Names of Jurors just Released

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Does that mean that JB now has no involvement in the civil suits or the conviction appeal?
If he has moved on from FCA, does that include any media deals that may come up?
Did he get out while the getting was good and wash his hands of her?
The accompanying video is interesting. At about the 3 minute mark, mark fuhrman pipes in regarding how the jury got it wrong. JB says he's moved on from FCA, and actively involved in other cases. Geraldo and JB are buddy buddy and Geraldo talks about the hateful e-mails he recieves from viewers regarding JB and his relationship.

Did anyone else notice the very weird vibes at the end of the video? Geraldo says something to the effect of Jose and him standing together throughout everything, Jose looked startled and then they both gave a weird huffing kind of fake laugh. Wondering if there is some bad feelings there now.
Harvard law students are no slouches. Do we know for sure JB was speaking there? He could have given the illusion he was to speak there, and may have gone in simply to hear an other speaker.

If he did speak at Harvard, I'll bet it was at JB's expense, so the law students could have a laugh, or as an example of what NOT to emulate. I can just see those Crimson kids ripping JB apart in later conversations. (My daughter and I once tried to find something good to say about my evil-psycho-ex-son-in-law-from-hell once, and the best we could come up with is he is the epitome of how NOT to be.)

I'm willing to bet few Harvard alumni become criminal defense lawyers - instead I'll bet most go into politics or corporate/medical malpractice/administrative law. I'm just guessing here. JB falls into the category of what I call "billboard" lawyers - those who advertise on billboards and yellow pages back covers. Ambulance chasers. That's how *I* see JB.

Maybe those students were just curious to actually hear the man speak - as in how could someone who appeared so incompetent get a not guilty verdict? To find out if he had a plan, and knew what he was doing or if it was just dumb luck.

I can imagine there would be endless debates afterwards about ethics, etc., by aspiring law students. And I don't see his speaking there, if he was, as a vote of confidence, but quite the opposite....not that I think Baez himself would ever have that occur to him...
Did anyone else notice the very weird vibes at the end of the video? Geraldo says something to the effect of Jose and him standing together throughout everything, Jose looked startled and then they both gave a weird huffing kind of fake laugh. Wondering if there is some bad feelings there now.

Yes, I also was startled by that - and found it quite funny. Maybe Baez didn't like the "essence" of the interview, which was portraying Baez as some kind of big loser in this whole scenario - poor poor pitiful thing - everybody is being so mean to him...etc.....

Pretty amusing to me anyhow...
Does that mean that JB now has no involvement in the civil suits or the conviction appeal?
If he has moved on from FCA, does that include any media deals that may come up?
Did he get out while the getting was good and wash his hands of her?

It looks like he's done that doesn't it? And it hasn't helped him one bit.

I think he hoped by stepping away from the carp of a mess he left at the end of the trial - he would be able to launch himself a whole new career without any carp left on his shoes.

How's that working for you Baez? Heh heh...

Okay, I have to say the one and only thing I love about GR is that he opens his mouth long enough to change feet. He refers to KC as the "aquitted killer mom".

I thought LE was reporting that none of the jurors have complained about being harassed nor have we heard about them going underground. jmo

LOL thanks for mentioning that LambChop - that was my first "Whaaa.." :waitasec: that made me actually listen to the rest of the conversation. Geraldo can't seem to help himself from stepping in it - he's hilarious!

He's actually saying truthful things as sort of some kind of weird slip - that he isn't even conscious he's doing it....

Okay, I have to say the one and only thing I love about GR is that he opens his mouth long enough to change feet. He refers to KC as the "aquitted killer mom".

I thought LE was reporting that none of the jurors have complained about being harassed nor have we heard about them going underground. jmo

All right, I give up.
I just have to watch it now just to hear GR say that KC is the acquitted killer mom.
All right, I give up.
I just have to watch it now just to hear GR say that KC is the acquitted killer mom.

.......:silly: ......Really Watcher9 - It's worth it - just listen to how Geraldo talks about Baez who's been pretending he's a Star, and then listen to how it sort of dribbles out at the end....
It looks like he's done that doesn't it? And it hasn't helped him one bit.

I think he hoped by stepping away from the carp of a mess he left at the end of the trial - he would be able to launch himself a whole new career without any carp left on his shoes.

How's that working for you Baez? Heh heh...

How has the case affected his career? He is getting way more clients than just DUI's, IMO, so how has this affected his career. Okay he can't get an agent. Well that could be because he is a defense attorney that has had little to no experience. He did not go through this trial on his own. He had some of the best professionals giving him free advice (probably worth $1mil at least). Has he thanked them. If so, he must have whispered it. His client was found not guilty....gotta be a plus for him...well, maybe not.

So his face isn't on the TV every night, not from a lack of trying that is for sure. All his "greatness" does not belong to him but to those who stood by him through this whole trial. On his own, he's nothing, and the powers to be are beginning to see it. GR bragging that JB only has him for a friend did not do JB any favors. lol jmo
How has the case affected his career? He is getting way more clients than just DUI's, IMO, so how has this affected his career. Okay he can't get an agent. Well that could be because he is a defense attorney that has had little to no experience. He did not go through this trial on his own. He had some of the best professionals giving him free advice (probably worth $1mil at least). Has he thanked them. If so, he must have whispered it. His client was found not guilty....gotta be a plus for him...well, maybe not.

So his face isn't on the TV every night, not from a lack of trying that is for sure. All his "greatness" does not belong to him but to those who stood by him through this whole trial. On his own, he's nothing, and the powers to be are beginning to see it. GR bragging that JB only has him for a friend did not do JB any favors. lol jmo

All too true LambChop but I was speaking of "in his own mind" Baez was THE STAR and thought after this trial that he would be THE ONE - sure he's gotten more cases and is somewhat more high profile that he was before this case.

But remember, he is used to being THE media face for three years - now he gets to talk on Geraldo, JVM, and the today show - not exactly the huge stampede for his favors that he was expecting me thinks...:floorlaugh: He saw his career as the most sought after lawyer, a talking head on one of the big media shows, book deals, speaking tours...visions of sugar plums were dancing in his head......:great:
All too true LambChop but I was speaking of "in his own mind" Baez was THE STAR and thought after this trial that he would be THE ONE - sure he's gotten more cases and is somewhat more high profile that he was before this case.

But remember, he is used to being THE media face for three years - now he gets to talk on Geraldo, JVM, and the today show - not exactly the huge stampede for his favors that he was expecting me thinks...:floorlaugh: He saw his career as the most sought after lawyer, a talking head on one of the big media shows, book deals, speaking tours...visions of sugar plums were dancing in his head......:great:

Sugar plums to licorce humiliating. jmo

Okay, I have to say the one and only thing I love about GR is that he opens his mouth long enough to change feet. He refers to KC as the "aquitted killer mom".
I thought LE was reporting that none of the jurors have complained about being harassed nor have we heard about them going underground. jmo

First bold: Exactly! I still think he knows that OCA murdered Caylee. He also commented on her "showing up in disguise". To me it's like he AND JB want to make fun of her.
I also think JB is trying to distance himself from OCA by the things he was saying such as him not knowing when or if she will ever speak publicly. However, I still think he's trying to make cash from the whole mess.

Second bold: We have heard zero, nada, zilch about any juror's being in danger of any kind. I also don't think the media would keep dialing, redialing after a juror would say no the first time they called. KWIM?

JB just needs to sit down and zip it. He was a never was much less a wanna be. IMO he'll never run with the big dogs.
Found this on twitter, it's from Geraldo's Facebook:

Geraldo Rivera
Jose Baez and I spent Wednesday with a class that contains the future President of the United States and Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, according to its professor at Harvard Law School, Alan Dershowitz. The weird thing is that statistically speaking he is probably right. Over the last 150 years, half of all our chief executives in the judicial and executive branches have come from either Harvard, Princeton or Yale. And those sharp as tacks third year law students in Dershowitz’ class asked appropriately probing questions about the Casey Anthony trial, including the controversial verdict of acquittal on all the homicide charges. They were particularly interested in the harsh backlash that has hobbled Jose’ efforts to return to normalcy. As sophisticated as those 3L students are, they seemed surprised that the defense attorney was being shunned and attacked as if he was the acquitted child killer, not her attorney. It was a blast of cold reality in a classroom in which the law is considered a lofty profession where outcomes are determined by statute and precedent, not mob rule or cable tv.
BBM...the bolded makes me wonder if those "sharp as tacks third year law students" actually were just letting JB know what a loser they thought he was, without losing grade points in Dershowitz' class. I imagine it going something like this:
"Mr. Baez, how does it make you feel that so many lawyers consider your work in that trial as an embarrassment, and how will you ever work again (or get published) because the public agrees with them?"
Found this on twitter, it's from Geraldo's Facebook:

BBM...the bolded makes me wonder if those "sharp as tacks third year law students" actually were just letting JB know what a loser they thought he was, without losing grade points in Dershowitz' class. I imagine it going something like this:
"Mr. Baez, how does it make you feel that so many lawyers consider your work in that trial as an embarrassment, and how will you ever work again (or get published) because the public agrees with them?"

I'm guessing this - particularly if this was something they were required to attend. By your third year of law school, you just don't care, especially if you're having to sit there listening to arrogant hot air. You get enough of that from the professors. :innocent:
Found this on twitter, it's from Geraldo's Facebook:

BBM...the bolded makes me wonder if those "sharp as tacks third year law students" actually were just letting JB know what a loser they thought he was, without losing grade points in Dershowitz' class. I imagine it going something like this:
"Mr. Baez, how does it make you feel that so many lawyers consider your work in that trial as an embarrassment, and how will you ever work again (or get published) because the public agrees with them?"

except of course Geraldo is the Jester - Baez isn't trying to return to "normalcy" he's been trying to get his face on anything anywhere and to become a Big Wheel. I think Baez would be a big curiosity to them more than anything..
Found this on twitter, it's from Geraldo's Facebook:

BBM...the bolded makes me wonder if those "sharp as tacks third year law students" actually were just letting JB know what a loser they thought he was, without losing grade points in Dershowitz' class. I imagine it going something like this:
"Mr. Baez, how does it make you feel that so many lawyers consider your work in that trial as an embarrassment, and how will you ever work again (or get published) because the public agrees with them?"

Many thanks for the FB content! I think you read between GR's lines perfectly! Of course you said it far better than I tried in my past post! That is EXACTLY what I was thinking! Bravo!
First bold: Exactly! I still think he knows that OCA murdered Caylee. He also commented on her "showing up in disguise". To me it's like he AND JB want to make fun of her.
I also think JB is trying to distance himself from OCA by the things he was saying such as him not knowing when or if she will ever speak publicly. However, I still think he's trying to make cash from the whole mess.

Second bold: We have heard zero, nada, zilch about any juror's being in danger of any kind. I also don't think the media would keep dialing, redialing after a juror would say no the first time they called. KWIM?

JB just needs to sit down and zip it. He was a never was much less a wanna be. IMO he'll never run with the big dogs.

BUT and it's a big can't convince a judge that there is a mob mentality out there unless you create it yourself which is pretty much what he is doing. Reporting she is getting all types of viable treats. How do we know these threats even come from some loon? It could be something set up to make it look as if she is being threatened. Who would gain by it?

I really think it is in JB's best interest to keep KC under lock and key. To make her feel she is being threatened. Not because she is in any danger but because she still is worth money to him. No one likes or respects JB because of his actions before the trial and afterwards, much of which had nothing to do with the actual trial. He's still trying to make money off the death of this poor child and that's what people do not like.

The best thing he could have done is to go back to his office after the verdict and get back to work. Those media hounds would still have come after him but I think if he waited until things cooled down a little people would not have been critical of him.

How do you explain to all those TES volunteers that the harassment they suffered was based on a lie? How do you explain to the tax payers all the money that was spent because KC lied? jmo
I think that JB will be hitting the very rewarding lecture circuit for quite some time. He will make his bucks that way. Not books and/or interviews with KC. Hence his distancing.
And who knows, may be some of the jurors will use that avenue too after some training in public speaking.
I think that JB will be hitting the very rewarding lecture circuit for quite some time. He will make his bucks that way. Not books and/or interviews with KC. Hence his distancing.
And who knows, may be some of the jurors will use that avenue too after some training in public speaking.

Plenty of disgraceful behavior to go around! I doubt anyone will be making any significant money from "lecturing", given the intelligence and skill level of the people we're considering...
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