Nancy Garrido - thread #2

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im just thankful no real big shot is defending either of them.
but it's not like they can afford that.

They may not be able to afford a big shot attorney but I'm surprised that one hasn't tried to take their cases knowing how big and famous they can get if they somehow manage to get either one off. Even the kids of OJ's attorney's are rich and famous now because of them enabling a guilty man to walk...
there is just one problem. If she plays victim and she is believed, while she will get jail time, it will be far less then LIFE. :(
I am not sure JC has mean stories to tell about her, but she may have stories to tell of when NG did play Guard and kept her. she may tell that it was indeed NG who pulled her into the car. But most of the abuse stores that JC has to tell would be of PG.
I think NG was afraid of her own shadow, I think she may have been sexually abused too, so she may think that is normal. :sick: IF NG was abused knowing how it felt should have made her do the right thing.
She is subhuman and should not get anything less then a cuckoo's nest.

I would have sympathy (very little) and even possibly believe the battered wife syndrome had NG not married PG while he was in prison for kidnapping and rape, she had to know somewhat what she was getting in to. Jaycee's testimony about NG is all we'll probably ever know about NG's involvement and if she was indeed coerced into doing as PG wanted her to.
They may not be able to afford a big shot attorney but I'm surprised that one hasn't tried to take their cases knowing how big and famous they can get if they somehow manage to get either one off. Even the kids of OJ's attorney's are rich and famous now because of them enabling a guilty man to walk...

i know 'bad publicity is still publicity' and what not, but after the backlash From this case i doubt any lawyer wants to touch it.
I would have sympathy (very little) and even possibly believe the battered wife syndrome had NG not married PG while he was in prison for kidnapping and rape, she had to know somewhat what she was getting in to. Jaycee's testimony about NG is all we'll probably ever know about NG's involvement and if she was indeed coerced into doing as PG wanted her to.

6630 days (approx)
0 attempts to free jaycee or contact police or jaycee's parents.
there's where the sympathy goes out the window for me.
sure she was an idiot for marrying him knowing what he was, but that in iteslf is not criminal.
I would have sympathy (very little) and even possibly believe the battered wife syndrome had NG not married PG while he was in prison for kidnapping and rape, she had to know somewhat what she was getting in to. Jaycee's testimony about NG is all we'll probably ever know about NG's involvement and if she was indeed coerced into doing as PG wanted her to.
I agree with you...I think that is a direction they may brainwashed and controlled....
Why would anyone want to defend any of those 2 animals???? Just wondering.:waitasec:
It's a job to some and a challenge to others. I recently learned from a prominent defense attorney that sometimes they do know the client is actually guilty but defend them anyway using "moral cover", i.e. the client says he didn't do it!
IT will still be the level of involvement. Whichever way you want to spin it.
Did she grab her, or did she just help imprison her all these years. Nobody said she is not guilty...But the question until it is sorted out is HOW much exactly is her involvement.
She is not getting a slap on the wrist, but there is a huge difference between 15 years an LWOP. I think she should get LWOP but that is just my opinion, which does not even begin to matter. What matters is what they will prove.
IIRC, Nancy has also been charged with rape in this case, which could mean ((shudder)) that she used some sort of foreign object on Jaycee as an active participant, much like Melissa Huckabee in the Sandra Cantu case. I don't think they would have charged her with that if she was only a passive participant in kidnapping or imprisoning her. Remember, Nancy has said she liked rough sex. This woman may be very screwed up and using her passivity as a victim-type defense. I'm not buying it for a minute!:snooty:
I believe the statutory rape charge (which is a slam dunk) alone would put PG behind bars for life with his priors so I see NO benefit in giving NG a plea deal. The prosecution must do whatever they can to make sure that neither **** ever sees the light of day again!
I totally agree, they don't need a plea deal with Nancy to have enough to convict PG. They've got plenty on him, beginning with his DNA matching the daughters, and Carl's eyewitness testimony of the kidnapping.
Just my two cents worth, but I don't see them offering Nancy any kind of plea deal UNLESS it has to do with "other crimes" PG may have committed. There simply is no reason otherwise to offer her anything. As far as this case goes, PG is done. If however, there is information in regard to any other case that Nancy can offer, then there's a possibility. JMO

I DO believe however, that NG's attorney's may well indeed play the "victim card". Seems the most logical defense they'd use for her. To me, that's why whether or not she participated in the actual physical abduction of Jaycee and/or the planning of it is particularly important for the prosecution to prove. Don't you think that her attorneys will try to use a "Jim Jones", "Manson" type theory that NG was totally under PG's influence? I'm not saying that's the case at all, but I sure see the defense heading that way? What do you think?

I totally think he will go in that direction, if he goes in that direction, it will still get her time, maybe in the cuckoo's nest.
Which is no great accomplishment, it is far worse.

Maybe like Hedda Nussbaum.
They did not kidnap anyone but they abused 2 adopted children,
she claimed she was helpless. STILL WENT TO JAIL.

there is just one problem. If she plays victim and she is believed, while she will get jail time, it will be far less then LIFE. :(
I am not sure JC has mean stories to tell about her, but she may have stories to tell of when NG did play Guard and kept her. she may tell that it was indeed NG who pulled her into the car. But most of the abuse stores that JC has to tell would be of PG.
I think NG was afraid of her own shadow, I think she may have been sexually abused too, so she may think that is normal. :sick: IF NG was abused knowing how it felt should have made her do the right thing.
She is subhuman and should not get anything less then a cuckoo's nest.

IIRC, Nancy has also been charged with rape in this case, which could mean ((shudder)) that she used some sort of foreign object on Jaycee as an active participant, much like Melissa Huckabee in the Sandra Cantu case. I don't they would have charged her with that if she was only a passive participant in kidnapping or imprisoning her. Remember, Nancy has said she liked rough sex. This woman may be very screwed up and using her passivity as a victim-type defense. I'm not buying it for a minute!:snooty:
My post is in response to the above posts.
They may not be able to afford a big shot attorney but I'm surprised that one hasn't tried to take their cases knowing how big and famous they can get if they somehow manage to get either one off. Even the kids of OJ's attorney's are rich and famous now because of them enabling a guilty man to walk...
Point taken- nobody would have even heard of Kim or Khloe Kardashian if Robert Kardashian hadn't been part of the Dream Team.
IIRC, Nancy has also been charged with rape in this case, which could mean ((shudder)) that she used some sort of foreign object on Jaycee as an active participant, much like Melissa Huckabee in the Sandra Cantu case. I don't they would have charged her with that if she was only a passive participant in kidnapping or imprisoning her. Remember, Nancy has said she liked rough sex. This woman may be very screwed up and using her passivity as a victim-type defense. I'm not buying it for a minute!:snooty:

if any of that is true she should not kidding.
grrrrrr now im upset.
Originally Posted by LinasK View Post
IIRC, Nancy has also been charged with rape in this case, which could mean ((shudder)) that she used some sort of foreign object on Jaycee as an active participant, much like Melissa Huckabee in the Sandra Cantu case. I don't they would have charged her with that if she was only a passive participant in kidnapping or imprisoning her. Remember, Nancy has said she liked rough sex. This woman may be very screwed up and using her passivity as a victim-type defense. I'm not buying it for a minute!


This is not the first time I saw this reference, but somewhere I missed this, LinasK, can you give me a link to where Nancy was quoted as to her sexual preferences. Thanks.
Yes, please give the link to where she stated she liked rough sex. I think NG is just at guilty as her husband. I think she wanted children and he wanted a sex toy. There have been numerous cases lately showing the woman to be just as guilty as the husband so I don't think her acting all mousy and scared is going to help her. I think she is actually planning on making some sort of deal for a lighter sentence.

Also as an aside: Note people are saying that she was abused by husband and probably as a child etc. (Personally I don't think she was. I think she just like bad boys). She had family (at least two brothers), she had a job, she had an opportunity to escape with Jaycee when mean ol PG was in jail and no one is getting on her case as they are on Jaycee about not leaving. Seems a bit unfair to me. But this is jmo.

The role of Nancy Garrido remains perhaps the hardest aspect of the case to fathom.

Neighbours describe her as “robotic” and totally under the control of her domineering husband.

Pictured in court with her hands shackled and wearing prison fatigues, Mrs Garrido has not, according to police, shown “one shred of remorse”.

Police say she shares not only Garrido’s bizarre “religious” beliefs – together they formed a crackpot cult called God’s Desire, holding meetings at their Antioch home – but also his deviant sexual attitudes.

Detectives told her that her *husband had been diagnosed as *psychotic and addicted to “forced sex”. She allegedly blurted out: “So what? We have the same tastes.”
It's a job to some and a challenge to others. I recently learned from a prominent defense attorney that sometimes they do know the client is actually guilty but defend them anyway using "moral cover", i.e. the client says he didn't do it!

I do know that it's a job, or they hide behind what client told them :) Maybe I am an idealist?
I still question why anyone would want to defend one as despicable as this woman is. when they DO KNOW that whatever involvement she did have cant be innocent at all.
IIRC, Nancy has also been charged with rape in this case, which could mean ((shudder)) that she used some sort of foreign object on Jaycee as an active participant, much like Melissa Huckabee in the Sandra Cantu case. I don't they would have charged her with that if she was only a passive participant in kidnapping or imprisoning her. Remember, Nancy has said she liked rough sex. This woman may be very screwed up and using her passivity as a victim-type defense. I'm not buying it for a minute!:snooty:

I am not a lawyer, I thought perhaps that charge comes from her being present at his bedside talking
JC into submission. (I'd call that participating)
But maybe you are right, ((Shudder)).
Originally Posted by LinasK View Post
IIRC, Nancy has also been charged with rape in this case, which could mean ((shudder)) that she used some sort of foreign object on Jaycee as an active participant, much like Melissa Huckabee in the Sandra Cantu case. I don't they would have charged her with that if she was only a passive participant in kidnapping or imprisoning her. Remember, Nancy has said she liked rough sex. This woman may be very screwed up and using her passivity as a victim-type defense. I'm not buying it for a minute!


This is not the first time I saw this reference, but somewhere I missed this, LinasK, can you give me a link to where Nancy was quoted as to her sexual preferences. Thanks.
IT IS PG who liked rough sex...Never heard it about NG. but I did read the link above frpm Tizzle,
where she said "They have the same taste" but I'm not sure she was not trained to agree with anything
the SOB says.
but if she likes it, then she'll get plenty of it in prison if they let her her out for an hour.
Yes, please give the link to where she stated she liked rough sex. I think NG is just at guilty as her husband. I think she wanted children and he wanted a sex toy. There have been numerous cases lately showing the woman to be just as guilty as the husband so I don't think her acting all mousy and scared is going to help her. I think she is actually planning on making some sort of deal for a lighter sentence.

Also as an aside: Note people are saying that she was abused by husband and probably as a child etc. (Personally I don't think she was. I think she just like bad boys). She had family (at least two brothers), she had a job, she had an opportunity to escape with Jaycee when mean ol PG was in jail and no one is getting on her case as they are on Jaycee about not leaving. Seems a bit unfair to me. But this is jmo.
I think she should be scared for the rest of her days. Just as JC was scared for 18 years. I have no pity for this "B".
I do not care if she was brain washed at all....She was not brain washed when she married the SOB felon. If she was herself an abused child she should have known how it feels. If the "B" is a zombie, then she feel no fear now either. :furious: let her rot.....
IIRC, Nancy has also been charged with rape in this case, which could mean ((shudder)) that she used some sort of foreign object on Jaycee as an active participant, much like Melissa Huckabee in the Sandra Cantu case. I don't they would have charged her with that if she was only a passive participant in kidnapping or imprisoning her. Remember, Nancy has said she liked rough sex. This woman may be very screwed up and using her passivity as a victim-type defense. I'm not buying it for a minute!:snooty:

In the article cited by Tizzle ( the LE "source" was quoted as saying "The senior officer revealed: “This is clearly a match made in hell. We know she took an active part in the abduction. But did she play a physical part in the never-ending nightmare her husband inflicted on Jaycee?", meaning that they didn't know if she assaulted Jaycee. Also, the DA had commented after charges had been laid she could be charged with rape even if she didn't actively participate, she just needed to have facilitated it some way. All of that tells me that at the time the charges were filed they didn't know what role, if any, Nancy had played. They were working on the assumption that she had been at least aware of them and therefore legally culpable since she had participated in the kidnapping.

Concluding that she had personally physically assaulted Jaycee is as yet not supported by any evidence at all. For all we know she could have been banned from going into the backyard and did not know what was happening there (allthough I'm sure she would have been able to guess).
She obviously knew what was going on in the back yard, she knew she married a convicted rapist, and I believe she had full access to the back yard. Someone was providing meals to Jaycee, even if tv dinners or other microwaved food. Someone was providing clothing, shoes, toys etc. Remember also she had full control of Jaycee while PG was in jail. She must have locked her up somewhere while she went to work (a regular work day being 8 hours plus travel and lunch - a long time to be locked away) and I can't even picture PG helping with the birth of the two children. She was 100% involved imo.

*slinks to corner waiting for tongue lashing*

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