Nancy Grace 11/13/08

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Oh you reminded me. If people didn't see it earlier today, one of Tim's people was at BP drunk, yelling at and harrassing everyone. The other day LP had to grab him by his arm and escort him out.

It was disgusting! IIRC the lady with him kept pointing at a picture of Caylee saying look for an alive Caylee. Weird if you ask me.
According to WSers that went to the team leaders meeting at MN nightclub Tabu prior to the search starting, MN presented TM, TES a check for 12500.00. TM also instructed team leaders not to bad mouth the A's and to instruct other searchers badmouthing the A's would not be tolerated and would be instructed to leave the search site immediately.

This is so terrible! That meeting could have been held anywhere. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what happened.
I am confident NG will ask questions that CA won't be able to answer and thus make a fool outta her AGAIN, but I anticipate NG will treat them nicely in a very fake way.

I'm not so sure - after the Duckett fiasco with the mother - I really wish NG would just lay into the A's, ask the hard questions, be insistent - it won't happen - unfortunately we might see another GMA or Today show soft interview that tells nothing
It hurt nobody for LP to search today.

According to TM, that area had been cleared. TM said there was nothing there so nothing could be disturbed. The divers wanted to do it. They have a good reputation.

LP evidently believes Caylee is there.

With TM making the same accusations as Cindy, I understand LE being skeptical of LP.

I am sure they have seen everything. But, fabricating evidence??? I don't think LP would be so foolish. That would be as crazy as Casey bringing LE to Universal to show them where she worked.
when is this gag order gonna happen? enough already

When JB doesn't screw up again with his schedule by double booking court cases. They still have to reschedule and I can not wait for it to be put in place. This is getting to be ridiculous. :mad:
But why would LE or FBI take "rocks" as found property? Makes no sense to me - can it be they may have been bones and LE didn't want anyone knowing until they're tested?

I believe that is what happened. It may be someone else too which LE does not want to disclose yet.
Never lose hope foundation hired Nejame to handle PR for CA and GA,0,3898987.story
SO it would not be far fetched that Nejame presented the check to TM on behalf of this foundation, which would be a conflict IMO if true because he was working for CA and GA and retained by this foundation at the time.

Orlando-based missing-children's organization Never Lose Hope Foundation hired NeJame to help the couple.
NeJame said he is representing George and Cindy Anthony and not their daughter,

The check was presented by Never Lose Hope Foundation, not Nejame. (I was there and stayed for entire meeting)

The foundation is Nejame's boss in this and the check was a gesture that things were worked out between the A's and Tim. How is that a conflict of interest?
Here's my 2 cents based on what I saw between Tim and LP tonight on NG.
It appears to me that LP wanted to do this search, regardless of Tim's feelings. Tim is used to being the big dog and the searchers etc..just do what he tells them, but he calls the shots. Now you have someone that has the resources/pull to buck the system if wanted and LP did.

Tim seems more upset because LP did this when he told him not to. If it were any other way then like most of us Tim would be happy for any area to be searched, just in case.

LP didn't take shots at Tim, Tim did take a lot of shots at LP. IMO this proved to me who was trying to do for Caylee and who is having an ego issue. Unless I hear that LP staged the evidence this is how I feel.

Add to that, Tim keeps pulling out as soon as he get's there, why? It's confusing and seems he has other forces directing his actions. LP is like I think she could be here and I don't give a da*n who cares if I search.

Again this is jmho and I do respect Tim for all he does, I will still donate to TES because he does a lot of good and he has skin in the game. I feel he is sincere in his beliefs but his beef with LP seems ego driven.
When JB doesn't screw up again with his schedule by double booking court cases. They still have to reschedule and I can not wait for it to be put in place. This is getting to be ridiculous.

The gag order would cover prosecution and defense teams, LE, and the Anthony's. Nothing today would have been changed except everyone would believe that there were bones collected because LE couldn't have said otherwise.
OMG - TM is saying that LP told him, "imagine all the money we can make...all the cameras will be here and you can stand there and hold Caylee's skull."......
people - I wish I was making this up! Who to believe? Do you guys really think Leonard would say something like that?

Who to believe? TM or LP?

I couldn't believe my ears when he said that. :eek::eek:

I really don't know who to believe. All I know is I am shocked and very saddened that both of these men, whom I have always respected, have lowered themselves to a public pi$$ing match. This is terrible. MOO
Here is a link describing "Side Scan Sonar"

"Finer sediments like clay and silt, on the other hand, do not reflect sound well (low backscatter). " The sonar wouldn't see so well under silt.

Angry little man that TM. Glad he won't ever get another donation from us.
I had to contain myself. Using Side Scan Sonar on a bed of silt is like driving with black plastic over your headlights.
What? The check? It came from Never Lose Hope Foundation, not Nejame. What's to question?

Try googling Never Lose Hope Foundation, you'll find not much but very interesting info. It's all just a way to hide the money trail! Question everything!!!!:waitasec:
It seems to be "growing" each time it is told. To be honest, I just don't believe what he said. Watch his body language and his eyes looking down - I believe he just made that up. LP looked almost like he was going to break into laughter.

I know it had to hurt LP that Tim would do that. Tim should be attacking the family who is hiding the baby and not the searchers.

I tend to take this personally, as there were some remarks made about other independent searchers which I was not going to bring up, but a statement attributed to Tim about a very experienced search team from KY really hacked me off Sunday. He did not like it when they would not agree to be part of TES and made a remark.

Tim needs to KNOW that all searches don't revolve or originate with TES and there are more experienced searchers than he provided for Caylee.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Well put Turbo. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Orlando-based missing-children's organization Never Lose Hope Foundation hired NeJame to help the couple.
NeJame said he is representing George and Cindy Anthony and not their daughter,

The check was presented by Never Lose Hope Foundation, not Nejame. (I was there and stayed for entire meeting)

The foundation is Nejame's boss in this and the check was a gesture that things were worked out between the A's and Tim. How is that a conflict of interest?

That answers your own question. Worked out what? How? "just show up for a couple of days to save face, then leave.....because we ALL know Caylee is really alive."?????
Originally Posted by [B said:
If LP in fact told TM on Sunday what his "script" was, why did TM wait until AFTER the fact to say something? Why didn't he say it on Sunday???

You know.... I think it's because he already declared the area was clear & never believed that anyone would find ANYTHING in the water.

When LP & the divers DID come up with questionable evidence, Tim's reputation is on the line & he rushed into damage control at LP's expense.
Now that is a good question!
And why do these people that see Caylee call Cindy and not LE?

Another good question would be...What kind of kidnapper takes the child you kidnapped to a McDonald's in the next town over?
I don't understand why Tim is injecting himself in this anyway. It is not his search, it is not his business. He was on TV all day today saying he had throughly checked that river and she was not there, and this was just for publicity. He was on almost every local station there.

If he had to get to NC so quickly as he said that he called off the TES search 36 hours after it started WHY is he still in Orlando?

As for his sonar search.............

It is my understanding sonar can read if there is METAL below the silt, but not bones only.

I just checked with a blackwater(which is not a company but a type of diver) search diver who has been doing this for years and he said sonar is nothing but radar which bounces off the surface of the bottom of a lake - some better than others, but bones or bone fragments will not show. He also said that there is no way in h*ll that TES did that entire river in a day like they claim. He said it is just not possible as it is slow with very experienced people much less volunteers.
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