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I noticed, in the documents from today, that casey's email is
If you look up that email on mypsace, you get the caylee is missing myspace page, not casey's main one, with years of comments.
this caylee is missing one was made on 10/23/06.
you can look at her blog and on the left side it says join or sign up date.
I wonder what this myspace used to be used for.

Casey's main myspace has been changed to the caylee is missing one. In other words, it's the same myspace, it's just been modified and changed to include all the caylee information.
Found this tonight

This is the ZG that looked at the sawgrass apartment according to LE document today. In the statement from the people at sawgrass that she was looking for an 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment for her and her 2 girls Jasmine and Michelle. Take a look at this ladys pics......7th pic is a pic of the 2 girls with spanish spelling.

I could be wrong but I think im right.

Wow! I think you are right.Note that the johnathan in here pics is only 20 or so and her ex boyfriend.She says she 37 ,but is a grandmom and had sark curly hair at one time,thats in the pics also.She indeed looks scary as do all her friends.
Since you have so many more posts than me, you must be the expert:) With that being said, go over and take a look at the Hats off thread. It seems that many of the members here at WS may not understand today's party scene. It is simple. I sure a mother or father at 40 years old have no freaking clue what the clubs are like today. See. My basic point was, is lets concentrate on Caylee not so much on all the pictures that fly off myspace and photobucket. So I will leave all the expert posts to you, um k.

Well, I'm a 36 year old parent here to agree with you :) I partied the same way when I was in my 20's. I keep running into posts saying "Bi is the new fad" and "girls rubbing up onto one another is how they do it these days" and I'm saying to myself New, huh? there is nothing new about it...

I also agree with you about all of the pictures being posted here and the judgements being made because of them. Most of the pictures are from peoples myspace or photobucket accounts that are not even involved in this case and I think it's wrong they are being dragged into this!

Yeah yeah, I know people are gonna say that they should make their accounts private if they don't want us looking at 'em but I don't care- to me, it's still wrong.

Don't let other posters here get to you, ok? You have just as much right to an opinion and to share that opinion without being spoken down to as they do. :blowkiss:
I remember very well what it was like to be 20 something and I understand that it must be hard to be 22 with a 2 year old child....but.....these pics don't look like ordinary party pics to me. Girls rubbing against and kissing girls in various stages of undress etc???? I don't think that's your average party for 20 somethings these days, but I may be wrong.

Women kissing other women, dancing with other women, even bumping and grinding, is IN among a lot of young women today. Don't know if it's the majority but it's not unusual. It's something of a fad. Has been for several years.
The Girl on Girl stuff these days thats all the rage is called "Socially Bi" and it's highly popular in the 20-30 something crowd, not just the 20's. If you are a hot chick, then it's completely fine to be all over another hot chick. I think swinging is back too, but the GonG stuff in the clubs just warms things up.

My source? I am 29, I was a moonlighting bartender at one of the biggest Hip Hop Clubs in Nashville until 07. I HAVE SEEN EVERYTHING THESE GIRLS ARE DOING.

THINK ABOUT THIS, Katy Perry's smash hit "I kissed a Girl" has been #1 for like 9 weeks! Tell me it isn't a craze??? It's the song of the summer people!

Heads Up for those that don't know what some sayings are, hand signs and public behavior.... it will keep you from looking totally in the dark. :crazy:
The amount of judgement being passed here is kind of rediculous...over a few photos. Who knows, I may have a few "not so good" photos on my myspace, but that doesn't make me any less of a person.

The girl on girl dancing is nothing new. I'm 27, and we used to do that all the time with our friends.]

I think everyone here needs to just step back, because each of us individuals cannot decide what's "normal" in our society, based on our own lifestyle, or what we would/would not do.

I would hardly judge a person based on myspace photos. And I'm not saying that Casey is innocent, because I dont think she is...but there are people here who are basically "judging a book by it's cover".
Seconding everything RebeccaAdrianne and Coltsgal said. And not only are people judging based on appearances, most of the appearances/photos are people mugging for the cameras. It's not like these little herds of people are spending their entire lives humping each other and throwing psuedo-gang signs.

Oh, also - someone on another thread was suspicious because a recent Photobucket account related to a Myspace page discussed in this thread (post #200) included an animated gif that said "I'm lost in Kasey's blue eyes." Just in case someone wants to run with that, I wanted to point out that the Kasey she means is Kasey Kahne. Nothing suspicious there at all.
Casey's main myspace has been changed to the caylee is missing one. In other words, it's the same myspace, it's just been modified and changed to include all the caylee information.

Yes, they all have been, but the one I am linking has not post history, and is only about caylee. Casey's main one is not this one, her's is this is the one she has a history of postin gon for years
marellano found these facebook comments of the Tony Rusciano (the cop that was fired for lying about knowing Casey)

From his facebook:

Casey Anthony wrote
at 2:22pm on May 6th, 2008
mission accomplished.

Casey Anthony wrote
at 2:17pm on May 6th, 2008
sugarplum? aw. you melt my heart.

Casey Anthony wrote
at 2:08pm on May 6th, 2008
it's only been 3 weeks, you pussy.
and seriously, the next time you call me snowflake, i'm going to smack ya.
i do have a tan now, thank you very much.

Casey Anthony wrote
at 8:00pm on November 8th, 2007
so screw working next friday. your happy *advertiser censored* better be at jesse's party!
"urban dictionary" what does that have to do with hand signs. I'm 27, and do not think its normal for everyone to be throwing gang signs. Flipping the camera off, pease sign, etc. may be somewhat common, not the variety of signs thrown by the dbc.

The Girl on Girl stuff these days thats all the rage is called "Socially Bi" and it's highly popular in the 20-30 something crowd, not just the 20's. If you are a hot chick, then it's completely fine to be all over another hot chick. I think swinging is back too, but the GonG stuff in the clubs just warms things up.

My source? I am 29, I was a moonlighting bartender at one of the biggest Hip Hop Clubs in Nashville until 07. I HAVE SEEN EVERYTHING THESE GIRLS ARE DOING.

THINK ABOUT THIS, Katy Perry's smash hit "I kissed a Girl" has been #1 for like 9 weeks! Tell me it isn't a craze??? It's the song of the summer people!

Heads Up for those that don't know what some sayings are, hand signs and public behavior.... it will keep you from looking totally in the dark. :crazy:
I noticed, in the documents from today, that casey's email is
If you look up that email on mypsace, you get the caylee is missing myspace page, not casey's main one, with years of comments.
this caylee is missing one was made on 10/23/06.
you can look at her blog and on the left side it says join or sign up date.
I wonder what this myspace used to be used for.

If I am not mistaken, I read in one of Casey's comments (before it went private) that she had made a My Space page for Caylee. I believe that is the one that is being used for the Caylee is missing page.
Found this tonight

This is the ZG that looked at the sawgrass apartment according to LE document today. In the statement from the people at sawgrass that she was looking for an 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment for her and her 2 girls Jasmine and Michelle. Take a look at this ladys pics......7th pic is a pic of the 2 girls with spanish spelling.

I could be wrong but I think im right.

How do you know that this might be that same Zenaida? By clicking on her pics which are public, she does have kids named Jasmyne and Michylle. Lots of different looks. And what seems to be a photo of possibly a Latina mom and possibly a black dad. That guest card looked like it was written "C - Zenaida Gonzale".
How do you know that this might be that same Zenaida? By clicking on her pics which are public, she does have kids named Jasmyne and Michylle. Lots of different looks. And what seems to be a photo of possibly a Latina mom and possibly a black dad. That guest card looked like it was written "C - Zenaida Gonzale".

This myspace page has many connections it seems!
I would hardly judge a person based on myspace photos. And I'm not saying that Casey is innocent, because I dont think she is...but there are people here who are basically "judging a book by it's cover".

That book has a very DARK & EVIL cover. It is not hard to judge.
"urban dictionary" what does that have to do with hand signs. I'm 27, and do not think its normal for everyone to be throwing gang signs. Flipping the camera off, pease sign, etc. may be somewhat common, not the variety of signs thrown by the dbc.

Heads Up for those that don't know what some sayings are, hand signs and public behavior....

That's a generalization. There are terms that we've had to explain to other posters on this site. The other point is, not all the signs thrown were gang signs. Some, were "the shocker". Obviously my post wasn't directed at you now was it?
Heads Up for those that don't know what some sayings are, hand signs and public behavior....

That's a generalization. There are terms that we've had to explain to other posters on this site. The other point is, not all the signs thrown were gang signs. Some, were "the shocker". Obviously my post wasn't directed at you now was it?

lol... if these people looked at my 14 year old sons myspace they would think he and his friends are in a gang!
I'm 27, and do not think its normal for everyone to be throwing gang signs. Flipping the camera off, pease sign, etc. may be somewhat common, not the variety of signs thrown by the dbc.

lol... if these people looked at my 14 year old sons myspace they would think he and his friends are in a gang!


I have a younger sibling who, despite growing up in an affluent neighborhood and having luxuries most people can't afford to have, is a "wannabe gangsta". Dresses in baggy street clothes, listens to rap, wears "" gear like handkerchiefs and chains, throws gang signs, the whole shebang. His little friends also throw "E" East Side gang signs in photos. Some people throw gang signs to be ironic or funny. So it's definitely not uncommon for people not in gangs to throw up a "gang sign" in photos now and then.

Just wanted to put the screen shots of the "my mom didn't kill me" myspace and blogs. This is probably the best place for it to be. I feel like this is CA. These pics are all new to me.

Even though, Now I'll never know what happened with this myspace, after being it's friend for a while I checked it today to see that the owner deleted my last night. It's weird that myspace logs on every single day when I go and check it, like it's 7 am right now, and someone has already logged in today. weird.
Whew! Finally got registered, here's my first post....

I have been reading this forum for weeks and weeks... and I haven't seen this yet mentioned.

Re: the "fake" email aliases on the supposed "work emails" for Casey Anthony -

This is for "Juliette Lewis" email address -

When you search on myspace - this comes up

Kinda thought it was odd that a supposed made up email, from a made up person - actually was used for something/someone?

(wasn't NY connected as suspicious in this case for a few different reasons? Zenaida had contact there, TonE was traveling there...)

None of the others came back as having a myspace.

Not sure if it's anything, but haven't seen it posted, so it's what I can contribute right now!!!
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