Nancy Grace - 11/18/08 - Tuesday

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I believe they had someone there since they were working an active missing person case at that point. They were there when Lee got back after the two hours he was gone after going to AL's and wasn't Casey arrested at home the first time? (Trying to remember all the finer details)

I need to go back and read transcripts of interviews again, but.... IIRC CA and the perp were at home from early morning on the 16th until the perp's arrest in the afternoon. CA said they were working on the missing Caylee myspace page. I have always wondered WHAT was going on during that time besides the computer stuff.
When all is said and done do we really need experts to tell us that there was a decomposing body in the trunk? Isn't the best evidence of the truth of that both GA (former LE) and CA (nurse) statements that it smelled like a dead body--a smell that one never forgets??

A smell that no one ever forgets with the exception of Dr. Henry Lee, IIRC his statement on Nancy Grace 11/17/08. I was beyond disappointed with his comment that he is a scientist and he goes with what he sees in the reports...words to that effect-that there was garbage in the trunk yada yada. Not your best work Dr. Lee-if it had been Kobi NG would have shredded him for that.
Wasn't GA asked in that same interview if they had removed anything else from the car, or was there anything else in the car... something to that effect. GA did not answer this question, but avoided it with a spiel about something else and LE didn't ask the question again. I am going to listen to that interview again to make sure I am not imagining things. Does anyone else remember this?

I'm not sure if this is the interview your looking for but if you go to about 37;50 they are talking about what might have been removed from the car.
A smell that no one ever forgets with the exception of Dr. Henry Lee, IIRC his statement on Nancy Grace 11/17/08. I was beyond disappointed with his comment that he is a scientist and he goes with what he sees in the reports...words to that effect-that there was garbage in the trunk yada yada. Not your best work Dr. Lee-if it had been Kobi NG would have shredded him for that.

I agree.

For the right price the smell of death suddenly becomes the smell of garbage.

They all disgust me.

I totally agree with you there!!!! I believe that the possible 2.6 days of decomp found from samples taken from the car was the original placement of the body in the car. The time it took her to figure out what she was going to do with the body....but that even took longer than she thought. Once it started to smell KC had to put it in something to help contain the smell and help to easily dispose of the body......obviously it was not some thing completely air tight either... thus the smell still exist...trash bag?...then in some type of duffle bag...maybe????? I also believe the body dump was some where in the range of 10-14 days or more after dissaperance. Shortly before car was towed...closer to the day in was abandoned.

I can't imagine that she would have left the body there with the risk of someone seeing it, smelling it, etc. and tying the car and body together, the same reason I don't see her using that same dumpster next to where the car was found. I think she wanted no connection to the car/body and got rid of the body somewhere else and dumped the car there at Amscot. It's risky that she would be seen putting something into the dumpster or that someone would walk out and find the body in the car or in the dumpster next to the car. There was no way for her to know how long the car might sit there before it got towed.
Did they say where in Gainesville?? That's where I live.
Originally Posted by Angel Who Cares
Gainsville is the reliable sighting of Caylee???
The sighting in Gainesville was checked out by LE there and they found the child. It was not Caylee. (Not a "reliable" or "credible" sighting.)

Officers tracked down the adults and child seen Saturday at Winn-Dixie off of S. Main Street in Gainesville, said police spokeswoman Officer Summer Hallett.

Investigators verified the identity of the 2½-year-old from Gainesville after speaking with her family and seeing pictures and other records related to the child.
I need to go back and read transcripts of interviews again, but.... IIRC CA and the perp were at home from early morning on the 16th until the perp's arrest in the afternoon. CA said they were working on the missing Caylee myspace page. I have always wondered WHAT was going on during that time besides the computer stuff.
I don't think after LE found the perp in so many lies that they would leave her alone at the house. I don't believe from the time they arrived onscene until they arrested her that she wasn't being observed in some way by LE.
And quite right imo.

Well, LP isn't personally searching... and the divers ARE professionals. So is TES, and Tim Miller. TES has found a number of people, some still alive.
I don't think it was very professional for Mark K. to spout off like this about other search teams that he knows very little about. If he is so good... let HIM come and search for Caylee!
Per Mark Klass, The Klass Kids Foundation operates it's entire program (including searches, websites, travel, et al) off of $250,000 a year. For LP to get $200k for an upcoming single search with cameras rolling where they shouldn't even be is ridiculous.

And I bet he does not have the equipment or resources that Tim has, either. I doubt very seriously that his organization could do what TES does on that kind of money. I have some serious doubts about his claims. And LP doesn't even figure into this... he's just doing this because he wants Caylee found. He did not ask for that money... it was offered to him.
Sounds a little like sour grapes to me.
My question on this has never been answered. WHEN did Cindy wash the pants?

IMHO, I think Cindy washed the pants when she put 2 + 2 together. Car smelling like a dead body, not being able to talk with or see Cayee for 31 days and Perp, after she was picked up from TonE's, not having Caylee with her.

My guess and gut? Those pants were washed between the 1st and 3rd 911 calls.

Of course and as usual.....moo

ETA: I realize the first 911 call was made from the car, but once she got home and prior to the 3rd 911 call, those pants were washed. She knew then....hence telling GA, "we've lost her".
I don't think after LE found the perp in so many lies that they would leave her alone at the house. I don't believe from the time they arrived onscene until they arrested her that she wasn't being observed in some way by LE.

I believe it was in CA's 2nd interview because I heard her say they were working on the myspace page together because the perp was so good at it. The perp also took a shower that morning. I will confirm when I can listen to the interview again. At work now so I can't do it until later. I clearly remember being shocked to hear CA say they were on the computer together after all that went on. We'll figure it out lol. Been a while since I listened to the interviews.:crazy:
We still haven't heard what the "stain" in the car reveals...I bet this will be the clincher.

I think so, too. If its body fluids, they can get DNA from it. I also think this is the biggest piece of evidence they have. I mean, how can you refute that? The size of the stain alone would pretty much guarantee that she was dead if it was blood. Decomp fluid? Oh boy, throw away the key IMO.
Don't know but I bet it was the day of the 15th....couldn't wait to get GA off to work((?)She then scoured the car and found the notebook case with Amy's phone no. on it....wonder what else she found? My guess is she immediatley grabbed all the clothes she could find and washed them X2 at least. It seems she may have had the car about 4 hours before she went to retrieve estimate only

I am trying to catch up here so forgive me if someone has already mentioned this. Why would CA clean the car out, go find KC and then call 911 and say "the car smells like a d**n dead body? I guess if I was trying to hide evidence I wouldn't then call the police and say that. I don't think she was trying to clean the car out of all the evidence, I think she was trying to find out where KC and Caylee were. JMO
I cannot speak for everyone, but I can tell you that I think she was playing a game of chicken with Casey to get her to produce Caylee or tell her the truth....I think her heart told her long before her head caught up that there was something really wrong....hence she and George initiating the clean up prior to finding their daughter. Automatic pilot bailing Casey out again....I guess I have always seen it as shock in a way.

I am trying to catch up here so forgive me if someone has already mentioned this. Why would CA clean the car out, go find KC and then call 911 and say "the car smells like a d**n dead body? I guess if I was trying to hide evidence I wouldn't then call the police and say that. I don't think she was trying to clean the car out of all the evidence, I think she was trying to find out where KC and Caylee were. JMO
I believe it was in CA's 2nd interview because I heard her say they were working on the myspace page together because the perp was so good at it. The perp also took a shower that morning. I will confirm when I can listen to the interview again. At work now so I can't do it until later. I clearly remember being shocked to hear CA say they were on the computer together after all that went on. We'll figure it out lol. Been a while since I listened to the interviews.:crazy:

Don't mean to butt in....but Cindy did say on the stand at the bond hearing that she and the perp worked on the MySpace page the morning of the 16th and then the perp was arrested later that day. Somewhere in her tesitmony, I remember Cindy also saying that the perp took a shower.

Sorry, if this was not even what ya'll were discussing.:crazy:

Just a sad little aside regarding last night's NG seven-year-old daughter, who is very familiar with and concerned over Caylee's case, happened to come into the room as I was watching (I don't let my girls watch the show). She yelled, "She's alive!!?" with the most unbelievably hopeful smile I've ever seen when she saw the words on the screen saying "grandparents have proof Caylee is alive". Her five-year-old sister heard her from down the hall and came running, all excited. It was heartbreaking.

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