Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #6

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So what you are both saying is that a criminal HAS to lie to his attorney, right?

He doesn't have to lie to the attorney, but if he tells the attorney that he's guilty, then he can't go into court and expect the attorney to try to prove him innocent.......... hope I worded that right; I know what I'm trying to say. LOL.

I have a question. anyone. Is that Lake Placid event this weekend?
Newbie here. Found you guys during a google on Monday, it was the first link.

We're local although we don't live in Lochmere. I took a huge interest in this case when I first saw the news on Saturday. The picture of NC looked so familiar to me. I don't know, she just looked familiar. Then of course the mention of trails and the lake at Lochmere raised a red flag bc DD often walks those with her friends and they go to Jave Jive a lot. As the week progressed I was less concerned that it was random as things pointed to BC. I'll admit I was late to think it was him. I "bought" many of the explanations and wasn't bothered by some things like the long sleeve shirts, the time it took to alert LE that she hadn't returned (now remember first, I thought it was BC and I wasn't bothered it took so long...I wouldn't have alerted LE probably until mid afternoon myself-esp if I wasn't on the best of terms with DH).

I simply found many of the things he did as being an "uber" JERK. Having an affair, withholding monies, verbal abuse, spousal problems didn't point to murder for me. Yes, many were hard sells but they just spelled out JERK of a husband.

I found the location where she was found to actually bode well for BC. It's too open, even for someone panicking. IMHO, this subdivision is off of a very busy road. I drive by it at least 4 times per day and often have to stop to let a car in or out of the entrance. It is the 2nd phase of an already established neighborhood. They have balloons at the entrance to beckon in new buyers all the it is too close to their house.

what was/is most telling, is that he didn't alert her family until at least one day passed, neither his family. This is unexplainable to me, and is more implicating than most of what is public knowledge.
Skittles...I did not know that. This is one attorney I would not want to go up against in court, Wade Smith. This will also answer how the children got removed so quickly. Nancy's family could not have found a better representative. IMO
This is one attorney I would not want to go up against in court, Wade Smith.

Right, they got good advice from somebody. I'd wondered if they'd hired that firm partly to prevent Brad from doing so.
BTW...thanks so much for the welcome. This is a very civil and friendly place.
Throwing this out there from last eve, I don't think alot saw it and it is bugging me-

On both NG and Greta, I heard that the kids passports were removed from Nancy's car and given to the grandparents. Does that change anyone else's opinion that this dude thought of EVERYTHING and maybe this was premeditated/planned?

If you recall, in the affidavit, NC says BC confiscated passports circa Feb/Mar now they are in her car "all along"? I would be interestd to know if LE ran across them when they initially did the concentual search or if they "appeared" after. If he is not in the clink on 7/25 expect that issue to surface at the custody hearing for sure.

Howdy Blink! I have thought it was premed from the start....the dude pretty much posed her body! If this was a heat of the moment argument that ended up in murder he would have hid her body (burried, etc) not positioned her in plain sight!

It is my opinion that he may not have planned to kill her that night but that he had a plan formulated in his mind. I am sure he had murder on his mind for quite some time. Again imhoo

Also...aside... When I read about what he did with grocery money IT MADE ME WANT TO GO OUT AND FIND HIM AND MAKE A CITIZEN'S ARREST! Hey! Could we do that actually????
Skittles...I did not know that. This is one attorney I would not want to go up against in court, Wade Smith. This will also answer how the children got removed so quickly. Nancy's family could not have found a better representative. IMO

It also might help explain why the N&O was able to get their story about the change in custody published, so quick. (I had thought it might have something to do with how much closer McDowell St is to the courthouse than Channel 5's place out on Western Blvd, but Atty Smith's firm is pretty practiced with the media, not to mention with the N&O)
I'm wondering if the kids were at the vigil. I know NC's father asked the press to be respectful if they were with the kids. I imagine if the girls went they would have been told about their mom.

I'm still surprised that her dad said he wasn;t worried about her despite saying he was fully aware of all the details and having just spent time with her 5 days ago. I'm so glad her mom immediately spoke up and said that she was worried.

I'm also curious about a set of friends from early on videos. This couple was supposedly friendly to both NC & BC. She is the short haired blond that was holding fliers...she said she was a "best" friend. and her hubby was Brads friend and urged the public not to get caught up with rumors. Haven't heard from them....curious because the lack of friend/family support for BC is also quite telling. This was the only person that spoke in support of BC but it was early on.

eta...I hope I haven't offended anyone.
BUT what was/is most telling, is that he didn't alert her family until at least one day passed, neither his family. This is unexplainable to me, and is more implicating than most of what is public knowledge.

This case has made me think about it, but I don't know that I'd immediately contact my wife's family, if she was late coming home (or at least, I've never done it in the past, but she has always come home). They're thousands of miles away, it doesn't sound like Brad and his in-laws are on the best of terms and I have to wonder if LE or someone else didn't simply get to it, first.
As to the passport situation- I wonder if he had staged the purse and the passports in Nancy's car to make it appear that she was preparing to flee with the children to Canada. Maybe he thought he would have more time to finish setting the scene and getting his story straight, but was caught off-guard when the friend immediately called the police.

I agree Susan. He knew that Nancy's family would know about the passports so he put them in a place LE would find them. When he goes to trial (and he will in my opinion) his lawyer will argue that he never took them, Nancy was crazy...blah, blah, blah...... Then when prosecution puts Nancy's father, mother, and sibblings on the stand it will be bye bye brad! I will ditto Nan and say, I know...innocent until proven guilty LOL
I think he will have a hard time claiming NC was crazy...there is too much family and community support for her. Where is his group of supporters?
Well I have a lot of unanswered questions. :waitasec: I keep looking at the body language of Brad and Nancy in this picture. Standing close together, and looking happy. This was seven months ago. If it is correct that he has been having an affair for one year this picture doesn't seem to show Nancy to be as upset as I would have been.

Secondly, if you go on further down on the page there is a "carrie" who was in his class. Could this have been the friend she was going to go jogging with? Just a long shot..but it peaked my interest in many ways.
This case has made me think about it, but I don't know that I'd immediately contact my wife's family, if she was late coming home (or at least, I've never done it in the past, but she has always come home). They're thousands of miles away, it doesn't sound like Brad and his in-laws are on the best of terms and I have to wonder if LE or someone else didn't simply get to it, first.

I'm not married anymore, but in the past, when he was late coming home, I did occasionally call my MIL to see if she had heard from him, but she lived in the same town we did. If she hadn't, I seriously doubt that I would have notified her that he was missing until I knew the outcome, one way or the other.

Do we know who called them? I was just thinking that it's possible that BC asked someone else to call.
I'm not married anymore, but in the past, when he was late coming home, I did occasionally call my MIL to see if she had heard from him, but she lived in the same town we did. If she hadn't, I seriously doubt that I would have notified her that he was missing until I knew the outcome, one way or the other.

Exactly. My wife's family lives on the other side of the country, so though she's been a few hours late returning from the city and I've occasionally gotten a little worried, I've never once thought about calling her folks.
Wonder what they're waiting for? Could he be a flight risk? Where does his family live?

Good questions! Where IS his family? We have not heard from them or of them for that would think they would be with him at this time..and maybe they are but you would think the media would know of it.

I have always thought he was a flight risk and that was why the LE posted around him.

Another risk he is....a suicide risk! I hope someone is staying with him. If he is guilty he needs to meet the man on this one!
I've seen the passport problem mentioned several times. I actually thought that you could use birth certificates if you drove by car. Maybe, they wanted to fly. I think that, if you fly, you need your passports to come back to the U.S.

perhaps she wasn't planning on coming back...and the girls would need them to become Canadian citizens, I believe... Not sure though.
perhaps she wasn't planning on coming back...and the girls would need them to become Canadian citizens, I believe... Not sure though.

dont you have to have a passport to cross the boarders after 9/11 ?
I'm not married anymore, but in the past, when he was late coming home, I did occasionally call my MIL to see if she had heard from him, but she lived in the same town we did. If she hadn't, I seriously doubt that I would have notified her that he was missing until I knew the outcome, one way or the other.

Do we know who called them? I was just thinking that it's possible that BC asked someone else to call.

I don't know who called them, but IF he asked someone else to call them, suspicious, IMHO.

I also don't think it's suspicious if he didn't call the first day she was missing. But,.........once that day turned into night and there was no sign of her,...... REMEMBER, she had a medical condition and I'm assuming she didn't take medication with her,.............I would have then called her parents.

I think we all KNOW darn well WHY he didn't call them. He KNEW they KNEW and would KNOW what happened to Nancy and would KNOW WHO did it! :eek: LOL, I'm sure you get my point! ;)

dont you have to have a passport to cross the boarders after 9/11 ?

This has been covered in one of the previous threads, but they've delayed requiring passports for land-based crossings. My guess is that when they started talking about it, the places with lots of cross-border economic activity started raising a protest. I've lived near both borders and I can say that there'd be a significant cost, if daytrippers suddenly needed a passport.

Heck, if you want to visit Campobello (which is on American soil), you have to pass through Canada to get there.
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