Nancy Grace 1-9-09

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KC's friends have also been in that house, her brother's friends, family's friends, who knows who else? Duct tape or other items could have been removed from the home anytime before or after the murder, we don't know who else might have been in the home, or simply snatched items from KC's car along with Caylee, or from anyplace where KC had Caylee and also various items from her house. We have no idea.
There's no proof that KC had a motive, and we have no idea what predator could have gained access to Caylee. If more forensics had been done of the people Caylee had been around and locations, it would have helped rule people out and maybe discover an evidence trail somewhere.
To me the most incriminating thing is KC's bizarre failure to report the disappearance and inability to give information, yet, there are conceivable explanations for that. There are some subcultures where you don't rat someone out, you will be killed if you do or your child or family will. Or, there is the possibility that (rightly or wrongly) KC believed Caylee was safe with somebody. Or, that she was on drugs and couldn't remember what happened, or suffers from mental illness. etc

Personally, I haven't figured it out yet. Of course I can't rule KC out as perpetrator completely.

Bold me..

In the beginning thats exactly what I thought -- that she was so high she didn't even remember what she did with her own child. Ghastly!! I don't know what I think now. Still musing.
Donations to KC's commissary.

KC ordered chili, shampoo, chip granola bars, bbq corn chips...

And reporter says that chili was a favorite of CAYLEE'S. How could KC be so cold?
CA and GA no show in court: Jessica=they don't want to bring the circus to town and create media frenzy around the jail.
well rip all my clothes off and flog me with over cooked pasta! That is the about the dumbest reason ever to not support your child (when as the A's say... that is what they are all about...supporting Casey). They support her like a training bra on a D cup!
If KC goes the ZFG kidnap route then not only do they have to explain the not reporting her missing, not only do they have to explain the July 15 call from Caylee that could not have occurred but . . . they also have to explain why KC told all of her friends and family that Caylee was with Zanny, at the beach, at Disney, at Universal, with KC and Zanny in Tampa, etc.

KC claims the kidnap occurred June 9 (June 16) but then it isn't just about not reporting but the lies that paint everything is normal and Zanny is there with them. If she goes with the script ..... hmmm -- it must be a Hollywood Writer's script because it has so much info on Zanny's car accident and injuries, etc.
She really has painted herself into a corner, hasn't she!??


The defence in this case will be almost entirely about possible "improprieties" and "miscarriage" of justice IMO. There is really NOTHING else they can do!
If I were JB I would have a nice long talk with kc and try to convince her to plea. I don't think there is any chance she will walk, especially with the decomp in the car. I would rather have a judge than an emotional jury deciding my punishment.

JB has a conflict of interest. If KC pleads out then he does not get his time in court to posture and strut and, put himself in the limelight for a Lifetime -- as all the other TV 'experts' have.

Does JB do the right thing and plead KC out or . . . does JB do what's right for JB.

GA and LA were right to be concerned. KC is getting sold down the river.
ITA!! I think JB and GR have big plans for the future. I think GR is the money man behind JB. To them it's all about their future. It's all about greed and ego!!:furious:

Your right on the (oops) money! They wouldn't want to end this prematurely and short-change themselves. :furious:
It makes me wonder how long the strip of duct tape was b/c although it covered her mouth (per various news outlets) it also had Caylee's hair attached.

I've heard "wrapped" around the me, I envision Casey holding Caylee over her hip, to her side, WRAPPING her head in duct tape, around and around, in anger, to shut her ugly thought, but thats what I think.
ITA! However I'm sure that LE has weighed all the options, as they have all the facts that we don't, and they must have come to the conclusion that they must make sure that the murderer is convicted and not given a chance to walk because of a slight doubt on any jurors mind. I'm sure LE hates this too. My understanding is if they don't extend immunity they (the A's) could take the fifth.
Just because LE may not charge the A's with anything doesn't mean that they in any way feel that the A's shouldn't be charged-LE and the SA must simply be realistic and make sure the murderer is convicted!!!:twocents:

I wonder if NG got their being no charges against the A's, confused with the info being published today that the PI's would not be charged.

I remember at the beginning of this case talking heads saying that Casey wouldn't be charged with murder. And she was. She was also asking for immunity just like the A's were. The talking heads love to point out that any attorney would ask for immunity for his client. Of course they would, if there is so much an inkling the client did something wrong. It's not standard to ask for no reason at all.

I do think for many reasons that if there are charges pending against the A's it will happen after a trial. Charging the A's at this point would bring an unneeded distraction. There is no hurry. The A's aren't going anywhere.
Thats what it sounds like.......Caylee may have been in the trunk while Casey & Tony were walking arm & arm down the aisle of Blockbuster

That is what I think, as does the FBI expert (his name escapes me), on NG.
CA: What do you want me to tell Caylee?

KC: (with a hitch in her voice) That mommy loves her very much and she's the most important thing in the world to me. (carefully wiping her eye so her makeup doesn't smudge)

and those eyes to the left. . . showing deceitful speech.
So the only place in FL these turpins are found is off of suburban?
respectfully... how many people go driving their car in vegetation to pick up turpins (also, I am sure plants grow in different concentrations and varieties in different areas which, under a microscope and via other analysis, can be determined)
If KC goes the ZFG kidnap route then not only do they have to explain the not reporting her missing, not only do they have to explain the July 15 call from Caylee that could not have occurred but . . . they also have to explain why KC told all of her friends and family that Caylee was with Zanny, at the beach, at Disney, at Universal, with KC and Zanny in Tampa, etc.

KC claims the kidnap occurred June 9 (June 16) but then it isn't just about not reporting but the lies that paint everything is normal and Zanny is there with them. If she goes with the script ..... hmmm -- it must be a Hollywood Writer's script because it has so much info on Zanny's car accident and injuries, etc.

And don't forget the pics from fusion that she has to explain.
Oh thats right she was there lookin for Zanni
Or as Cindy said she was there working(just like every normal mother would act if her daughter was missing, Just ask Natalies mother)
Perhaps GA and CA and LA were not at the hearing because they are about to roll over on KC in return for immunity. Maybe they've given up on trying to save their princess and have opted to save their own butts instead.

And maybe that's why there is a rumor of no charges against them. They've been given immunity for their testimony. Interesting.
Was he talking about the undercarriage of the car or the tires? I think if tires, it would be worn off with driving. MOO

Don't forget they reportedly took shoes/boots from the A house during the last searches. Wonder if they were looking for turpins there, too?
Or maybe she taped the child, threw her in the trunk, and sat in the car, the night of the 15th/16th, while texting Tony for hours...maybe she wanted quiet...maybe there was no chloroform. Maybe it was pesticides or chlorine off of Caylees swimsuit after her swim with Cindy on the evening 15th, as per Cindys interview...maybe Caylee hadn't changed from her suit, when she left with Casey...maybe it was impulsive...maybe she suffocated, aspirated...?

But if you put a Child in a trunk, mouth (and nose?) taped...what can one expect? Was her body bound, as well ? How horrible it must have been...


Most times it is something quite basic and simple, no conspiracy theory or bad actors out to punish or payback KC. Plain and simple -- bad Mother -- as KC said. A brat.
She really has painted herself into a corner, hasn't she!??


The defence in this case will be almost entirely about possible "improprieties" and "miscarriage" of justice IMO. There is really NOTHING else they can do!
Hi friend! I agree, she most certainly did give way too many details in her interviews with LE. I believe the defense is going to be SODDI and attack all the forensic evidence. That's about all they can do ~ in my opinion. :)
I cant knock anyone for their opinions, but as for me, I will never believe anyone else did this except for Casey- someone could come forward right now and say they did it and I wouldnt believe them for one second-
Caylee: Papa, you tired Papa? God Bless You Caylee!

I cry everytime I see that video, and those pictures of Caylee...with that haunting music, on NG. My seven year old daughter says, "Awwww...that poor little girl, that is so sad", every time she sees it.
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