Nancy Grace 1-8-09

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As has been discussed here in the past, if Casey had an addiction to Benzo's she would have gone through withdrawl during her first time in jail (and we would have noticed that withdrawl in the videos from her first time in court) as she was not being medicated while there.

OOPs I didn't mean Casey was an addict, only that she may have had easier access to perscription meds due to the fact that her Mom works for the health care industry.

The reference to addicts in my post was from personal observation when I worked for the health care industry and knowing an addict that was a health care worker who lost her job because of repeated theft of drugs.
I totally agree, provided the real father is not Lee or George. Otherwise the great-grandparents should be given custody of the remains and skip Cindy and George. What does it take to lose custody? I mean you can't get any worse form of child abuse than killing your child!:doh::doh::doh:


(also real father's identity should really be persued for a lot of reasons.)
WELL thru this whole thing, I have been waiting for someone to be appointed guardian ad litum to Caylee as she has gotten soooo lost in all of this and there is NO ONE in that court room for her. NO ONE speaking for her and burying her. HOW did Anna Nicole Smiths daughter get someone to represent her that was left alone. geesh somebody protect this angel in death.

Caylee did have someone there for her yesterday..The SA!..She will continue to have them but as someone on tv said they normally have ppl supporting them too & that's the victim's family..The A's were then attacked for not being there..Maybe they couldn't make it on such short notice but in the future will they make an effort?..We'll have to see but who will they really be there supporting?..Will it be their gd or d?

At this moment the A's have no control over the burial..So why aren't they in court FIGHTING it?..That's what most in the same situation would do :rolleyes:
I think she just wants to hide in her shell & not have to face the world because everyone knows what she did.

I think you're right about this. Now that Caylee has been found deceased, her lies are totally exposed. Now there's no mysterious "where's Caylee" question surrounding her. Everyone now knows exactly where Caylee is.
Adding that when session was televised live, KC was observed to have taken in a breath at mention of "remains" and "duct tape / finger prints," then 3 breaths at mention of TonE.

I think someone who is astute and who has the means could be helpful in regard to first two incidents of intaken breaths or sighs vis a vis crime at hand via replays and stop frames. (TonE things are self explanatory. Boo hoo.)

Any takers?

I watched the hearing on CNN... I did not see any "intaken breaths" or much of anything, actually. She was basically not showing any emotion during the proceedings. One reporter did say that when she walked in, her eyes looked red-rimmed. I don't see how she could have noticed that, because the camera showed real close-ups, and her eyes looked normal to me. These reporters are full of malarkey... they will say anything.
And NG's reporting she was "dragged into court" in shackles is SO lame... she was not dragged... she walked in on her own, with no assistance, except the deputy behind her, holding on to the chain around her waist. I think just handcuffs would have been sufficient, but maybe that is a rule of the jail.
The clip of Caylee asking her papa if he's tired gets me every time.

I hear that. I said the same thing on another thread the other day. That sweet little face she has when she looks over and says "you tired papa?".... chokes me up everytime.
I'm surprised NG didn't make any comments about JB stating in court that he is responsible for the remains. She keeps asking why, why, why poor Caylee hasn't been laid to rest, but hasn't yet come to the conclusion that it's because Casey just wants to make everyone suffer longer? I think Casey loves having this control and since everyone with an ounce of sense has said there isn't any reason not go to go ahead with the burial (and I don't count Dr. Lee from last night, because he didn't make an ounce of sense) you'd think NG would have figured out the "why" by now.

You don't see why NG didn't mention it?? Really??
Maybe it's because she hates to be proven wrong. She hates to admit that her little sensationalism act was in error. She hates to look bad, (too late, she already does.)
What Dr. Lee said the other night made a LOT of sense to me. The defense was granted permission to have their own experts examine the remains, and the prosecution is dragging their feet in getting these reports to them. If something in those reports does not jive with their own examination then they need to go back and look again. Toxicology reports, the reports from the entomologist, anthropologist, etc. all have to be studied, and they have as much right to take their time as the prosecution side does.
On top of that, NG kept interrupting Dr. Lee and arguing... he hardly had a chance to explain anything. The same night, he was on Greta by phone... and he had a chance to explain better, because Greta didn't interrupt him every 2 seconds.
Is it just my bias, or does Casey seem a little defiant in court? She never says "your Honor" when addressing the court. I'm more used to a little decorum.

Agreed. It's hard to put your finger on, isn't it? Some people think she looks "sad"; other people think she looks angry or defiant.

I think she p*ssed but is doing an excellent job of keeping her facial features and ticks neutral. Her voice gives her away, though. To me, she shows irritation in the way she speaks in a clipped manner ("Casey Marie Anthony" "yes!"), eyes staring at the judge, and the tone she uses. When she's happy she has a different sound to her voice. To me, it sounds like when she's contained and right before she goes into a rage at her parents (like on the jail call home or when she gets asked about "Mark's ex-wife"). But, maybe she was just nervous.

(also real father's identity should really be persued for a lot of reasons.)

I have this sick feeling the real father will show up only after KC's convicted so he can then file a wrongful death suit..She may not have any $$$ but the A's most likely will from one of their many deals..I don't see why he can't go after them because any $$$ obtained by the A's stems directly from her death.

Does anyone know if this is a REAL possibility?..I'd hate to see the real father (scum bag!) get away with something so vile :furious:
Maybe Casey will be a June bride afterall. Dreams can come true. So it's a jailhouse wedding, work with it!

Be careful. Rumors like this could get someone in a lot of trouble!! I think WS has a pretty good reputation for not being a trashy, gossipy message board.... let's not give cause for it to be otherwise.
I hear that. I said the same thing on another thread the other day. That sweet little face she has when she looks over and says "you tired papa?".... chokes me up everytime.

I get tears in my eyes every time I see that.
I watched and listened to the hearing as if I were in the courtroom myself, waiting for my turn on hearing day. Jose did a fine job. You can all knit-pick this and that, but I saw and heard a very competent attorney making sound arguments.

I was surprised that the Judge had apparently done no research on the issues presented by the photos of the skeleton, as he had no resolution ready, nor a clue as to how to handle it. Jose was right, the Motion was Moot as to him, he never had any intention to sell the photos and he can not be responsible for what happens in the experts offices, or even in the US Postal Service. I was confused by the State's Motion as well and believe that the Judge should have exercised the State's authority over the "res", (the photos) and just rule that the res must not be sent via the internet and must remain in the State. Then let the lawyers figure out how to get the expert things done. It was a ridiculous moment in courtroom drama and totally unnecessary.

I am also noting that many of these motions were being brought a second time before the court because the State had not yet complied with the last court order. This means that Baez has asked for this stuff to which I refer TWICE* before and the State did not comply according to the Rules of Procedure AND in violation of a previous order of a court, albeit under a previous docket number assigned to the case.

*(First Baez would file a Bill of Particulars and for A Motion for Discovery. The State has an ongoing obligation to supplement it's responses on a timely basis as new evidence is gathered, etc. The State obviously did not respond timely so Baez filed a Motion to Compel the Discovery, requiring a hearing. The Judge ruled in his favor and gave the State a time within which to respond. The State didn't respond, so another Motion to Compel had to be filed and a hearing set and arguments made on the issues. This is just nonsense. The State should have gotten a tongue lashing for forcing the defense to file motion after motion for the same things. JMHO)

KC didn't look anything. She sat quietly, barely moved and had no expression whatsoever. Blank. She was polite and spoke clearly with the Judge. If the Judge wanted her to stand, he would have no trouble telling her. If the Judge was fine with it, that should be all you need.

KC signed a waiver this morning, unbeknowst to the deputies who pick up the prisoners at whatever am. She refused to go because she signed a waiver. There have been a lot of hearings where KC wasn't present - in fact this is the first Motion hearing she has attended. Why the big deal now? Someone tipped off the Judge that he needs to cover his butt on Appeal, so he better command her appearance so she can't claim that she was denied appearance at important hearings. I guess the SA did this for him - a little reminder.

KC smiled at the end after the Judge said "That's a wrap" and Baez turned towards her. A polite smile. That's all.

Jose has control over the remains for now. KC has given him the authority to make all decisions as to when the remains are no longer needed. What she does with them after Jose says her team is finished and hands them back over to her is anyone's guess. I am nearly 100% positive that she will sign over a release to have the interrment at that point. She knows she can't attend, she isnt' getting out and she can watch it on tv. Frankly, I don't think she even wants to get out to go to Caylee's funeral. Too dangerous for her on so many levels.

It may be as simple as GA and CA could not make it to the court in time to see KC today. She was only there about 35-40 minutes. Maybe they were working in the yard and I would hate to read what would be written if they showed up sweaty and in dirty yard clothes without make-up and hair done.

KC's hair did not look dirty to me. She looked well-groomed and healthy. She is neither pregnant nor wasting away with grief. All that has happened is she lost use of make-up and her hair grew to her shoulders. Oh, and no high heeled boots today.

Thank you for this post!! It is exactly what everyone needs to read and re-read until they understand. I would hope that it stops these ridiculous rumors and speculations, but I know that's too much to wish for.
I read something on another board yesterday, that the judge seemed to be pizzed off at Baez. NOT TRUE! He was polite to both sides, and even challenged a few things from the pros. side.
Seems to me that the pros. is the cause of this delay in burying Caylee's remains. Not the Anthonys, not Baez, not Casey. They are playing a little game, and it is not fair to Baez at all. Everybody is harping on wanting this trial to go forward, but they need to realize, the defense needs time to prepare their case... and they can't do that if the pros. drags their feet. Their motion to prevent the sale of these pictures of the remains was purely ridiculous... they can't guarantee that some little obscure deputy in the sheriff's office might not get hold of them and sell them for big bucks!! They sent these pictures all over the country themselves... to Quantico, to Indiana, to Tennesse... couldn't someone hack their secure server??
As for George and Cindy not being there... there could be very good reasons. They did not know Casey would be sent for and brought to the court. And yes, if they showed up in sweaty clothes, there would have been 40 pages of derogatory remarks on here.
I also agree that Casey looked fine... no blotchy face, no "unkempt" hair, no signs of pregnancy. As for her stoicism... most defense attornies instruct their clients to show as little emotion as possible in court... no outbursts of crying, no anger, or show of temper, no sarcasm, no rolling of the eyes, or other gestures that could show contempt of the court (judge.) They have to be polite and respectful at all times. That is what I saw with Casey.
Baez not wearing a wedding band means nothing. Neither did the little smile at the end. He might have told her to keep her chin up, or something similar. He is doing his job, and doing it rather well, as a matter of fact. I see no reason to diss him, or Dr. Lee, or anyone associated with the defense side.
Casey still has Constitutional rights, whether we like it or not.
I watched and listened to the hearing as if I were in the courtroom myself, waiting for my turn on hearing day. Jose did a fine job. You can all knit-pick this and that, but I saw and heard a very competent attorney making sound arguments.

I was surprised that the Judge had apparently done no research on the issues presented by the photos of the skeleton, as he had no resolution ready, nor a clue as to how to handle it. Jose was right, the Motion was Moot as to him, he never had any intention to sell the photos and he can not be responsible for what happens in the experts offices, or even in the US Postal Service. I was confused by the State's Motion as well and believe that the Judge should have exercised the State's authority over the "res", (the photos) and just rule that the res must not be sent via the internet and must remain in the State. Then let the lawyers figure out how to get the expert things done. It was a ridiculous moment in courtroom drama and totally unnecessary.

I am also noting that many of these motions were being brought a second time before the court because the State had not yet complied with the last court order. This means that Baez has asked for this stuff to which I refer TWICE* before and the State did not comply according to the Rules of Procedure AND in violation of a previous order of a court, albeit under a previous docket number assigned to the case.

*(First Baez would file a Bill of Particulars and for A Motion for Discovery. The State has an ongoing obligation to supplement it's responses on a timely basis as new evidence is gathered, etc. The State obviously did not respond timely so Baez filed a Motion to Compel the Discovery, requiring a hearing. The Judge ruled in his favor and gave the State a time within which to respond. The State didn't respond, so another Motion to Compel had to be filed and a hearing set and arguments made on the issues. This is just nonsense. The State should have gotten a tongue lashing for forcing the defense to file motion after motion for the same things. JMHO)

KC didn't look anything. She sat quietly, barely moved and had no expression whatsoever. Blank. She was polite and spoke clearly with the Judge. If the Judge wanted her to stand, he would have no trouble telling her. If the Judge was fine with it, that should be all you need.

KC signed a waiver this morning, unbeknowst to the deputies who pick up the prisoners at whatever am. She refused to go because she signed a waiver. There have been a lot of hearings where KC wasn't present - in fact this is the first Motion hearing she has attended. Why the big deal now? Someone tipped off the Judge that he needs to cover his butt on Appeal, so he better command her appearance so she can't claim that she was denied appearance at important hearings. I guess the SA did this for him - a little reminder.

KC smiled at the end after the Judge said "That's a wrap" and Baez turned towards her. A polite smile. That's all.

Jose has control over the remains for now. KC has given him the authority to make all decisions as to when the remains are no longer needed. What she does with them after Jose says her team is finished and hands them back over to her is anyone's guess. I am nearly 100% positive that she will sign over a release to have the interrment at that point. She knows she can't attend, she isnt' getting out and she can watch it on tv. Frankly, I don't think she even wants to get out to go to Caylee's funeral. Too dangerous for her on so many levels.

It may be as simple as GA and CA could not make it to the court in time to see KC today. She was only there about 35-40 minutes. Maybe they were working in the yard and I would hate to read what would be written if they showed up sweaty and in dirty yard clothes without make-up and hair done.

KC's hair did not look dirty to me. She looked well-groomed and healthy. She is neither pregnant nor wasting away with grief. All that has happened is she lost use of make-up and her hair grew to her shoulders. Oh, and no high heeled boots today.

Thank you for this post!! It is exactly what everyone needs to read and re-read until they understand. I would hope that it stops these ridiculous rumors and speculations, but I know that's too much to wish for.
I read something on another board yesterday, that the judge seemed to be pizzed off at Baez. NOT TRUE! He was polite to both sides, and even challenged a few things from the pros. side.
Seems to me that the pros. is the cause of this delay in burying Caylee's remains. Not the Anthonys, not Baez, not Casey. They are playing a little game, and it is not fair to Baez at all. Everybody is harping on wanting this trial to go forward, but they need to realize, the defense needs time to prepare their case... and they can't do that if the pros. drags their feet. Their motion to prevent the sale of these pictures of the remains was purely ridiculous... they can't guarantee that some little obscure deputy in the sheriff's office might not get hold of them and sell them for big bucks!! They sent these pictures all over the country themselves... to Quantico, to Indiana, to Tennesse... couldn't someone hack their secure server??
As for George and Cindy not being there... there could be very good reasons. They did not know Casey would be sent for and brought to the court. And yes, if they showed up in sweaty clothes, there would have been 40 pages of derogatory remarks on here.
I also agree that Casey looked fine... no blotchy face, no "unkempt" hair, no signs of pregnancy. As for her stoicism... most defense attornies instruct their clients to show as little emotion as possible in court... no outbursts of crying, no anger, or show of temper, no sarcasm, no rolling of the eyes, or other gestures that could show contempt of the court (judge.) They have to be polite and respectful at all times. That is what I saw with Casey.
Baez not wearing a wedding band means nothing. Neither did the little smile at the end. He might have told her to keep her chin up, or something similar. He is doing his job, and doing it rather well, as a matter of fact. I see no reason to diss him, or Dr. Lee, or anyone associated with the defense side.
Casey still has Constitutional rights, whether we like it or not.
I watched the hearing on CNN... I did not see any "intaken breaths" or much of anything, actually. She was basically not showing any emotion during the proceedings. One reporter did say that when she walked in, her eyes looked red-rimmed. I don't see how she could have noticed that, because the camera showed real close-ups, and her eyes looked normal to me. These reporters are full of malarkey... they will say anything.
And NG's reporting she was "dragged into court" in shackles is SO lame... she was not dragged... she walked in on her own, with no assistance, except the deputy behind her, holding on to the chain around her waist. I think just handcuffs would have been sufficient, but maybe that is a rule of the jail.

Miss G tends to be over-the-top and sensational. IMO she has misled the public on several facts of this case because of her need to sensationalise. This being a prime example. It just makes me question her reporting.
I watched the hearing on CNN... I did not see any "intaken breaths" or much of anything, actually. She was basically not showing any emotion during the proceedings. One reporter did say that when she walked in, her eyes looked red-rimmed. I don't see how she could have noticed that, because the camera showed real close-ups, and her eyes looked normal to me. These reporters are full of malarkey... they will say anything.
And NG's reporting she was "dragged into court" in shackles is SO lame... she was not dragged... she walked in on her own, with no assistance, except the deputy behind her, holding on to the chain around her waist. I think just handcuffs would have been sufficient, but maybe that is a rule of the jail.

Well, we all know by now that NG loves to dress up things... sensationalize. I don't know how she does it with a straight face all the time.

My observations were that KC may have recently been crying.. she had a very dejected, sullen look to her. I didn't see the red rimmed eyes either. She looks like a cross between bored and miserable.
The clip of Caylee asking her papa if he's tired gets me every time.

ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!! Every single time *cry*

And when Caylee is talking jibberish (pretending to read the story from her book) you hear Cindy laugh in the background and say something (I always thought it sounded like she said "I love her"). Does anyone know if that is what Cindy said? (nothing important, just curious) It is such a sweet clip!
Caylee did have someone there for her yesterday..The SA!..She will continue to have them but as someone on tv said they normally have ppl supporting them too & that's the victim's family..The A's were then attacked for not being there..Maybe they couldn't make it on such short notice but in the future will they make an effort?..We'll have to see but who will they really be there supporting?..Will it be their gd or d?

At this moment the A's have no control over the burial..So why aren't they in court FIGHTING it?..That's what most in the same situation would do :rolleyes:

At this moment the A's have no control over the burial..So why aren't they in court FIGHTING it?..That's what most in the same situation would do :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

This is what I am talking about! If this was my grandaughter I would be in court fighting for my grandaughter. This family makes no sense.
This is what I meant by no one being there for to represent Caylee.
I just don't know why on the SA is in that court room?
I just don't understand. Look at all the people fighting over Anna Nicole Smith. This is an angel that everyone (in the family or friends) has stopped fighting for? WHY!
Be careful. Rumors like this could get someone in a lot of trouble!! I think WS has a pretty good reputation for not being a trashy, gossipy message board.... let's not give cause for it to be otherwise.


Taken in context I don't believe anyone on WS took that comment seriously.
I just don't understand no charges against the a family..........none?
Maybe they have all confessed and are working with LE/FBI to save what they did do, like wash things and lie???? IMO
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