Nancy Grace 8/25/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Tony Padilla saying he is concerned that everyone is losing focus - the focus should be strictly on finding Caylee.

Not for nothing, Tony was also asked at the end of the show how he feels now that the docs have been released....

he said he has faith in his Uncle & hopes he can find Caylee.

I have to say, he looked VERY DEJECTED & pretty sorry he got involved in this very disgusting circus. He looked uncomfortable trying to justify why they're still involved.

The ONLY feeling I get from LP is that he's loving the media spotlight & is more than willing to be the mouthpiece for Casey's defense just as long as the cameras keep seeking him out.

IF this was about finding Caylee.... they'd be out there SEARCHING.... not on TV blathering on & on about who they 'believe' might have kidnapped the pathological liar's missing baby.

I have to wonder how their strange behavior in this case will affect their relationship with LE back in their home territory? Will this hurt their credibility?
LP who thinks Casey handed off the baby because she was "in love" with a new guy. That would be TonE, now, wouldn't it? She told TonE that Caylee was with the nanny or Casey's parents. There's no other guy in her life.

I think LP has no clue as to what is going on. His nephew may have faith in him, but I don'

Tony who said he loved kids? Yeah.... he dressed up like Zenaida one day & ran away with her baby just to make her suffer. lol

Tony sounded like Casey was pretty much pushing herself into his life. But I guess he didn't mind her that much because she did all the cooking & cleaning & shared his bed.

He seemed to realize she wasn't serious relationship material from the beginning.
LP says he thinks she gave Caylee to friends.
I would like to believe that too, but everything screams murder
Yeah, but I gotta ask, why not just say that? Why spend a month in jail to cover up that? Why risk spending the rest of your life in jail? I go round and round with this thing, but all roads lead back to Caylee's mom, and not in a way that can ever get any better for Caylee.
Tony Padilla asked if he regrets "getting involved" with this case, and he says he has faith in his uncle, and thinks that LP can find out what happened. Nice dodge.

It's just too weird!
Tony Padilla & nephew coming from Califonia to put up 50K
Al Estes from Clearwater FL (another "name" bails bondman getting involved with $)
With all the Anthony's family & friends...They could not raise 50K?

It's become a circus/publicity stunt for many.
Baez told Casey stay home on yesterday...Yet, there she is out in the rain with her "hoodie"
I just thought of this. Isn't it convenient that she "ran out of gas in a parking lot? Not on the street? What are the odds on that?
she said she ran out of gas on the street and had 2 guys help her push the car into the parking lot.
Did anyone else notice last night that LP doesn't really seem to be protecting Casey anymore, just her family.

When he kept talking about how Casey has lied to EVERYONE over and over, etc. I just really got the feeling he knows Casey did something, and he has now moved on to trying to protect the family, which have gotten themselves in over their heads.
Oh Geez, we have to hear from this doofus again?

OH, she KNOWS where her child is, all right and it's not with freinds, cua I'll bet you that Casey doesn't hafve friends. She steals from her friends, she lies to her friends. You don't keept friends that way.

I have liked and believed LP since the start. He keeps lying though. I will have to hear something good from him soon or we can't be friends anymore.

Fool me once, shame, insert meltdown Icon
I think her hating her dad is significant. he doesn't claim to hate her mom but they have a very twisted relationship imo
Remember who you are talking about here Casey who lies about everything so yeah one day she mad at dad states she hates him next day mad at mom then hates her...
It's just too weird!
Tony Padilla & nephew coming from Califonia to put up 50K
Al Estes from Clearwater FL (another "name" bails bondman getting involved with $)
With all the Anthony's family & friends...They could not raise 50K?

It's become a circus/publicity stunt for many.
Baez told Casey stay home on yesterday...Yet, there she is out in the rain with her "hoodie"
What family and friends unless i missed something I haven't seen any family and friends come forward on thier behalf
It's just too weird!
Tony Padilla & nephew coming from Califonia to put up 50K
Al Estes from Clearwater FL (another "name" bails bondman getting involved with $)
With all the Anthony's family & friends...They could not raise 50K?

It's become a circus/publicity stunt for many.
Baez told Casey stay home on yesterday...Yet, there she is out in the rain with her "hoodie"

Next they are bringing in Shwarzenneger, a dancing bear, unicyclist, Al Sharpton, a bearded lady, a clone of P.T. Barnum, all olympic gold medalists, Ginger and Mary Ann, Ed Smart, and Chuck Barris.
This is starting to grate on me a little bit. No one is allowed to ask the most important question anymore...Casey, where's Caylee?
If Cindy has read the docs and if Cindy heard all that was said on the NG show, when will Cindy finally come to terms with all that has happened?

Any pro-psychs here or armchair psychs have any idea how it will all play out with Cindy?

My Mom is a 'Cindy'. I can see my Mom defending me to the death but I can't picure what my Mom would do when she finally came to terms with the fact that I did something to her grandchild.

The host on NG really hit on some good points and if it were anyone else but Cindy and her mindframe, they would have to come to terms with "my daughter did something to my granddaughter". But it being Cindy, anyone have any thoughts as to how it will play out with her? How she will finally 'admit' to Caylee never coming home-will Cindy admit to a talking head or media that she was wrong or will she stay in denial throughout the trial?
If Cindy has read the docs and if Cindy heard all that was said on the NG show, when will Cindy finally come to terms with all that has happened?

Any pro-psychs here or armchair psychs have any idea how it will all play out with Cindy?

My Mom is a 'Cindy'. I can see my Mom defending me to the death but I can't picure what my Mom would do when she finally came to terms with the fact that I did something to her grandchild.

The host on NG really hit on some good points and if it were anyone else but Cindy and her mindframe, they would have to come to terms with "my daughter did something to my granddaughter". But it being Cindy, anyone have any thoughts as to how it will play out with her? How she will finally 'admit' to Caylee never coming home-will Cindy admit to a talking head or media that she was wrong or will she stay in denial throughout the trial?

Unless they can find a body I think on the outside Cindy will always maintain the possiblity that Caylee is alive.
Unless they can find a body I think on the outside Cindy will always maintain the possiblity that Caylee is alive.

I agree with you. Part of Cindy's personality will be to blame someone outside her family circle for Caylee's disappearance. IMO, this is where Casey and Cindy have the same trait.

I don't know if their family dynamics are strong enough to survive this tragedy, but they will be remembered for their caustic attitude & Circus parade more than losing their grandchild.

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