Nancy Grace - 10/8/08 - Wednesday

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DNA Solves
And where oh where is LA during all of this? Will he be called to testify on Tuesday as well?
Seeing her strutting around buying all that stuff with stolen checks sure does ruin that story of her "fear" and being followed that Todd B. was spinning yesterday!!! She doesn't look afraid of being followed to me!! I didn't see her look behind once to insinuate she thought she was being followed. Hmmmm...

Exactly! How much crap does Todd B think we are willing to believe? I loved Nancy holding up, then tossing aside the two bras she was holding! Pure theatre!:laugh:
Do you ever wonder if LE 'encourages' LP to go on NG and say 'just enough' that will make KC nervous but not enough to give her any solid information on what they have on her? I hope that made sense.

Yes I have, and I LOVE IT!!! :dance:
I don't get what his theory is..

He's saying that she dropped the car off at amscott before 7am & then went somewhere

Then she went back & got into her car again a second time ("it wan't out of gas yet") and drove to Tony's house at 10am

Does that make sense or am I just not understanding what he's saying?

It makes no sense to me at all but then very little of what LP says does make sense, IMO. He spouted the same theory last night, saying she drove her car to her parents home after it was seen at Amscot at 7am, but the cell phone pings we have available here don't seem to support it.

Unless Casey has been living on Mars, she probably knows that she can be tracked with her cell phone. If I were planning to dump a body, I certainly wouldn't take my cell phone along. If I were LE, I'd look for times when the cell phone was not in use and the pings didn't move. That's probably when she disposed of the body.
Seeing her strutting around buying all that stuff with stolen checks sure does ruin that story of her "fear" and being followed that Todd B. was spinning yesterday!!! She doesn't look afraid of being followed to me!! I didn't see her look behind once to insinuate she thought she was being followed. Hmmmm...

Very true!
OMG the case I had to testify was a former salesman was using the company calling card to make calls, had been going on for years and I discovered it when I was hired for Accts payable. Anyway, the grand jury was 12 people, sitting up on graduated rows, all facing little me (I was 6 months pregnant at the time) yelling questions to me with no order at all. It was freaky!

YIKES! Well I sure would want to be in this GJ room... I mean there is so many questions I would have!
Last night LP brought up the 26th as her leaving the car. He was inferring that she went somewhere in the car and came back before 11am when TonE picked her least that is what I got from last night.

Thanks......I thought I heard him say that she went back & drove the car a second time after she abandoned it the first time

He said something like "the car wasn't out of gas yet"

I wonder if anyone at amscott noticed the car moved after they first noticed it?
Seriously, I feel SOOO bad for Amy. How pissed must she be, to have $1000 taken from her by KC, and then have to see all these things KC bought on her dime in pictures everywhere! I wonder if she will get any of it back...

Thank God they have it all on Tape…

Question The days that she was on tape shopping st target or cashing the check st the bank… are these the dates that Amy Was in PR?
Bless her heart, she had to have a drink when she got hot and thirsty and Lord knows she had to have on a cute camisole when she shed that blue hoodie while she was out in the hot Florida sun searching for her daughter. Yanno it's hot enough in Florida to turn a pizza into a decomposing body....:sick:
Seeing her strutting around buying all that stuff with stolen checks sure does ruin that story of her "fear" and being followed that Todd B. was spinning yesterday!!! She doesn't look afraid of being followed to me!! I didn't see her look behind once to insinuate she thought she was being followed. Hmmmm...

Well in fairness, SS, maybe she bought those new "anti-murderwitnesses" goggles for just that purpose.:loser:
Thanks......I thought I heard him say that she went back & drove the car a second time after she abandoned it the first time

He said something like "the car wasn't out of gas yet"

I wonder if anyone at amscott noticed the car moved after they first noticed it?

According to the Amscot manager, the car was there backed into the same parking space for 3 days before it was towed.
Location of search.........SE of Anthony home, NW of airport. On 26th Casey tells Amy "I got ride of the smell."
SE of the Anthony home, North of the airport. per Leonard.
Swampy, and wooded. Road cuts through area.

KC called Amy afterwards and said she had gotten rid of the smell.

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