MY Questions About Some Theories

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I am not as up -to-date as some of you...can u please tell me where you got the info that "jr....slept all day...." ty

They said that Jr. was asleep when it was time to go get Haleigh from the bus stop. I figured he slept right through the day due to being up all night even though it was never actually said. Misty and Ron said they went back to bed after getting Haleigh to school, so either Jr. was up by himself or slept all day. Since he was awake and saw so much he must have been a day sleeper.
I don't count it as a problem in my mind because as far as I'm concerned if "they" drugged Haleigh, "they" might have drugged both children but only one of them died, or maybe "they" just needed to drug one because the other one was already asleep or because "they" just wanted to sexually abuse one of them or something.
They said that Jr. was asleep when it was time to go get Haleigh from the bus stop. I figured he slept right through the day due to being up all night even though it was never actually said. Misty and Ron said they went back to bed after getting Haleigh to school, so either Jr. was up by himself or slept all day. Since he was awake and saw so much he must have been a day sleeper.

But then do we believe Misty's story that she was there that morning to see the morning school routine and believe her story about Jr sleeping a lot of the day away...or do we believe that she wasn't there as several others have said, including one person who says that Teresa had to call Misty to get her to come sit for the kids? What about GGM's statement that she "Had Jr and he didn't see nothing."
1st and foremost...some think poor Haleigh was drugged by Misty that night because Misty was drugged up over the weekend and didn't want to watch her...
So ok, why drug Haleigh and NOT Jr too? IMO both kids WOULD HAVE posed a problem...most of us have kids, we know how they don't drug one child and not the other....
NOT that I am taking up for Misty, I DO BELIEVE she is front and center to what happened...but can anyone give a reason for Haleigh being drugged and not Jr...

After going over a few things.....I really don't think this is what happened. and if it did, I don't think it happened on Misty's watch.

If all this is taking Ron's MH on Green St....and Misty is asleep and Haleigh and Junior are with her...............then Haleigh dies...and Tommy and ? are helping in the cover up.......Why would Ron be calling Misty's parents house on Magnolia...when NO ONE is there....????? (Misty's parents are at the hospital)..and if Misty is at Rons' house...Why would Ron call THERE (Magnolia)....IF NO ONE IS THERE......And Tommy answers the phone????

Please ...someone explain that me?????..thnks

I don't think anyone has to explain it to you..You already know the answer..
Haleigh did not die from an overdose on Green Lane.

Also GGMS claims she saw Haleigh close to 8:00 pm that night alive and well eating dinner on the front porch..
How did Misty manage to fall asleep, wake up and discover a deceased Haleigh and have a knock down drag out argument with Ron over what to do with Haleigh's remains.. ALL by 8:30 pm that night? Not buying that one...
But then do we believe Misty's story that she was there that morning to see the morning school routine and believe her story about Jr sleeping a lot of the day away...or do we believe that she wasn't there as several others have said, including one person who says that Teresa had to call Misty to get her to come sit for the kids? What about GGM's statement that she "Had Jr and he didn't see nothing."

BBM.. Gets my vote..
We really do not know if Ron called Tommy at the Magnolia MH. We know he called, just not for sure where Tommy took that call.

AH stated on JVM a week or so ago Ronald called Tommy at Tommy's parents house.. Hank Sr. and Lisa were residing on Magnolia when Haleigh was reported missing..
I read that, too. But I believe it came from AH.

AH might have assumed the Tyler Street address was the senior Croslin's home and that Tommy and Lindsy were living with them rather than the other way around. And for all we know, he may still think that. He assumes a lot, IMO. So I am taking it with a grain of may be true but as things stand I am not ready yet to consider it a fact.

Granted, AH can get his facts messed up, but I'm not going with he didn't know
and hasn't learned from someone in the Croslin family Hank Sr. and Lisa were living on Magnolia at the time Haleigh was reported missing...
He revealed his sources told him Misty was staying there after she returned home from her little three day binder..
Question: Does anyone beside myself think that Annette Sykes was the last one to see Haleigh alive? It was close to Haleigh's bedtime when AS dropped by to "check on the children". I think that they were left alone by Ron and Teresa because Ron had ran Misty off and Teresa was "busy" and did not want to babysit so Ron locked them in. I think AS dropped by to see that they were fed, a movie put in, sleep shirts on and given something to make them sleep then they were locked again inside the home with orders to go to sleep and not get up. I don't think that Misty was ever at the MH until she was summoned by Tommy early in the morning hours of Feb. 10th so that she could discover that Haleigh was gone.
I don't think anyone has to explain it to you..You already know the answer..
Haleigh did not die from an overdose on Green Lane.

Also GGMS claims she saw Haleigh close to 8:00 pm that night alive and well eating dinner on the front porch..
How did Misty manage to fall asleep, wake up and discover a deceased Haleigh and have a knock down drag out argument with Ron over what to do with Haleigh's remains.. ALL by 8:30 pm that night? Not buying that one...


EM..You are absolutely right....Too much going on...for the "limited" time being described by the others..

Also, yes.....I already have a solid theory..just trying to gather others I may find valid points (such as yours) and make some tweaks in my own theory..
Is it too much to expect Ron to be interrogated, questioned, drilled, blasted, etc., the same vigorous way that Misty and Tommy are? Why can't Art Harris find out anything, anything about Ron being questioned? Everything concerning Ron has been protected and withheld from any scrutiny at all. Why?
Is it too much to expect Ron to be interrogated, questioned, drilled, blasted, etc., the same vigorous way that Misty and Tommy are? Why can't Art Harris find out anything, anything about Ron being questioned? Everything concerning Ron has been protected and withheld from any scrutiny at all. Why?

because, beyond telling them he was at work, what else can he tell them?

Question: Does anyone beside myself think that Annette Sykes was the last one to see Haleigh alive? It was close to Haleigh's bedtime when AS dropped by to "check on the children". I think that they were left alone by Ron and Teresa because Ron had ran Misty off and Teresa was "busy" and did not want to babysit so Ron locked them in. I think AS dropped by to see that they were fed, a movie put in, sleep shirts on and given something to make them sleep then they were locked again inside the home with orders to go to sleep and not get up. I don't think that Misty was ever at the MH until she was summoned by Tommy early in the morning hours of Feb. 10th so that she could discover that Haleigh was gone.

I respect your theory....Just some questions that spring out to me....

Did AS have a key to get in???....Who discovered H was dead???..If no one was there with them???...was it TN found H dead???

I heartily agree, tho, with you on your comment that Misty was not there at the MH until she was summoned
Granted, AH can get his facts messed up, but I'm not going with he didn't know
and hasn't learned from someone in the Croslin family Hank Sr. and Lisa were living on Magnolia at the time Haleigh was reported missing...
He revealed his sources told him Misty was staying there after she returned home from her little three day binder..

It could be true that the call was to Magnolia but I will say I did not know that Hank Sr. and Lisa were living at Magnolia when Haleigh went missing until some time later so it could be that no one knew this right away. We saw photos and video of the tent set-up across the street from the Tyler address, with Hank in his wheelchair out in the yard at Tyler. It is not a stretch that people might assume the younger Croslins were staying with the elder Croslins and AH has shown that he will say things without verification.

If there is a phone record that shows a call was made to Magnolia, the info might be coming from that. But unless the call itself was recorded, we cannot know if Tommy was there to answer that phone. This is all JMO...and as much as I want some real facts in this case I hesitate to take AH's word for things that have not yet been verified by someone reliable.

I hope that if this is true it can be verified because it would help corroborate what some of us believe--that Magnolia could be a crime scene.
If this is a thread for anyone to have questions about theories, here are mine:

What about the A/C guy?

If Haleigh ODed on Ron's stash, how would it be proven it was Ron's drugs she ODed on?

Why would Tommy cover for Ron?

Why would Ron believe Tommy would cover for him? Why would Ron bring Tommy, some guy he barely knew, into a coverup of the death of his child?

What reason would pretty much all of the Satsuma LE have for covering for Ron over the disappearance and likely death of a little girl? And possibly FBI?

DISCLAIMER: My theory is 'Ron is not involved', and so far I haven't been able to come up with a workable theory of 'Ron is involved'. This doesn't mean I have warm and fuzzy feelings for Ron, because I don't. I've known a lot of people in my life, and from everything I've seen of Ron, IMO, he comes across as a hanger-on gangsta wannabe, and nothing to quake in terror of.
If this is a thread for anyone to have questions about theories, here are mine:

What about the A/C guy?

We know nothing about the A/C guy other than he was there and LE interviewed him, and he was the EX of one the Cummings/Sykes relavtives.
If Haleigh ODed on Ron's stash, how would it be proven it was Ron's drugs she ODed on?

IMO, it can't. But the mere thought of Ron having drugs in his home, in an area that can be reached by his children, makes it a strong possibility. Plus it was his home, not Misty's.
Why would Tommy cover for Ron?

Tommy wouldn't cover for Ron. But he would cover for Misty, who in turn would cover for Ron.

Why would Ron believe Tommy would cover for him? Why would Ron bring Tommy, some guy he barely knew, into a coverup of the death of his child?

Ron wouldn't, but Misty would.

What reason would pretty much all of the Satsuma LE have for covering for Ron over the disappearance and likely death of a little girl? And possibly FBI?

The only reason i can think that LE in Satsuma is trying to cover up for Ron, is that Ron sells to some of those on the police force, or that some of the LE are involved in illegal activities, the same ones that Ron is involved in.

DISCLAIMER: My theory is 'Ron is not involved', and so far I haven't been able to come up with a workable theory of 'Ron is involved'. This doesn't mean I have warm and fuzzy feelings for Ron, because I don't. I've known a lot of people in my life, and from everything I've seen of Ron, IMO, he comes across as a hanger-on gangsta wannabe, and nothing to quake in terror of.

Hi Lanie!

My answers are in Green :)

Hope that kinda helps :)

ETA: OK, so my answers are bolded, as they didn't change to the color green...had to edit :)
I respect your theory....Just some questions that spring out to me....

Did AS have a key to get in???....Who discovered H was dead???..If no one was there with them???...was it TN found H dead???

I heartily agree, tho, with you on your comment that Misty was not there at the MH until she was summoned

LOL, I have ran so many "what if"s that my brains are scrambled. I have not changed my mind though that Ron harmed Haleigh and that his family knows exactly what happened and they are circled around him like a wagon train. I think that there is a possibility that the Croslins only know parts and pieces of what happened other than what they have been told. And I think that they were told very little, it is like the saying "the least they know the better off we are". We don't know much at all about Annette's trip over to the Mh that evening, with someone who was supposedly a nurse.
1st and foremost...some think poor Haleigh was drugged by Misty that night because Misty was drugged up over the weekend and didn't want to watch her...
So ok, why drug Haleigh and NOT Jr too? IMO both kids WOULD HAVE posed a problem...most of us have kids, we know how they don't drug one child and not the other....
NOT that I am taking up for Misty, I DO BELIEVE she is front and center to what happened...but can anyone give a reason for Haleigh being drugged and not Jr...

Great question! Only theories I can come up with is that Jr. was not there at the time, maybe Haleigh was the only one that got in Ron's stash of drugs thinking it was candy, or maybe this late theory from Chelsea is more smoke & mirrors to deflect on what might of really happen.

All of the sudden when someone turns over the riffle in question to LE Misty changes her story to Tommy did it not Joe.
Chelsea then goes on NG saying she feels Haleigh was given drugs..all a bunch of caca IMO, to throw the gun theory on the back burner. Chelsea seems to change her story each time Misty does...I wonder what all Chelsea knows?
I now feel that maybe Haleigh did get shot by accident near the St. John's river or in Ron's car or Tommy's truck. From what we know so far LE never checked Ron's car. Only the van and Tommy's red truck. LE gave back the van, so their couldn't of been any type of evidence or decomposition in it or they would of kept it in the forensics bay.
As for the Red Truck, LE will not answer where it's at, if they found anything, or even comment on it. I wonder if they did find something in the truck and that is what changed the status of the case? As far as what a sometimes reliable source said LE still has the truck. If that is true, I don't know. Nobody wants to dig deeper...Levi, if ya read this can you follow up on Tommy's red truck plz. Last I heard it was out of FL. TIA :blowkisses:

I know this is a little off topic, but maybe something like this happen to 5yr old Haleigh and 4 yr old Jr. at some time and with Haleigh having Turners Syndrome her immune system was not as strong?

September 21, 2010

"snip" Urgent – Police say kids found in filth tested positive for cocaine!A mother of two is arrested after her young children test positive for cocaine and are found in filthy clothes and dirty diapers!
LOL, I have ran so many "what if"s that my brains are scrambled. I have not changed my mind though that Ron harmed Haleigh and that his family knows exactly what happened and they are circled around him like a wagon train. I think that there is a possibility that the Croslins only know parts and pieces of what happened other than what they have been told. And I think that they were told very little, it is like the saying "the least they know the better off we are". We don't know much at all about Annette's trip over to the Mh that evening, with someone who was supposedly a nurse.

I can understand about our brains being scrambled.....There is so much to consider, think about, theorize, suggest, deny, and it changes for me as rapid as the Croslins/Cummings change THEIR

I do agree with you that the Ron's family have circled around him...and I believe he harmed Haleigh ...and I believe it was before he went to work..
Also my theory includes...(so far) that AS did NOT see Haleigh alive like she is claiming and at the time she is claiming...because of the time limits...Meaning...IF she had of seen her when she said she did....and then Misty puts Haleigh to bed at 8 or so...then Misty wakes up..and she says she sees a 3....(time?) and then she looks for Haleigh ..then Ron arrives..there would not have been enough time for the disposal/cover up/clean up and stories given before the 911 call.....I believe AS said that to cover for Ron...and say that she saw Haleigh...ALIVE...AFTER...Ron was at work....(his alibi)...I believe Haleigh met her demise before Ron LEFT for work..then the rest of the day and evening was filled with the clean up/cover up/disposal/ stories given..THEN when Ron arrived home the 911 call was made..IMO

I believe Misty has already spilled in her interragation a couple of days ago...that she has implicated Ron...and that is the reason she is/was on sucicide watch...she would not be on sucide watch for Tommy...She feels such regret after spilling....she doesn't want to live....(again..imo)

Now she wants Tommy to tell the truth and implicate Ron...

No one knows what was really said in that interragation room...but I believe Levi saying she became so upset she was put on suicide watch...She regrets telling them about Ron....IMO.....

Keep your wits, we will know the real story here very soon..

We are all trying to sort this barrel of "fishhooks" out

all in my own opinion...

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