"My Entire Life Has Been Taken From Me"

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I still don't get why she is so mad her parents haven't posted bond and where did she think the money was coming from, when she KNEW she was getting out the next day.
Can you imagine what must have been going on in that house when she got home? I am very interested in hearing what the female bondsman (forgot her name) working for LP will have to say.

Last night on NG, LP clarified that he had and checked his phone records and verified that he called JB on 8-12 and told him that he was bailing KC out, but he did not know for sure if KC knew at the time of this visit. Now of course, KC says JB keeps her "absolutely" informed of everything at all times :rolleyes:, but I suspect JB had not told her this at all by the time of this visit. Maybe he thought it would fall through? I half-suspect he didn't want her bailed out because then she could talk to whomever she wanted without him there.:waitasec:
Once again Casey the textbook sociopath.
The sick dichotomy of being able to murder a three year old and feel nothing then slathering herself with self pity and grief over 'The Beautiful Life' she feels entitled to that is once again slipping through her fingers is something that is obvious to us but would never occur to her.
Once again she provides us with insight into the type of mind that could do something like this.
When well meaning people are contriving accident scenario after accident scenario because they cant or wont concieve of how anyone could do what she did to Caylee....stop and take a look,she's showing us exactly how.
She has been since she was confronted about Caylee's whereabouts.

You are right.

Casey has stayed true-to-form since July 15.

I think most expect evil to not look so wholesome.

You are right.

Casey has stayed true-to-form since July 15.

I think most expect evil to not look so wholesome.


Ted Bundy totally snapped me out of that misconception.
"Her life" (to her) = dating, partying, the internet, texting, friends, etc.
All I can think of when I hear her say this is "No, KC, Caylee's entire life was taken away! You, unfortunately, are still here."


I think that "My entire life has been taken away from me" in Casey speak means that she no longer has the freedom to do what she wants, party, drink, flirt with boys, have sex, etc. It has nothing to do with Caylee, except that it is (in Casey's warped mind) Caylee's fault that she's in trouble. She didn't appear to give two hoots about Caylee being missing during the 31 days when no one else knew, and had she been able to dodge her mother and get out of town, and get away with this whole thing, I doubt she'd give two hoots now. Casey only cares about Casey. Her life is taken away because she can't do what Casey wants to do anymore. Poor Casey...:rolleyes:

I agree. Her life was FREEDOM. Caylee took that away, until she killed her,and then she had the freedom for the beautiful life until she was put in jail.
From what we know, Casey really didn't have a life other than as a con artist well before any of this happened. She had the security of living in her parent's home, using their car, living with no responsibilities other than having to care for Caylee when Cindy wasn't home. Somehow, Casey managed to overwhelm her parents --- how did she get that power? Were they THAT afraid of her temper tantrums? Casey had no respect or care for anyone other than herself, stole from them (and from anyone else) when she could, and totally took advantage of them. They allowed it, of course, until the last theft (grandparent's money) and Cindy finally hit the roof. It was the beginning of a terrible slide, but Casey had no life to protect anyway. She couldn't handle freedom, and she is probably happy with her life right now, today.

As long as she can play solitaire, draw and read, she will be fine.


She was happy sitting around all day texting and surfing the web for 2 years. Being interupted by Caylee because Caylee was hungry or wanted attention was probably a HUGE disruption of her day.
Little Caylee didn't seem to impede Casey at all from living the sort of life she wanted and made her happy, though she seemed to be having a grand time after June 16th.
I agree. Now all she can do is sit in her "room". Who in the world calls a jail cell a "room"? She makes it sound like she is at the Beverly Hills Hilton. Does she think that calling it a "room" makes her look better? Unreal!!

Actually the thought crossed my mind weeks ago that she is probably pretending to be in a swanky hotel and room service is bringing her meals to her while she lounges away the day in her room listening to the radio and ordering snacks. She thinks she is Queen Bee..:rolleyes:
Actually the thought crossed my mind weeks ago that she is probably pretending to be in a swanky hotel and room service is bringing her meals to her while she lounges away the day in her room listening to the radio and ordering snacks. She thinks she is Queen Bee..:rolleyes:

If you can pretend texting, web surfing and stealing are a job, I suppose a cell and twinkies can be the Hilton and room service.

I think Casey can disassociate and lose herself enough in reading to not be suffering in the least. Instead of texts from her old friends, she will have new pen pals.
Nancy G (whom I love!) tries to make to public feel that KC "has it made" in Jail. She makes statements such as "lounging, reading, snacking". Yikes. This makes jail sound almost tolerable! (FORGIVE ME-I CAN NOT SPELL WORTH S**)Anyone who's ever had the misfortune to spend even one night in a county jail will tell you, it's WORSE and MORE INHUMANE than you could ever imagine!!! Sure, once you are sentenced and sent to a woman's "prison" your "quality" of life will improve. But, in a county jail, the fact is, they are run like a super max prison. Not pretty. Not comfy. Not humane.

There isn't even a seat on the toilet. Just bare stainless steal and you have to sit on the rim. When she gets a cellie, there will be no privacy then either. You pee and cr*p in front of each other.
Unfortunately we will never know what might have happened had Casey (who IMO was having an emotional meltdown at the time she met with her parents in August) NOT been bailed out by Padilla. Would a few more days of the anger (rage) and frustration that was building up inside her been enough to push her over the edge?

Clearly the video reveals an emotionally fragile/vulnerable Casey that had her parents walking on eggshells, aftaid to push any buttons even though in hindsight they had nothing to lose as Caylee was already dead.


Casey never wanted Caylee. Her Mother "made"her keep her. She had her "life" (the one she wanted) taken away from her. IMO she was referring to more than just being put in jail, she was referring to how she had been unable to make choices since becoming a mother. " Doesn't anyone understand how I feel?" As in .....Don't you see how being forced to keep this baby has ruined my life?"

From what we know, Casey really didn't have a life other than as a con artist well before any of this happened. She had the security of living in her parent's home, using their car, living with no responsibilities other than having to care for Caylee when Cindy wasn't home. Somehow, Casey managed to overwhelm her parents --- how did she get that power? Were they THAT afraid of her temper tantrums?

I'm betting she has quite the juvie record that we can't see.
:wave: Pattymarie

I'm not so sure that Casey knew she was being bonded out by Padilla when she had this meeting with her parents. LP discussed this very issue last night on one of the talk shows (Nancy Grace/JVM ??) and seemed uncertain as to exactly when he believed Casey would have learned she would be getting out of jail on bond.

ITA about the female bond-sitter. I've heard reports that Casey slept in her parents room, GA on the living room couch. Where did the female bondsperson sleep? Casey was gone most of the day at Baez's office where I imagine the female bondperson was obliged to give Casey her privacy in terms of any/all consultation with her lawyer and/or his assistants. Did she (the female bondsperson) accompany Casey to those law office meetings or was someone else (Rob D.) assigned to go with her?


Bold is mine:
This statement started my brain smokin'...could Tracy (bondswoman for LP) possibly have overheard, or been privy to discussions which are attorney/client priviledge and that is why she needed an attorney? To determine what is repeatable by her as a witness as opposed to what she heard that is priviledged?
Casey never wanted Caylee. Her Mother "made"her keep her. She had her "life" (the one she wanted) taken away from her. IMO she was referring to more than just being put in jail, she was referring to how she had been unable to make choices since becoming a mother. " Doesn't anyone understand how I feel?" As in .....Don't you see how being forced to keep this baby has ruined my life?"

I'm curious to know if things would have turned out differently if Casey had given birth to a boy instead of a girl. Would she still feel as if the baby had "taken her place"? Would she have been as jealous of a little boy as she was of Caylee? Would Cindy have doted on a little boy just as much? I'd love to know what others opinions are on this.
That's why it is said that female sociopaths comprise only one percent pf the population-- that we KNOW of!

People often tend to think sociopaths are tough-looking males.

Females are harder to catch, both because it's not expected of a female, and because many females use subtler means (like poison) than do males.

/bold is mine

Since this case hit the airwaves I have reflected on other mothers I've known who were not connected to their children. I'm kind of surprised at how many I've come up with. I'm very curious what line is crossed from being a disconnected mother to one who could harm or willingly murder their own child. I've also known mothers who seemed to be doting loving moms who without warning give up their children for a new boyfriend! Go figure! Obviously KC crossed that line. Her statements and behavior during the 8/14 meeting with her parents are that of a small child angry that they can't do what they want. It makes me wonder how many other people ARE REALLY THIS DISTURBED! I hope the 1% is more accurate than not!
I'm curious to know if things would have played turned out if Casey had given birth to a boy instead of a girl. Would she still feel as if the baby had "taken her place"? Would she been as jealous of a little boy as she was of Caylee? Would Cindy have doted on a little boy just as much? I'd love to know what others opinions are on this.

Excellent point Janis396!
Personally, I believe balling her fists in frustration/rage/anger while demanding her parents "come on" (pay attention to me!!!) is highly suggestive that when deprived of what she wants/needs (in essence, her narcissistic supply) Casey could/would be inclined to respond in ways that go beyond the proverbial "temper tantrum".

I'm curious to know if things would have played turned out if Casey had given birth to a boy instead of a girl. Would she still feel as if the baby had "taken her place"? Would she been as jealous of a little boy as she was of Caylee? Would Cindy have doted on a little boy just as much? I'd love to know what others opinions are on this.

You are asking some thought-provoking questions here. I know for a fact that many parents have a strong preference when it comes to sex of their newborn. I did. I'm thankful that I got what I wanted. But getting back to the Anthony family, I suspect that had KC had a son, he would still be alive.
It's a great question about the sex of the child but I don't think it would have made a difference as long as Casey lacked a conscious and the ability to "feel her feelings". She's an empty vessel IMO.

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