Nancy Grace 9-2-08 #2

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NG interview 9-2-08: Cindy said, "She told know...uhm...some things there during the month of June...she...she was trying to look for her and trying to get her back herself...and when that didn't work...that's when you know...she...she know...came clean with the other, but then again...."

(I transcribed it off the dvr word for word)

I would say this is saying Casey and Cindy were discussing Caylee's disappearance in June instead of on July 15th. What would you say?

WOW! Thanks for doing that. I havent been able to watch NG tonight but have been following this thread...that is VERY telling!
I honestly don't see where anyone thinks Nancy treated Tim badly!

She may have cut him off but hey time for commercial. She did not treat him badly, the biggest unjustice to Tim has been done by the Anthony family. Just had to shut my TV off because the re-run of NG is on now. I can't listen to this woman one more second and will do so anytime I see her face on my screen. Go to TX CA and quit spewing this crap about diapers in the trunk.
The things I have typed into a search engine during this saga,

but for it to be urine she either was alive in the trunk, or had to have literally died there also. After death if there is anything to release the bladder releases almost immediately.

Unless her pants were wet from the heavy diaper and it went on the carpet? IDK it was odd. And then she talked about Caylee pee'ing on the playhouse???
It was so disgusting that NG cut Tim off every time but let Cindy go on and on and on rambling about nothingness and didn't interrupt her once................

Cutting Tim off to let Cindy speak was a very good idea. I am surprised Cindy was on The Today Show on Saturday and then on the TOday Show today and then called Nancy. It appears she misses the media even after calling them parasites and maggots. and wanting to turn the hose on the media.
Today, I was so fed up, I stayed away from this case since early morning, I just couldn't take anymore. Once it became clear Casey was not accepting a deal, I felt the wind go out of my sails. I'd had enough, a "touch to much"... THAT'S Cindy and Casys song in my eyes! Lol...heres a youtube link for those interested...helps when played while housecleaning! It vents the anger.

By the end of the day, I thought, what the heck, I'll watch Nancy and catch up...Well. first I hear that Beaz has contacted the forensics expert, "Kobi". Then, I felt cynical about EVERYTHING he said after that, wondering, "is he now trying to sow seeds of doubt for the defense"? Cindy made me feel like my head was going to explode. Thank God, I missed Tim. Sounds like that segment was quite heartbreaking/angering, too for some...

Ironically, Padilla made my night! You see, I have had negative feelings, to put it mildly :crazy:, about both Padillas since the beginning. Well, tonight I was refreshed by his honesty...I feel like he took my hand, and pulled me out of the rabbit hole, and fed me some reality, science with a capital S. Something I can believe in, it wasn't clear, to me, exactly what he meant, but is sounded like he said some FBI evidence was in, info was shared w/C, G and LA on Wednesday night, and something about the dumpster a mile and a half from Tonys, does that sound right to you guys? Or did I hear wrong? :confused: I hope I heard right. I wonder about that seadoo/jetski incident, when was that? Was that before Wednesday, I wonder? Just a shot in the dark...

It would be nice to have complete closure for this baby. And all the respect that brings. This Child deserves some respect. I guess I was dejected earlier because it became clear, her Mother was not going to give her that respect.

Don't think I'll be sticking around too long tonight. I need a break until something more concrete breaks. Cindy and her theories make my head hurt!
Oh, I'll pop in and check out everyones posts on Greta, I admit...Lol...

Sorry for rambling, ugh...I've reached the point of saturation, it's leaking out. :crazy: See you all tomorrow, I'll read but I need an ANTHONY break! :)
I'm so upset I can't stand myself. And I'm on my second glass of wine. I wish Everyone could just stop giving Cindy the time of day. Ban her from TV. I don't want to see or hear her again. Did you hear her say "in my gut..." It made my gut turn. I'm just too mad to even make sense to myself now. I....I....OOHHH!!!
Cindy has a very short window in which to spout her theories and rail against LE.

Once the government starts bearing down on the Anthony family with the weight of the evidence gathered by the OC sheriff, the FDLE and the FBI, her life will revolve around a never-ending series of prison visits with the daughter she couldn't save - assuming of course that the ungrateful witch deigns to meet with her.
I wouldn't blame Tim one bit for leaving. I don't think he realized, just as LP didn't realize, what exactly he was getting himself into. And to have to deal with Cindy on a day to day basis with the treatment that he is getting especially when there are such inconsistencies in this case and other cases out there that are in dire need of his help, I wouldn't blame him one bit for taking off out of FL away from this case.

I can not believe Cindy is doing this. i shouldn't be surprised but wow, I am. It's just horrible.............
...and somehow it will be everyone else's fault!
......and she thinks she adds to the show by the way she acts. IMO she ruins the show and at the moment someone is about to say something she interupts them. What is her email I will send her a email. Tim does more in a week for missing people then she has done in her career!

edited by Tricia. No need to be rude.
I am so disgusted, I hope the WHOLE family goes down.
Cindy has a very short window in which to spout her theories and rail against LE.

Once the government starts bearing down on the Anthony family with the weight of the evidence gathered by the OC sheriff, the FDLE and the FBI, her life will revolve around a never-ending series of prison visits with the daughter she couldn't save - assuming of course that the ungrateful witch deigns to meet with her.
How come the family hasn't visited with her?
I thought Cindy was a nurse. Turns out she's a very qualified spindoctor!
NG interview 9-2-08: Cindy said, "She told know...uhm...some things there during the month of June...she...she was trying to look for her and trying to get her back herself...and when that didn't work...that's when you know...she...she know...came clean with the other, but then again...."

(I transcribed it off the dvr word for word)

I would say this is saying Casey and Cindy were discussing Caylee's disappearance in June instead of on July 15th. What would you say?
Have you dropped a line to - oh, I don't know - one of the detectives working on the case?
Has anyone considered that maybe the media is giving Cindy so much airtime so that she will maybe "slip up" eventually? (kinda like she did tonight on NG)
LP said on NG that the FBI DNA results would shock the nation. He also said that Cindy, Casey, & Lee were aware of the results. What about George? I am wondering if they were able to determine Caylee's father, and he is a family member?

Just Curious......
forget Cindy.. I'm sick of NGs behavior (rudeness) with guests like TM!

Well, I guess this is a case of "be carefull what you ask for"... last week we were all saying "When is Nancy coming back... we don't like this lady covering for her"...
I can understand that if Casey did not actually kill her daughter then she is not a murderer. I do understand that she is an accessory to the fact. Also, CA knew for over a month that she did not know for sure where Caylee was. And since Caylee and her mother had legally their residence at the Anthony home, then I would think that CA woud have been justified in calling in the social workers or the police rather than playing games with Casey. I don't care that it is assumed that they believed Caylee had a baby sitter. But, since that could not be a FACT, someone did not try hard enough to see the facts---before---then--and after. Not a good fact finder.
For me, the thing that stuck in my mind about NG's talk with CA is her repeatedly asking how she was searching for Caylee. I thought that was telling.
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