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Jesse Grund's face book

his listed updates
July 22
Jesse please do what you can where you are.11:39am

July 17
Jesse please visit help find her.9:58pm
Jesse is please visit

July 10
Jesse will be moving again in Georgia!9:12pm

July 5
Jesse is moving like its my job.11:22am

June 27
Jesse is going back to the basics.10:00pm

Although Casey is on his friends list there are no comments from it could be he deleted them? Or they just weren't there...

here's his page stats

About me: Life lost its simplicity to me but gained completeness. I strive to live life rightously, stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, and stand out for what is right. My job is a calling for my life, something not everyone is meant to do. Life does throw you curveballs but it better learn a new pitch because I know how to hit them now.

Activities: Day to day walk with the Lord, City of Orlando work, Learning about the Lord/Christianity, Physical Training, Crossfit workout

Interests: Love, Life

Education Info:College: FSU '05 Criminology/Criminal Justice, Psychology

Profile pic:

Casey's Facebook post to Christ STutz:

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:36pm on June 20th, 2008
trying to get back in shape?! how about you come and hang out with me tonight, at Fusian!!!! call me!

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 9:34am on July 13th, 2008
happy birthday love!!!!

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 8:12am on May 13th, 2008
thanks for making my day :)

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 8:08am on May 12th, 2008
wtf Christopher!
still no pictures?!!? weren't you online this morning? :(

you're killing me Smalls!

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 8:07am on May 12th, 2008
you did!
she's quite fond of your *advertiser censored*...and your dad. something about those Stutz men.

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 8:13am on May 11th, 2008
you totally are NOT working your life away.
sheesh. don't be so dramatic ;)

and seriously...i will knock you out. where the hell are my pictures?!
it is mother's day you know.

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 12:48pm on April 27th, 2008
i demand to see you this week, since you're officially home.
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 11:57am on April 24th, 2008
soooo you're coming home soon, right?!

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 10:16am on April 14th, 2008
i didn't get your message until late yesterday :(
we will definitely see each other soon. you're moving home for summer, right?

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 5:41pm on April 11th, 2008
i miss you :( i want to see my friend

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 12:40pm on April 17th, 2007
hurry up and get here!!!

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 8:12pm on April 12th, 2007
me=totally bummed out. i absolutely hate being sick :(
come home, and take care of me.
i miss my christopher.
i miss my boyfriend.
i'm terribly lonely...
and i need some lovin.

get on it already. ♥

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 6:22pm on April 11th, 2007
ps. i love you ♥

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 6:21pm on April 11th, 2007
i can officially say, i'll be seeing you in two days!!! :) expect my happy *advertiser censored* between 10 and 12

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 9:03am on January 13th, 2008
i'm going to take you up

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 8:08am on March 15th, 2007
aw, you love me, don't you :) ♥ !!!

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 10:27pm on February 13th, 2007
since my valentine is literally on the other side of the world... will you be my valentine? you're in tally, i'm in orlando, but we can make it work. haha

i'll be waiting by my phone, expecting your call ♥

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 12:41pm on February 13th, 2007
you know me, i'm always up for dressing like a HOE :)

can't wait to see you!!!! oh, and thanks for making my day, as always ;)

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 11:49pm on February 11th, 2007
i miss my lover :(
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 1:29pm on January 13th, 2007
:( i miss you

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 12:29pm on January 1st, 2007
for sure babe. you better call me whenever you're in town.
i'm thinking about heading up to tally around my birthday, in march. we'll definitely have to plan something!

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 12:22pm on January 1st, 2007
good times last night :)
One of the friends on cayleeismissing page is Brian Lufkin. Does anyone know who he could be? His profile says he is "pissed" about this situation. I wonder why pissed? rather that worried, distraught etc. Could the child in the photo with him be Caylee?:waitasec:

Brian Lufkin is pissed about this whole situation

If I had to guess how he fit into this, I would say (based on his messages to Casey) that he had a little crush on her but nothing panned out. She seems to have stood him up on more than one occasion. Probably a nice guy, too nice for Casey.
Written to Lee on myspace from MayFizzle

Jul 17, 2008 12:05 AM
Good luck brother! I know u r smart enough to find the TRUTH behind all of this nonsense and God willing everything will turn out the way, I'm sure, we all would like! For the best and with as little consequence for all in every way!

May all the right hearts and minds be willing and able to restore the once quiter Anthony Home; and restore the smiles that once shone!

With great love from the Mayfield Family!

Erika, Karla, Carlos, and The Fizz

Erika and Karla were very upset when I told them the news and wish everyone the best of luck! Our prayers are with the Anthony's!

Jul 19 2008 5:36 AM

Caylee! Always on my mind!

I miss Caylee......she is such an angel! What a cute video with the book!

Since the day Erika has been pregnant I often think about the times we will visit O-Town over the years and get to walk down the street to visit a place so familiar to me! A walk I have made thousands of times. A lifetime of memories to be shared with the next generation. I only wish there was something I could do from so far away to ensure this dream come true my next visit. I can only hope and pray all of this passes quickly and Casey comes to her senses! So we all can return back to our lives with some peace, knowing our next visit will be a joyous occasion as it should be!

I miss the whole fam! So, next time I see ya George, Cindy, Lee, Casey, and Caylee hugs r on me!

The Fizz
Please put all the myspace and facebook comments TO CASEY and FROM CASEY here. (Or any other relavent players to this case.)
I am trying to comply all of those to put with the timeline so we can see what she did and what she said from JUNE2-JULY16th.
If you could put who it is from and who it is to, with the date and time, that would be very much appreciated!

good idea HailieJade..

all the comments I have found on myspace and facebook can be found in this thread

(the myspace links thread)

I didn't know where else to put them and didnt want them getting lots in the daily threads...

there are a lot of other ones from various members in that thread as well...
Casey Anthony says on the Fuzzy Red ballons Music Myspace page

This is less than a week before her mom calls 911

Jul 10 2008 11:47 PM

oh my sexy boys.

i love fuzzy red balloons
This is what I have so far for the myspace comments and timeline. If you have anymore please copy and add to it. Thanks so much guys!!!!! Praying and hoping to find Caylee soon!

June 2 Casey’s Boyfriend, Anthony Lazzaro, last sees Caylee on this date.

Message from Casey to Alex on myspace
June 4 Casey's facebook comments to Amy
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 12:12pm on June 4th, 2008
si!!! good times to be had, from tonight, until, well, forever.
what time do you think you're getting done tonight????

Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 7:33am on June 4th, 2008
oh, the times we will have!
i can't wait for us to become roomies in another week! the end of next week, it will be just us girls. i can't believe it!

June 7 Casey's facebook comments to Amy
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 9:04am on June 7th, 2008
i'm so glad you're ok! seriously, you scared the life right out of me! i love you girl.

June 8-14 Around these time that Cindy said Casey took a mini vacation with Jeff Hopkins

From Casey (not sure to who)
June 9,2008
Hey baby!I hope NY is treating you right.Question!!!!!do you know any local girls,that can sing?my boyfriend Tony,and his business partners are looking for an up and coming female R&B artist let me know!!!i miss you!

June 9 Anthony Lazaro states that Casey moved in with Amy Huizenga on this date

June 9 Casey Anthony said that on June 9, she dropped Caylee off at a babysitter who lived at the Sawgrass Apartments. She said the babysitter's name was Zenaida Gonzalez.

June 12 George Anthony says Caylee was spotted by friends of the Anthony family in a shopping area near the Orange-Seminole county lines. She was wearing a pink and blue outfit and white-rimmed sunglasses.

June 9 - July 12 Casey Anthony tells her parents that she had been going to work every day and that Caylee had been staying with friends or nannies.

June 12-13-14 Christine Chester, friend of Casey, says she saw Casey and Cayle on one of these dates.

From Casey to Jeff Hopkins
Jun 12 2008 6:41 AM

(Fusion poster was here)

you guys should definitely check it out!
cover is only $5. there's going to be live artists, a full bar, and an album release that you shouldn't miss!
hope to see you out there!

From Casey (not sure to who)
Jun 12 2008 9:14 AM
so i'm thinking, you should bring your happy *advertiser censored* back into orlando tomorrow night, for a BADASS hip hop showcase/album release party. google the address on the poster, on my myspace page.
i'd love to see you out there!

From Casey (not sure to who)
Jun 12 2008 7:54 PM
sounds good hun.

From Casey (not sure to who)
June 12,2008 9:14
so im thinking,you should bring your happy *advertiser censored** back into orlando tomorrow night,for a bad *advertiser censored** hip hop showcase/album release the address on the poster,on my myspace page,id love to see you out there!

June 15 Caylee and Cindy visited Cindy's father at Nursing Home

June 17 Casey's Facebook comments to Amy
Casey Anthony wrote
at 3:15pm on June 17th, 2008
cheer up me lady! i love you and can't wait to finally get you moved in

June 19 Casey's Facebook comments to Troy on the 19th
Casey Anthony wrote
at 3:57pm on June 19th, 2008
you, ric and dave should definitely come out tomorrow night. i'll give you a buzz later. i haven't see you in ages!

Casey Anthony wrote
at 9:09pm on June 19th, 2008
until 2. i'll be there all night.

From Casey to Alex
June 20, 2008 15:46
you're online!!! come out to fusion tonight...mandatory attendance Alexander Ryans :)

June 20 Casey's facebook comments to Chris Tutz
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:36pm on June 20th, 2008
trying to get back in shape?! how about you come and hang out with me tonight, at Fusian!!!! call me!

June 21st 6:43pm
good times last night!

Casey wrote to "little one :)" on myspace
June 21st 7:02pm
Oh yes I know! haha.
you're amazing girly!
looking forward to the all white party this weekend.

From Casey (not sure who to)
June 22,2008 19:29
its been ages:(ill give you a call this week

Sun Jun 22nd 6pm – Tues Jun 24th 10am: Shed at family home broken into, 2 gas cans stolen by unknown thief.

June 23rd
From Casey to Lee:
Jun 23, 2008 12:40 AM
here's my question...
is 'the windy city' an appropriate nickname for chicago? is it really THAT windy?
i've always wondered.

To Troy on Facebook
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:40pm on June 24th, 2008
she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i'll fill ya in later on.
miss ya, yo.

To Troy on Facebook
Amy Huizenga (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 2:46pm on June 24th, 2008
I'm still at Ricardo and JPs... hopefully everything works out soon! Hey, so I forwarded my mail a little late... any idea how to get my insurance stuff that got mailed to the Oviedo house?

June 25 Jesse Grund Talk to Casey on the phone and heard Caylee on the backgroud. This is also the day Jesse resigned from his job as LE ( Edit - Per Affidavit 25th not 24 )

From Casey (not sure to who)
Jun 25 2008 10:36 AM
hey girly! long time. are you going to be in orlando this weekend?

message to Alex from Casey on myspace
Jun 25 2008 3:35 PM
come to orlando friday!!!!
i miss your happy *advertiser censored*, plus, you need to join me for a few beverages, and the ALL WHITE PARTY, at fusian. i never you like sushi?? get at me brotha!

June 27 Casey Abandoned the White Pontiac infront of the Check Cashing Business. Anthony picked her up from from Amscot store.

June 30 The car Casey had been using is towed from the Amscot store on Goldenrod Road and Colonial Drive

From Mid to End of June
Casey was witnessed backing her car up to the garage. The neighbor told LE that Casey had asked to borrow a shovel.

To Troy on Facebook
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 1:46pm on July 2nd, 2008
you taking a cab tonight?

July 3 Cindy posted this on Myspace
Thursday, July 03, 2008
my caylee is missing
She came into my life unexspectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don't know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankfull for all of the love and support given to her. A mother's love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?

July 4 Friends told Eyewitness News Casey celebrated Independence Day with her boyfriend Tony Lazarro. She partied and cooked dinner for him and his roommate

July 7.
Casey Anthony, called the Diary of Days, which was posted on

It reads, in part:

"On the worst of worst days, remember the words spoken

Trust no one, Only yourself.

With great power, comes great consequence.

What is given, Can be taken away.

Everyone Lies.

Everyone Dies."

July 8 Casey's facebook post to Amy
Casey Anthony wrote
at 9:31am on July 8th, 2008
oh puerto rico....has stolen my friends. we shall be reunited shortly

July 10 Jesse Grund's Updates on his Facebook
"Jesse will be moving again in Georgia!9:12pm

Casey wrote to "little one :)" on myspace
you're the best adopted little sister ever! we need a new picture tonight "

From Casey to Red Fuzzy Balloons
Jul 10 2008 11:47 PM
oh my sexy boys.
i love fuzzy red balloons!

From Casey (not sure to who)
July 14,2008 22:10
she sent a video to this user about drums because he is a drum player it is by killer chops tv on you tube

July 13 Casey's facebook comments to Chris StUtz :
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 9:34am on July 13th, 2008
happy birthday love!!!!

Casey wrote to "little one :)" on myspace
July 13th 7:36am
you little hoochie! ;)
where are "our" new pictures????

July 8-15 Casey's driving Amy's car as Amy went to Puerto Rico for a vacation

July 15 Casey picked up Amy at the Airport

July 15 The car found abandoned is picked up by the Anthony family from the wrecker company

July 15 After they had not seen Caylee for some time, the girl's grandparents got concerned and confronted Casey. Cindy made 2 911 Calls

July 15- While they were waiting for the police, Casey and Cindy got onto myspace and contact all her friends to "get the word out". She said she called the police around 10:00. So Amy might have gotten the message about Caylee being missing and then posted her comment on Facebook.

July 15 The Sheriff's Office is notified that Caylee Anthony has been missing since June 9

July 15 Casey's facebook post to Amy
Casey Anthony wrote
at 4:02pm on July 15th, 2008
so glad you're home.
i better not see you online.
life is on hold until tomorrow

July 15 Amy Posted this on facebook to her friend
Amy Huizenga wrote
at 11:38pm on July 15th, 2008
A person who I thought was my friend stole money one night while I was sleeping and made up a story about how I got up in my sleep and put money away for the trip I was going on (I got back today, it was a great trip!). I bought that, she's my friend, but after today I know it was her. I let her use my car while I was gone and my check book was in there. Account cleared out. Hopefully I'll be able to get that back... but yeah... overall... about a grand. Which isn't even the worst (for me it is...) apparently her kid has been missing for a month. She claims the nanny stole her and was too afraid to tell her mom. So, as bad as all this is, there is a little girl out there (hopefully) that I'm way worried about.
Anyway, how are you?

July 16 The car found abandoned is picked up by the Anthony family from the wrecker company

July 16 Police talk to Zenaida Gonzalez who says she does not know Casey Anthony. Police also take Casey to Universal Studios where she said she worked. After leading them to a building, she admitted she was no longer employed there

July 16 Casey Anthony is arrested.

July 17 The Sheriff's Office takes possession of the car and finds evidence of possible human decomposition.

July 17 The Sheriff's office starts to search the backyard of the Anthony house.

July 17 Casey Anthony is officially charged with child neglect, lying to investigators and interfering with a criminal investigation. The judge denies bond because she showed a "woeful disregard for the welfare of her child"

Written to Lee on myspace from MayFizzle
Jul 17, 2008 12:05 AM
Good luck brother! I know u r smart enough to find the TRUTH behind all of this nonsense and God willing everything will turn out the way, I'm sure, we all would like! For the best and with as little consequence for all in every way!

May all the right hearts and minds be willing and able to restore the once quiter Anthony Home; and restore the smiles that once shone!
With great love from the Mayfield Family!
Erika, Karla, Carlos, and The Fizz
Erika and Karla were very upset when I told them the news and wish everyone the best of luck! Our prayers are with the Anthony's!

Jul 19 2008 5:36 AM (To Lee)

Caylee! Always on my mind!
I miss Caylee......she is such an angel! What a cute video with the book!
Since the day Erika has been pregnant I often think about the times we will visit O-Town over the years and get to walk down the street to visit a place so familiar to me! A walk I have made thousands of times. A lifetime of memories to be shared with the next generation. I only wish there was something I could do from so far away to ensure this dream come true my next visit. I can only hope and pray all of this passes quickly and Casey comes to her senses! So we all can return back to our lives with some peace, knowing our next visit will be a joyous occasion as it should be!
I miss the whole fam! So, next time I see ya George, Cindy, Lee, Casey, and Caylee hugs r on me!

The Fizz
July 3 Cindy posted this on Myspace
Thursday, July 03, 2008
my caylee is missing
She came into my life unexspectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don't know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankfull for all of the love and support given to her. A mother's love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?

Why didn't Cindy call 911 on July 3rd, instead of writing on her MySpace page? Clearly based on the contents on Cindy's MySpace page, she knew something was very wrong ... even titles the comment "my caylee is missing".

By July 3rd, Cindy already knew about the money being stolen before July 3rd. Why Cindy, why didn't you call the police??????
Casey wrote to "little one " on myspace
July 11th 10:03 am
Your the best adopted little sister ever! we need a ne (it was a screen save and it just said this,.. don't know what the rest is)

sorry... it says "Jul 11, 2008 10:03 AM
you're the best adopted little sister ever! we need a new picture tonight :)"
One of the friends on cayleeismissing page is Brian Lufkin. Does anyone know who he could be? His profile says he is "pissed" about this situation. I wonder why pissed? rather that worried, distraught etc. Could the child in the photo with him be Caylee?:waitasec:

Brian Lufkin is pissed about this whole situation

I've seen that picture somewhere, I think on Casey's photobucket account
Let's please be respectful of the people who are not shown to be "main players" in this case and not post their myspace or facebook pages only because they are on the "friends' list of the others. This thread was to list the pages found directly dealing with the people who have already been on the national media, local media, or otherwise have come out about the situation. Being on a person's myspace doesn't mean they are fair game here to be picked apart. We learned this lesson already in this particular case.
From someone named John's facebook (I removed the name of another poster):

{name removed} (Full Sail University) wrote
at 7:36pm on June 22nd, 2008
fusion was so fun lol...we need to go again for sure!
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 11:58am on June 22nd, 2008
wow. what a night. seriously, i'm never living that one down.
Why didn't Cindy call 911 on July 3rd, instead of writing on her MySpace page? Clearly based on the contents on Cindy's MySpace page, she knew something was very wrong ... even titles the comment "my caylee is missing".

By July 3rd, Cindy already knew about the money being stolen before July 3rd. Why Cindy, why didn't you call the police??????

GMA is just as much at fault here for not calling the police when she thought something was wrong...clearly she knew in her heart at this point on July 3rd something was very wrong and that thought did not just POP into her head as she sat down to write on her MySpace know how things bounce around in your head for awhile and you can see that as she pours it all out about the money and her raising Caylee. She should have done something sooner there might have been more clues or more of a trail. Plus this GMA has been fishy from the start I think anyway....
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