Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #16

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OK..think about this if he can't have a locker there to hide something.

Why would he go there at all searching for her?
He wasn't looking for her car in the parking lot.
So he goes to the desk and say NC is missing have you seen her?
Phone call would have answered that question.
I seriously doubt he would know what Carey drives, no one had met her if I understand this correctly.

What was the purpose of going there at all?

Can't remember the exact wording, but it's stated in his affidavit (I think), that he drove to Carey's condo, but didn't see her car (he didn't know her address).

And then, I think, that the SHook lady today, said that "some" of Nancy's friends met Carey for the first time on that Saturday.

Either some already knew her, or they all got close awfully fast, OR there is a different "carrie" also (spelling is different, so it "could" be a different carrie, i guess) - b/c several of them have had a separate blogspot set to "private" and a "carrie" has been a member all along:

from this link, you cannot read the postings, but you can see the member names of the blogspot, "Friends of Nancy Cooper" - many of these same people gave affidavits for the custody issue.

Link doesn't mean anything of course, since we can't read the postings....I just found it interesting that many didn't know carey, didn't know her phone number, yet she (IF it is the same one) has been included, from the beginning, in a blog set to "private" with Nancy's other friends.
Anyway, I am just trying to give an alternative perspective - I know I got really really mad at my ex over money so many times - I can see BC getting infuriated enough to snap. If he did, they'll prove it. If not, he deserves at least the assumption of innocence until we know more facts.

My Opinion

I added a post attempting to summarize a couple of theories on the "Theories" thread. Comments welcome.
Hey Fran:seeya:

Not defending BC, just trying to slow down and be objective about everything.

Having been married to a "spender" (ex) I can tell you that it's HELL on the spouse that is trying to get the bills paid, it's kinda like being married to an alcoholic, they find ways to get money and spend money you don't have. About a year before I left him, I cut off my ex's access to everything, credit cards, bank account - the whole works and I gave him an allowance every week (just like BC and Nancy) and he STILL managed to beg borrow or steal and KEPT SPENDING. He'd open NEW ACCOUNTS to spend. Some spenders don't want to modify THEIR lifestyle or spending even one little bit and they tell all their buddies you are the Queen beotch and because of YOU they NEVER have any money - for lunch, for happy hour, for golf, for gas - whatever and they mooch off everyone they can. My ex "poor me'd" to his family, my family, everyone we knew and when we went anywhere together he was Mr Big Spender with everyone - he'd buy rounds of drinks and grab the tab - leaving ME to pay a HUGE bill we couldn't afford. He even almost bought A NEW CAR once that I had to return. If I gave ex money to go and pay a bill or left him a check to mail he would somehow "forget" to pay it - or pay only PART of it and spend the money on something he wanted instead...that's how the utilities get shut off - they grab the bill, hide it and then whammo, one day you have no phone, or water or whatever...and no MONEY to pay the bill either. The Nancy story about their water being shut off made me see this in a different way - you get 3 MONTHS or MORE to pay a utility bill before they shut off service - Nancy was at home and got the bills - she would have KNOWN the service was going to get cut-off - I betcha Brad had NO IDEA and he may have even given Nancy the CASH to go pay it ...more than once. I did.

All I can say is that I see exactly what Nancy appeared to be doing because I have been on the other side of a similar marriage. And the one with the checkbook is ALWAYS made out to be the "bad one" treating the other "badly" and depriving them of things they "need". And they never do ONE THING to cut back, their spending goes on as if there is no budget. I couldn't even send my ex to the grocery store alone because we'd end up with stuff we didn't need and little actual FOOD. I took back ridiculous Christmas gifts he gave me that we couldn't afford - one year (20 years ago) $1500 worth - when I could barely make the mortgage payment!

I see a LOT of my ex in Nancy - right down to the the group of friends (couples too) ready to run to her aid because Brad was such a mean and cruel husband, the friends ready to make excuses for their friend and give her money and even HIDE things she bought for her. I know the drill, she'd tell Brad that "Susie" GAVE her the item or that she bought it a garage sale or she was just "borrowing" it. It's all BS -and the friends never see it until they are on the receiving end of one of the spenders "stunts" and get stuck with a big bill for something that isn't ever gonna get paid back.... for the 3rd or 4th time. The worse Nancy made Brad look, the more her friends pitied her and supported her and PAID FOR HER. It had only been what, 6 mos on the budget? Most people don't need friends THAT badly that they are willing to PAY them long-term.

The marriage and their finances were in a shambles. They were toughing out a relationship that to most people appeared to be failing both personally and financially. They were "splitting up" things - right down to their friends - and even in the best of divorces that "taking sides" can get ugly - and friends get caught up in defending their choice in the battle - even if it isn't necessary. I see Nancy had some very loyal friends, and she was obviously an outgoing, popular woman who made friends easily and shared a LOT of her personal information and feelings with her friends. Of COURSE they are going to remain loyal now that Nancy is gone, they feel they HAVE TO. They MUST defend her and of course they will attack Brad, they were enlisted by Nancy to view him as the enemy in the marriage. I think they are wonderful friends, I do not however, think they know the complete TRUTH and frankly, I don't think they wanted to know Brad at all (no fraternizing with the ENEMY!).

Since WE are NOT enlisted on either side - but should be on the side of JUSTICE - we should attempt to see BOTH sides and sleuth out Nancy's history and behaviors as well as Brads. A forensic profile of Nancy is just as important as a perpetrator profile on Brad. We figured out what SP was about and what he probably did by knowing Laci. We could learn a LOT about how and why and when and where by knowing NANCY. What Brad did (and how) might have depended on NANCY herself - how she would have reacted. This was NOT a pregnant, small, powderpuff fluff of a girl here, Nancy was muscled, tall, very fit, and worked out regularly - and she was a MOM - she had TWO beautiful reasons to FIGHT for her life. I can't see Brad overpowering Nancy without a fight unless he shot her in the head or stabbed her in the heart or cut her throat while she slept. If Nancy was not asleep, she would have fought like a wild woman and would NOT have been easy to subdue. That is important - or at least it will be once we find out HOW Nancy died.

Anyway, I am just trying to give an alternative perspective - I know I got really really mad at my ex over money so many times - I can see BC getting infuriated enough to snap. If he did, they'll prove it. If not, he deserves at least the assumption of innocence until we know more facts.

My Opinion
It's always about the money. Hmmmmm. Heard that somewhere before. :-)

Your posts are extremely insightful, FlowerChid; and your writing syle is beautiful, too. I do hope you are putting your talent to work somewhere in this world besides this website.
This has already been posted most likely - but someone (can't remember who, sorry.....) posted a link a few days ago to duncan's blog - she wrote a couple of neat posts, one a "personal statement" - and one about Katie (Gabriella) - but the personal statement one is really interesting, I think.
Flowerchild, you do make some great points. It may be true that Nancy was spending too much. However, I find it so odd that the information on Nancy's spending habits was released on the same day as her memorial in Canada. You may remember that two stories were in the news that day: the memorial service and "Brad fights back." I understand that he had to prepare for the custody hearing, but why not the day before or after, regardless of the outcome. This is a question of respect. As many of you, I also find it odd that he did not attend at least one memorial service.

I believe that some of the information in the affadavits (can't remember exactly where) point to Brad changing his behaviour a couple of months before Nancy was killed. He tried to become more involved with the kids etc. Of course I don't know if this is the case. However, if it was, then that suggests that he may have been planning something.

He also just finished his MBA at the same time that he was supposed to have threatened to commit suicide. He should be flying at that time. What was standing in his way? He had just finished a major accomplishment. He does say that he did not threaten to commit suicide, but it happened at Nancy's parents house and they seem to believe it. According to the media, this is why the parents wanted him to have a psychological assessment. This also seems to be a key reason that the parents were able to obtain temporary custody of the children.

Just my opinion!
Flowerchild, you do make some great points. It may be true that Nancy was spending too much. However, I find it so odd that the information on Nancy's spending habits was released on the same day as her memorial in Canada. You may remember that two stories were in the news that day: the memorial service and "Brad fights back." I understand that he had to prepare for the custody hearing, but why not the day before or after, regardless of the outcome. This is a question of respect. As many of you, I also find it odd that he did not attend at least one memorial service.

I believe that some of the information in the affadavits (can't remember exactly where) point to Brad changing his behaviour a couple of months before Nancy was killed. He tried to become more involved with the kids etc. Of course I don't know if this is the case. However, if it was, then that suggests that he may have been planning something.

He also just finished his MBA at the same time that he was supposed to have threatened to commit suicide. He should be flying at that time. What was standing in his way? He had just finished a major accomplishment. He does say that he did not threaten to commit suicide, but it happened at Nancy's parents house and they seem to believe it. According to the media, this is why the parents wanted him to have a psychological assessment. This also seems to be a key reason that the parents were able to obtain temporary custody of the children.

Just my opinion!
You bring up good points here, Anderson. These are questions we all would like answers to!! Especially the "suicide" one. Of all the stuff I've read about Brad, including profiling of his narcissistic personality, suicide (or threats of) does not fit the bill. Thanks for your thoughts.
Excellent post FlowerChild!........:clap:

Good debate for the side of the husband, Brad Cooper. I guess one might agree with you if they were to believe what the husband says. Personally, I don't believe 1/2 of it. That's just me.

This man said he loved his wife. He sure has a funny way of showing it. She was just discovered murdered and he starts telling the world everything that HE, perceived was Nancy. AND, it wasn't pretty.

I would like to know of ONE person, who was in love with their spouse, SO, or even an acquaintance, and would say such things about them, ever! IF they were murdered, not to mention just days after their lifeless body was picked up from a lonely spot on the side of the road.

All of your perception of this wife, mother, daughter, murder victim, is based on HIS, the husband's statements. Gee, they can't be refuted because the victim is dead. The person he so easily spoke ill of, was murdered.

I think at the end of the day, when reviewing the 'friend's' of Nancy affidavits, one of the, probably most accurate, would be the one that described the note Nancy found in her husband's handwriting.

Life insurance
Bank account
Blue book (kelly)

He took Nancy's name off the bank accounts.
Nancy told a friend she'd made out a will, but low and behold, Brad said she didn't.
I'm interested in the life insurance, that info hasn't surfaced
(Kelly) blue book, well Nancy won't be needing that car any longer.

This particular friend, at the time, offered to help Nancy go to her house and pick up her things and she could stay with them. She was afraid for Nancy's life.

I don't recall if this was the same friend who's affidavit stated Nancy was afraid, physically of Brad. This same friend said Nancy slept in the room with the girls, behind a locked door, in her clothes, with the keys to the car in her pocket for a possible quick get away.

One might not believe this friend, except for the FACT that Nancy did in FACT end up DEAD, MURDERED.

THAT in itself makes this friend's statements have merit, IMO.

No, it wasn't a random act of violence.

It was an isolated incident.

IMO, I believe I KNOW who the perp is.

There is NO COINCIDENCE when it comes to MURDER. This young woman did NOT COINCIDENTALLY meet a stranger who murdered her. NO, IMO, the MURDERER came from within.


PS.....Before anyone says, 'why didn't she just leave him if she was afraid of him?'

Remember, JUST when Brad found out that the wife and children he'd told to leave and go back home to Canada and he didn't care if he'd never see them again, he suddenly changed his mind when he found out he would have to pay MONEY.

Nancy was a hostage in the U.S.A., controlled by a man who took and hid the children's passports to insure Nancy didn't, couldn't leave. He did know her so well, didn't he? :(

PPS.......Remember, always question what went on behind that closed door. "No one knows what goes on in this family, but you and me." That's a direct quote from abuser...................said just before he added, "Remember 'til death do us part."

That was said before he tried to make the second quote part of their story come true.....fortunately, he failed.....fran
Flowerchild - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your posts - always. And I sincerely appreciate and respect your points of view. However, I would like to counter your position on the high spending "ex." I too had an ex who was spending too much. However, I was the one who paid the bills and still, I had no idea what was happening. He was gambling and drinking - but during his working hours. I had NO IDEA. He was a chameleon - being who he needed to be at any given moment. He was extremely intelligent, charming and funny. Everyone loved him. In the end, we lost everything. Ours was not an abusive relationship and it's been many years since we divorced. But following this case, I have been thinking....I do think he could have killed me without a second thought. As it is, he walked away from his own children -who've not heard from him in years. You never know...
Flowerchild, you do make some great points. It may be true that Nancy was spending too much. However, I find it so odd that the information on Nancy's spending habits was released on the same day as her memorial in Canada. You may remember that two stories were in the news that day: the memorial service and "Brad fights back." I understand that he had to prepare for the custody hearing, but why not the day before or after, regardless of the outcome. This is a question of respect. As many of you, I also find it odd that he did not attend at least one memorial service.

I believe that some of the information in the affadavits (can't remember exactly where) point to Brad changing his behaviour a couple of months before Nancy was killed. He tried to become more involved with the kids etc. Of course I don't know if this is the case. However, if it was, then that suggests that he may have been planning something.

He also just finished his MBA at the same time that he was supposed to have threatened to commit suicide. He should be flying at that time. What was standing in his way? He had just finished a major accomplishment. He does say that he did not threaten to commit suicide, but it happened at Nancy's parents house and they seem to believe it. According to the media, this is why the parents wanted him to have a psychological assessment. This also seems to be a key reason that the parents were able to obtain temporary custody of the children.

Just my opinion!
He's an introvert and he is being looked at and pointed at everywhere he goes - he's a suspect, named as such or not, no wonder he won't go to a public memorial. Every breath he takes in public is analyzed for guilt...some people just cannot grieve in public - much less under such tremendous scrutiny. He has no job to go to and he is also denied the comfort of even SEEING his children. Would you rather he be more like SP, running around everywhere as if nothing is wrong? I am a private griever, I HATE making ANY public show of my grief and in fact I cannot grieve properly with other people around, even my closest loved ones. I immediately go into "consoling" mode if other people are around - I console THEM and swallow my own tears until I am alone. BC is not acting (IMO) inappropriately, he is just grieving silly string and no parties and no moving on with his life as if Nancy never existed.

As to the suicide attempt - what do his co-workers say? His fellow students in the MBA program? Perhaps he was upset at Nancy - perhaps over the divorce, money, finances and had a bad day where he was upset about EVERYTHING going wrong in his life? One bad day does not a psycho or dangerously depressed person make...especially when it's coming from people who are obviously desperate to get custody of Nancy's children from their father before any proof of his guilt has been offered.

They are ALL grieving and I am not going to condemn ANY of them for the way they are handling this situation right now. When we know more about the death of Nancy Cooper then perhaps THEN I will be prepared to pass judgment on their behavior.

My Opinion
He's an introvert and he is being looked at and pointed at everywhere he goes - he's a suspect, named as such or not, no wonder he won't go to a public memorial. Every breath he takes in public is analyzed for guilt...some people just cannot grieve in public - much less under such tremendous scrutiny. He has no job to go to and he is also denied the comfort of even SEEING his children. Would you rather he be more like SP, running around everywhere as if nothing is wrong? I am a private griever, I HATE making ANY public show of my grief and in fact I cannot grieve properly with other people around, even my closest loved ones. I immediately go into "consoling" mode if other people are around - I console THEM and swallow my own tears until I am alone. BC is not acting (IMO) inappropriately, he is just grieving silly string and no parties and no moving on with his life as if Nancy never existed.

As to the suicide attempt - what do his co-workers say? His fellow students in the MBA program? Perhaps he was upset at Nancy - perhaps over the divorce, money, finances and had a bad day where he was upset about EVERYTHING going wrong in his life? One bad day does not a psycho or dangerously depressed person make...especially when it's coming from people who are obviously desperate to get custody of Nancy's children from their father before any proof of his guilt has been offered.

They are ALL grieving and I am not going to condemn ANY of them for the way they are handling this situation right now. When we know more about the death of Nancy Cooper then perhaps THEN I will be prepared to pass judgment on their behavior.

My Opinion

who said it was only ONE bad day?
he had also threatened suicide when he was a teenager.

brad does deny that he threatened suicide in his affidavit.
his parents made strange statements in their affidavits; brad's dad said his son had never been depressed or sad. brad's mother made some
statement that was incomprehensible about "no doctor." it was missing a few words, so it is hard to say exactly what she meant.

even though brad has just earned his MBA and should have been celebrating, the talk of suicide came during the christmas holidays which is a rough time for people who are depressed. he may have felt that nancy
was going to take away everything he had just earned in her divorce action.
it doesn't matter how much money nancy did or did not spend. she didn't deserve to die for it.

there seems to be a lot of projection onto nancy of problems posters have had w/ their exes.
He's an introvert and he is being looked at and pointed at everywhere he goes - he's a suspect, named as such or not, no wonder he won't go to a public memorial. Every breath he takes in public is analyzed for guilt...some people just cannot grieve in public - much less under such tremendous scrutiny. He has no job to go to and he is also denied the comfort of even SEEING his children. Would you rather he be more like SP, running around everywhere as if nothing is wrong? I am a private griever, I HATE making ANY public show of my grief and in fact I cannot grieve properly with other people around, even my closest loved ones. I immediately go into "consoling" mode if other people are around - I console THEM and swallow my own tears until I am alone. BC is not acting (IMO) inappropriately, he is just grieving silly string and no parties and no moving on with his life as if Nancy never existed.

As to the suicide attempt - what do his co-workers say? His fellow students in the MBA program? Perhaps he was upset at Nancy - perhaps over the divorce, money, finances and had a bad day where he was upset about EVERYTHING going wrong in his life? One bad day does not a psycho or dangerously depressed person make...especially when it's coming from people who are obviously desperate to get custody of Nancy's children from their father before any proof of his guilt has been offered.

They are ALL grieving and I am not going to condemn ANY of them for the way they are handling this situation right now. When we know more about the death of Nancy Cooper then perhaps THEN I will be prepared to pass judgment on their behavior.

My Opinion

Flowerchild, I do hear you. I accept that people have different ways of grieving. I also agree that it would be very awkward for him to appear in public. However, how could he release the affidavit on the SAME day that her family and friends mourned her? For me, this suggests that he did not respect her.

The reason that the suicide threat is important is because this may be another sign that he is an abuser. This could be a control mechanism. I don't think that he actually would commit suicide, but if he did threaten to do so, then it MAY suggest abuse. He may not have kept her from her friends (she sounds like a very strong spirit), but he does seem to have controlled her in other ways. As raisincharlie says, follow the money.

Here is a website that discusses the cycle of abuse, including a bit on abusers and their suicide threats:

"Threats — Abusers commonly use threats to keep their victims from leaving or to scare them into dropping charges. Your abuser may threaten to hurt or kill you, your children, other family members, or even pets. He may also threaten to commit suicide, file false charges against you, or report you to child services."

Nope! ;)

I was just surprised they have 'food' at a gym. I thought gyms were to take OFF the lbs, not put them on.:waitasec:

Just sayin'

I am a member at Lifetime, but I have never partaken of any of their food. They also sell vitamines, food supplements, a little bit of workout stuff. They have a coffee bar there, and the food is "Healthful" stuff like smoothies, salads and everything has the nutritional info with it. I usually like to go late at night, after the cafe has closed. A few times I have been in there around suppertime and seen families eating in there, I get the impression that some folks spend a great deal of time at the facility, like all evening on more than one night a week. I could be wrong about that.

Excellent post FlowerChild!........:clap:

Good debate for the side of the husband, Brad Cooper. I guess one might agree with you if they were to believe what the husband says. Personally, I don't believe 1/2 of it. That's just me.

This man said he loved his wife. He sure has a funny way of showing it. She was just discovered murdered and he starts telling the world everything that HE, perceived was Nancy. AND, it wasn't pretty.
Ever consider he might have been ANGRY at Nancy for getting killed and dying and he is left the #1 suspect?

I would like to know of ONE person, who was in love with their spouse, SO, or even an acquaintance, and would say such things about them, ever! IF they were murdered, not to mention just days after their lifeless body was picked up from a lonely spot on the side of the road.
They were in essence separated but living together. I am sure he cared for Nancy, but I am not sure there was much love left between them. I am not sure - even if he snapped and killed her, that BC wanted Nancy dead.

All of your perception of this wife, mother, daughter, murder victim, is based on HIS, the husband's statements. Gee, they can't be refuted because the victim is dead. The person he so easily spoke ill of, was murdered.
Actually I based most of my opinions about Nancy on the statements made by Nancy's friends, very little on what BC said. Her friends ALL said how she had no money and was unable to feed the girls - said she couldn't afford movie tickets and GIFTS for parties - and yet NOT ONE said she was making a superhuman effort to save money or spend less or get by with less. She did ONE painting job - one, and evidently that was a big deal for her in her friend's eyes, a huge sacrifice on her part. She still drove a nice car, her kids were in partial day-care and she was still going to Java Jive and the gym and evidently had no problem being out late or going OOT for weeks on vaca with the kids....without Brad

I think at the end of the day, when reviewing the 'friend's' of Nancy affidavits, one of the, probably most accurate, would be the one that described the note Nancy found in her husband's handwriting.
Which we have not seen and have no idea if it's true or something Nancy just said to gain sympathy or support. So he made a list - I make lots of lists, none of them having ANYTHING to do with murdering my husband, but out of context they might look really damning if he turned up dead - but without the actual note, (or even someone who can say the personally SAW said note) this is impossible to prove and irrelevant

He took Nancy's name off the bank accounts .
DO we have any corroboration on this? I know he got rid of credit cards but was Nancy really NOT on the bank account at all? I am going to check, but I think he would have to open a NEW account to have it alone (after a joint account) since otherwise Nancy would have had to agree, in writing. Or did she agree? One affidavit says nine months ago, another says Jan 2008 - when was this change made? I took my ex off of our Bank account and took away all credit cards too - and I didn't kill him.

Nancy told a friend she'd made out a will, but low and behold, Brad said she didn't.
Doesn't matter, if it was done or not. I assume if she didn't have one, he didn't either, not uncommon, their lawyer should know if one was prepared and signed. In most cases everything goes to the spouse - especially since Nancy had nothing separate from BC - and she cannot mandate custody for the kids so long as BC is alive and they are married - guardianship/custody only applies should the parents BOTH die

I'm interested in the life insurance, that info hasn't surfaced
She probably didn't have any, not a word so far from anyone about him having ANY insurance on Nancy

(Kelly) blue book, well Nancy won't be needing that car any longer.
We have no idea if this is true - or what it meant - maybe they were going to sell HIS car and get another motorcycle or get a cheaper car - it means nothing

This particular friend, at the time, offered to help Nancy go to her house and pick up her things and she could stay with them. She was afraid for Nancy's life.
I am sure Nancy wanted her friend to believe that - she was about to file for divorce and fight for the kids. Nancy wanted the support, but perhaps wasn't ready to leave BC yet.

I don't recall if this was the same friend who's affidavit stated Nancy was afraid, physically of Brad. This same friend said Nancy slept in the room with the girls, behind a locked door, in her clothes, with the keys to the car in her pocket for a possible quick get away.
Again, I am sure Nancy told her that

PS.....Before anyone says, 'why didn't she just leave him if she was afraid of him?'
Remember, JUST when Brad found out that the wife and children he'd told to leave and go back home to Canada and he didn't care if he'd never see them again, he suddenly changed his mind when he found out he would have to pay MONEY.
Wasn't Nancy just back from seeing her family with the girls? Why didn't she enlist their help then? Why go home again? She could have stayed AWAY with the girls WITH the protection of her family if she was so afraid

Nancy was a hostage in the U.S.A., controlled by a man who took and hid the children's passports to insure Nancy didn't, couldn't leave. He did know her so well, didn't he? :(
DO we KNOW he "hid" the passports? He obviously produced them for her parents - where were they? Did the police see the passports? Were they in Nancy's purse? In her car? Again, more information uncorroborated. And Nancy could leave, she could have moved very close to Canada - all she couldn't do without her daughter's passports was go to Canada with her children. Leaving does NOT equate to divorce Nancy could have left at ANY TIME and still gotten a good settlement in the divorce. She had family and a half dozen friends that would have HELPED Nancy leave Brad in a heartbeat - she was hardly "trapped"


My responses in RED above

I get that Nancy was having a tough time in her marriage. That does not make ANYTHING or EVERYTHING her friends and family say true. She was their dear friend, daughter sister etc, of COURSE they are going to be outraged on her behalf and angry and wanting answers. If Brad is guilty he will pay - LE has been on him since Nancy went missing. NOTHING any of Nancy's family and friends say means anything without evidence that corroborates it - people cannot go to prison and have their children taken from them just because they are hated or disliked. LE is doing their job - BC is sitting dead center in the bullseye and I cannot imagine he will NOT be indicted if there is even a tiny shred of evidence that he killed Nancy. Then the task of proving his guilt really begins - and if you are right about him they WILL prove it easily and he will rot in prison or face the needle soon enough

My Opinion
Excellent post FlowerChild!........:clap:

Good debate for the side of the husband, Brad Cooper. I guess one might agree with you if they were to believe what the husband says. Personally, I don't believe 1/2 of it. That's just me.

This man said he loved his wife. He sure has a funny way of showing it. She was just discovered murdered and he starts telling the world everything that HE, perceived was Nancy. AND, it wasn't pretty.

(snipped to comment on a particular point)

In all fairness, Brad's response was not unprovoked! The possibility of losing his children was staring him in the face...was he supposed to just remain quiet against the allegations in the affadavit's?
it doesn't matter how much money nancy did or did not spend. she didn't deserve to die for it.

there seems to be a lot of projection onto nancy of problems posters have had w/ their exes.
And right now we have NO PROOF she did die for it. If she did, Brad will pay, pretty simple.The operative word until we at least get TOD, COD and the autopsy... AT LEAST - is IF

And I am NOT projecting my past ex problems onto this case, I am merely stating that the things going on in the words of Nancy's BFF's sound sadly familiar TO ME. It is a fact that most divorces are caused by MONEY PROBLEMS and the Coopers had problems, that is. I have been divorced from my ex for many many years and am happily remarried for 16 years to someone with whom I do NOT have money (or any other) issues. I am blessed in every way. I can assure you I barely remember my ex and he is less than a brief footnote in my life - not because I hate him (our divorce was very friendly and stress free) but because he just isn't important any more. I closed that door when I walked away and I don't look back, just forward.

My past EXPERIENCE is however, a valid point of reference for the oft stated issues in the Cooper marriage AND the stress that might have precipitated Nancy being murdered by her husband. I felt some insight into BOTH sides might clarify both Nancy's behavior and Brad's possible, (even probable) reactions to her behavior. TWO people were in this marriage and now one of them is dead. If Brad killed Nancy, don't we want to understand his motive, and how, where and when he might have killed Nancy and what LE might be investigating in their attempt to prove BC's guilt? Can't very well walk in the killers shoes if you don't understand what feet are.

My Opinion
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