Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #8

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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While I don't want to be argumentative, I do feel that I should reiterate that the Chief said that she's had no reports to indicate that this was anything other than an isolated incident. She did not catagorically declare it such because until the evidence has been examined, she could have a suspicion, but she'd have no way of knowing for sure.

Yes, there may be nothing to indicate that someone has been preying specifically on the women of Cary, but nationwide, female joggers are sometimes killed in "isolated incidents" and a mobile serial killer would also leave a string of "isolated incidents", up and down the road.

(Again, this is not to say that Brad might not have done it, but the Chief expressed an opinion based on the limited information she had available and I'm sure she repeated it several times, as a way to apply pressure to the logical first suspect, the victim's husband)

The whole thing is a word game and sometimes what most people hear isn't what's actually being said.

To Magistrars point- part of the problem is the press- when they update current stories, I find they RARELY, update incorrect facts, and get statements incorrectly AND quote each others articles, again even if they are incorrect. I think in the context they are looking into add'l suspects they are actually cya, as this is a common defense, or they are looking at accessories before and or after the fact..imo
The SBI crime lab is backed up for months on DNA testing. However, CPD has the option of paying a private lab a few thousand for priority results.
Because this is a very high profile case, I bet the samples are being tested at a private lab.

thanks, that makes sense.
While I don't want to be argumentative, I do feel that I should reiterate that the Chief said that she's had no reports to indicate that this was anything other than an isolated incident. She did not catagorically declare it such because until the evidence has been examined, she could have a suspicion, but she'd have no way of knowing for sure.

Yes, there may be nothing to indicate that someone has been preying specifically on the women of Cary, but nationwide, female joggers are sometimes killed in "isolated incidents" and a mobile serial killer would also leave a string of "isolated incidents", up and down the road.

(Again, this is not to say that Brad might not have done it, but the Chief expressed an opinion based on the limited information she had available and I'm sure she repeated it several times, as a way to apply pressure to the logical first suspect, the victim's husband)

The whole thing is a word game and sometimes what most people hear isn't what's actually being said.

Yes, the police chief has followed the script nicely. As in the Michelle Young murder, the Wake DA does not normally name a person of interest or a suspect. This is done for several reasons

1- They don't want to tip their hand to the suspect and his lawyer.
2- They don't want the defense to use the old 'the cops zeroed in
on my client and didn't look anywhere else' routine.
3- Naming a suspect puts more pressure on the cops as the public will
want a swift arrest.....often before the investigation is complete.

Not only do the cops have a 'person of interest', it is obvious they have their A #1 supect.
The SBI crime lab is backed up for months on DNA testing. However, CPD has the option of paying a private lab a few thousand for priority results.
Because this is a very high profile case, I bet the samples are being tested at a private lab.

Thank you :) Sooner is much better than later esp with the custody issue, so I hope you're right!

Blink - LoL!!
From Tricia!

Because the posters here are so on top of things the CBC, Canadian Broadcasting Company in Edmonton, is going to interview me in about 30 minutes about Websleuths, this case, and posting on the Internet about true crime. The host is Ron Wilson

Here is the link.

You all are making quite a splash in Canada. :)

There might be some negative things said about us too. I am sure the host will be a great interviewer who will present two sides to the issue of true crime discussions. Some like us...some don't.

You guys ROCK:woohoo::woohoo:
Big thanks to Seriously Searching and Blink34 who worked all weekend to pull together case summary, key players, and WS/Media information so that Tricia could get prepared for this interview.

Thanks U 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!:blowkiss::blowkiss:
Listen to the audio...Though the Wake DA never named a suspect in the Michelle Young murder, the husband, Jason Young is obviously their suspect.
Mommy didn't like the news calling her son a 'suspect'.....too bad Pat Young.
Like Brad Cooper, your son killed his wife.
I am ready to see what tomorrow brings in this case. Weekends are usually slow with no news surfacing, but Mondays come and things begin to happen. I hope this case moves very swiftly and LE can make an arrest soon.

Can I ask the locals if the national news media is causing a fuss in Cary? I know when they converged on Bollingbrook, IL at Drew Peterson's house, people grew tired of the traffic congestion and the reporters everywhere. What is it like in Cary right now? Do you even notice the media's presence?


Nope, If I had not heard there had been live reports from local locations, I would not even know they have been around. Now, I suppose it is possible that the Lochmere residents might have a different story, but I live quite near the alleged store, and pass by that area frequently. Also downtown has had live reports, and I cannot see that media is creating any havoc or causing any problems with Quality of Life.

I know the atmosphere would have been tense. So what! Step up to the plate and show the world what you are made of. IF you are innocent you have nothing to fear as TRUTH is on your side. This is after all the mother of his two children. To me this speaks of GUILT.

I wonder why they are in charge of burying her instead of Brad? He hasn't even been named a person of Interest. Although, IMH he's been treated as such.
Can I ask the locals if the national news media is causing a fuss in Cary? I know when they converged on Bollingbrook, IL at Drew Peterson's house, people grew tired of the traffic congestion and the reporters everywhere. What is it like in Cary right now? Do you even notice the media's presence?

SS....unfortunately you would not know anything has occured around here. In a way I wish the media would stimulate the locals so maybe, just maybe someone who knows something has a conscience and can't stand hearing about it over and over. I feel if things die down around here, like they have, anyone who might have information might feel safe if they were sweating it.
Each day I am in Lochmere there are kids at the pools, people jogging or walking their dogs, baby buggies are being pushed. The LE has obviously made us in the area not feel someone is lurking out there and to keep our eyes open.
They probably wouldn't have. They only know what she told them. As I said, I'm not doubting their word, only saying that we don't know.

If there's another hearing on the 25th, and he chooses to fight for his children, he'll probably have witnesses to refute some or all of what they are saying. Something tells me that he won't fight. There's something "off" about him, but I can't decide if he doesn't care what happens, or if he realizes he's a crummy dad and the children would be better off with their grandparents...... at least for now.

If he tried to commit suicide in the past and talked about it again in January, then he is probably depressed. Sometimes when depression is severe, a person can not really function.
I wonder why they are in charge of burying her instead of Brad? He hasn't even been named a person of Interest. Although, IMH he's been treated as such.

I've heard no news up here or on the net that there will be a burial anytime soon. Up here in Edmonton it is said to be a Memorial service at their church.
If he tried to commit suicide in the past and talked about it again in January, then he is probably depressed. Sometimes when depression is severe, a person can not really function.

Did he threaten suicide or did he actually try to kill himself? Big diff, IMO.


Yes, the police chief has followed the script nicely. As in the Michelle Young murder, the Wake DA does not normally name a person of interest or a suspect. This is done for several reasons

1- They don't want to tip their hand to the suspect and his lawyer.
2- They don't want the defense to use the old 'the cops zeroed in
on my client and didn't look anywhere else' routine.
3- Naming a suspect puts more pressure on the cops as the public will
want a swift arrest.....often before the investigation is complete.

Not only do the cops have a 'person of interest', it is obvious they have their A #1 supect.

I would respectfully add to "fax" post that the "suspect" has a constitutionally protected right (as we all do) to be told by LE that he/she IS A SUSPECT prior to questioning to envoke their right to counsel. While they are not obligated to tell the public first, they absolutely must tell the potential suspect.
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