Nancy Grace 12-9 Show Discussion

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I sure wouldn't sign a sworn affidavit to anything I wasn't sure of ~ and how could these two people be so sure? Just because the little girl looked like Caylee? Something seems very odd about this, imo.

I don't buy it either and they didn't get a picture. (can I say paid off witness:eek:).
It sounds like another wild story of the Anthonys to me. I found it interesting that the media could not get the information as usual from the Anthonys.
Or if there's a sworn affidavit somebody got paid to sign it. MOO
just a few people that want their 15 minutes of SHAME


I think Caylee sighters are like the Wendy's workers who claimed they saw M. Duckett the day Trenton disappeared. I think they are people who think they did see Caylee. Lots of people saw Maddie too. Some of them took pictures.

People saw Elvis for years.

Sightings aren't evidence of anything except that other little girls resemble Caylee. They are not even close to evidence of more than that.

I think Caylee sighters are like the Wendy's workers who claimed they saw M. Duckett the day Trenton disappeared. I think they are people who think they did see Caylee. Lots of people saw Maddie too. Some of them took pictures.

People saw Elvis for years.

Sightings aren't evidence of anything except that other little girls resemble Caylee. They are not even close to evidence of more than that.

I was a little doubtful of the Wendys' employees to in Trenton's case, especially coming forward after a few weeks, and just like GA describing what Casey & Caylee had on on 6/16, how can somebody be so sure after time passes? I too just believe it's wishful thinking or remembering the wrong date. MOO
I was a little doubtful of the Wendys' employees to in Trenton's case, especially coming forward after a few weeks, and just like GA describing what Casey & Caylee had on on 6/16, how can somebody be so sure after time passes? I too just believe it's wishful thinking or remembering the wrong date. MOO Jesse G. remembering he heard Caylee June 24.

Supposedly CA, GA and KC thought the events of June 15 happened June 8.

The Ants should realize from that experience that sworn affidavits aren't always reliable.
I sure wouldn't sign a sworn affidavit to anything I wasn't sure of ~ and how could these two people be so sure? Just because the little girl looked like Caylee? Something seems very odd about this, imo.

Because they are A supporters or, want their 15 mins of fame or, want to believe that Caylee is alive or, feel that by doing this they are helping in the search by confirming a sighting and keeping hope alive or, cannot believe that KC hurt Caylee or, want to see a happy ending or, all of the above.

ETA: But it is a dated sighting with nothing to go on other than the witnesses. A dead end. So the A's going there does nothing other than a chance to talk to these Caylee look-alike 'witnesses' and a media message for Larry King show = propaganda
IIRC, it was CA who wanted him to get out of LE. Maybe if he'd just stood up to her and said "no, this is my career" things might have been different too.

Right, GA told the FBI (iirc), that he left the force because CA didn't want him doing it anymore after the kids were born. I am sure she came to regret that decision BIGTIME if what her mom wrote was true, and GA didn't work half the time after that..
What was the point of his statement about that? Why did he mention it?

Because of a sighting where a hispanic couple had a caucasian (Caylee look-alike) with them. He was clarifying that he has relatives (hispanic) that do not look like the typical hispanic (dark hair/dark eyes). He has a relative that is fair skin and red hair. Jesse G. remembering he heard Caylee June 24.

Supposedly CA, GA and KC thought the events of June 15 happened June 8.

The Ants should realize from that experience that sworn affidavits aren't always reliable.

One thing that bothers me about the discrepancies with the dates - CA and GA were so quick to assume that JG was hiding something because he changed the date that he spoke with KC. However, they couldn't even get their dates correct in the beginning. Who doesn't remember the last time you saw your child? Besides KC that is. :doh:

<respectfully snipped>
ETA: But it is a dated sighting with nothing to go on other than the witnesses. A dead end. So the A's going there does nothing other than a chance to talk to these Caylee look-alike 'witnesses' and a media message for Larry King show = propaganda

That was one thing that frustrated me with the fact that 'while they are in Cali they will follow-up on some tips'. These tips were in July - why are they going to follow-up on them now? Isn't that what the donated funds were for...not just tshirts, fliers and water?
Right, GA told the FBI (iirc), that he left the force because CA didn't want him doing it anymore after the kids were born. I am sure she came to regret that decision BIGTIME if what her mom wrote was true, and GA didn't work half the time after that..

According to CA's brother Rick..........GA did NOT leave the force because he chose to, but because he HAD to.
I'm really wondering if a plea deal is in the works. This case is so huge, and what is Baez doing? Running around the media circuit. It's as though he hasn't a ton of work to be done. And as far as if Caylee was found, all they are obligated to notify is KC, and her parents haven't visited with her since the initial visits, so she could be keeping this from them. And if Baez knows, I don't think he would tell CA and GA either. So maybe there is a deal being worked out. *shrug*
there will be legal "naysayers" though, that will not agree with this thought process.

i just have to think that with tes not being back since nov., tm saying caylee will never be found, lp not back yet, jb not looking at evidence that he should be that has been provided by osco, jb only having 3 witness on his list vs. The 160+ for the prosecution, kobi has not been here, henry lee was in and out in a day, and the fact that osco is no longer looking for a live caylee, speaks volumes. That and the fact that as an "on the ground searcher" myself, 3 different areas of interest where items were found, where osco was brought in, the areas were taped off and searchers made to leave, tells me a lot. And these places didn't smell pretty.
tes does have a small local chapter on the ground, but as tm's assitant michelle said it best on nov. 9th - anything we could find that would help to give closure to other local families, we are humbled that we can that tells me that the new orlando chapter are looking for other missing people ( i.e. Trenton duckett, jennifer kesse and a couple other missing young people we have in the area.)

yes! Ita!
Why would LP say that about FBI or OSCO having the body and claim to be returning to continue the search ?? :confused:

I love LP and I think he knows much more than we do but sometimes he likes the attention, I think....

Also, let's say they have Caylee's remains and said nothing about it... Wouldn't that be grounds for the A's to sue LE for not telling them? If they had found her during the TES search in november, why would FBI show up so fast when LP divers claimed to have possibly found evidence?

As much as I wish it were true, I don't see it....:rolleyes:

O.J. Simpson Transferred to State Prison ( Caylee sighting) - Aired December 9, 2008

Hmm, Padilla mentioned it again last night. I wonder if they have found part of Caylee's remains? They do not have to tell the family if they did; if LE feels there was foul play and we already know they feel there was.

Aired October 15, 2008
Judge Denies Bond for Casey Anthony - LP talked about this on NG. He said that the bag retrieved from Casey's trunk had residue on it which was bodily fluids.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, I think -- I think what they`ve got is, they`ve got the bag that the gentleman at the yard threw over the fence, and then one of the detectives, God bless him, went over there that night and retrieved the bag. And they have found body evidence on the outside of the bag, which had pizza leftovers on the inside. And on the outside, there was maggots. And I think your Dr. Kobilinsky would tell you that maggots would not -- I don`t believe feed on pizza. But on the outside of the bag, there were maggots.

GRACE: Do we know anything about fluids from a body, Leonard?

PADILLA: Yes, there were body fluids on the outside of the bag, yes.

Hairbrush incident, Cindy gave the wrong hairbrush to the FBI, and almost giving the dogs toothbrush to the FBI. She made some comment about it toTracy! She also has made a comment about when did Tracy get an attorney to talk to? Well, she got that attorney way back when she first came back to Sacramento, because of some incriminating things that Casey had mentioned to her. And she didn`t want to be jacked up on a misprison -- felony type situation.

California November 21st most recent alleged sighting , they can`t find any other witnesses. These two folks who have signed the sworn affidavit have given their information to the George and Cindy Anthony Web site. However, at the time that they came forward, it was so long after this initial sighting happened that they weren`t really able to do much to follow up. The restaurant in Crystal Cove,they are looking into it, had everyone from their staff, nobody has said that they saw Caylee.
Her hair is pulling her down I think.

Too funny!

Yes, that would be wonderful. Too bad GA couldn't take sweet Caylee and raise her himself so she doesn't turn out like CA and KC. KC needs a hysterectomy and CA should not be allowed around children. People who lie like that are not good examples for children.

George raise Caylee? Hello...a man who has not worked 10 years out of 20, lies through his teeth, allowed his wife and his daughter to run all over him, has mislead LE on multiple ocassions, KNOWS his granddaughter is dead and yet continues on in the farce that she is alive for the easy money donation train? This George? No way, he is the one who raised Casey lest we forget...he was right there WITH Cindy from day one, and so in my own opinion is in no better position to be raising a child than Cindy or Casey for that matter...:rolleyes:
maybe the results of tests aren't in? Does anyone know about what LP said?
I wish LP had a blog!!! IMO, when LP talked about DNA and LA.......notice CA never sued or spun that around. When LP talks, CA doesn't say much........IMO, he knows allot! Just like time of death June 16, 1-2 did he pin it down so good??? INSIDE INFO.........

Remember, June 16th at 1 to 2 am would be the very early morning hours, or the extremely late night of the he is saying that George is lying about having seen them on the 16th. 1 to 2 am on the 16th means that there was no Caylee and Casey leaving the house that same day just after noon...
sorry but GA isn't that great of a person either. IMO, to bad some loving family didn't get a chanse to adopt Caylee..............
That IS a shame...

Yeah, something's fishy with GA. Just plain weird....a lot of talk and no substance.....just like his daughter.
User and Loser...

There will be legal "naysayers" though, that will not agree with this thought process.

I just have to think that with TES not being back since Nov., TM saying Caylee will never be found, LP not back yet, JB not looking at evidence that he should be that has been provided by OSCO, JB only having 3 witness on his list vs. the 160+ for the prosecution, Kobi has not been here, Henry Lee was in and out in a day, and the fact that OSCO is no longer looking for a live Caylee, speaks VOLUMES. That and the fact that as an "on the ground searcher" myself, 3 different areas of interest where items were found, where OSCO was brought in, the areas were taped off and searchers made to leave, tells me a lot. And these places didn't smell pretty.

TES does have a small local chapter on the ground, but as TM's assitant Michelle said it best on Nov. 9th - anything we could find that would help to give closure to other local families, we are humbled that we can that tells me that the new Orlando chapter are looking for other missing people ( i.e. Trenton Duckett, Jennifer Kesse and a couple other missing young people we have in the area.)
I hope you are right and they did find something of this poor sweet girl...I know they sure did go from not wanting to state outright that she was dead to claiming it absolutely, so SOMETHING changed for them I think...what is any man's guess at this point...

Wow! You're right. See, I didn't think of Casey as next of kin in this instance, as I completely discount her as anything in Caylee's life, other than an incubater. I was thinking of George and Cindy. Caylee's their grandbaby, and they were raising her.

If there really was the recovery of a body, and it's Caylee, and Casey knows, yet hasn't said anything to her parents, especially, and her brother, there's a special place in hell for her. Not just regular ol' hell with the usual fire and brimstone, but the corner of hell with the settings on "Eternal Roast" temperature, "Nuclear" timer set to "Eternal."
I like to refer to these types of mothers as "egg donors" as that is basically their only function...:furious:

According to CA's brother Rick..........GA did NOT leave the force because he chose to, but because he HAD to.
Hey I missed that one Rick says that George was forced to leave huh? I wonder whatever could have been the reason? Any info surfaced?

Thanks so much Patty G-you always save the day with this, for ME! (I have NO TV so I depend on YOU more than you could imagine...):)


O.J. Simpson Transferred to State Prison ( Caylee sighting) - Aired December 9, 2008

Hmm, Padilla mentioned it again last night. I wonder if they have found part of Caylee's remains? They do not have to tell the family if they did; if LE feels there was foul play and we already know they feel there was.

Aired October 15, 2008
Judge Denies Bond for Casey Anthony - LP talked about this on NG. He said that the bag retrieved from Casey's trunk had residue on it which was bodily fluids.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, I think -- I think what they`ve got is, they`ve got the bag that the gentleman at the yard threw over the fence, and then one of the detectives, God bless him, went over there that night and retrieved the bag. And they have found body evidence on the outside of the bag, which had pizza leftovers on the inside. And on the outside, there was maggots. And I think your Dr. Kobilinsky would tell you that maggots would not -- I don`t believe feed on pizza. But on the outside of the bag, there were maggots.

GRACE: Do we know anything about fluids from a body, Leonard?

PADILLA: Yes, there were body fluids on the outside of the bag, yes.

Hairbrush incident, Cindy gave the wrong hairbrush to the FBI, and almost giving the dogs toothbrush to the FBI. She made some comment about it toTracy! She also has made a comment about when did Tracy get an attorney to talk to? Well, she got that attorney way back when she first came back to Sacramento, because of some incriminating things that Casey had mentioned to her. And she didn`t want to be jacked up on a misprison -- felony type situation.

California November 21st most recent alleged sighting , they can`t find any other witnesses. These two folks who have signed the sworn affidavit have given their information to the George and Cindy Anthony Web site. However, at the time that they came forward, it was so long after this initial sighting happened that they weren`t really able to do much to follow up. The restaurant in Crystal Cove,they are looking into it, had everyone from their staff, nobody has said that they saw Caylee.

Maybe this is why Tracy, the femal body guard, wanted immunity or an attorney? She heard the Anthony family say things like they almost gave the dogs toothbrush and about the hairbrush mix-up, etc, and who knows what else she may have heard and she just wanted to cover herself...I mean, this IS the Anthony's after all...

Oh, and LP says the maggots were on the OUTSIDE of the bag? That is the first time that I have heard that one as well...If that is true, then those same maggots are going to have Caylee's DNA inside of them no doubt about it...Maybe they DO have this evidence and have yet to release it?
That IS a shame...

User and Loser...

I hope you are right and they did find something of this poor sweet girl...I know they sure did go from not wanting to state outright that she was dead to claiming it absolutely, so SOMETHING changed for them I think...what is any man's guess at this point...

I like to refer to these types of mothers as "egg donors" as that is basically their only function...:furious:

Hey I missed that one Rick says that George was forced to leave huh? I wonder whatever could have been the reason? Any info surfaced?

Thanks so much Patty G-you always save the day with this, for ME! (I have NO TV so I depend on YOU more than you could imagine...):)

Maybe this is why Tracy, the femal body guard, wanted immunity or an attorney? She heard the Anthony family say things like they almost gave the dogs toothbrush and about the hairbrush mix-up, etc, and who knows what else she may have heard and she just wanted to cover herself...I mean, this IS the Anthony's after all...

Oh, and LP says the maggots were on the OUTSIDE of the bag? That is the first time that I have heard that one as well...If that is true, then those same maggots are going to have Caylee's DNA inside of them no doubt about it...Maybe they DO have this evidence and have yet to release it?
ITA, and don't forget the stain in the trunk about the size of a basketball. I sure hope we learn more tommorow at the hearing, does anyone know if we will?
Interesting. I think if they found it ... it was before Nov. That would mean they didn't stop TM from searching because they couldn't show their cards.. which is what I speculated earlier. Where's the scratching head thingie? /jk.

If they did let TM search without showing their cards, then they wasted a lot of money on Sat. 11/8 and Sun. 11/9, because they had the huge OSCO mobile command center parked at the TES command center, with at least a dozen or so deputy's running around, Yuri was there, not to mention all of the detectives that were sent out to review "potential finds" by the searchers. DH and I were there that weekend and saw the OSCO presence. Just on DH's team and my team alone, we had to call them out 5 different times to review things we found, because neither of our teams had qualified CSI's assigned to us. They assigned "student CSIs" to many teams, but no licensed, qualified CSIs.

Based on what I saw and heard that weekend, I think it was that weekend when something of significance was found...JMO of course...:)

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