Nancy Grace 9-2-08

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You go, Leonard!

NG: What do you say to CA?
LP: You're living in total denial.
OMG Leonard just laid a bomb shell and no time to discuss it. It ticks me off. What is he talking about???? Does anyone know. This case is going to be the death of me!
Now the friggin cell phone records are not accurate. Already working on Casey's defense.

Yup she said that a couple weeks ago....she was blaming the cell phone company for not capturing all the calls....Okay so I just got back from a meeting and am caught up here, but guess I will watch the repeat of NG in an hour...
UGH. This is one of those nights when the show needs to be longer!!! I'm left wanting more info!
Oh yeah! She doesn't want any sort of ground search. Instead we should be looking in Texas, puerto Rico and Mexico.

And the FBI crime lab is not sufficient.

Up until this point I have simply written Cindy off as a tragic person broken and deluding herself with grief. But sorry today I see her taking active steps to prevent or shut down real searches for her Grandaughters remains, attempts to generate what could only be called fake evidence in order to throw off LE and generate reasonable doubt, and simply take an absolutely active role in covering up her daughters crimes.

She has crossed the line into accomplice.

Agreed!! Full on accomplice...and, guess what..NO GEORGE!!!
Well, I just started smoking again. That takes the cake.

Why does NG cut off the experts and let that woman spew?

I'm totally flabbergasted. That was "shocking"
So ok let me get this right Cindy.
We are supposed to disregard the FBI, friends, Local Law Enforcement and Evidence and instead we should believe ur lying daughter who is a known pathological liar.
I know this family is grieving but, after just watching GM, LE needs to seriously think about Obstruction charges!!! JMO!
I need my hearing examined because I think I heard Cindy Anthony say words to the effect that the media will be responsible for Caylee's death because everyone is looking for a dead body instead of a live person, and by the "time we find her" she will be dead.

Holy Mother Of God.

I am about to violate my own TOS all over the place. Really. Moderators, I am serious don't be afraid to ban me because I am about to lose it.

PLEASE lose it! For the dozens of us who also want to lose it but don't want to get banned!

I cannot believe Cindy but even more so I cannot believe the people being run off by her- 1st the Padilla's, now TES, even Nancy Grace seems soft on her.

If Caylee is with someone else maybe it is becaue that person KNEW this family the way we are now knowing them and hoped to save Caylee.
OMG!! I was ready to jump in my car and drive across town today to follow up on one of those tips Cindy claimed she received.

I had a full-blown anxiety attack.

Now I want to reach through my TV set and wring her neck.
WOW. That was the MOSt profound thing LP has ever said. And what does he mean about the dumpster near Tony's place?????

OK, we have been left in complete limbo on Nancy's show with the Tim story and Leonard's bombshell. How could she do that????
please find me a number for Tim

They don't want tim to find a body.

LP is going to be in big trouble !!!
The dumpster must be the additional info that LE has. OMG she put her maybe in the trash can ?? Hang her *advertiser censored* !
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