals. | Report on Cattle Mutilations: Sand Mountain, Alabama

One thing that was never explained was how only hide deep incisions were made without disturbing internal organs, or why the incisions didn’t cut the animal’s hair. I think I’ve finally figured how it’s done.

The animal is cut from the inside out. The first cut is the deepest; a puncture is made for insertion of a mechanical cutter; between the animal’s hide and the internal bones and organs.

The report from Sand Mountain in 2002 –

*Warning* Picture of Victim Cow

This shows what the above theory is talking about

'No logical explanation' in cattle mutilation

*Warning* Picture of Victim Cow

Pure Hemoglobin Confirmed On Alabama Mutilated Cow

Fyffe Police Department Press Conference:

Fyffe Cattle Mutilations

“There are no signs of struggle or tracks around the dead animals, not even the animal's own tracks. That peculiar fact provoked law enforcement to wonder if perpetrators came in and out of pastures using aerial craft, picking animals up and dropping them back down after taking tissues and fluids.”

<modsnip - quoted post and response was removed>

The article mentions that Sand Mountain and vicinity has had frequent unexplained sightings and experiences for decades so aliens are all in on Sand Mountain not just for periodic mutilations.

If the Chinese can come buy up our hog industry to feed their huge population then why can’t aliens come collect biological products from the blood or of protein components for some sort of nutrition program in an inhospitable outer space?

Aussie aren’t afraid to say aliens:

According to the articles I linked Sand Mountain locals thought was it was the government using black helicopters that were seen flying in the area to carry out clandestine experiments <modsnip>

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I remember reading about this stuff when I was a kid in the 1970's so, it's been going on for a really long time.
I don't think it's beings from another planet,<modsnip - referenced joke post was removed>
Imagine being 100 times more intelligent than humans, with crazy advanced technology...
and coming here for nachos, or whatever.

I suspect it's more related to occultic practice but the precise, medical experience type incisions, lack of blood as well as the attention to the same organs seem super specific. And really, just make it all the creepier.
Like, the occult for medical professionals trained in surgical skills & blood siphoning?
Yeah, that's way creepier than aliens.

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<modsnip - quoted post and response was removed>

The article mentions that Sand Mountain and vicinity has had frequent unexplained sightings and experiences for decades so aliens are all in on Sand Mountain not just for periodic mutilations.

If the Chinese can come buy up our hog industry to feed their huge population then why can’t aliens come collect biological products from the blood or of protein components for some sort of nutrition program in an inhospitable outer space?

Aussie aren’t afraid to say aliens:

According to the articles I linked Sand Mountain locals thought was it was the government using black helicopters that were seen flying in the area to carry out clandestine experiments <modsnip>


Quoted from article:

How is it happening? It must have something that lifts it up and puts it down and doesn’t leave any marks” Mrs Cook told The Daily Mercury.

“(Aliens are) the only explanation I have got.”

The baffled cattle owners told the publication they previously never believed in the supernatural, but started to think it could be something not-human after seeing “really strange lights in the sky around our property”.

“One night there was a light in the distance, very bright, we couldn’t tell how close it was,” Mr Cook said.

“It looked like it was just on the boundary of the property where I had found a mob of cattle out that way the next day who looked terrorised and they started running as soon as I got close to them, which was very strange.”
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<modsnip - referenced post was removed>

It’s a huge financial loss for the owners of the killed livestock. Thousands of dollars in Black Angus. Valuable bulls, cows most having recently given birth, calves- it’s sad to me.

<modsnip - referenced post was removed>

That “highly intelligent life” would be on a parallel trajectory as our intelligence or the notion that our style of intelligence is universal, that our beliefs, our morals or needs are in any way similar to aliens seems unlikely overall.

The common factor in all the events is the removal of blood. Are the other items taken as bounty like presenting of the Native American scrotum, the redskin, to prove they had killed a male to collect the higher bounty?

Are satanic cults all that skilled and organized from rural Alabama to remote Australia to carry out detailed mutilations requiring specialized tools to gather cow parts that are readily available at slaughter pens for free and no one knows about them?

<modsnip - not an approved source>

It’s just super strange and upsetting to me as an animal lover in a farming and ranching community.

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I still don't think it's "aliens" but someone else with the skill, precision and technology to do what they do, for sick and twisted reasons. I suspect the reason (possibly) it hasn't been "solved" is because those in charge already know who's doing it and why. I know, it all sounds terribly "conspiracy theory".

And yet, it is actually happening and has been for decades.
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<modsnip - quoted post was removed> I still don't think it's "aliens" but someone else with the skill, precision and technology to do what they do, for sick and twisted reasons. I suspect the reason (possibly) it hasn't been "solved" is because those in charge already know who's doing it and why. I know, it all sounds terribly "conspiracy theory".

And yet, it is actually happening and has been for decades.
I honestly don’t know what to believe. That its spread so far and wide, and not an isolated incident or three makes it especially creepy. JMO
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I honestly don’t know what to believe. That its spread so far and wide, and not an isolated incident or three makes it especially creepy. JMO
Not only spread far and wide but done in almost the exact same way whether it's Australia or Idaho. It's methodical, and intentional. The draining of blood, same organs removed, almost always reproductive organs included, and other wildlife won't go near the carcasses. People don't want to say it out loud but this screams occultic ritual.

And we're to believe, for decades now (maybe longer, for all I know) the governments/authorities/powers that be all around the world have absolutely no idea who's doing this. That would be almost laughable, if it weren't so dang creepy.
Not only spread far and wide but done in almost the exact same way whether it's Australia or Idaho. It's methodical, and intentional. The draining of blood, same organs removed, almost always reproductive organs included, and other wildlife won't go near the carcasses. People don't want to say it out loud but this screams occultic ritual.

And we're to believe, for decades now (maybe longer, for all I know) the governments/authorities/powers that be all around the world have absolutely no idea who's doing this. That would be almost laughable, if it weren't so dang creepy.
I agree on the occult ritual. Seems some ranchers could get together and install cameras around where their herds are. I mean, would something like that be possible?
I do realize it would be challenging, expensive, a logistical nightmare even, but still…. Jmo

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