Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #12

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Considering what I went through I can easily see him being the one controlled here. My ex was controlling and manipulating... but later I found out she was telling the complete opposite to her friends... when I look at what NC drove and all the pricey things she had, its kind of hard to believe she didn't have some control.

I agree.

The whole thing makes me think who was controlling who.

Having said that, things don't look very good for him.

It sounds like it was a horrible situation for a long time
and his affadavit sounds like he's trying to explain how
bad things were. And it sounds like they were a big mess. more thing.

The reason NC's friends testified to what Nancy said is because that is what she was telling them. I'm not saying it wasn't real or that it didnt' happen. But they were only getting her side of the story. And if they beleived it to be so true why the hell didn't they help her?

We don't know what they did or didn't do to help her. Yes, money was one issue and we don't know if they ever gave her any or not (at least I don't know) but money is not the only thing. They might have offered to take her in, we don't know.

You can't make an adult leave their abuser if they don't want to and are not ready to. Even when they complain about what a horrible person s/he is.

I have a friend who is in what I consider an abusive rel'p with a live-in BF. She's always 'just about to' breakup with him, but never does and there's always some excuse about why it's not the right time to make him move out of her home, etc etc. Bottomline: you can be a shoulder for awhile, you can offer everything in your power to help, you can lecture and listen and provide advice, ideas, a safe haven, and everything else, but you can't force someone to take action. And as most abused women will tell you, their abuser is not 100% horrible 100% of the time. They cling to these bright spots whenever/whereever they can.
ya know - I think we all need to take a step back and think that would happen if any one of us was in Brad's shoes and DID NOT kill our spouse.

I was running through this scenario the other day and came to the conclusion that the following things would be said about me:

While my husband is out traveling and working his butt off, I am at home with the animals.

I am spending his money like a crazy woman - the UPS guy was there ALL the time.

Hubby drives a 2003 truck. Wife has been through 3 (!) cars in that time period. She had a perfectly good Volkswagen for a little while - but no.... that wans;t good enough - she had to have that expensive Mercedes.

And the year he got that for her for a combo birthday / Christmas / Anniversary present - do you know what SHE got HIM???? Chicago style relish for HOT DOGS.

You know she's always joked around about killing him and dragging his body back to work to get the triple life insurance, don't you? Well, she finally did it.

Obviously, this paints a very interesting picture of me and I would DEFINITELY be a POI. ha ha ha

I would vigorously defend myself - explaining the cars saying he wanted the car as much as I did, that oftentimes we didn't really exchange Christmas gifts because it seemed forced and we never felt like we went without, that I was ONLY JOKING about killing him and dragging his body to work, etc. I'd also explain that I actually WORK FROM HOME and make a decent living even though I am always in shorts and a t-shirt and that I'd sooner kill myself than have anything happen to my husband.

But I'd sure look bad. And I am guess that nothing I said would change the minds of some people - even when my friends stuck up for me. The naysayers would say I was just making a desperate plea to make people feel sorry for me - not that I was devastated, etc.

Think about what you've said to people while joking around, or how things can get twisted. Add that to the fact that the odds are with a spouse killing a spouse and this train picks up speed really fast to convict the remaining spouse.

No one is perfect - and pointing out that NC probably exaggerated to her friends doesn't mean anyone thinks she deserved to die, or even that brad didn't do it - just that NOTHING is black and white.
But aside from the 'controlling' husband...some men are more the passive/aggressive type like a Scott Peterson. Where they appear more charming to everyone, including their spouse, but are simmering on the inside and scheming away and one day they well....take action.

We'll never know what it was really like inside the Cooper marriage--only that they weren't happy with each other and there was ongoing tension and discord. And, of course, one of them was found murdered and the probability is that the other spouse did the deed. There are a million reasons why one person kills another and no one except the killer can ever really know for sure the 'why' of it.
We don't know what they did or didn't do to help her. Yes, money was one issue and we don't know if they ever gave her any or not (at least I don't know) but money is not the only thing. They might have offered to take her in, we don't know.

You can't make an adult leave their abuser if they don't want to and are not ready to. Even when they complain about what a horrible person s/he is.

I have a friend who is in what I consider an abusive rel'p with a live-in BF. She's always 'just about to' breakup with him, but never does and there's always some excuse about why it's not the right time to make him move out of her home, etc etc. Bottomline: you can be a shoulder for awhile, you can offer everything in your power to help, you can lecture and listen and provide advice, ideas, a safe haven, and everything else, but you can't force someone to take action. And as most abused women will tell you, their abuser is not 100% horrible 100% of the time. They cling to these bright spots whenever/whereever they can.

Sorry but the way they vilified him there is no doubt that IF they helped her financially they would have put that in the affidavit' doubt.
I am just curious but how many women here think that a wife can be the abuser?

Being a man and living through so much I can assure I was...whether you believe me or not is one thing. Two reason I don't just detail my entire it would be a novel and I am just to busy and lazy to write it all but also I just don't want to live it again in writing it.
Sorry but the way they vilified him there is no doubt that IF they helped her financially they would have put that in the affidavit' doubt.

The affidavits are not depositions with a lawyer asking questions, so I don't know if they absolutely did or absolutely did not. I would need them to be asked, point-blank, if they supplied any financial assistance at any time, and then hear or read their answer(s) in order for me to know one way or the other (for sure).
I am just curious but how many women here think that a wife can be the abuser?

<raises hand>

Of course it's possible. And one partner in a gay rel'p can be an abuser of the other. Any gender can be an abuser.

However, forum posters' personal experiences and anecdotes have no bearing on what actually happened in the COOPER case. We just don't have the info yet. We have clues. We have some statements. But we don't have all the info that will (eventually) come out.
great post Raleigh!

My husband and I don't exchange Christmas presents every year it just depends on our budget and normally we get what we want throughout the year anyway. We feel that Christmas is for our son. (even thought he's a very spoiled only child and grandchild)
I am just curious but how many women here think that a wife can be the abuser?

Being a man and living through so much I can assure I was...whether you believe me or not is one thing. Two reason I don't just detail my entire it would be a novel and I am just to busy and lazy to write it all but also I just don't want to live it again in writing it.

I beleive a woman can be an abuser definately.

You should not have to tell your story to get your point accross, it is nobody's business what you had to go through. :blowkiss:
Sorry but the way they vilified him there is no doubt that IF they helped her financially they would have put that in the affidavit' doubt.
They DID put it in the affidavits. I went back and read them all this morning. Said her family and friends had to give her money. It also said that one couple offered to have her come stay with them.
They DID put it in the affidavits. I went back and read them all this morning. Said her family and friends had to give her money. It also said that one couple offered to have her come stay with them.

I just re-read them also. I must say that what they had to say was pretty bad.
Have a good night folks! I'm goin' home now...

play nice!

actually, would it be too much to ask for everyone to stop posting until I get back in here again?

great post Raleigh!

My husband and I don't exchange Christmas presents every year it just depends on our budget and normally we get what we want throughout the year anyway. We feel that Christmas is for our son. (even thought he's a very spoiled only child and grandchild)

Honestly, the "she got a mercedes, he got 6 jars of pickle relish" is one of my Grandma's favorite stories to tell her friends. But I know it would get ugly aired in a series of depositions. :Banane09: And I know my hubby told the story to his friends at work and they all kinda looked at him funny. He thought it was hysterical - I am sure they think I am a money grubber. oh how we look to others with the tiny snippets of our lives that we share.

Good to know we're not the only ones who usually don't do the big Christmas thing (the relish year excluded, of course)
They DID put it in the affidavits. I went back and read them all this morning. Said her family and friends had to give her money. It also said that one couple offered to have her come stay with them.

Yes all the affidavits said that "she had to get money from family and friends in order to have enough monmehy to ...." and yet there is NOT ONE instance of anyone saying .......

23. I gave Nancy Cooper $250 in cash on 6/21/2008 so she could buy groceries.

If the affidavit givers weren't the money givers, then who was???? And where the heck are they????
Fran, I am sure you are a sweet person... but i have to say, you say the same thing every time... It's with blinders on. There was nothing other than statements to give his side of the affidavits. The man has two girls who if innocent deserve and need to be with him. I would have been way more vicious in defending my self, especially when an upset spouse over exaggerates to friends...those friends used those stories to try and paint him in a way he needs to defend. Those friends stories contradicted themselves. None of this proves he did or didn't kill NC, but it does prove he loves his girls and knows he must defend himself for THEIR sake.

Yes, I am a very sweet person, if I may say so myself. :)

FWIW, Nancy's friend's affidavits painted Brad like a person who did NOT really care about his children, but merely as ponds in his abusive relationship with his recently departed wife. Having said that, it was obvious, to even Brad AND his attorney, that the friend's statements were NOT with malice in their heart, but concern, for the innocent children.

Anyone watching this from afar, should know that IF he in fact did murder his wife, that the next POSSIBLE victims could be either HIMSELF, OR the CHILDREN.

The murder investigation is about MURDER of Nancy Cooper. THAT is a separate issue.

The custody of the children, is TEMPORARY. Not permanent. This is a trying time for all involved. He KNOWS he's the center focus of the investigation. UNTIL he, Brad is either ELIMINATED or arrested as a suspect, HIS freedom is in jeoprady, HIS future is up in the air.

HE should have been thinking of the children first and foremost. He was NOT. HE was thinking of himself, his image. EVERYTHING that was wrong in his life was NANCY'S FAULT. He made sure EVERYONE knew that.

Totally WRONG, completely UNNECESSARY!

Just like they tell divorcing parents, do NOT put down your ex to the children, you'll pay for it later IF you do. MOST people also do NOT speak ill of the deceased. People who do are either petty, hateful, hurtful, not the deceased one's friend, NOT a loved one of the deceased.

IF the image he was portraying was one of a loving husband, the disparging remarks, either from HIS affidavit or HIS friends most definitely missed their mark with MOST people. That's why the press played it up so big. And anyone not seeing that, well, they just don't know what they're looking at, imo.

We're all human, after all. We're not perfect, none of us. BUT, someone who's recently deceased, someone who was murdered no less, is almost brought to the height of sainthood, in the minds of all that person's loved ones. I know Nancy wasn't a saint, but for crying out loud, she wasn't even in the ground yet, when her husband started throwing stones on her memory. Stones that will come back to haunt him. Stones that pointed this investigation in it's present direction.

He used Nancy's not being here to speak up for herself, as a chance to take all eyes off of himself. And what is even more disturbing, he's using the EXCUSE it was to get custody of his children. IMHO, the ONLY innocent victims of that household still alive.

He COULD have put all those affidavits out without saying one thing AGAINST his recently deceased wife. IF he couldn't maintain custody of HIS children on his own merit, well, to me, that says alot! IF he'd not said one bad thing about Nancy, he would probably have many more people think he's innocent than he does now. His affidavits sounded like the words of someone hiding what went on behind those closed doors. Closed doors that MAY have been hiding murder.


PS..OH, and one more thing. It was ABSOLUTELY NOT NECESSARY to bring up in those affidavits, which HE AND HIS ATTORNEY knew would be public record and read by a large part of that adult local community, something hurtful to one of the CHILDREN of one of Nancy's friends who spoke up on Nancy's behalf. THAT had NOTHING to do with him being a good parent or not. IT was NOT necessary to put that in there except to CAUSE HURT to someone who would speak up for their friend. It's NOT just the parents here, he may have harmed for what he believes is a betrayal, he may have caused HARM to their child! ........outrageous!! IMHO.....fran
Yes all the affidavits said that "she had to get money from family and friends in order to have enough monmehy to ...." and yet there is NOT ONE instance of anyone saying .......

23. I gave Nancy Cooper $250 in cash on 6/21/2008 so she could buy groceries.

If the affidavit givers weren't the money givers, then who was???? And where the heck are they????

Million Dollar question:waitasec:
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