Mystery couple murdered in South Carolina, 1976 - #4

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I'd read the Batson fellow is deceased. Anyone find an obituary for him? phenolred posted that his wife's name was Janie. I'd like to know more about these people.
i think the link that you most recently posted sure looks like john doe. can anyone do a side by side?
if that was him you were saying that you read he is "deceased", ..he could have been declared dead? (that would be a motivation for someone if he had an estate or kids....)
i just really have a feeling about him though, please someone do a side by side.
I'd read the Batson fellow is deceased. Anyone find an obituary for him? phenolred posted that his wife's name was Janie.
I'd like to know more about these people.......

Justthinkin....good thinking! I agree, dozens more questions about these 2 people.
To start with, what they knew and who they knew that was connected to this case!..

Did these people or L. Henry or his son SELL or get a license tag for another vehicle/van in late 1976?.....:canada:
AMP, thanks. I purchased many a pair for my children, but sure couldn't as heck remember Stride Rite selling shoes for adults.

Heard back from Greece. They seem positive that Greek fellow died in the 1976 invasion by Turkey. Their note was very short. I think there must have been a real language barrier.

IF you'll look back, I didn't say anything about Jacques? "going around trying to sell his ring." I was aware that David B. expressed interest in it, and Jacques? allegedly offered to sell it to him. That's all.
I'm having a lot of trouble with this case, beginning with the photos and drawings of the deceased couple. To me, the photo of the man lying on the ground, looks nothing like what he looked like in the morgue. Same with the girl. On the ground, their faces look thin, but in the morgue photos the faces look too full. I noticed both the guy and girl's upper bodies seem definitely on the thin side, but her legs look too heavy for someone 5'5" at 105 lbs. Same with the guy. Is it because I haven't looked at that many live people's after death photos? I just started doing this. Do they look so different because the fluids in the body drain to lower extremities?

There's a trio of photos for each, if you know the one's I'm talking about, 3 pics in one. Are those all actual photos? Because in the trio of photos for the guy, the image on the right looks like it's been darkened in around the eyes, and frankly it looks like a drawing. Another thing is all these drawings of these people. There's a great variation in the drawings so it's hard to tell which images are the most representative. I'd sure like to hear others thoughts on this matter.

On another note, David B. may have really been hesitant to get involved. Sumter County had had numerous murders the previous year and earlier due to a somewhat local serial killer, Pee Wee Gaskins. At first he seemed like just the fellow that would've bumped off this couple since he was also trafficking in stolen cars. Unfortunately, he was already behind bars so it couldn't have been him. It could have been one of his associates though. Gaskins had been living in the next county over, Florence Co.
I think he definitely looks like a possible match. Something about his eyes really looks like the Jock Doe.
justthinkin...Sorry, I realize you didn't mention Jacques, being in a rush, I didn't word my thoughts correctly.

The beautiful long dark eyelashes and heavy brows, full lips with olive skin leads me to suspect Greek, Turkish, South American, Latin, or Buenos Aires, likely raised or arrived in Canada. The heavy dark eyebrows and extra long dark eyelashes, full lips and light olive skin seems a clue to me.

Also, when comparing pictures, I always check the shape and size of the ears and ear lobe.

It's good to know, someone other than myself is having a lot of trouble with this entire case. There has to be a lot more details and more to this case than what was written in the reports....

cases like this one really 'gets under my skin'....knowing the people involved in these 2 cold blooded murders, was allowed to get away with murder...

I totally agree about the various pictures of the couple....

The pictures of each person do not look alike at all, like 2 different people, even the hair-lines are different as well as the length and size of Jacques ears...?
Notice the couple's picture while laying/placed on the side of the road. They look young, and slender...:Justice:....jmo
Mysterylover, I totally agree with you about the KOA guy. I see so many gaps, like, didn't he know her name? And accents!

Did either speak with an accent?

I don't recall every seeing that info anywhere, so please do correct me if I have missed it....

Kitbits, After reading all I can find about this murder case, No one will convince me that no one knew the girls name or anything about this beautiful young couple when they stayed at this KOA campgrounds twice in one Why was it NOT in the investigators report?

If Jacques played pool with Batson, maybe he played pool with L. Henry's son also...
I think I've got something here with this latest possible match. This is wild!!!! Thumpa, thumpa, thumpa.

The Percival guy's from Regina, SK. In Regina is a car dealership, Percival Ford-Lincoln. I do not know how long they've been in business or if he's related or not, but the possibility exists. Now over in Australia, there's an aging race car driver, Allan M., who grew up in Saskatoon, SK, 3 hrs. north of Regina. Guess what the guy liked to drive? Fords. Remember the Coors/Sebring '75 T-Shirt the UID was wearing? Well guess who won the Camel Challenger G-T Sebring in 1975? Yup, Allan M. Unbelievable!!:woohoo:

Now Allan's family moved to Australia in the 60's, but this Allan had already started racing back in Canada. I wonder where he got his cars? Surely not. Yes? Maybe? Allan's about 10 yrs. older than the missing person in Regina. Could that young racing guy have been the boy's hero? Nah, that'd just be over the top. I have so got my fingers crossed on this match. This could really be the one. I'm in the process of composing an email to the Regina Police. I stayed up all night comparing photos, and checking leads and hunches, coordinating case file numbers, etc.

If our UID was at the race, he might have gotten to talk to Allan M., and there's a chance the race driver would remember, if that particular Percival family had anything at all to do with how he got started in racing.

I'm really counting my :chicken::chicken: here.

This post is long, and I'm not through yet so I'll break here for now. BBL
I really think the bone structure is remarkably similar between Jock Doe and Percival.
I think I've got something here with this latest possible match. This is wild!!!! Thumpa, thumpa, thumpa.

The Percival guy's from Regina, SK. In Regina is a car dealership, Percival Ford-Lincoln.
I do not know how long they've been in business or if he's related or not, but the possibility exists.
Now over in Australia, there's an aging race car driver, Allan M., who grew up in Saskatoon, SK, 3 hrs. north of Regina.

Guess what the guy liked to drive? Fords.

Remember the Coors/Sebring '75 T-Shirt the UID was wearing?

Well guess who won the Camel Challenger G-T Sebring in 1975? Yup, Allan M. Unbelievable!!:woohoo:

Now Allan's family moved to Australia in the 60's, but this Allan had already started racing back in Canada.
I wonder where he got his cars? Surely not. Yes? Maybe?

Allan's about 10 yrs. older than the missing person in Regina. Could that young racing guy have been the boy's hero? Nah, that'd just be over the top.

I have so got my fingers crossed on this match. This could really be the one. I'm in the process of composing an email to the Regina Police. I stayed up all night comparing photos, and checking leads and hunches, coordinating case file numbers, etc.

If our UID was at the race, he might have gotten to talk to Allan M., and there's a chance the race driver would remember, if that particular Percival family had anything at all to do with how he got started in racing.

I'm really counting my :chicken::chicken: here.

This post is long, and I'm not through yet so I'll break here for now. BBL

Justthinkin...Unbelievable!!...Great PI work!...what are the odds???...too big of a coincidence not to be a connection..possibly kin..

Date Last Seen: 1973-04-09
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Regina, Saskatchewan is north of Montana and North Dakota

From Regina take Hwy #6 south through Bratts Lake Indian resv. # 129, continue south on #6
through Caledonia Indian Resv. #99
continue south through
Norton Indian resv. # 69
stay on hwy # 6 south through
Gap Indian resv. #39
Hwy #6 merges with hwy 18 and into hwy # 16 into
Plentywood, Montana

What IF the couple was driving a FORD vehicle?
So I started thinking about this case, and asking myself questions. Why is it that a very nice looking couple hasn't been claimed or found in all these years? Maybe lumping them together as a couple is throwing people off. Maybe the photos are throwing people off. Despite the fact they look like they could be brother and sister, I'm nixing that because I think they'd have been claimed all the more quickly if that were the case. Odds are they aren't related. They may have been attracted to each other because they look alike. I think of married couples I've known who look a lot alike, so that could be the case here. We have no idea if they started out traveling together--likely if by car. If they were hitch-hiking, they might have just run across each other somewhere, and decided to head off together.

Money? If by car, they probably had money, maybe not enough. Been there done that when I was younger. If they're hitchers, they're likely really short on cash. That fits with them being so thin. I get the idea that the UID guy has been wandering around in the area for a year, esp. if he got that shirt from going to the race in Florida in '75. If that's so, then he's been to Florida twice, since Batson said they stayed at the KOA for awhile, went to Florida, and came back. Would hitch hikers go back to the same place they'd been? I don't see that as likely. Then again, I don't see it as likely if they were in a car either. Hmmm. I think Batson's story is hinky. Intuition tells me, he knew something he wasn't telling. He may have had an idea who killed them, and got scared, told partial truths. Were they camping in a tent or were they pulling a small travel trailer? If so, what happened to their stuff?

The jailed, Pee Wee Gaskins may have been only a part of an auto theft ring. Maybe some other guys in the ring spotted the parked car off the highway, and decided to take it. Something's wrong with that too. If a person's going to get a guy's wallet and keys, it takes two seconds to get his watch. If a car was coming, that might have made the robbers leave in a hurry. If someone's going to kill hitchers, what's the motive? It's pretty easy to figure out they wouldn't be likely to be carrying much in the way of money. Course people have been shot for a pr. of Nike's, which brings me to another point.

Shots: First in the back. Were they walking, and had a car pull up, stop, shine it's high beams on them, and just shoot them? I don't think so. If I was walking in the dark, and a car came up, and slowed or stopped, I'd turn around to see who they were & what they were up to. Course someone could have yelled at them, "turn around, and don't look." Perhaps they were asleep in their car, and forced to get out at gun point, and then shot. Ok, I'm thinking they were on foot again. Why leave the campground at night? Even if they didn't have enough money to stay another night, wouldn't they have left earlier? If they're on foot, they'd probably walk at night when it would be cooler. They were approximately 50 miles from the KOA in Santee. If in a car, that's means they left Santee around 11PM-12Midnight. Odd hour to leave.
Were they in fact shot the same day they left the KOA?

If a person's hitch-hiking around the country, would they be wearing sandals (the guy) or wedged sandals (the girl) with a bit of a heel? I don't think so. I think they were in a car with possibly out of state plates. I don't know, and can't make up my mind which it is:
car or no car?

It's an August night, warm or hot outside, humid, mosquitoes....If you're walking would you want to be wearing short shorts? You would if that's all you had or close to it. If you were trying to sleep in a car, you probably would want the shorts because the car is hotter than the air outside.

Photos, I'm of a mind to discard all but the morgue pictures, the roadside picture, and the police sketch of each victim. I am really bugged by those fat cheeked morgue photos.:waitasec: Something's up with that. These were thin people. Was someone trying to disguise them?

MysteryLover, LE said the victims were white with some olive skin tones. There are people in Scotland and Norway with olive skin tones, so I don't think that means we have to stick with the Latino look. Plenty of Scots in Canada.

Ok, I'm drained. Someone else try to make sense of all this, please.
justthinkin...Excellent post, which I agree with..

I think Batson's story was very's my opinion he knew a lot more about this couple and possibly something about their murders.

Was it ever checked to see if Batson and Henry/Son knew each other, played pool or was ever in some 'sorted' business deals with each other or possibly Pee Wee Gaskins auto theft ring?

Since we think the couple was race fans, what IF this couple had a hot, new, high performance, Ford convertible/or van?..and one of these guys wanted it or needed money..:rose:

Thanks, to all of you for making me think a little harder.

MysteryLover, a Ford? That would sure make sense. Great idea!:clap:

Amp, I think so too, re: the bone structure. Looks a lot like the police sketch too! Found a grave, Wm. E. P., abbreviated cause I don't want to get banned from here. It's a double headstone. One side has Wm. E., loving father and husband. The other side has Gary E., son and brother, b. 1945, death date is blank. So sad. Couldn't find an obit from 1984. Maybe the brother is still living if this turns out to be a match.

Found an article. If Wm. is his dad, this could be his uncle:
I was just thinking about the couple being murdered the night of Aug. 9, 1976.
When was the last race?...or a list of the races dates that summer...

What I'm trying to figure out is the length of time this couple would have been in that area...:waitasec:
Mystery, the son took off in 1973. He may have been driving at least a three year old car. A top end Mustang? I'm sure if the dealer was his uncle, he likely cut him a deal. I wish the Regina LE provided more info other than "last seen in Regina." Were the son and father estranged? Did the son have some sort of mental problems?

I can't find a female who fits the description missing from Saskatchewan. If this was an outdoorsy type guy maybe he met her in a campground or park. I'm assuming too much, I think. Just need to wait to see what Regina LE has to say about all this.

I'd have thought if this young man came from a well-heeled family, there would be more effort put into the search. Can't find a single newspaper article on his disappearance. It's frustrating.
Mystery, the son took off in 1973. He may have been driving at least a three year old car. A top end Mustang? I'm sure if the dealer was his uncle, he likely cut him a deal. I wish the Regina LE provided more info other than "last seen in Regina." Were the son and father estranged? Did the son have some sort of mental problems?

I can't find a female who fits the description missing from Saskatchewan. If this was an outdoorsy type guy maybe he met her in a campground or park. I'm assuming too much, I think. Just need to wait to see what Regina LE has to say about all this.

I'd have thought if this young man came from a well-heeled family, there would be more effort put into the search. Can't find a single newspaper article on his disappearance. It's frustrating.

Justthinkin...My thoughts exactly.
I read the following:
offering both luxury cars and high performance cars proved to be a successful sales approach .

Percival was involved in the community. He served a term as a director of the Saskatchewan Roughriders.
In 1974 he sold his business.
T. Percival retired and moved to Lumsden. He died on March 3, 1984, at the age of 69....:rose::rose:
I was just thinking about the couple being murdered the night of Aug. 9, 1976.
When was the last race?...or a list of the races dates that summer...

What I'm trying to figure out is the length of time this couple would have been in that area...:waitasec:

I don't know about race dates. It looks like they race a real variety in Florida. If such big race fans, why not stay in Fl.? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense at all.

He had to have been there going on a year. He could've met her at
Sebring or Daytona or....?

This is a big deal gathering, camping, midways, rides, a party that goes on for days.
Sebring races were held each year in MARCH.

Sebring is located about 90 miles from Tampa, Orlando and the Palm Beaches. The track is adjacent to Sebring Regional Airport, just off Highway 98, three miles east of US 27.

Dayton races February and July.

Darlington S.C.races are held in May.
Darlington Raceway is just 70 miles from Myrtle Beach!

If the couple went to Sebring Florida races they could have possibly been in Florida or the KOA area for 5 months or more in 1976...

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see 'something was wrong with this double murder investigation'...or someone with 'clout' didn't want the investigation facts to be ever known,
I wouldn't doubt if the files, autopsy reports, as well as cloths with blood stains have long been "misplaced"...keeping the files closed for 30 years is a good way to cover a cover-up.. ...imo
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