Mystery: Who removed the memorials? UPDATE The A's and the Milsteads that's who

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Verified insider- Mark Dribin case
Jun 3, 2004
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If the property owner didn't remove it, the Anthony's claim they didn't remove it, and neither did the county, who do you think did remove it and what right did they have to do so???:waitasec::confused:
I have no idea who did so but have the following thoughts on the matter.

1) My hats off to whomever cleaned it up! They say it had deteriated over the months to a soggy smelly mess including wet stuffed animals & flowers and cards and signs as well as trash and other debris. Caylee deserves a better memorial than that. And way to go doing it in the middle of the night and without looking for the public spotlight!

2) And by the way, if someone could go in there and clean that all up between 10pm Mon and 1am Tues and not be noticed then it certainly shows that KC could have dumped Caylee there without being noticed too.

3) If the landowner isn't unhappy about the clean-up and the A's aren't unhappy about it and the County isn't unhappy about it, does it really matter if they had the "right" to do it? And as far as those who may have dropped off a stuffed animal or flower to show their respects to Caylee, would any of them have expected that animal or flower to last forever?
I have no idea who did so but have the following thoughts on the matter.

1) My hats off to whomever cleaned it up! They say it had deteriated over the months to a soggy smelly mess including wet stuffed animals & flowers and cards and signs as well astrash and other debris. Caylee deserves a better memorial than that. And way to go doing it in the middle of the night and without looking for the public spotlight!

2) And by the way, if someone could go in there and clean that all up between 10pm Mon and 1am Tues and not be noticed then it certainly shows that KC could have dumped KC there without being noticed too.

3) If the landowner isn't unhappy about the clean-up and the A's aren't unhappy about it and the County isn't unhappy about it, does it really matter if they had the "right" to do it? And as far as those who may have dropped off a stuffed animal or flower to show their respects to Caylee, would any of them have expected that animal or flower to last forever?

My opinion is that if the landowner doesn't object, a permanent memorial to Caylee should be placed there. Who cares what the A's think, they had no regard for Caylee after her death, and they ripped down the memorials that other mourners lovingly placed on their lawn. The rights issue is just that, it's not fair to just suddenly remove what was placed there by other people as a tribute to Caylee.
I have no idea who did so but have the following thoughts on the matter.

2) And by the way, if someone could go in there and clean that all up between 10pm Mon and 1am Tues and not be noticed then it certainly shows that KC could have dumped KC there without being noticed too.

respectfully snipped

This makes a lot of sence and I for one appreciate you pointing that fact out.
My opinion is that if the landowner doesn't object, a permanent memorial to Caylee should be placed there. Who cares what the A's think, they had no regard for Caylee after her death, and they ripped down the memorials that other mourners lovingly placed on their lawn. The rights issue is just that, it's not fair to just suddenly remove what was placed there by other people as a tribute to Caylee.
I understand what your saying but I guess after this Memorial Day with my family I respectfully disagree that they didn't have the right. We have a family memorial that most of my family members visit less than once each year. I am the one who pulls the weeds and such now that my mother can no longer do it. I wasn't designated to do it by anyone or even asked to by my mother. I just saw that it needed looking after and took that responsibility upon myself. After months of looking at old beat up faded and falling apart artificial flowers and little things left by family members last year on Memorial Day, I finally discarded everything instead of just picking up the pieces that were falling off each time I would go to take care of the memorial. That was several months ago, but no one noticed that I'd done it until this Memorial Day when a few members of the family went to the memorial for the 1st time in a year. When they came by later, they didn't say "thank you" for taking care of it all year or cleaning it up this time. They said what gave you the "right" to throw away the flowers we put there?

As I told my family members, it was the "right" thing to do and that was the only "right" that mattered.

That's the way I see cleaning up the Caylee memorial as well - it was the "right" thing to do. Taking away faded flowers or sour smelling Teddy Bears does not diminish the tribute paid to Caylee by those who left those items there. However, leaving those items there to rot in the rain and sun and blow down in the wind, does seem to me to be a disgrace.
I was thinking Lee did it.
While I would hate to see a soggy, stinky memorial for Caylee it still makes me sad that now there is none.

It reminds me of how I felt about all the flags we Americans displayed with so much pride after the 9/11 attacks. Remember how so many houses flew them? Almost all of our businesses and some people even had them (or ribbons) on their autos. I hated it when I realized they were slowly disappearing. It was as if the collective memory of that horrid day was fading right along with the patriotic displays. Now we line our streets with files of people holding flags as the funeral processions pass by carrying our many men and women who defended us from a repeat of 9/11. Instead of the ground-swell display of flags at the beginning we now have parents and spouses who display their coffin flags privately in their homes.

I don't want to see any soggy stuffed animals or faded flags or artificial flowers ~ but I sure understand the need for people to demonstrate/express their thoughts and emotions. I'm praying there will be a more suitable, permanent way to do this very, very soon. Sigh.
I think the public will simply fill her memorial back up on June 16th or Caylee's birthday.
Maybe Zenaida the Nanny did it! No, honestly, I think it was A clan member, maybe just not GA or CA directly...
I agree with aafromaa, it's not honoring Caylee's memory for there to be rotting stuffed animals, flowers, etc. just laying their indefinitely. I"m glad someone came and cleaned it up.

Although a more permanent memorial would be nice.
Personally I do not think it matters in the whole scope of this case-who cleaned it up-it would appear that they did it at a time that would cause the LEAST amount of emotion,and I do not think we NEED to know,but may like to know,but cleaned up it is,let's focus on the case at hand!!!!
I will be unpopular with this thought, but I do not believe the public should create a memorial for her at all. Each person can remember her in their own way without leaving a token which will only deteriorate over time. Better to have a memory of a favorite picture and keep it in the album of one's mind and heart....where it really only matters anyway. Thousands of children are murdered every year. For as many as we do hear about them, hold the door to your hearts open for the hundreds we never do.
I will be unpopular with this thought, but I do not believe the public should create a memorial for her at all. Each person can remember her in their own way without leaving a token which will only deteriorate over time. Better to have a memory of a favorite picture and keep it in the album of one's mind and heart....where it really only matters anyway. Thousands of children are murdered every year. For as many as we do hear about them, hold the door to your hearts open for the hundreds we never do.

debs-that shouldn't be unpopular at all! A memorial can be many things and expressed many ways. Everyone is different-some may feel the need to have something permanent for others to see, while some may use Caylee and her tragedy to make them better parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, and neighbors. However Caylee is memorialized is up to each individual AND a changed life is a wonderful memorial!
I'm too far away to place any items at a memorial, but I show my respect and honor for that beautiful little girl by having a beautiful collage of Caylee on my computer background.
the Anthony's claim they didn't remove it

They also claim that Casey was the mother of the year... :)

I'm going with the standard: Cindy ordered Lee to go clean it up..
Perhaps the local city workers cleaned it up late at night? School janitor? Could be anyone.
Well, we all know the Anthonys didn't remove it as they have done nothing for Caylee in any way shape or form since she went missing.

My guess would be the smell of wet, soggy deteriorating stuffed animals got to be too much for the neighbors-that then banded together and quietly disposed of the mess.

In time, people will start replacing things and the memorial will be back.
IMHO and what seems most logical........that while the county did not officially clean it up, likely the waste management company contracted for that area did. In my town we have city garbage service in certain areas and private contracted garbage service in others. Because it was not household garbage and likely classsified as a brush pile (no insults but it was not household and was near the curb) someone contacted them to remove. Due to it being a highly emotionally charged issue it wouldn't be unheard of to do it after hours. I hear the recycling truck come by at 4 AM sometimes so...... FWIW I think it was a beautiful memorial while it was fresh and maintained, but when it became a wet soggy, and smelly mess it no longer served as a beautiful tribute. Additionally because of the close proximity to the school, perhaps their grounds and maint. dept. did it so the kids on busses wouldn't have to keep looking at it in its' neglected state. I may be way off, but it's another perspective to consider. If it wasn't being maintained then it wasn't much of a tribute.
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